Dongxian frowned suddenly, because there was a strong smell, and he stayed in place.

And this strong smell is also diffused by the breeze.

what exactly is it?

Some kind of mist to interfere with my sense of smell?

Dongxian Yao frowned, the sour smell was not strong, but it was very clear to someone like him with a keen sense of smell.

The Zanpakuto in his hand was lifted up a little bit, and Dongxian wanted to slash down.

Qing Chong II Style Red Migratory Locust!

Countless sharp blades with pointed ends appeared above the pitch-black space, and then fell from the sky like rain.

Although Dongxian Yao didn't know where Duan Mu was, he did know the size of the area formed by his swastika.

His attack is not very lethal, but the red migratory locusts covering the entire field, as long as they hit Duan Mu, he will be able to perceive Duan Mu's location!

It only takes a moment~~

Dongxian wanted to raise the spiritual pressure in his body to the extreme, and he wanted to use this blow to kill this person!

Whoosh whoosh~~

The sound of piercing the sky kept coming to Tosen Kayo's ears, but it didn't resound throughout the entire space, because he was in the realm of the hell of ignorance, and only he who was holding the Zanpakuto could hear these sounds.

Puff puff puff ~~

The sound of the double blades sinking into the ground continued to be heard.


But in the midst of this, there was a sound that was obviously different from the other sounds.

found it! !

The spiritual pressure that had been accumulated for a long time erupted suddenly, and Dongxian wanted to step on the ground with the sole of his foot, and when the ground was slightly shaken, the whole person burst out.

There were bursts of soft chirping on Zanpakuto, as if countless flying insects were chirping at the same time. It was extremely harsh, but it could not be conveyed in this space at all.


Dongxian Yao can already confirm that his blow will definitely hit.



Just when he rushed halfway to the sensing position, a sour breath suddenly appeared, and before Dongxian could react, he felt a pain in his face.

The terrifying power made Dong Xianyao feel a numbness on his face, and his body, driven by the power of the thing on his face, burst out like a cannonball.

At the same time~~

The touch of his face finally made him understand where the sour smell came from.

But it's too late...

It's here! !

Duan Mu opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was still darkness, but he looked at the soles of his feet.

The touch under the soles of the feet...

Is it the face?

Duan Mu was not very sure either, he locked on the direction of the Eastern Immortal Citadel based on the vibration of the ground, and then immediately launched an attack in this direction.

So he wasn't quite sure where he kicked.


Hit! !

Duan Mu's hidden spiritual pressure exploded at this moment, not only did his strength not decrease, but it was replenished at the moment of the kick.


Suddenly, the world lit up extremely abruptly.

Duan Mu couldn't help squinting his eyes, he got used to it in an instant, and looked down at his feet.

It really is the face!

Looking around, countless black mist gradually drifted away in the daytime like black stars.

And under the black stars all over the sky, Duan Mu kicked Dong Xianyao's face with bare feet in the middle of the door, and the huge force completely dented his face in the middle.

The splashed blood stained Duan Mu's fair feet red!

Duan Mu's kick, although he used pure physical strength at first, but this power has been accumulated for a long time under the continuous peristalsis of muscles. This kick can be said to be the strongest embodiment of Duan Mu's physique!

After kicking the target, Duan Mu aroused the spiritual pressure to the extreme!

This also caused Dongxian Yao to be caught off guard by this kick, and his eyes were darkened by this kick, and he lost consciousness instantly.

But only for a moment.

Almost at the moment of leaving the realm of ignorance hell, Tōsen Kao woke up.

But the force coming from the front door made him unable to stop his figure at all, he could only passively be driven backward by this kick and burst out!

And the sour smell made Dongxian want to chop it off with a single knife.

Normally, although the god of death will have body odor, such as sweat, body odor, or old man's smell, etc., it will rarely have foot odor.

Because although Reaper has a feeling for cold and heat, his patience is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Unless he wears airtight shoes that cannot let sweat escape all day long, it is basically impossible to have foot odor.

So Dongxian thought about many sources of that smell, but he didn't think about it coming from his feet.

Duan Mu's attire for more than ten years has been deeply engraved in everyone's memory.

Even if Dongxian didn't try to remember it, when he felt Duan Mu's feet with his face, he could still remember that this guy in front of him was wearing those black long shoes no matter whether it was spring, summer, autumn or winter, whether it was work or everyday...

However, Dongxian Yao didn't know...

The reason why he was able to experience this sourness was entirely because Duan Mu hadn't changed his clothes and shoes since he came to Jiufan District, and he had been working all the time.

It's not that there are none at all, but Duan Mu is really not used to wearing a domineering outfit and straw sandals...

So I simply haven't changed my shoes these days.

Closer to home.

At the moment when he escaped from the hell of ignorance, Duan Mu raised his hand towards the void in front of him:

"Binding Dao 79 Nine Luminaries Binding!"

Nine black hole-like spheres were formed immediately, appearing around Tōsen Kayo's body.

At the same time, Duan Mu stepped down with his feet, and flew into the air through Dong Xianyao's face.

"The turbid coat of arms reveals faintly, the unruly and arrogant talent..."

Almost at the moment of flying into the air, Duan Mu pressed down with one hand.

The pitch-black spiritual pressure will appear around Tōsen Kayo's body silently, enveloping him in it.

"Surge · Negative · Paralyzed · For a moment, hinder the eternal sleep. The crawling iron princess, the clay doll who is constantly self-mutilating, combine, rebound, and extend to the ground, know your own powerlessness!"

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: Black Coffin!"

With the fall of the chants, there were traces of pressure visible to the naked eye in the surrounding void, and the huge black coffin several meters high directly enveloped Dongxian Yao in it.


The screams suddenly sounded, and the smell of blood permeated quietly.

Duan Mu drew out the Zanpakutao from his waist, and poured the spiritual pressure into the Zanpakutao with both hands. With the height of the nearly 1.6-meter-long sword raised above his head, traces of surging air flow were drawn in the void.

The black coffin may be able to severely damage Dongxian Yao, but it is difficult to kill it!

A murderous intent flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. There is no need for a dead person to appear in front of others again!

However, when Duan Mu was about to rush forward to give Dongxian the final blow, he suddenly stopped his movements.

In the black coffin, a burst of black and red spiritual pressure suddenly appeared.

This scene made Duan Mu frown.


No, this is...

Return to blade! !

A flash of hesitation flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, then he restrained his breath, stepped on the top of the building, and rushed out towards the Repentance Palace.

He has already spent a lot of time on Dong Xianyao, although he is not afraid of Dong Xianyao's return to the blade, but the characteristics of the return to the blade make Duan Mu feel a little troublesome.

Because after returning to the blade, the broken face can instantly recover all the damage before returning to the blade, that is to say...

He continued to stay where he was, and what he had to face was a Tosen Kaname whose strength had been strengthened and was intact.

Duan Mu really doesn't have time to entangle with him, the most urgent thing is to determine the status of the griffon!


Almost at the same time as he rushed out, Duan Mu released his own detection circuit again.

Duan Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief from the breath detected.

Kurosaki Ichigo, Yoichi!

The aura of the two of them appeared outside the confession palace at some unknown time.

Having said that, Duan Mu didn't slow down, instead, his speed skyrocketed again amidst the lightning around him!


Chapter 197 Was...

Palace of Confessions, outside Deep Prison No. [-].

Kuchiki Rukia and Hanatarou sat slumped on the ground, looking at Aizen who was holding a collapsed jade with a horrified expression.

It wasn't that they were scared out of their wits, but...

Can't move!

The spiritual pressure subconsciously emanating from Lanran's body made the two people beside him feel powerless, let alone move, they couldn't even make a sound!


The sudden change made Kuchiki Rukia completely confused about what happened, let alone what Captain Aizen took from her body...

But there is one thing she can be sure of!

That is……

The person in front of her was not the kind, gentle and kind Captain Aizen in her memory.

"Curious about what this is?"

Aizen suddenly chuckled, as if seeing through Rukia's thoughts, and said: "After solving your doubts, I will send you to death. For people like you, it can reduce a lot of unwillingness before death." In the meantime, Aizen turned his gaze to the bottom of the cable bridge.

"Just in time, the person who saved you has arrived."

The one who saved me?

Kuchiki Rukia was startled when she heard the words, and before she could figure out what Aizen said, a captain-level Reiatsu emerged without warning.

This spiritual pressure made Kuchiki Rukia feel extremely familiar, but this familiarity also made Kuchiki Rukia's face reveal an unbelievable expression.

how is this possible! ?


Amid the sound of breaking through the air, a figure rushed out of the abyss under the cable bridge and landed on the cable bridge.

"I... Ichigo?"

Kuchiki Rukia asked in an uncertain tone.

It's not that she couldn't recognize Kurosaki Ichigo, but that the Reiatsu on Kurosaki Ichigo's body at this time was completely different from what she remembered, as if he had changed into a different person.

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