"Once he becomes a sage, not only can he eliminate the instability in Liuhun Street, but also ensure our safety, preventing the tragedy of the previous member from happening to us!"


All the sages who were still standing could not help but look at each other.

After a while, a sage sighed slightly and sat down.

His sitting down seemed to be an introduction, and the sages who got up and expressed their refusal sat down one after another.

In a blink of an eye, only Awanmen Nayula was left standing in the entire underground meeting hall.

"Then, let's start voting, and then the Judge Juyuan will make the announcement."

The voting process is not complicated, and the result is beyond doubt.

Coercion, temptation, persuasion...

After Nayula's series of words, all the members present voted for it.

Some of them are coerced, some are for safety, and some are for the stability of Sei Ling Ting...

Judge Juyuan stood on the judging stand where he was the only one, and announced the voting results:

"After the vote of all the sages, I declare..."

"Awanmen Duanmu, officially became one of Mao's 46 sages, with a sequence of 38 seats!"

The moment the verdict was announced, Nayula couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and a look of joy appeared in her eyes.

Recommending Duan Mu to become a sage is not a temporary decision, but has had this idea since a long time ago.

The reason why she came up with this idea is precisely because of Duan Mu's attitude towards the residents of Seireitei, the nobles, and the residents of Liuhun Street.

For a long time, she wanted to change the situation of "nobility first". In Nayola's view, the best person who can help her achieve this goal is Duan Mu!

Awanmennayula walked slowly up to the octagonal side platform and sat behind the wooden board engraved with the word "eleven".

"Then invite the new sage Duan Mu to return to his position!"

As soon as her words fell, the ten barriers on the promenade outside the underground meeting room opened to both sides at this moment.

The end of the corridor.

Duan Mu stood outside the barrier, his expression was as weird as it could be.

He didn't know about the conversation in the underground meeting hall, but before coming here, Nayura had told him...

If her proposal is passed, the ten barriers will be opened for her, and she will become a member of Mao's Room 46!

to be frank……

Even now, Duan Mu is still in a blinded state.

When he was outside the intensive care unit and heard about Nayula's plan, he even thought that Aizen had sneaked back...he wanted to use this to harm himself.

Let yourself be the sage of Maoyang Room 46?

Is this a new type of trickery?

Until the moment when the ten barriers were opened for herself, as Nayula said.

Duan Mu really realized...

Nayura is not trying to trick herself, but really wants to become the sage of Mao Room 46.

Looking at the wide open door in front of him, Duan Mu showed a hesitant look on his face.

Because once he enters here, he will become a member of Room 46 of Mao, but it also means that he has truly integrated into the group of Seireitei.

This made Duan Mu, who had always resisted Sei Ling Ting, hesitate to accept this position.

Standing on the spot and pondering for a while, Duan Mu finally stepped into the corridor.

After becoming a sage in Room 46 of Mao, it will be much more convenient for him to do things in Seireitei in the future. He no longer has to worry about being killed by Captain Yamamoto as a threat, and he will no longer be as fearful as before.

The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

And most importantly...

Although I have integrated into the whole of Seireitei, what I represent is not Seireitei, but Rukonkai.

He is still not a god of death, nor is he a member of the Goutei [-]th squad.


After walking through the corridor and standing at the entrance of the underground meeting hall, Duan Mu took a deep breath.

In addition, the sage can choose to hide his identity. As long as he chooses to hide, no one will know that he has become a member of Mao Room 46.

Even the rest of the sages would not disclose any information about themselves without their own consent.

This allows Duan Mu not to worry, because his status is too high to affect his making friends!

If this position would affect his ability to make friends, Duan Mu would never accept it anyway.


Chapter 2 Excessive

early morning.

Duan Mu yawned and pushed open the bedroom door, only to be greeted by familiar noises.

The tavern was as lively as ever, with fierce-looking strong men yelling loudly in the tavern.

Today's tavern, however, is slightly different.

Because this group of big men kept sneaking their eyes to a table in the middle of the tavern while bragging to each other.

strictly speaking……

They turned their attention to a girl with an outrageous figure and long orange hair on the wine table.

This girl is none other than Orihime Inoue.

And beside Orihime Inoue, there were Chadu Yasutora, Ishida Uryu, Ishida Munezuru, Shifuin Yoichi, Shiba Ganju, etc. It can be said that the entire traveling cargo team basically gathered here.

Duan Mu was taken aback when he saw this, and then suddenly regretted that he asked Captain Yamamoto to release several people so early.

It has been two days since he became a sage, and in the middle of these two days, Duan Mu only went to the underground meeting hall once on the day he became a sage.

Since then……

Duan Mu never went there again.

the reason is simple.


I don’t know if it’s because I just became a sage, those guys are simply full of nonsense literature, talking about the key point for a day, Duan Mu just didn’t understand what the key point is...

The most outrageous thing is...

These idle bastards actually have the guts to suggest that the meeting be continued tomorrow.

So after Duan Mu asked Nayura, he never went to the underground meeting hall again; because according to Nayura, Captain Yamamoto made a personal decision in order to avoid the lack of people in Room 46 of Mao, so Decided to temporarily act as Mao's 46th room...

In other words, those guys have nothing to do at all, they just want to experience the feeling of sitting in the member seats of Mao Room 46.

In fact, even in normal times, the members of Room 46 of Mao, don’t sit in the underground meeting hall every day; only when important resolutions are encountered and criminals need to be tried, will the six judges take the lead to gather all 46 members to the underground chamber.

If it's just like this, it's fine, what makes Duan Mu speechless is...

At the meeting, the main topic of discussion among these people was actually their own housing issue!

All the sages except Nayula proposed that Duan Mu live in the Qingjing Pagoda Forest House, and even voted for it.

As a result, there was no doubt that Duan Mu directly rejected the proposal.

He didn't want to live in a place where there were no people and he didn't meet other people at all.

What's more, this group of people tried every means to persuade themselves to live in Qingjing Pagoda Forest House, not because they agreed with themselves, but because they wanted to find a free bodyguard.

When this proposal was explicitly rejected by Duan Mu, the group changed the subject and started talking about Duan Mu's work again...

It is said that Duanmu's Wanshiwu will affect the reputation of Room 46 in Mao.

Duan Mu didn't listen to the specifics. Anyway, he came to the conclusion that Duan Mu must not continue to work in person.


After finally procrastinating to the end of the meeting, Duan Mu immediately left Room 46 of Mao, he really didn't want to continue discussing with this group of idiots who were obviously too excited.

As for the fact that Duan Mu became a sage, Duan Mu and Nayura later informed Captain Yamamoto. After all, Captain Yamamoto has the full power to handle the affairs of Room 46 of Mao.

Maybe it was because all the sages voted for it unanimously, maybe it was because of Duan Mu's dominance in Ruhun Street, or simply because he wanted to win Duan Mu... It's also possible that all these factors are present. Did not refuse.

But the entrustment did not end, and Duan Mu was still appointed to act as the agent of the Jiufan team. The only change was that Duan Mu could leave the Jiufan district, and in a true sense, he had the power to walk freely in the Seiring Court.

in short.

Where the captain can go, Duan Mu can go; where the captain can't go, Duan Mu can also go!

For Duan Mu, the biggest advantage is that the business scope of his Wanshiwu has been expanded again, and the leaflets of Wanshiwu have even been posted in Qingjing Pagoda Forest House...

Although they were free bodyguards, Duan Mu would not accept it.

But if the few female sages entrusted themselves to live in the clean Tallinn for a few days when the soul world was invaded, Duan Mu could still accept it.

Closer to home.

Kurosaki Ichigo and others were released yesterday.

Regarding their whereabouts afterwards, Duan Mu didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that after one night, this group of people actually came to his tavern.

"Boss Duan Mu."

"Morning, Boss Duan Mu."

"Would you like to have a drink together?"


Duan Mu didn't even bother to refute the greetings that he was already tired of hearing.

Hearing the greetings from all the customers, Ye Yi and the others sitting in the middle of the tavern couldn't help but look at Duan Mu.

"Yo, little brother Duan Mu."

Ye Yi stepped on the chair with one foot, and his posture was more bold than all the villains around: "We came to play with you."

When Duan Mu heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo and the others are troublesome, Duan Mu still welcomes the arrival of Yoruichi and Inoue Orihime.

"Mr. Duan Mu."

Inoue Orihime and Chatai Taihu also greeted each other.

Although they were all captured by Duan Mu, the two of them had a good impression of Duan Mu, because during the past few days in the prison of the Ninth Division, Duan Mu had always taken good care of them.

Duan Mu nodded, then turned his head to look towards the backyard of the tavern.

On the arena behind the tavern, Madarame Kazukaku and Kurosaki Ichigo were colliding fiercely.On both sides of the arena, on one side stood the villain from the tavern, and on the other side stood the members of the [-]th squad, waving the flag and shouting!

"These bastards, do they really regard my place as their martial arts training hall?"

Withdrawing his eyes, Duan Mu put his eyes on the Griffin, and a strangeness flashed in his eyes: "How is your injury?"

"It's all ready!"

Ganjiu showed off the muscles on his arm, then pointed to Inoue Orihime and said, "After the Fourth Division gave me treatment, Inoue also helped me with treatment, and now I'm completely healed."


After Duan Mu came here, he has been observing the status of Ganjiu.

After being slashed by Aizen, although Huataro immediately took emergency treatment under Duan Mu's secret command; but his injury could not be recovered in just three days, but just after observation, Duan Mu found that there were no traces of injury on Griffin's body.

The healing power of Orihime Inoue's ability is simply terrifying.

"Stop talking about me."

Iwajiu changed the subject and looked Duan Mu up and down: "How are your injuries? I heard that guy from Ichigo said that you were also seriously injured at that time. Do you want Inoue to help you treat it? Hers That thing of 'rejection' is much stronger than your broken way."

"..." Duan Mu.

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