at the same time.

Duan Mu idled his left hand down a little, and let out a soft drink:

"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

Six pieces of light were generated immediately, and appeared around Lan Ran's body almost instantly, confining him in place.

Lan Ran looked at the huge wound on Duan Mu's shoulders and chest. Under his gaze, the blood outside the wound stopped flowing in the blink of an eye. Completely healed!


He had seen this kind of situation once before in Room 46 of Mao.

At that time, Duan Mu, when he was pierced through the knot by himself and could not use any spiritual pressure, the pierced wound was healed in an instant.

It's just that Captain Yamamoto came too quickly, so he didn't have time to conduct research at all, but he can be sure of one's definitely not Xu's super-fast regeneration, nor is it the self-healing of the body!

It feels more like the time at the wound is speeding up in an instant, allowing the wound that originally took a long time to recover to heal in an instant.

It's really interesting!

A bright light flashed under Aizen's glasses, if Duan Mu could see it, he would find that this gaze was so similar to Kisuke Urahara.

However, Duan Mu didn't pay attention to Lan Ran's gaze at him at this time.

Almost at the same time as he used the six-stick light prison, he pressed down the long knife in his right hand, and while using his strength to fly into the air, he slapped down with his left hand horizontally:

"The 62 Hundred-step Railing of Binding Dao."

"Bindao 63. Lock bar lock."

"The 75th Five-Pillar Tieguan of Binding Dao."

The three binding ways were released almost at the same time, and Duan Mu used all his abilities as soon as he made a move!

whoosh whoosh~~

The sound of breaking through the air came out one after another, light sticks, chains, iron pillars...appeared out of thin air, and attacked Lan Ran one after another.

And at this moment, Yeyi and Suifeng attacked Aizen at the same time.

Duan Mu's expression was focused, and the spirit pattern in his body was running wildly, and the surrounding spirit particles seemed to be trapped in a funnel, rushing towards Duan Mu's body, filling up the spiritual pressure consumed by Duan Mu, and keeping his own spiritual pressure at its peak state at all times.


Just when Duan Mu was about to strengthen the power of restraint, his face suddenly changed.

In the next second, he swooped down without hesitation.

But the target is not Aizen, but...

At the same time, they attacked Aizen's Ye Yi and Su Feng.

Finger pricks and fists arrive in an instant.

Broken Bee's eyes lit up, and Duan Mu's Dao binding bought him a lot of time. As long as Bird Bee's second-level ultimate kill can hit, it will definitely end the battle with this.


A murderous intent flashed in Suifeng's eyes, if she wanted to kill Aizen before, it was only because of Yeyi.

Judging from the conversation between Duan Mu and Lan Ran just now, besides Ye Yi's reason for killing Lan Ran, he also has the responsibility of being the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers.


Looking at Lan Ran who had not moved, the thorn on the middle finger of Broken Bee quickly pointed at him.


But at the moment when her finger prick was about to pierce Lan Ran's body, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and the huge force from her hand made her not move at all.

This is……

"Duan Mu, you..."

Seeing the person clutching his wrist, Suifeng's face darkened!

"Look carefully, who are you planning to attack!"

When Duan Mu's words came, Sui Feng was taken aback.


Broken Bee looked up, only to find that Duan Mu's other hand also blocked the blow.

That is……

Aizen in her field of vision gradually changed, replaced by a figure she was so familiar with.


And her finger prick was on Yeyi's shoulder right now.

On the other side, Yeyi's fist also hit his chest.

"how come……"

Broken Bee's pupils vibrated, and before she could figure out what happened, her eyes suddenly turned red!

Blood splashed from Duan Mu's back as if he didn't want money.


At the same time, Aizen's slightly doubtful voice came: "It seems that these days, you are not unprepared. It's a pity that no matter how conspicuous the floating dust becomes, it is still just a floating dust."

"Duan Mu~!"

Broken Bee's expression changed.

"Is it the ability of the mirror flower water moon?"

Unlike Sui Feng's puzzlement, Ye Yi frowned, and while supporting Duan Mu with the arm held by Duan Mu, he looked at Lan Ran who appeared behind Duan Mu out of thin air.

Although she has heard about Aizen's ability from Urahara Kisuke, she has never confronted Aizen head-on, even if she has always been on guard in her heart, she is still affected by Aizen's Kinky Flower, Suigetsu, and even doesn't realize it... …

At that moment, just as Suifeng saw her as Aizen, Suifeng also saw Aizen in Ye Yiyan.

The two people who were very familiar with each other did not realize that they were attacking each other.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi couldn't help but look at Duan Mu who seemed to have lost consciousness in his arms, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

Then how did this kid see it?

"Do you want to keep pretending?"

During the speech, Lan Ran behind Duan Mu raised the Zanpakuto in his hand and slashed down.

Seeing this, Ye Yi's face darkened, and he turned his hand to pull Duan Mu out of the attack range. After seeing the knife close at hand, Ye Yi could be sure that Duan Mu must have been seriously injured. Continue to participate in the battle!

But as soon as she stretched out her hand and pulled it, she felt a resistance from her hand.

With a bang, Xing Jun's black clothes on Duan Mu's back and shoulders suddenly burst into flames, and blue flames gushed out from his shoulders and back, like wings of flames.

at the same time!

The originally hidden thunder in Duan Mu's body also exploded completely at this moment.

The combination of fire and thunder, two completely different energies were all injected into Zanpakuto by Duan Mu at this moment, causing a series of explosions on the long sword, and even an overwhelmed soft sound from the surface of the blade.

In the next moment, Duan Mu, who was leaning over, turned around violently, and amidst the deafening blaring sound of the long knife, he drew a lightning bolt mixed with thunder and fire in the void.

This is……

Ye Yi's pupils shrank, and he gave up the idea of ​​dodging with Duan Mu in an instant, and instead grabbed the broken bee who was still in a state of panic, retreated to the cable bridge, and after mentioning Kurosaki Ichigo and the three... he did not retreat In, he rushed straight to where the Palace of Confessions was located.

And this series of actions was completed in only an instant.

The name of Instantaneous God can be said to be well-deserved.

next second!


The explosive sound that resounded through the sky formed a huge impact vortex, which roared and spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, the cable bridge collapsed and the ground disintegrated!

Accompanied by the sound of crashing, the nearly [-]-meter-long cable bridge leading to the Palace of Confessions was instantly reduced to debris!

Only the Palace of Repentance, made of murderous stones, still stands there, forming a barrier that disintegrates the extremely violent spiritual pressure vortex around it, like an invisible barrier, blocking all impacts.

This scene made everyone who was brought into the confession palace by Ye Yi change their expressions.

Looking around, the outside of the confession palace was completely shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

"What kind of move is that?"

Suifeng's tone was full of disbelief, she always thought that she knew Duan Mu better than anyone else, but today she discovered... Duan Mu's strength is completely different from what she remembered!

"Shun Can Cai?"

Ye Yi's tone was a little uncertain, and then he said with strange eyes: "But I can be sure, that kid is a lunatic!!"


Broken Bee looked in front of the Repentance Palace in some confusion.

With the breeze blowing, the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the two people who had thought about confronting each other.

One of them was Lan Ran. Although his clothes were still spotless at this time, the ground beneath him, which had been intact until now, had completely collapsed.Where the two of them were, the entire open space in front of the Confession Palace formed a huge depression, as if it was a forbidden arena long ago.

Lan Ran looked at Duan Mu in the distance with a look of surprise on his face.

At this time, Duan Mu was covered in blood, but when everyone looked at him, his injuries were rapidly healing!

But what attracted the most attention was not his injuries... but his current state.

Although the roar of thunder all over the body is the same as before.

But on his back and shoulders, there appeared the same high-concentration ghost path as Suifeng and Yeyi, and the blue flames swayed wildly behind his back like wings!

The flames exploded continuously, making loud bangs, injecting the flames into the body filled with thunder.

bang bang bang~~

A bang came from Duan Mu's body, and every time there was a bang, blood gushed out from the pores.


Yorumoto thought that Duan Mu had completely integrated the highly concentrated ghost path into his body, so he used the instant 鉟艟鸵丫and restored toe 芊杩竦木洣play趺hurriedly cut off Xing Yujian庑∽婷娩It is said that the sword is in good condition.

Originally, Duan Mu's instantaneous movement was extremely dangerous, but it was incompatible with his own and the broken bee's instantaneous movement.

Because of the different routes, in order to avoid affecting him, I did not teach him my instantaneous skills.

But when Duan Mu saw himself and Zhanfeng using instant cockroaches and thick benzene to lure Zhangsu'an Zhiji Umbrella,

Now Duan Mu is using the instant weapon he created to condense the '73 Shuanglian Canghuo Pendant' in the form of two wings. On the back and shoulders, the highly concentrated Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant is injected into the body through continuous explosions.

Finally, with the body, the two completely different energies are forcibly fused in the body.

How strong is this kid's body? ?


Play big! !

Duan Mu's cheeks twitched. The technique he was using now was just as Ye Yi said, it was using two kinds of instantaneous mats at the same time.

He also used a similar technique when fighting Saraki Kenpachi, but it was a Thunder Roar Cannon and Bailei with the same attribute that integrated both ghosts into his body!

He originally thought that using the instantaneous power he learned from Ye Yi, he would be able to use the instantaneous power to ignite the dead body! �

But he never thought of...

Two different attributes can produce such a terrifying effect that his current physique can't bear it, so he can only persist by adding points to his physique!


Chapter 200 Confinement!

Interesting ~!

Looking at Duan Mu, who was continuously bleeding from his pores, a strange color flashed in Lan Ran's eyes.

Originally, he thought that Duan Mu had brought enough surprises for him, but as the battle continued, Duan Mu showed his ability to catch his eyes again and again.

It is different from the strong body of the god of death, the super fast regeneration that seems to be empty, and the eyes that see through oneself...

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