Even leaving aside the ability of the god of death, there are still many strange things about Duan Mu.


Aizen withdrew his gaze and glanced in the direction of Room 46 of Mao.

The time I can continue to stay here is running out.


Duan Mu exhaled softly, and the blood seeping from the pores gradually stopped flowing along with this breath.

123 points!

As long as 123 experience points are invested in the body every second, it is enough to smooth out the two different natures of the instantaneous war.

After the previous confrontation, he has invested [-] experience points in his physique.

The remaining experience points are...


And a large part of these experience points will be used to recover from injuries.

The time I can persist is not long!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu stepped on the ground with one foot, and rushed straight to Lan Ran.

The light of fire and thunder suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire sunken area!


The crisp sound of the blades colliding came out, and before it stopped, it was covered by a series of crisp sounds.

The two colors of crimson and golden are shining wildly, but no matter how fierce the thunder is, how strong the fire is...

The blue spiritual pressure in the center is as motionless as a reef under the waves!

gap! !

Duan Mu has experienced many battles. Although there are enemies stronger than him, they have never been like this. Even if he tries his best, he can't break through the opponent's defense.

Just standing there, with just a Zanpakutō, he defended against all his attacks.


The sound of the impact of the blade was still coming out, and Duan Mu could clearly feel the Zanpakuto moaning in pain. It was not the difference in the texture of the blade, but the difference in the spiritual pressure!

Aside from physical fitness, just talking about the intensity of spiritual pressure, his spiritual pressure is already much higher than that of Suifeng who has no solution.

But such strong spiritual pressure combined with the body, supplemented by the instantaneous sword that combines Kidō and Hakuda, can be used to control the body.

If calculated by the system value, how strong is his spiritual pressure?

Having said that, Duan Mu did not stop attacking, but raised Shunpo to the extreme, constantly launching attacks from all directions towards Aizen in the center.

After almost every attack, Duan Mu will be severely injured.

He obviously didn't have the ability to use the mirror flower and water moon, but the mirror flower water moon in Lanran's hand seemed to be everywhere. Every time he blocked the next Duan Mu's attack, he would slash on Duan Mu in an instant!

Puff puff ~ ~

The sound of the blade cutting across the body continued to resound.

But without waiting for the blood to flow out, the wound on Duan Mu's body will heal.

add a bit!add a bit!add a bit!

Duan Mu roared crazily in his mind, and his experience points were rapidly consumed under Zhong's frenzied offensive.

Under Duan Mu's crazy infusion of spiritual pressure, lightning, and flames, the long knife in his hand had spider web-like traces on its surface, as if it would shatter at any moment!



The speed of swinging the long knife in his hand became faster and faster, and Shunpo under his feet became crazier.

At first, Duan Mu's plan was just to hold back Aizen, but after being deflated one after another, he now has only one thought in his mind.

That is...

Use your own knife to hack him to death! !

The mirror flower and water moon in Lanran's hand lit up with a misty light, and the powerful spiritual pressure continued to sink into it.

Since Duan Muchong came here, it has been less than 1 minute.

But in this short period of 1 minute, he turned from studying the psychology at the beginning to taking it seriously, and the spiritual pressure in his body was also continuously strengthened.

He is getting stronger?

Aizen is a little uncertain, but Duan Mu's sword is getting heavier every time. Even if the interval between two swords is less than a second, when a new sword arrives, it will carry more or less power stronger than before.

And the degree of strengthening...

Proportional to the degree of injury?

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the more injured Duan Mu was, the more strength on the long knife would increase after he recovered!

Even though the strength of the spiritual pressure has not changed, the increase in power above the long knife is definitely not my illusion.

Lan Ran raised her right hand with the knife high, blocked the knife above her head like Mount Tai, and looked up at Duan Mu.

too late……

If he could discover Duan Mu's specialness earlier, he would still have a lot of time to observe it.

But now...

too late!

He couldn't remember the last time he had such a strong desire to explore in his heart.

too early--!

Duan Mu stared at Lan Ran, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Since entering Seireitei, he has always regarded Aizen as an imaginary enemy and object of exploration. Before the battle started, Duan Mu thought that even if he was not Aizen's opponent, he would be able to cause him some trouble.

But now it seems that it is still too early for me to fight Aizen.

Duan Mu 'looked' at the system interface in his mind.

Current experience value: 31000.

The more than 20 experience points were almost exhausted, but the result was only wrinkles and dust on Aizen's clothes.

Such a result made Duan Mu feel unwilling, but he was helpless.

Even so, Duan Mu's eyes were still extremely calm, and he was not affected by the emotions in his heart.

Aizen is different from any enemy he has ever encountered. Fighting with him is not enjoyment at all, but survival.

A little bit of carelessness is irreversible.


Maybe he didn't even have the chance to add some points to his physique.

So Duan Mu will not let any factors affect him, even if it is the so-called instinct.

give up?

Never thought about it.

Duan Mu's blade pressed down, and the long blade fell a little bit, but...

The few points that fell were not because Lan Ran couldn't bear his strength, but because the blade of Jinghua Shuiyue sank into the blade of the long sword.

At this time, the long knife in Duan Mu's hand was already full of cracks, and as he pressed down, fragments continued to slide down from the cracks.

If it hadn't been completely wrapped by Duan Mu's spiritual pressure and maintained its shape, it might have been shattered into pieces in this high-intensity collision.

Frowning slightly, the spiritual pressure on the long knife in his hand trembled, and Duan Mu drew back.


At this moment, Aizen, who had never moved, suddenly moved.

The whole person disappeared in place very abruptly.

Duan Mu's pupils shrank, his nerves were tense to the extreme at this moment, and the spiritual pressure in his whole body was released like a dam breaking a bank.


"It seems that Yin's vision is indeed better than mine."

Light laughter came from Duan Mu's side.

Almost as soon as he heard the first word, Duan Mu swung the long knife horizontally towards the place where the sound came from.

"Comparing you to floating dust is my arrogance. You indeed radiate enough candlelight to attract my attention. Although it is extremely weak, it is conspicuous enough in the dim world of corpses and souls!" When the emotionally colored words were spoken from Lan Ran's mouth, his right index finger touched Duan Mu's horizontal knife.

The moment his fingers touched the blade, Duan Mu vaguely heard a shrill scream coming from the long blade, and the spiritual pressure on the long blade dimmed instantly.


With a crisp sound, the nearly 1.6-meter-long knife turned into countless fragments.

And after smashing the knife, Yizhi came straight to Duan Mu!


The body then sends crazy signals to the brain.

But they were all ignored by Duan Mu, as if he didn't see Aizen's finger, he stared fixedly at the Zanpakuto with only the handle left in his hand.

He didn't feel distressed because the Zanpakuto was damaged, because...

Its damage is what Duan Mu has always hoped for!


Duan Mu opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

Under his breath, the surrounding spirits quickly condensed, forming a stream of air visible to the naked eye, rushing madly towards his body.

At this moment, Duan Mu moved!

The Zanpakuto, which has no blade but only a handle, is slowly lifted up.


With the lifting, dense cracks like spider webs appeared on the surface of the pitch-black handle.


The white spots change from less to more, and dazzling white rays of light bloom from the cracks.

At a critical juncture, at the moment when the blade is damaged!

The white spot, which has been suppressed by the Zanpakuto for a long time, has the upper hand for the first time.

All this seems to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was completed in the blink of an eye.

The moment the white spots bloomed, the countless fragments of the blade that exploded seemed to be attracted, and they all attacked Aizen, touching with the approaching finger.

The two collided, and there was a sudden violent shock.

While the loud rumbling sound reverberated, Duan Mu spat out blood and shot backwards.

Aizen looked a little surprised.

Before he could stabilize his figure, Duan Mu let go of the handle of the knife in his hand.

"Similar and different..."

Although the handle of the knife was released, it didn't land on the ground, but was suspended in mid-air. With Duan Mu's soft drink, its own white light brightened!

"—Ju Ming!"

The fragments that collapsed with Aizen's finger formed a circle, enclosing Aizen in it.

The pitch-black space was created in an instant.

The sunken arena in front of the Confession Palace was replaced by a wasteland.

The overhead sky is replaced with a hand-painted sky.

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