Although this is true, why does it sound so uncomfortable.

"Do you think I look hurt?"

Duan Mu shook his head: "Don't worry, my injury has already healed."

After finishing speaking, Duan Mu pulled out the chair and sat next to Ishida Zongxian.

And Ishida Uryu, who was on the other side of Ishida Zongxian, was all focused on the bowl of unknown objects in front of Ishida Zongxian, and he didn't even notice Duan Mu's arrival.

what is this?

Ishida Uryu looked at the bowl of unknown objects in front of his grandfather with a dark face.

Is this kind of food that looks like pig food really for people?


Although I learned from Ganjiu that after my grandfather came to the Master House, the results of his work have always been relatively... well, poor.

But you can't use this kind of employee meal to abuse your grandfather, right?

Ishida Uryu's eyes were red, and with eyes full of anger, he looked at Uzuki who brought the bowl of unknown objects to his grandfather.

He didn't think it was Boss Duan Mu's idea, because no matter from the words of the residents of Liuhun Street or his personal experience, Boss Duan Mu was an extremely gentle and kind person.

Not only did he take good care of several of his own people after they were arrested, but he also stepped forward to protect Kurosaki and Rukia, fighting until they were seriously injured and dying.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to abuse his employees.

It must be a petty trick made by colleagues who are dissatisfied with their grandfather.

And when he looked at Uzuki, he found that the kanban lady named Uzuki came over with another big bowl.


Placed next to Grandpa.

It wasn't until then that he realized Duan Mu's arrival, which made the corners of his eyes twitch while he was still defending Duan Mu in his heart.

Immediately, he looked into the big bowl in front of Duan Mu.

After seeing the unknown object in the bowl clearly, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

Even the boss abused?

"Hey, the noodle soup tastes good today." Duan Mu took a sip of the noodles and praised sincerely.


Ishida Zongxian said with a look of relief: "Uzuki's cooking skills have improved a lot. Even Oori, who has always resisted eating breakfast, has come down to drink a small bowl from time to time recently."

"Tsk, that's really a lot of progress."

"of course!"

Uzuki said with a proud face: "I learned the skills of cooking noodles seriously with Jin Yan and Yin Yan."


The conversation between the three of them made everyone at the wine table, except Griffin, look weird.

This is great progress?

"Boss Duan Mu, your...well, breakfast, has it always been this special?"

"Used to it."

Before Duan Mu could reply, Ishida Zongxian patted Ishida Uryu on the shoulder kindly, then turned his head and pointed at Duan Mu and said, "This is Boss Duan Mu, although you have already seen him in Seireitei Yes, but let me introduce it to you personally, after all, since I came to Soul Soul Realm, Boss Duan Mu has been protecting and taking care of me."


Duan Mu waved his hand and interrupted Ishida Uryu's words: "Let's skip the words of thanks. At the beginning, it was Ganjiu who advocated saving your grandfather, not me; as for taking care of something, it was just an exaggeration of what your grandfather said. Forget it, since he works in Master House, we are a family, and we have nothing to be thankful for."

"That's right, without me, your grandfather would have been captured by Nie Yuli long ago."

Ishida Uryu ignored him, because during the two days of being locked up in Seireitei, Ganjiu had already claimed credit in front of him more than once...

"Ah, cool!!"

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo came in from the back of the tavern, and when he saw Duan Mu, his eyes lit up... trotted to Duan Mu: "Duan Mu..." He paused suddenly, hesitating After a while, he said: "...Big Brother?"

Although since he was a child, he always talked about Duan Mu as a big brother, but when he actually saw Duan Mu, he realized...

There is an inexplicable sense of shame in calling this address in person!

Big brother?

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, why does this address sound so awkward.

"Just call me by my name."

Duan Muxu narrowed his eyes and said: "Even if you take a step back, based on your age alone, you shouldn't be called a big brother..."

Kurosaki Ichigo was startled when he heard the words, and after a while, he asked curiously: "Compared with Rukia, which one of you is older?"


Duan Mu was silent for a while: "Forget can call me whatever you want."

"Brother Duan Mu?"

Duan Mu nodded, and did not continue to revise. Anyway, seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's appearance, he never considered calling his own name directly, or... simply ignored his previous answer, and made his own decision for their own name.

Kurosaki Ichigo was overjoyed when he saw this, he pulled away the chair next to Duan Mu and sat down.

He had just sat down, and before he could say anything, someone from the drinking table around him shouted: "The boy with a cute name... Yes, I'm talking about you. I heard that you almost killed that bastard Ikkaku in the Seireitei." Hacked to death, is this true or false?"

"Really, don't you know if you try it!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a sinister smile on his face, and stood up from the chair directly carrying the huge Zanpakuto with weird shape: "Anyone who refuses to accept will stand up, and I will show you who is cuter!"

Duan Mu was taken aback when he saw this, and then remembered...

This lord, who is not very peaceful in this world, is naturally impossible to completely ignore the group of people around him like Ishida and the others in the face of the molestation of this group of villains.

"Hahaha, I'm quite irritable."

"Boy, your father might not have been born when I killed someone."

"Come on, come on, how do you want to fight, I will fight with you, I just want to see the guy who can cut down a corner, how strong is it?"


And the group of villains around them are obviously not good. Being provoked by Kurosaki Ichigo like this, there is a posture of pulling Kurosaki Ichigo to the backyard again.

Duan Mu finally understood...

Why did I see Kurosaki Ichigo hacking people in the backyard when I got downstairs.

Seeing that Kurosaki Ichigo was about to go to the backyard again, Duan Mu frowned slightly, and the gloomy aura spread out from his body.

Almost at the moment when the breath came out, the originally noisy tavern became extremely quiet in an instant, and everyone couldn't help but stop their movements.

The villains who had previously provoked Kurosaki Ichigo with words turned pale, and sat back to their original positions, with their heads shrunk into their wine glasses.

This scene stunned Kurosaki Ichigo and the others.


Ishida Munezuru took a sip of the noodle soup with a normal face, the voice was extremely loud in the tavern where needles could be heard, breaking the silence in the tavern.

Duan Mu glanced at the villains, and then said to Kurosaki Ichigo: "Don't pay attention to them."

"Uh... yes..."

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed, and suddenly felt that the gentle and kind big brother in his memory suddenly became a little scary... Of course, this gentle and kind brother was completely made up by himself...

"If you have nothing to do, don't get too close to them. The people here, one counts as one, are villains who deserve to die ten thousand times. Excessive contact with them will not do you any good."

Duan Mu didn't deliberately lower his voice when he said these words.

When the surrounding villains heard the words, they all looked indifferent, because in their view, Boss Duan Mu's words were simply complimenting them.

Duan Mu took a sip of the noodle soup, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo beside him, and a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

Halfway through...

"Let me teach you the swastika."


Chapter 2: Don’t accept anything you say

virtual circle.

The breeze blows, and the white sand in the sky is rolled up in the wind, forming ripples on the ground similar to ocean waves.

And at the end of the wind, towering into the sky, almost occupying nearly half of the inner circle of giant buildings, white sand is piled up under the buildings, forming arched sand hills.

Tiruti stood on the floating bridge, looking at the scene below.

No matter how many years have passed, this scene that has not changed makes her feel an indescribable disgust.

Compared to staying here, she prefers to stay in the Great Void Forest.


Now I can no longer leave Xuye Palace easily.

Thinking of this, Tiruti looked down at his right leg.

She was dressed as usual, with fingerless gloves, a skirt with two flaps on the back, and boots with suspenders.

But beside the purple sling on Tiruti's right leg, there is an extra number, just below the hem of the skirt.

- 9.

Looking at the number, Tiruti sighed slightly.

Since the last time Duan Mu made a fuss, she just voluntarily gave up the ten-blade seat not long ago...Suddenly she was given the number No. 9 by Master Aizen, and became the first batch of 'blade' survivors.

Once upon a time, getting Master Aizen's approval and keeping her ten-blade number was her goal even if she sacrificed her life.

But at some point, Tiruti found that Ten Blades was no longer attractive to him.

Inheriting Aronillo's seat and becoming the Ten Blades did not make her happy.

Some are just a sense of restraint and anxiety about the future, and after the adult returned to the virtual circle, her anxiety became more and more intense.

She really wanted to give up the position of Ten Blades again, but she couldn't find a suitable reason.


Sighing slightly, Tiruti turned and left the rope bridge, got up and walked towards his living area.

But just a few steps away, a figure suddenly fell behind her and knelt on the ground: "Master Tiruti, Lord Aizen has an order to order all Ten Blades to go to the conference hall immediately."


Tiruti nodded: "I see."

The figure like a white bone responded respectfully, and then turned into ashes and scattered.


I don't want to stay in Xuye Palace.

Tiruti shook his head, got up and walked towards the conference hall.

Not long after, she came to a building.

The door of the building was not closed, and Tiruti walked in directly. As soon as he entered, he saw an extremely long stone table.

There was no one on the stone table, but there were terrifying figures sitting on both sides of the stone table.


A cold snort full of sarcasm came out, and Neutra looked at Tiruti who was coming from outside, and said with contempt on his face: "This kind of person who gives up the ten-blade status because of fear of death, and then becomes a ten-blade by luck You bastard, it's really an eyesore!"

Tiruti ignored it and didn't even look at him.

She has heard similar conversations countless times, even though her original number No. 5 has become Neutra's property.

But for Neutra, becoming a ten-blade as a woman is already disgusting, not to mention that in order to avoid being exposed, he voluntarily gave up the ten-blade seat in the face of his provocation. The reaction is also normal.

Although there was annoyance, more of it was contempt for him.

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