Seeing Duan Mu frantically devouring the spirit particles in the air, the three of them, including Saraki Kenpachi, frowned.

"I advise you not to act rashly."

Kuchiki Byakuya reminded in a cold tone: "According to Captain Unohana's inspection, your Reiatsu core, lock knot, and soul sleep have all been severely damaged. Forcibly absorbing Reiatsu will not only help your recovery. , and will put a greater burden on your body."

"If you don't want to die...then..."

Kuchiki Byakuya's voice stopped right, because when he was speaking, Duan Mu, who was half dead before, who couldn't even say a word, sat up from the bed, and then...

Under the dull eyes of the three, Duan Mu unplugged the densely packed instruments, got out of the hospital bed, and began to move his body in the intensive care unit wearing a hospital gown.

Ka Ka Ka ~

The sound of the bones constantly came from Duan Mu's body, making the expressions of the three of them a little weird.

How does this look like a severely injured person?

What the hell did he just do?

The three of them are very clear about the fact that Duan Mu is very good at replying, but Duan Mu's recovery ability can no longer be explained by saying "extremely good at replying".

It's almost like virtual super fast regeneration...

Do not!

Even with Xu's ultra-fast regeneration, generally speaking, it is impossible to repair the vital parts of the spirit body.

comfortable! !

After his physique broke through 50, Duan Mu felt extremely comfortable all over his body.

His body was full of strength, which gave him the urge to go to the virtual circle and fight with Lan Ran again.

of course……

Just think about it.

For the surprise of the three, Duan Mu did not explain.

If it was before the battle with Lan Ran, Duan Mu would definitely choose to lie here to heal his injuries in order to keep his hole cards and avoid being suspected.

But after the battle with Aizen, there is no need to do this anymore.

the reason is simple……

Whether it is Suifeng or Huataro, he will truthfully report the battle process between himself and Aizen.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to continue to hide it.

After doing some activities, Duan Mu went directly to the medicine cabinet next to the intensive care unit, opened the side column, and there were familiar black work clothes and black high boots hanging in it.

Having been to the intensive care unit so many times, it is naturally impossible for Duan Mu to be unprepared...

Every time before he leaves here, he will prepare a spare set of clothes and leave them here in advance, so as not to have no clothes to wear when he leaves the hospital.

For his request, Captain Unohana did not refuse, but directly agreed.

after all……

Since Duan Mu entered Sei Ling Ting, this intensive care unit was basically used by Duan Mu alone.

In front of the three of them, after changing his clothes, Duan Mu took out two small cards from the pocket of his black overalls jacket, and came to the side of Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshirō Hitsugaya.

"Captain Kuchiki, Captain Hitsugaya, this is the business card of the small shop. If you need it in the future, you can come to my branch of Seireitei to make an entrustment at any time."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Kuchiki Byakuya: "If you find it troublesome, you can also have someone notify Jin Yinhui."

"……"Kuchiki Byakuya.

"..." Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Where's mine?" Zaraki Kenpachi asked.

Duan Mu ignored him, and left the intensive care unit directly after saying goodbye.

But before he got out of the intensive care unit, an acquaintance walked up to him.


Seeing Duan Mu walking swaggeringly in the corridor, Nayola, who originally planned to visit her sick, paused and froze in place.

"Good morning, Nayora."

"Call my sister!"

Nayula replied subconsciously, and then said with a strange expression:

"Wait for me! Didn't Captain Unohana say you were seriously injured?"


Chapter 2 read out


In Room 46 of Mao, a shout came from the underground conference hall.

"Master Awanmen, this is against the rules. I admit that he did make a great contribution to this incident, but the untouchables from Ruhun Street are not qualified to become the sages of Room 46 of Mao!"


"Master Awanmen, I have heard about this person from my brother. Even if his identity is aside, he is a huge threat to the stability of the soul world."

"Since he entered the Seireitei, he has been collecting money to help the nobles do some shady things. Such a person must not make him a sage."


Awanmen Nayula stood in the center of the underground conference hall, facing the scolding voices coming from all directions, she did not show the slightest timidity on her face, but asked instead: "If I remember correctly, when Mao Room 46 was established, its The members are composed of forty sages and six judges gathered from all over the soul world."

"And this 'whole territory' naturally includes Liuhun Street!"

At the end, Awanmenna Yula glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and said in a cold tone: "Everyone here, many of them are the successors selected by the previous sages and judges. Your family history should not be unfamiliar, right?"


"With all due respect, everyone present, some of you have ancestors who are the untouchables you call."


As soon as these words came out, in the octagonal underground meeting room, one after another figure stood up from where they were sitting, and looked at Awanmen Nayula in the center of the meeting room with gloomy expressions.

"Who is presumptuous!?"

Nayura's tone instantly turned cold, and her petite body revealed an indescribable majesty: "Don't forget, according to the rules of Zhenyang Room 46, only after the Soul King is notified and the name is recorded in the Soul King Palace, Only those who are qualified to be the speaker of the Spiritual King can become a member of the 46th room of Zhenyang."

"As for all the people present, only my name was recorded in the Lingwang Palace. Please don't forget this."

Nayula looked at the person who spoke, and said word by word: "Of course I can't erase your name from Yamamoto Motoyasa Shigekuni of Goutei [-]th Division, but after your name is sent to the Soul King Palace Before now, I can execute you for 'offending the sages'."

"This is the same for everyone else!"


As Nayula's words fell, all the sages in the underground chamber fell into silence as if they were being strangled by the neck.

"very good."

Nayura nodded: "Then I will continue. There were rules when Mao 46 was born. Its members can only be held by people who are highly respected and obeyed by the general public; not only the elders of the family. Formed with nobles, I think you all remember this, right?"

"As for the Duan Mu I recommended, he is highly respected in Liuhun Street. As the successor chosen by the previous sage, you should not be unaware of it?"


Nayula scanned the crowd: "Please tell me, what qualifications does he still lack?"

Hearing this, the dozen or so sages and judges present couldn't help but look at each other, wanting to refute but didn't know how to refute.

In the end, it was an old man who was sitting on the judgment stand. After hesitating for a while, he said: "Master Awanmen, even if he does have this qualification... But his instability is also a fact. As far as I know, he Although he is very prestigious in Liuhun Street, he has also subdued all the villains in the area behind the number of Liuhun Street."

"Guys who can stand with those villains may threaten the stability of Seireitei at any time."

"the most important is……"

"Since he entered the Seireitei, he has caused countless incidents. He fought against Saraki Kenpachi without authorization, went to the virtual circle suspected of going privately, secretly did some shady work for the nobles, and wooed the Shinou Spiritual Art Institute and Godei Thirteen. Squadrons, leading the residents of Ruhun Street and the villains against the captain of the [-]th Squadron, protecting the Quincy..."

"Everything he does, without exception, will cause turmoil in the world of corpses and souls."

"With all due respect, a person like him, not only cannot make him a sage, but should be imprisoned in Wujian!"

"That's right!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of echoing voices.

"Wouldn't that make him the sage of Mao Room 46?"

Nayura smiled slightly: "You have already said that Ruhun Street is completely under his control. If such a person is not allowed to become a member of Mao's Room 46, then one day in the future, Ruhun Street is very likely to It will break away from the jurisdiction of Sei Ling Ting and become Duan Mu's domain in the true sense."

"From this point of view, it is necessary for him to become the sage of Room 46 of Mao."

"As for the solicitation you said, it is even more nonsense. Since when can even helping others be regarded as solicitation?"

"Besides, the solicitation you are talking about is just a job in Duan Mu's opinion. It's just that people feel respect for him because he does it so well. And he has also truly treated the object equally regardless of their status. The level, never perfunctory because of the identity of the subject."

"As for secretly doing some shady work for the nobles..."

Nayula shook her head, took a document from the side, looked at the judge and said, "I don't think it's just nobles, right? There are also many members of the elder family who have entrusted him. In Duan Mu's In this record, I saw many familiar surnames, including your family, Judge Juyuan!"

"Many of the families that caused too much trouble were secretly dealt with by the former Mao 46 members, and this one in my hand is the family that has not been dealt with. I think you adults should know that the spread of this information will cause serious damage. What consequences?"

The record in Nayula's hand is exactly the black material about nobles recorded by Duan Mu when he worked for nobles after cooperating with Jinyinhui.

Although it has never come in handy, Duan Mu has never stopped recording with the idea that more preparations will never go wrong.


Looking at the record book in Nayula's hands, the expressions of nearly half of the members present changed.

Without exception, these people are all families that have entrusted Duan Mu through the Golden Seal Society...

Although Duan Mu is rejected in every possible way, the fact that Duan Mu is "very useful" has long been widely circulated among the nobles.

After family members get into trouble, the first reaction of many people is to entrust Duan Mu, because Duan Mu's Master House has always been known for its secrets, and has never used these secrets to threaten customers... Before asking for money or status class events occur.

Therefore, when many noble members have to deal with some shady matters, they will entrust Duan Mu to handle them for themselves.

They never expected that Nayula would actually present such a record in front of their eyes under such circumstances.

Even if many of these things were done by members of the family and they did it in private without telling them, if this record is spread, it will have a great impact on them, and even make them miss the relationship between the sage and the judge. Bit is not entirely impossible.


They are not real members of Mao Room 46 yet.

If the influence is too bad, Nayura, who is currently the only member of Mao's Room 46, can use this as an excuse to deprive them of their inheritance qualifications.In the case of bad influence, even Captain Yamamoto can't change this.

Thinking of this, nearly half of the sages sat down unanimously, including the presiding judge who spoke out.

Seeing this, the rest of the people couldn't help showing hesitation on their faces.

"What I said before is just my personal recommendation for 'Awanmen Duanmu' to become a sage. Whether or not to accept him still needs to be voted by all the members present."

Nayula did not further force everyone to express their views. Instead, her tone returned to calm, and she said calmly:

"But before the vote, there is something I want to ask you all."

"Did you really learn from the demise of the previous member of Mao Room 46?"

Hearing this, everyone frowned, not understanding why Nayula would suddenly mention this matter.

"One captain can destroy the entire Mao Room 46. If there is another captain's rebellion in the future, you..."

Nayula took a deep breath, and said word by word: "Can you protect yourself?"

protect yourself?

When everyone heard the words, they subconsciously wanted to refute.

If even Mao Room 46 needs to protect himself, what's the use of Goutei [-]th Division?

However, when the words come to the mouth...

They didn't know how to refute it at all.

Because the previous member was slaughtered under the protection of Goutei [-]th Division...

"The captain of Goutei's 46th Division cannot become a member of Mao's Room [-]. This means that none of us can resist the captain's massacre. This is also the reason why I recommend Duan Mu, whether it is in terms of reputation, status, or strength. Said, he is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to become a sage."

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