
Different from the original dark night sky, the hand-painted sky is so bright and beautiful.

The originally comical hand-painted painting seems to come alive at this moment.

The sun and the moon exuded dazzling white light, and the stars transformed from all the white spots on the azure sky shone with the sun and the moon, illuminating the entire field together.


Aizen observed this space with great interest.

He is no stranger to Duan Mu's initial understanding, because whether it is the cognitive synchronization after Aronilo's death, or Neutra, who once suffered a loss in Duan Mu's hands, he can easily grasp the information about Duan Mu. Information about Zanpakuto's ability.

But the current space is slightly different from the information he has obtained.

Didn't he fully grasp the Sikai when he fought Neutra?

Although Zanpakutō only has two stages, the beginning solution and the swastika solution, but it is not impossible to divide these two stages in more detail.

The Shijie and 卍jie mastered by many people at the beginning are not the true posture of Zanpakuto. As it is perfected step by step, the power it can exert will be further enhanced!

Duan Mu's initial interpretation should be the same.

what's next?

Lan Ran was not in a hurry to destroy this space, he wanted to see what kind of surprise Duan Mu could bring him.


What happened next was beyond Aizen's expectations.


The newly formed domain suddenly collapsed at this moment, and in the next second, Duan Mu and Lan Ran, who were standing on both sides of the ring, appeared again in the sunken area in front of the Palace of Repentance.

At the same time, in deep prison No. [-] of the Confession Palace.

Ye Yi, Sui Feng and the others were all engrossed in looking at the front of the Repentance Palace.

It is impossible for them not to fail to see the disappearance of Duan Mu and Lan Ran. Judging from what happened before the two disappeared, it should be the ability of Duan Mu Zanpakutao after it was released.

"Is it similar to Dongxian's ability to kill insects?" Broken Bee frowned, subconsciously asked.

Although she didn't know the ability of Duan Mu's Zanpakuto, she was not surprised that Duan Mu's 'sealed' Zanpakuto could be liberated.

When Duan Mu returned to Soul Realm from the Void Circle, although he had deceived Maou Room 46, Suifeng knew that Duan Mu had indeed been to the Void Circle, and the image received by Maou Room 46 was also true.

Ye Yi shook his head, looking seriously at the place where the two disappeared.

Originally, Broken Bee wanted to step forward to support Duan Mu, but she stopped her instead.

The reason why she did this was not to stand on the sidelines, but because they intervened rashly, which might implicate Duan Mu instead.

Among the three of them, Duan Mu is the only one who can see through the mirror and the moon. If he joins the battlefield with the broken bee, the target of attack will most likely not be Lan Ran, but Duan Mu.

She had mistaken Sui Feng for Lan Ran before, and she never doubted it from the beginning to the end, even before Duan Mu grabbed her wrist, she didn't notice Duan Mu's arrival at all.

It can be seen from this that even if Duan Mu reminded the two of them during the battle, they couldn't hear them at all!

and so……

It's not that I don't help, but that I can't help.


The expressions of Yeyi and Broken Bee changed.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a broken sound coming out.

Duan Mu and Lan Ran appeared at the place where they disappeared at the same time. Seeing this, Ye Yi and the others immediately looked at Duan Mu.

It doesn't look like it's injured.

It took only a few seconds for the two of them to disappear, did Duan Mushijie's ability be cracked so quickly?


"What, is this over?"

Lan Ran frowned, looked at Duan Mu in the distance, and found that the last handle of the knife in Duan Mu's hand had disappeared without a trace.

Has Zanpakuto itself reached its limit?


"Should I say thank you?"

Duan Mu's words interrupted Aizen's thoughts.

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Mu disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was still in front of Lan Ran, with his right hand held in the air, as if holding a knife, he slashed downward.


The whistle of the knife sounded, and a dazzling light of the knife arrived in an instant.

I saw a long knife suddenly appeared in Duan Mu's empty palm. Its style was the same as before, except that the handle had become white, and the blade was still pitch black.

A look of disappointment flashed in Lan Ran's eyes when he saw this, and he raised his knife to meet him amidst the surging aura in his hand.

After this cut, Aizen didn't keep his hand.


Almost at the moment when the blades collided, the long knife in Duan Mu's hand collapsed again.

But Aizen's knife didn't stop.


A huge wound appeared on Duan Mu's left shoulder to his waist and abdomen, almost cutting off his entire body.

"Imprison! Imprison! Imprison!"

At this moment, Duan Mu quickly chanted.


Aizen's face suddenly changed, and the space around Jinghua Shuiyue seemed to be frozen, even the spiritual pressure carried on the knife was frozen in this instant!

However, this confinement only lasted for a moment, and the confinement around Jinghua Shuiyue suddenly disappeared.

But for Duan Mu, this moment is enough.


A dull whistling sound suddenly came out, and in Aizen's field of vision, a fist was rapidly expanding.

And behind the fist are Duan Mu's almost crazy eyes.

The broken Zanpakuto was expected by Duan Mu, and he never thought of using the new Zanpakuto to resist Aizen.

From the very beginning, his plan was to condense the confinement ability into one point at the cost of the Zanpakuto's shattering, and raise it to the extreme!


Get this moment for yourself!


Amidst the violent explosion, flames and thunder radiated radiantly, and Aizen flew upside down.

Vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of glass breaking!


Chapter 2 ends


In the Palace of Repentance, Kurosaki Ichigo, who barely regained some mobility under Hanataro's treatment, swallowed slightly.

Although he already had a certain understanding of the strength of Aizen when he faced Aizen before, the intensity of this battle is still far beyond his imagination, which made him feel as if he was in a dream. Feel.

"Did Mr. Duan Mu win?"

Hua Taro glanced at the direction where Aizen was shooting backwards, and then at Duan Mu who was standing on the spot.

At this time, Duan Mu's Xing Jun's clothes had completely turned into rags, and even the dark clothes couldn't cover up the blood stains on them.

But the weird thing is...

There were no scars on the skin exposed by the rag, as if the blood on the clothes did not flow from him.


But even if he was fighting while using the Dao, it was impossible to heal the injury so quickly, right?

As the seventh seat of the fourth team, Hanataro has always believed that he is not good enough to take up this position, but he still has a certain degree of confidence in his ability to judge injuries.

Since the start of the war, Mr. Duan Mu's injuries...

Normally, I don't know how many times I died.

In the end, not to mention dead, Mr. Duan Mu didn't even have a single scar on his body until now, as if he was immortal!

Hua Taro didn't know, Mr. Duan Mu, who in his eyes had the immortal body, had exhausted his "immortal body".

Current experience points: 0

The dazzling numbers on the system interface made the corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitch.

Lan Ran's last knife almost split him in two. With that kind of injury, Duan Mu could only devote all his experience points to his body in one breath.

Physique: top (313749/1000000)

Looking at the numerical value behind the physique, Duan Mu's expression became more dignified.

It's not that he feels sorry for the experience points, after all, he originally planned to invest the experience points in his body.

But having no experience points means that in the next battle, you must avoid the vital parts as much as possible.

As for...

Dodge the attacks and avoid getting hurt yourself.

Fighting against Aizen with such an unrealistic idea is tantamount to asking for a dead end!

After making up his mind, the azure halo outside Duan Mu's eyes turned slowly, staring at the direction where Lan Ran was shooting backwards.

Duan Mu couldn't be sure what effect his all-out blow would have.

There is only one thing he can be sure of, and that is...

That punch of mine broke through Aizen's spiritual pressure defense for an instant, and hit him literally.

Looking around, I saw the place where Aizen shot backwards, filled with smoke and dust.

Although he couldn't see it clearly, Duan Mu could barely see a figure standing up slowly in the area covered by the smoke and dust.


Almost at the moment when the figure got up.

Time seems to be frozen!

After a bang...

The spiritual pressure that soared into the sky tore apart the smoke and dust, and swept tens of thousands of tons of dust into the sky, and the entire area became clear again in just an instant.

The heavy pressure like the deep sea appeared out of thin air, and the huge pressure made Duan Mu's body bent under the pressure by surprise.


Duan Muqiang endured the pressure, looked up and looked forward, only to see Lan Ran, who had stood up, no longer had that kind of light and easy smile on his face, replaced by a gloomy and murderous intent.

And the glasses that he has not taken off since the battle, the lenses have been turned into countless fragments.With Aizen getting up, the glasses frame broke into several pieces and fell off his face.

da da da ~

The sound of the frame falling to the ground was not loud, but it was extremely clear in this silent environment.

After Lan Ran got up, she didn't move, but slowly raised her hand, and brushed her thumb across her face.

In the place where it wiped, a bright red slowly oozes out.

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