After Kurosaki Ichigo stood still, he didn't answer Kuchiki Rukia's words, but put away the wing-shaped spiritual tool in his hand, and then leaned over to check the status of Ganju.

Not optimistic~

Although he does not know any skills such as answering Taoism, he has not studied medical skills seriously.

But because he often helps out in the clinic at home, he can barely see that the Griffin is in a very bad state at this time, and he must be treated as soon as possible!

"Hatarou, Ganju is in your care."

After Kurosaki Ichigo finished his words, he suddenly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already hugged two people in his arms. It was Rukia Kuchiki and Hanataro who were still beside Aizen before. The scene in front of him suddenly changed Both of them couldn't help but show a confused look.

Aizen in front of the Confession Palace didn't seem to see Kurosaki Ichigo taking the two of them away, but just stood there with a chuckle on his face.

"After fighting Saraki Kenpachi, did you recover your mobility so quickly?"

Aizen smiled lightly and shook his head: "However, the vitality that is completely inconsistent with your strength is obviously not a good thing in this situation. If you hadn't come here, you wouldn't have died here sadly."

As soon as the words fell, Kurosaki Ichigo, who brought Rukia and Kuchiki to Ganju, suddenly dilated his pupils.


Blood gushed out of Kurosaki Ichigo's back like a fountain.

A huge knife edge almost tore his entire back, and before he could put down Rukia and Huataro that he had brought back, he fell forward!

Got stabbed yourself?

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were full of confusion.

I didn't notice it at all!

The last time I felt this way was when I was fighting Kuchiki Byakuya in this world.

so familiar...

Originally, he thought that after this period of practice, and his strength enhanced by successive battles after coming to Soul Soul Realm, he was no less weak than the so-called captain.

But reality gave him a slap in the face.

No resistance! !

Is he really the same captain as Saraki Kenpachi?


Amidst the muffled sound, Kurosaki Ichigo fell into a pool of blood.


This scene made both Rukia and Hanatarou's expressions change drastically.

"I appreciate your courage."

Aizen slowly walked towards several people, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo whose body was trembling on the ground, as if he was struggling to stand up: "But from the moment I changed my plan, you have nothing to me. worth it."

"Of course, as an audience, you can barely play a role."


Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were full of doubts. He was sure that he had never seen this person before, but judging from the information revealed in his words, this middle-aged man with glasses seemed to be very familiar with him.

"According to my original plan, you who received Urahara Kisuke's order to rescue Kuchiki Rukia should have played a great role in helping me attract Seireitei's attention."

"In this way, even if one captain dies, it won't cause too much commotion."

"It's just that this plan was disrupted before it even started." Lan Ran shook her head, she didn't know what she thought of, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she said with a smile: "But in a way, the plan It also succeeded, but the person who died in suspended animation was not me."

"Does it mean that Dongxian wants it?"

A voice suddenly came to everyone's ears.

Following the sound, I saw a dark-skinned figure quietly appearing in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and the others.

This figure is impressively...

Sifengyuan Night One!

Like a ghost, she quietly appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and others, but Kurosaki Ichigo and others didn't realize it.


Aizen smiled slightly: "When I met the boss Duan Mu in Room 46 of Mao, I had already decided that Dongsen would 'die' in Room 46 of Mao."

Duan Mu?

This name made the four people present all show strange colors.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen, a little confused about the meaning revealed in the conversation between the two.

"He's a really interesting guy."

Aizen looked at Yeyi and continued: "At first, he was just an ordinary person with some talent in my eyes, but... when I saw him coming to attack Mao Room 46, I suddenly became interested in him .”

"I don't know what Duan Mu told you, but with his character, he will attack Room 46 of Mao, it must be confirmed that Room 46 of Mao will be killed by me!"

"And you know what's the funniest thing?"

Aizen paused for a while, with an inquiring look on his face: "Although he once fought Tōsen Kaname under the peeping eyes of you and Urahara Kisuke, he has never seen Tōsen Kaname's '卍解', but when After he fell into my tricks, he was already prepared in advance to deal with Dongxian's solution."

"Even, know my mirror image."

At the end of Aizen's speech, he couldn't help but recall the battle between Mao and Duan Mu before Room 46. After Duan Mu got stabbed by himself, although there was a moment of unbelievability, it turned into a sudden second in the next second.

From beginning to end...

He didn't even feel horrified because of his mirror image.

He didn't feel any doubts about being there.

Most importantly...

Before he forced his way into Room 46, he had already prepared his backhand.

Whether it's the actions of Unohana, or the secret investigation of the deputy captains such as Omaeda...

It gave Aizen a feeling, that is...

Before he forcibly broke into Room 46 of Mao, he seemed to have confirmed that he had slaughtered Room 46 of Mao by himself.

While Duan Mu was in the intensive care unit of the Fourth Division, Aizen recalled everything about Duan Mu.

Coming to the world of corpses and souls, entering Seireitei for the first time, invading the virtual circle...

Aizen found many things that he didn't take to heart before, and when he thought about it again, there was a kind of weirdness in them.

His vigilance towards himself can still be explained by Urahara Kisuke telling him what happened a hundred years ago, but whether it is invading the virtual circle or forcibly breaking into Room is difficult to explain it by Urahara Kisuke.

Of course, it's not completely unexplainable.

It was the first time that Duan Mu went to Xuquan entrusted by the Jinyinhui. There was nothing strange about this. The only strange thing was that he saw through the identity of Aronilo, but this can also be explained by his very familiarity with the Zhibo family.

Duan Mu invaded for the second time. When he invaded the virtual circle, it was the time when Captain Unohana of the Fourth Division held a flower arrangement meeting. The timing was well grasped, as if deliberately waiting for this opportunity, but barely can be explained by coincidence.


While Duan Mu was lying in the intensive care unit, he found out one thing from the team members of the fourth team, that is, during the flower arrangement meeting, Duan Mu asked the team members of the fourth team to report to him everything about the captain and deputy captain present. information.

Of course, what he asked for was a list of all captains and vice-captains present, and he didn't reveal who he wanted to 'focus on'.

There are also such things as: the inexplicable vigilance against Seireitei, the defense in Room 46 of Mao after the return, ordering the supervision team to pay attention to Rukia Kuchiki, and breaking into Room 46 of Mao...

Even before Duan Mu committed these actions, he had suitable reasons that would not arouse suspicion.

But when Aizen investigates Duan Mu's trajectory in Seireitei, hypnotizes the people he came into contact with, and finally puts the information he has investigated together...

What Duan Mu did can no longer be explained by the word 'coincidence'.

This made him give up completely. He originally wanted to use double murder to take out the collapsed jade in Rukia's body. Instead, in the name of protecting Mao Room 46, he asked Captain Yamamoto to recast the ten barriers of Mao Room 46.

Because he had a feeling that if he continued to wait, he might not be able to get Beng Yu in his hands.

"After designing Dongsen to 'death', I asked him to stay in the corridor of the Great Soul Book that 'compulsively collects all things and information in the world of souls', and looked up all the research materials that Kisuke Urahara had done in the world of souls for me."

"And I act as a bait to attract those who have doubts about me."

"In order to make this operation smoother..."

Lan Ran smiled at Ye Yi: "I also tried my best to help Miss Ye Yi to land near the Jiufan District. It is really not easy for Miss Ye Yi to do this without being noticed by Miss Ye Yi."

"Fortunately, it's still successful. As long as you fall near him, Boss Duan Mu's past experience shows that it is impossible for him not to have contact with you; and you, who learned from him that all rooms in Room 46 are dead, are you? Best person to contact other captains."

"Whether it's your identity or your past status, everything you say, even if Ukitake Shishiro and Jingle Shunsui don't believe it, they will definitely take action."

"And I just need to expose some flaws just right to make them more convinced that there is something wrong with me, and then I can easily lead them to Room 46 in Mao."

Ye Yi listened quietly, his face didn't fluctuate much.

Because when she found out that Lan Ran appeared in the Repentance Palace, she already had an ominous premonition in her heart, and now it is just fulfilled.

"Although the action was a bit hasty, just like Duan Mu's distrust of Sei Lingting, Sei Lingting never trusted him from the beginning to the end."

"Because I was worried that Duan Mu would take the opportunity to make trouble during the invasion of travelers, Captain Yamamoto imprisoned him in the Jiufan District under the pretext of entrusting him, which made my plan smoother."

Having said that, Aizen raised his head and glanced into the distance:

"When recasting the ten barriers outside Room 46, Commander Yamamoto left his spiritual pressure in it. Once an intruder appears, he will immediately be aware of it. If there is no accident, he should have arrived at Room 46 in Mao. .”


At this moment, a heavy breath suddenly appeared out of thin air, pressing on everyone present.

Ye Yi raised his head and looked in the direction of the breath, and saw a petite figure appearing on the top of the Repentance Palace behind Lan Ran.

Almost at the same time as she looked, the figure disappeared on the top of the tower, and when it reappeared, it was already standing in front of Aizen, its eyes swept over Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, and finally fell on Yoruichi.

"I haven't seen you for so long, have you fallen into the company of travel disaster?"

"Four, maple, courtyard, night, one!"

Broken Bee's face did not have the calm and coldness of the past. After calling out Ye Yi's full name word by word, rather gnashing her teeth, a sarcasm appeared on her face:

"That's right, after all, you were already a traitor in the world of corpses and souls many years ago, and you were also the target of all pursuits by stealth maneuvers."

"Broken Bee, don't stand there!"

Seeing this, Ye Yi's face darkened, and his body tensed up instantly.

"Don't stand here?"

Suifeng walked around Yeichi, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo behind him, and said with a sneer, "I don't stand with the captain of Goutei's [-]th division, do I want to stand with you, a former...traitor?"

When Ye Yi heard the words, he was about to explain, but then his expression changed, and he rushed out very abruptly.

Seeing this, Broken Bee's expression tightened.


The sound of the blade cutting through the void came out, Suifeng only felt a sudden violent wave of spiritual pressure coming from behind her, which made her complexion change drastically, but she never guarded against her behind her from the beginning to the end, and it was too late to notice at this time.

And at the moment when the sharpness was about to come, Broken Bee suddenly felt her body was embraced by two hands, leading her to roll sideways.


Blood splashed out from Yeyi's left shoulder to his waist, looking at the blood spray all over the sky, Suifeng's face instantly became extremely pale.



Aizen chuckled in surprise: "Should it be said that he really deserves to be 'Shunshen' Yeyi? Under such circumstances, he actually avoided the vital point."

Yeyi didn't answer, and while rolling out, he instantly distanced himself from Aizen, and returned to the original place with Broken Bee.


Broken Bee looked at Ye Yi who was hugging her, his eyes were completely devoid of the usual coldness, but filled with worry and anger.

"I am fine."

Yeyi put the broken bee down, stared at Lan Ran, and said solemnly: "I will explain to you later, all you need to know is that I am not your enemy."

Broken Bee didn't reply, but turned his gaze to Lan Ran, his eyes showed a breathtaking cold light, with murderous intent.

"Aizen Soyousuke!!"

"Your arrival is indeed somewhat beyond my expectation."

Lan Ran just smiled indifferently to Sui Feng's killing intent: "Because from the beginning to the end, I never thought of making any special preparations for you." After that, he paused and continued:

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