So fast!

Yeyi and Suifeng's pupils shrank at the same time, subconsciously struggling.

But a terrifying force suddenly came from the grasped ankle and wrist, driving the two of them to slam into each other uncontrollably.

With a bang, the huge force made both of them turn pale, and blood oozed from the corners of their mouths.

After releasing the two, Lan Ran caught the falling Zanpakudao and waved it at the attacking Xing Jun.

Several Xing Juns at the front were cut in half. This scene changed Xing Jun's complexion, but they had already rushed to Lan Ran, but they had no chance to evade.

For these Xing Jun...

Strictly speaking, not to mention Xing Jun, even Sui Feng and Ye Yi, in Lan Ran's eyes, are just playthings he uses to pass the time when he is waiting for someone.

It wouldn't be hard to end this fight if he wanted to!

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even use the ability of the mirror.

The blade cut across the void, and the whistling sound was extremely sharp, and most of Xing Jun who rushed to the front were killed or injured almost in a blink of an eye.

All of this seemed to have passed for a long time, but it was only a blink of an eye from Yeyi's collision with Broken Bee.

Ignoring the rest of Xing Jun, Lan Ran turned around and slashed straight at Ye Yi and Sui Feng in front of him.

Seeing this, Broken Bee's complexion changed.

On the other hand, Yeyi gritted his teeth, and the spiritual pressure all over his body suddenly surged and changed irregularly, as if thunder gods were wrathfully roaring from his back.

Several Xing troops arrived in time, but neither Lan Ran nor Suifeng paid attention to them.

For the current battle, the use of these Xing troops is almost zero...

Lan Ran didn't stop swinging the knife, and the spirit pressure around him was released, and the Xing army rushing towards him seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and smashed towards the ground like corpses.

And at this moment, Lei Guang suddenly fell in front of Lan Ran, and one of several Xing Jun exploded.

A precise kick hit Aizen's chest.

The sudden shock made everyone feel a flash of thunder in front of their eyes, and the leg of the man dressed as Xing Jun had already kicked Lan Ran.

Bang! !

The dazzling and ferocious kick tore apart everyone's vision, leaving a trace of lightning flashing on everyone's retinas.

And what Suifeng and Yeyi couldn't think of the most is...

After being kicked by that 'Xing Jun', Lan Ran's expression changed for the first time, his complexion sank, and the whole person was kicked backwards by the kick.

Even though his feet were firmly hooked to the ground, he still drew tens of meters, and finally stopped when he hit the White Tower of the Palace of Repentance!

"???" Ye Yi.

"???" Kurosaki Ichigo asked.

The two looked at Suifeng at the same time, but found that Suifeng also had a question mark on his face at this time.

"I see."

Lan Ran in front of the White Tower patted the dust on his chest, and for the first time showed a gloomy expression on his face: "I was just thinking about why you suddenly disappeared after getting rid of Dong Xianyao. It turned out that you were hidden among Xing Jun ?"

Hiding among Xing Jun?

"Tsk tsk, you make me feel a little bit shocked."

A familiar voice came out, making Sui Feng's eyes brighten, and subconsciously said: "Duan Mu?"

Duan Mu?

As soon as this remark came out, Hanataro and Kurosaki Ichigo in the distance both looked over at the same time.

I saw that 'Xing Jun' reached out and took off the hood and mask, revealing a delicate face, which was the wood in the middle of the broken bee's mouth.

Duan Mu looked at Lan Ran in the distance, and his nerves were almost tense to the extreme.

What he said just now was not a joke, but the truth... some were hit!

In fact, when the first batch of Xing Jun attacked, he had already come here with Xing Jun, and he was the only one who was swept up into the sky by the impact. Only in this way could Lan Ran believe that he was a Xing Jun.

Even in order to be safe, Duan Mu didn't let other Xing Jun except Feng Yuanyu who changed clothes with him know his identity.

From the beginning to the end, he followed everyone in action like an ordinary Xing Jun.

For Duan Mu...

It is not difficult to pretend to be Xing Jun, as long as you restrain your breath, as for the action habits, moves, and steps, it is even easier. After all, most of these Xing Jun are trained by Duan Mu, so even Xing Jun who is acting with him can No teammates were found to have been substituted.

And for this kick.

Therefore, in this kick, Duan Mu used all his strength and accumulated it for a long time.


Unprepared, Aizen, who took his kick hard, just patted his chest.

Duan Mu suddenly regretted and rushed out.

However, this regret did not last long.

[Smasher's favorability +1...]

[Yorichi's favorability +1...]


Chapter 199 Madman! !

[Yeyi's favorability +1, gain 4800 experience points, current favorability: 39]

[Smash Bee's favorability +1, gain 5120 experience points, current favorability: 49]

Current experience value: 204747.

How long! !

It has been a long time since I have gained such a large amount of experience points.

Duan Mu looked at the skyrocketing experience points, and the regret that just surfaced in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Leaving aside Ye Yi for the time being, Sui Feng, whose favorability towards him has been maintained at '8 o'clock' for more than ten years, has finally grown at this moment.

Sure enough, if you want to increase her favorability, you still need to start with Yeyi...

If you think about it carefully, it seems that it was because of Ye Yi that she increased her affection for her last time.

"Bee Yuan Yu, give me the knife!"

Duan Mu stretched out his hand in high spirits, as long as he had enough experience points and guaranteed that he would not be killed by a single blow, it would be considered Aizen, and Duan Mu was confident that he could hold him back alive!

"Come on!!"

Hachibuchiha's agitated and excited voice came from a distance, and Kurosaki Ichigo and others turned their heads to look, only to see a barefooted young man in black overalls running over with a knife in his arms.

"Does the sneak attack make you happy?"

Lan Ran didn't stop, just looked at Duan Mu, and said slowly: "Or is it just this, that already makes you feel satisfied?"

After receiving the long knife thrown by Feng Yuanyu, Duan Mu stood with the knife horizontally. Instead of answering Lan Ran, he said to Sui Feng and Ye who were behind him: "How is it? Can you continue to fight?"

Although there are many experience points...

But the enemy in front of him is Aizen after all, so it's better to be on the safe side.

To Duan Mu's question, Ye Yi and Sui Feng's answer was simple and direct, and they all stood up from the ground at this moment.

The broken bee looked at Duan Mu with a strange look, because the thunder light on Duan Mu's body was so similar to the thunder light on Lord Ye. Concentrate on the back and explode.

However, she didn't know...

Duan Mu's current physical strength is so strong that he can fully integrate the highly concentrated Thunder Roar Cannon into his body without any burden on his body.

Normally speaking, the wall of instantaneous material is the most beautiful one. Source Death Thorn Rong セ Nightmare Barium Na Si Α�

But Duan Mu’s moment of love

Due to the wrong starting point, he rushed all the way in the direction of directly integrating the ghost way into his body. There is no need to inject the ghost way into his hands and feet at all, but every move and every move can burst out with terrifying lethality.

Duan Mu glanced at Ye Yi from the corner of his eye, and frowned slightly.

Not perfect yet?

When he attacked Aizen earlier, Yeyi obviously wanted to use other moves, but after she appeared, she stopped continuing that move.

And the current situation is obviously not suitable for hiding clumsiness, which means that Ye Yi's move may not be fully mastered or perfected.


Duan Mu smiled slightly, the tip of the long knife in his right hand was casually placed on the ground, and the index finger of his left hand pulled off the clothes just below the neck, revealing the knotted part: "If you want to satisfy me, at least I should let me You cut me in front of Room 46, Mao, should you return it?"

"is it?"

Aizen stepped towards the three of them and said as he walked: "Actually, I have been waiting for you to come here."

"Do you remember what I said once?"

After Lan Ran finished speaking, she didn't wait for Duan Mu's answer, but said to herself: "When I was in the fourth team, I once told you that the two of us are somewhat similar in certain places."

"No matter where you look at it, I am not similar to you."

Duan Mudao: "Whether it's age, appearance, or character."

He will absolutely, absolutely not admit that he has any similarities with Aizen, who knows if he will be treated like Aizen after the news is spread...

What's more, although Duan Mu has been learning from Lan Ran, he never thought of learning his philosophy!

"What I said is not like what you said, but it doesn't matter if you think so."

Aizen shook his head: "The reason why I want to wait for you here is actually to let you clear up some doubts for me. I have always wondered why you were so convinced that Room 46 of Mao has been slaughtered by me." Even on the premise of his own failure, let Unokanaru and others intervene in the investigation."

Because of 'seeing'...

Duan Mu subconsciously replied, with the same smile on his face: "I'm sorry, in my everything room, I also need to pay for answering questions; if you have any questions, please pay first, so that I can answer your questions." Solve the problem for you. But... I personally don't want to accept your commission!"

"at least……"

Duan Mu's body bent forward, and the spiritual pressure and thunder all over his body erupted completely at this moment.


The extremely heavy pressure enveloped the entire area in an instant.

At this moment, both spiritual pressure and thunder and lightning were poured into the long knife in his hand by Duan Mujin, causing the long knife itself to burst into a golden and blue mixed color.

"Before returning this knife!"

boom! !

The moment the words fell, Duan Mu disappeared in place very abruptly, and there was only a thunderbolt gradually dissipating where he stood before.

There was no deafening thunder, and no wanton spiritual pressure, he just disappeared in front of everyone without making a sound.

Lanran frowned slightly, and the mirror in his hand was horizontally above his head.


There was a crisp impact sound, the two blades collided, and Duan Mu and Lan Ran looked at each other across the knife.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and then...

The roar reverberated, and the impact spread layer by layer around the two of them.

Under this impact, the ground was cut down by a layer, but the ground where Aizen stood was not damaged at all, forming a circular raised area with a diameter of about five meters. It's like a ring.


The sound of blood splattering came out, and a deep bone wound appeared on Duan Mu's shoulders to his chest.

This scene made the faces of Hanatarou and Kurosaki Ichigo who were watching, and Hachibuchiha standing beside them all change drastically.

Really strong!

A thought flashed in Duan Mu's mind.

add a bit! !

Almost at the moment when the blood gushed out from the wound, 2 experience points were added to the body.

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