"Mr. Ganjiu, the voice has disappeared."

Hanataro turned his head to look in the direction he came from, with a look of worry in his eyes: "Mr. Ichigo, is he okay?"

"We've already arrived here, so we can only pretend that he's fine."

Griffin looked at the White Tower that was close at hand, and said solemnly: "Our task is to rescue that god of death named Rukia, and now is not the time to be distracted."

As he spoke, he took out the pre-prepared hook rope from the waist pocket behind Ganjiu, and threw it directly towards the low eaves of the White Tower.



Duan Mu looked up at the direction of the Repentance Palace, and the Reiatsu of Kurosaki Ichigo and Saraki Kenpachi disappeared almost at the same time.

Is it really a lose-lose situation?

Duan Mu was not particularly surprised by this, firstly because he already had the result of the battle in his memory, and secondly because...

Unlike Saragi Kenpachi, Kurosaki Ichigo with mixed strength can always achieve explosive growth at critical moments, through intercourse with Zanpakuto or other methods.

The most important thing is... the power brought by Kurosaki Ichigo's explosive growth can always surpass the calculation results derived from Saraki Kenpachi's instinct.

Based on this alone, the two are doomed to be difficult to tell the winner.

One is self-sealing by instinct, and the other is sealing and suppression by Zanpakuto...

To be honest, in Duan Mu's opinion, even if Kurosaki Ichigo, who has mastered the swastika, goes to fight Saraki Kenpachi, the result will probably not be much different from now.

"What the hell happened?"

Standing beside Duan Mu, Hisagi Shuhei followed his gaze to the Palace of Repentance: "Is there anyone among the brigades who can confront the captain?"

Who is the captain of Goutei [-]th division?

Those are the 13 people who really stand at the top of the soul world. He never thought that... among the accidents that were easily dealt with by Captain Duan Mu, there would be one who could compete with the captain!

Who are these people?And why invade Seireitei?


Duan Mu frowned, and looked away from the Palace of Repentance, but turned his head to look in the direction of Room 46 of Mao.

"What is this spiritual pressure?"

"Captain Duan Mu..."

On the side, Hisagi Shuhei heard Duan Mu's self-talk, and asked with some doubts: "Did something happen?"

Duan Mu didn't reply, a bright color flashed in his eyes at this moment.

He finally understood...

Why are Ishida Uryu and Chadu Taitora able to reach their Jiuban District so easily.

The other captains were not fishing, but were secretly operating.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu stimulated the detection circuit simulated by himself with the spirit pattern to the extreme, and stared intently at Room 46 of Maoyang in the distance.


Mao 46 outside.

At this time, all the ten barriers guarding Mao Room 46 have been opened.

Several figures stood outside the barrier, all staring at the end of the long walkway. As long as they passed the walkway in front of them, they would arrive at the underground meeting hall in Room 46 of Mao.


This path was not opened by them, but before they came here, this path had already been fully unfolded.

as if...

Knowing that they are coming, and deliberately opening the door to welcome them.

Jingle Chunshui frowned slightly, then turned to look at the surrounding people, asking for their opinions.

"Since I'm here, I'll go in anyway."

Ukitake Shishiro said calmly, after finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked aside.

Looking towards him, he saw Komamura Sajin, Hitsugaya Toshirō, and Kuchiki Byakuya all standing aside.

Byakuya Kuchiki didn't speak, but after taking a look at Jujurou Ukitake, he stepped straight into Room 46 of Mao.

After the captain's meeting last night, Jingle Shunsui suddenly approached him and brought a letter from Shishiro Ukitake. It was because of the contents of the letter that he appeared here.

Therefore, he must go to confirm!

Seeing this, Jingle Chunshui looked at the other two.

In fact, at the beginning, he did not agree with Ukitake's proposal to gather the captain and go to Room 46 of Mao.

Because if everything Ye Yi said is true, there must be other people in the captain who are his companions, and if he leaks this matter rashly, it is very likely to startle the snake.

And the reason why Fuzhu chose to gather the captains is also because of this point. In the case of not knowing the number of opponents, it is necessary to gather as much trustworthy force as possible to be sure to subdue the opponent.

Originally, they planned to take Kuchiki Byakuya with them in their actions.

However, entering Mao's Room 46 privately will inevitably be noticed by the Seventh Division guarding the inner court. Instead of being dragged by him and explaining, it is better to tell the truth and take him to act together.

As for the last Hitsugaya Toshiro, it was because of the responsibilities of the Juban team.

The [-]th Division of Goutei [-]th Division is the only police force with special investigative powers. Under special circumstances, they have the privilege to enter any area for investigation and evidence collection. This area also includes...

Mao Room 46!

The premise is that there must be certain reasons and doubts!

So in the end Ukitake and Kyoraku decided to call Hitsugaya Toshiro together after discussing it.

This also leads to...

The five captains of Goutei's [-]th Division gathered here.

"The old man will also go."

Komamura Zuojin said in a serious tone: "But no matter what the situation is, I will report to Captain Yamamoto."

"I'll go too."

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't know what to think, and frowned: "I have to confirm whether Aizen has betrayed as you said!"

Jingle Chunshui smiled when he heard the words, and walked straight along the sidewalk to the underground meeting hall.

Shishiro Ukitake followed closely behind, Hitsugaya and Komamura Zuojin exchanged glances, and also followed.

When several people passed through the barrier, they found Byakuya Kuchiki, who came in first, standing outside the entrance of the meeting hall with a cold expression, and an extremely strong murderous intent emerged from his body.

Seeing this, several people immediately quickened their pace, came to Kuchiki Byakuya, and looked into the underground meeting hall.

The scene that caught their eyes made everyone's faces sink.

Looking around, I saw that the sages who were once high above all fell into a pool of blood that had solidified and turned black.

In here...

Not only the surviving sages and judges, but also those sages and judges who were assassinated by Tōsen Kaori and Inaba Kagerosa.

The scene in front of them made everyone look a little ugly.

Because of the corpses of these people, under the leadership of Captain Yamamoto, they searched the entire Room 46 but did not find them. In the end, they only thought that Tōsen asked two people to destroy them, so they stopped the investigation.

But now it seems that someone deceived all of them back then!

And most importantly, judging from the traces of dry blood and the degree of dissipation of spirit bodies, these people obviously died at the same time, including the sages and judges who appeared alive before their eyes and were definitely not replaced.

How did the other party do it?

"Swastika - God Killing Gun!!"

But at this moment, a low groan suddenly came from outside.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded without warning.

A flash of silver light arrived in an instant, at an astonishingly fast speed.

But none of the five people present was a simple person, and they reacted at the same time almost as soon as they heard the word 卍解.

clang--! !

The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and Fuzhu held two strangely shaped long knives across his chest, and his whole body was moved by aura, but even so, under the impact of the silver light, he still slid towards the underground meeting hall. go.

God kills the gun! ?

This swastika is...

Everyone looked out of the sidewalk at the same time, only to see a young man with a strange smile on his face standing outside the barrier.

The captain of the third division, Ichimaru Gin.

After seeing the gazes of several people, Ichimaru Gin showed a smile on his face, and suddenly raised his hand to wave to several people.

"Ichimaru Gin, you..."

Toshirō Hitsugaya subconsciously pulled out the Zanpakuto and rushed outside.

But just a few steps...


A huge muffled sound came out, and the giant door of the outermost barrier closed abruptly.

This scene made Hitsugaya's face change, and he withdrew to retreat to the rear.

Almost at the same time as he retreated to the underground chamber, bang bang bang bang sound came out one after another, and the ten barriers were closed almost instantly.

"It seems... that we have stepped into a trap."

Jing Le Chunshui pressed down the bamboo hat, her expression became gloomy.

The last time Duan Mu invaded Room 46 of Mao, somehow he forcibly destroyed the ten barriers created by imitating the 72 barriers of the Lingwang Palace.Afterwards, under the command of the captain, the ghosts gathered all their strength to repair the ten barriers, and a group of captains performed spiritual pressure infusion.

The defensive performance of today's barriers is even better than before!


Did you investigate anything?

Duan Mu looked in the direction of Room 46 of Mao, frowning tightly, feeling a little nervous.

He really didn't expect that those captains would choose such an opportunity to start their operations.

What happened in the end?

Several captains, including Kuchiki Byakuya, gathered there. Didn't that stop Ganju and Hanatarou... huh?

Duan Mu's face suddenly changed, and he turned his head suddenly to look in the direction of the Repentance Palace.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure has disappeared for a long time, but the spiritual pressure of the two Ganjiu has entered the confession palace.

If there is no accident, the two of them should have come into contact with Kuchiki Rukia!

If it develops according to his own memory, the person who prevented them from taking Rukia away should be Kuchiki Byakuya.

And this time...

Kuchiki Byakuya and the others all went to Room 46 of Mao.

Normally, there shouldn't be any captain-level figures there, and it would not be difficult for the two of them to take Kuchiki Rukia away.


The aura of the griffon was weakening rapidly just now, and all this happened in an instant. Even Duan Mu didn't feel any aura appearing. If it wasn't for the weakening of the aura of the griffon, he didn't even notice the direction of the repentance palace. Mishap occurred.


Duan Mu's expression changed: "Hisagi, do you believe me?"


Hisagi was startled when he heard that.

"If you believe me, apply for support immediately, something happened to the Repentance Palace!"

After all, he didn't wait for Hisagi Shuhei to reply, and disappeared in place without making a sound.

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