At this moment, Shunbu was aroused by Duan Mu to the extreme, and he left the Jiufan District in an instant, and rushed straight to the Repentance Palace.

But the moment Duan Mu rushed out of Jiufan District, a layer of pitch-black mist was formed, swallowing Duan Mu whole like a monster.

"The solution, the final style of clearing insects, Yan Mo Cricket!"


Meanwhile, confession outside the palace.

Hanataro looked at the figure on the cable bridge outside the prison with a look of horror.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in captain haori and wearing a pair of glasses, with a gentle and harmless smile on his face, walking slowly and slowly.

But neither Hanataro nor Rukia, who was wearing a prison uniform beside Hanataro, felt relieved by the other party's smile, but a deadly sense of fear emerged from the depths of the soul!


Behind the other party, the rock vulture lying in a pool of blood was cut down to the ground with the same smile of the other party.

"Aizen...Captain Aizen?"

Rukia Kuchiki looked at the man walking step by step, called out the man's name, and then said urgently: "No... Captain Aizen, they are innocent... I will never leave here, please... …”


Aizen's chuckle interrupted Rukia's plea, and he shook his head slightly: "You probably misunderstood something."

Kuchiki Rukia was taken aback when she heard the words, before she could figure out what Aizen meant, a flower suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"I don't know if you want to escape from prison."


The sound of body piercing came out, and a hand penetrated Kuchiki Rukia's chest.

"Not interested."

Hanataro looked at Aizen who suddenly appeared beside him, piercing Kuchiki Rukia's body with his palm, his pupils shrank sharply.

The palm full of lines like a tree trunk was slowly drawn out, and Aizen's palm gradually returned to normal after completely leaving Kuchiki Rukia's spirit body.

And between his thumb and index finger, there is an extra diamond-like object.


Looking at the object in his hand, Aizen frowned slightly.

Although the collapsed jade is as transparent and bright as a diamond, there is a layer of dark red light constantly flowing on its surface.

That light is blood...

The blood didn't float on the surface, but merged into the collapsed jade, which looked like it was covered with a layer of red veil.

On the side, Hanataro focused on Kuchiki Rukia.

I saw Rukia whose chest was pierced, the piercing wound on her chest healed quickly after the palm left, and the dark hole disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Oh, is the soul itself intact?"

Seeing this, Aizen praised sincerely: "It's really a superb technique." After finishing speaking, he threw the Rukia in his hand like a rag, then looked at Bengyu in his hand, and said with a smile: "It should be said Is it really you? This is also a very wonderful sealing method."

There wasn't much blood on Beng Yu, but the blood swirling along a certain pattern covered all of Beng Yu's aura in a perfect way, completely sealing Beng Yu.

blood problem?

Aizen looked at the Bengyu in his hand with great interest.

whose blood is this?


Chapter 196 Kick

Empty silence~~

Duan Mu opened his eyes, but no matter how hard he tried to look, the surroundings were still in a state where he couldn't see his fingers.


Because of worrying about the Griffin, Duan Mu concentrated all his perception on the location of the Repentance Palace, never thinking that he would be attacked the moment he left Jiufan District.

Sight, smell, hearing, even the perception of Reiatsu...all the senses except the sense of touch left Duan Mu at this moment.

It's as if the entire world...or its own existence has disappeared.


There is a splitting sensation on the skin.

Injured yourself?

Duan Mu was a little uncertain, because although he felt like he was being cut, he didn't make any sound.

Whether it's the sound of blades piercing the air, or the sound of flesh and blood being cut... some are just the tactile sensation of being attacked for a moment.

And this touch...

They come from the neck, chest, and the core of Reiatsu respectively.

Duan Mu raised his hand, groped to touch the neck, his fingertips touched a knife wound, although it hurt a little, but it was not deep.

strictly speaking……

When he touched the knife mark, the wound had almost healed.

Is this how it feels?


Duan Mu turned sideways slightly, he didn't know which direction the attack came from, but he felt the moment the blade struck, his skin was pressed down by the strong wind.

Probably because of that.

The lethality carried by Dongxian Yao in the attack was not strong. Not only did he not accumulate power, but he restrained the display of power, so as not to be noticed before the attack arrived.

And after a blow, quickly evacuate.

In a way, his Swastika feels more suitable for assassination than Broken Bee.

But there are also disadvantages, the biggest disadvantage is the serious lack of lethality, especially when fighting against a person like Duan Mu who has extremely strong defense and self-healing abilities, this disadvantage will become more obvious.

Either remain stealthy and refrain from aggressive attacks;

Either abandon the secret and pursue lethality;

The original three knives are undoubtedly the first to keep secret, and the attack used is also the kind of attack that is difficult for the enemy to detect and has low lethality.

If there were no accidents, it should have suppressed the speed of the blade's swing, and when the blade was about to touch the opponent's body, he swung at an ultra-short distance and instantly accelerated.

This kind of attack lacks the process of accumulating strength, and its lethality is destined not to be too strong.

As for the knife he dodged just now, he chose to use a high-destructive attack after discovering the strangeness of his body's defense and self-healing power.

But this kind of attack often does not wait for the person to fall, the body will feel that the attack is coming.

A very troublesome ability, but not dangerous to him.

If it's just purely amazing defensive power, it may be worn to death by the opponent a little bit.

But besides Duan Mu's extremely strong defense, his body's self-healing ability is also extremely strong, often before the second attack comes, the injuries he suffered in the previous round have already healed.

and so……

From the very beginning, if Dongxian didn't use power other than Shinigami, he was already invincible!

This is absolutely certain!

But it is very difficult to end the battle in a short time!

But what Duan Mu lacks most now is time.

Although the detection circuit has been blocked, before being pulled into this space, Duan Mu clearly felt that the breath of the griffon became weaker and weaker.

I must rush to the Repentance Palace as soon as possible, and I must not be dragged here by Dongxian.

After pondering for a moment, Duan Mu restrained all the breath in his body, and his whole body seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Immediately, he stepped out in one direction.

As for where he was going, Duan Mu didn't know, because he couldn't tell the direction at all.


Not sure if I'm walking in a straight line.

His footsteps are very light, like a cat at night, and his steps are silent.

Although I have lost my sense of hearing, smell, vision and spiritual pressure perception, Dongxian Yao has these.

And when he restrained his breath, he, who had always used his spiritual pressure perception to detect his opponent, would definitely lose his track.

Now, like himself, he has lost vision and spiritual pressure perception, and all he can rely on is smell, hearing, and touch...

Leaving aside the sense of touch, the two senses of smell and hearing must be strong points for a person who has been blind for an unknown number of years.

The moving air currents and the sound of the wind seemed to him to be as dazzling as light.

Call ~

In the silent gasp, Duan Mu's eyes slowly closed, and he did not draw out the Zanpakuto from his waist, but slowly took off his black boots.

Stepping barefoot on the ground.

Duan Mu's nerves were highly concentrated at this moment, he did not mobilize the fully restrained spiritual pressure, but put the muscles of the whole body in a strange state, like a volcano approaching the critical point.

If someone saw it, they would find that the muscles under Duan Mu's clothes were wriggling like mice crawling.

Adjust, adjust, adjust...

save, save, save...


One hit kill! !

Duan Mu seldom used physical strength to fight against the enemy as he did now.

Because spiritual pressure and strength can be said to complement each other, and only when the two are combined can the full strength of one's body be truly exerted.

However, his pure strength is not weak either!

Immediately, Duan Mu held his breath.

Barefoot does not lift, but moves against the ground, as if feeling something.

The spirit pattern in the body is running wildly, using the method of controlling the body to amplify the sense of touch under the feet.



Dongxian was about to stand still in place, his brows under the blindfold were tightly frowned.

No matter how strong a person's skill in concealing Reiatsu is, he still can't have no breath at all, whether it's Void, Shinigami, or human beings.

The long dark years have made his perception of this 'living' breath extremely strong.

You can even perceive the opponent's movements through breath, as if you can vaguely 'see', seeing the opponent walking, seeing the opponent swinging a knife, or even seeing the folds on the opponent's clothes.

So even though he is blind, he is more sensitive than anyone else, and will not miss any details due to blindness!

No one can escape his own perception, as long as he is a 'creature', he cannot exist without breath, even if it is a building, he can 'see' the building, and step on the needle-thin spire with ease .

but now……

Duan Mu seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and he couldn't feel the slightest breath of life.

But he can be sure...

Duan Mu is still here!

Because although the breath has disappeared, the smell has not disappeared.

The smell of cement, gravel and dust that existed since Duan Mu came here is still strong.

But the smell alone can't 'see' the other person. Dongxian can vaguely feel the source of the smell is constantly moving, filling the whole space with his own smell, making it even more difficult for him to accurately judge other people through the smell. Location!

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