Neutra frowned slightly, and Tiruti's reaction seemed to others to be afraid of talking to him because he was afraid of him, or even daring to look at him.

But every time he faced this bitch, he always had the feeling of facing Nilu, especially the way she looked at him, which gave Neutra the illusion that the other party didn't take him seriously at all!

That's right!

It's just an illusion.

But the feeling in my heart still makes Neutra...

Very upset! !

This kind of waste is not qualified to be a ten blade at all.

"Enough is enough."

A cold female voice came out, and the person who spoke was a female Pomian with brown skin, green eyes, a plump bust, and long golden hair tied into three braids.

Since half of her face was covered by the dress with a stand-up collar, she couldn't see her specific appearance clearly, but it could be seen that she was a very beautiful woman just by the exposed face shape.


Neutra glanced at the woman's broken face: "Is there any problem with what I said?"

The woman frowned when she heard the words, and looked up at Neutra.

"never mind."

Tiruti sat on the empty seat beside the female Pomian, and said softly: "Halibel, what he said is not wrong."


Neutra sneered immediately when he heard the words.

Helibel glanced at Neutra coldly, and then glanced at Tiruti next to him, a hint of disappointment or pity flashed in his eyes, and finally shook his head and did not continue to say anything.


Tiruti murmured silently in his heart.

Helibel has always taken good care of her, and for this, Tiruti is naturally very grateful.

But if possible, she still wants to keep a low profile as much as possible, not to make herself too noticeable.

It is best to be able to be kicked out of the ten-blade camp by Mr. Aizan because of his cowardice...

think carefully.

I was able to return to Ten Blades only because of that idiot Duan Mu, who said that he should clear up his suspicions and let himself launch an attack at the moment when he left the virtual circle, severely wounding him to the point of death.

It is precisely because of this blow...

Only then did she once again enter Lord Aizen's vision and inherit the seat of Aronilo.

Otherwise, with the strength he has shown, it is not that there is no one in Lord Aizen's personal guard who can replace him in the ten-blade position.

"Trash is trash."

Tiruti wanted to keep a low profile, but Neutra was a little bit reluctant, not only did not restrain his sarcasm, but became more unscrupulous, but before he could continue to say something.


The yawn interrupted Neutra's words, and a figure lying on the table stood up with a sleepy face: "Can you be quiet? I'm so sleepy now."

This is a man with short curly dark brown hair and a little beard on his chin. He looks like a decadent uncle: "Does anyone know why Master Aizen summoned us? If it's not something necessary , then I'll go back to sleep."

"It's not a big deal."

As soon as his words fell, there was a gentle chuckle from outside the conference hall.

Hearing this, everyone on both sides of the stone table turned their heads to look.


Accompanied by the sound of crisp footsteps, a tall figure dressed in the same manner as everyone else led the two of them slowly into the conference hall.

This person is obviously Aizen.

"But before we start the meeting, let's have a cup of black tea."

Under the eyes of everyone, Lan Ran slowly came to the top of the stone table and sat on the top seat.

And behind him, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen stood on the left and the right, standing behind him like guards.

Almost at the same time that Aizen's words fell, a woman in a blue striped dress, with medium-length black hair and half of her face covered by a mask walked in with a tray.

The female Pomian placed the teacups on the tray in front of everyone.

"Thank you."

When placed in front of Tiruti, Tiruti smiled at the woman's face, and Helibel who was beside her also nodded at the woman's face.

A hint of doubt flashed in the female Pomian's eyes, but then she walked behind the two of them as if she had no emotion, picked up the teapot and began to pour tea for everyone in the field one by one.

Tiruti glanced at the woman's face, and couldn't help but shook his head in his heart.

Roja Palamiya.

This is the name of the woman serving the tea. As for her origin, the other ten blades present except Sal Apollo may not know much about her.

But Tiruti, who was the first generation of Ten Blades, knew the opponent's origin very well.

As far as Tiruti knows, this female face is not naturally generated, but an artificial spider void made by Sal Apollo, but after it lost its use value, it was used by Sal Apollo as a face-breaking experiment The body was given to Lord Aizen.

And the most surprising thing is...

This man-made spider actually has a human-like appearance in the identity of Yachukas, but for some reason, it does not have Zanpakuto, which means it basically does not have the ability to fight.

However, due to her ability to heal, she was not discarded, but was left in the Xuye Palace like a servant to make sundries and heal Ten Blades.

Since Ten Blades are almost invulnerable to injury, she spends most of her time working as a servant.

Tiruti has been in contact with her many times, but I don't know if it is because of man-made reasons, she lacks the instinct and desire to be a virtual body, and in a certain way, she also lacks emotion, so it is difficult to communicate with her.

Shaking his head, Tiruti didn't continue to struggle.

Afterwards, try to ask Master Aizen if you can send her to be your subordinate officer.

Tiruti's former subordinate officer had already been assigned to other places after she gave up her ten-blade status, and after Tiruti became ten-blade, because she had been trying to give up her ten-blade status, she didn't find another one. subordinate officer.

"Did everyone get it?"

Blue Ran propped his chin with one hand, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't be nervous, just listen to me while drinking." While speaking, he put his right hand into his bosom and took out a diamond-like object.

When the object appeared, everyone in the room couldn't help looking over.


That object is exactly the Bengyu used to break the barrier between Shinigami and Hollow!

"The things in my hands should be familiar to you."

Lan Ran chuckled and looked at Bengyu between the index finger and thumb of his right hand. More strictly speaking, what he saw was the dark red light on the surface of Bengyu.

The blood is constantly rotating on the surface of the collapsed jade in a certain order, just like a swimming fish.

"And the purpose of my calling you here..."

During the speech, an indescribable fluctuation suddenly emerged from Lan Ran's body, and inexplicable energy poured towards the collapsed jade between the thumb and forefinger.

Everyone looked solemn, and they all looked at the surface of the collapsed jade in unison.

I saw the blood light on the surface of Beng Yu, under the pressure of the huge spiritual pressure, it was quickly condensed, and it trembled wildly as if it was about to collapse... Or it had already collapsed, and the blood that was originally condensed into one point turned into countless fine blood mist, floating On the surface of the collapsed jade, the entire collapsed jade was dyed bloody.

But no matter how powerful the external force was, the blood mist seemed to be integrated with Bengyu, and it couldn't be driven out from it.

Under the blood mist, it shielded Bengyu's own breath even more tightly!

"It is because of this thing."

Lan Ran chuckled: "Or because of the blood on it."

"After these few days of analysis, I have understood how to lift this seal. To lift this seal, a large amount of blood from the same origin as the sealed item is needed."

After Lan Ran finished speaking, a slight smile flashed across her eyes as she looked at Beng Yu in her hand.

should say……

Sure enough, he is indeed the only person recognized by him in the entire soul world?

The principle of the seal is not complicated, which is why he didn't pay attention to this seal at the beginning.

But after returning to the imaginary circle, he discovered...

In this simple seal, the composition of the blood is extremely strange.

The combination of a large amount of blood and spiritual pressure was compressed by Urahara Kisuke in some unknown way, and it was integrated with the collapsed jade!

If it's just like this, it's not troublesome, it's just that there are some impurities in the collapsed jade.

But the weird thing is...

The compressed blood has the ability to cover all inner energy, and even perfectly cover the fluctuation of collapsed jade.

At first, he thought it was some kind of substance created by Kisuke Urahara, and he felt admiration for it for a while.


Only after he cracked the trick that Kisuke Urahara left behind to prevent him from checking the composition of blood did he realize...

This substance is indeed blood, and the owner of the blood is no stranger to him.

Even a few days ago, with a wave of his hand, he could obtain a large amount of blood for breaking the seal.

But he was...

But he didn't connect the blood on the collapsed jade with the young man who made him curious.

"I called you here because I want you to do something for me!"


Meanwhile, Urahara store.

Kisuke Urahara was sitting in a hut full of research equipment, holding a magical command machine in his hand, with a strange expression on his face.

"...In other words, Boss Duan Mu didn't see Beng Yu with his own eyes? And Lan Ran didn't collect his blood?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Yeyi's doubtful voice came from the other side of the microphone, she was a little confused, why did Kisuke Urahara bother about whether Duan Mu saw Beng Yu after she told Kisuke Urahara about her experience in the world of souls these days.

"No wonder..."

Urahara Kisuke said to himself, "No wonder Boss Duan Mu is so quiet..."

"What's quiet?"


There was a drop of cold sweat on Kisuke Urahara's forehead, he didn't know how to explain it to Yoruichi, and finally couldn't help but sighed: "In short, I'm sorry for Boss Duan Mu, but I really can't think of any other safer way... Regarding this matter, I will personally explain it to Boss Duan Mu..."

"Well... please help me tell him... It's best not to leave the Seireitei casually during this period... Well, try to live with Captain Yamamoto..."

Do not leave Seireitei?Live with Captain Yamamoto?

The confusion on Sifengyuan Yeyi's face became more and more intense, she really couldn't figure out why Kisuke Urahara still acted like someone was going to trouble Duan Mu after Aizen had already left the world of souls.

Did this bastard do anything wrong without his knowledge?

"Anyway, just pass it on to me."

As the voice fell, Ye Yi suddenly heard a busy voice.


Ye Yi looked at the command in his hand, and then slammed it on the ground, and said annoyedly: "Xizhu, this bastard, why does he always look so mysterious!?" During the words, she Somewhat perplexed, he stomped a few times on the magic command machine!

Then continue walking along the tunnel.

Through the tunnel, there is an extremely wide space.

It is the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall.

But different from the past, at this time the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall is full of different kinds of blades.

The two figures kept shuttling among them, and from time to time there were sparks from blades colliding.

"How's it going?"

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