After taking a glance at Ye Ye, he walked towards the edge of the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, where there was a reclining chair, and Duan Mu was lying on it, drinking hot tea and eating the Deli mostzhong he bought himself. How comfortable it is.

"I do not know either……"

Duan Mu's words are not lying, he really doesn't know the current progress of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Although recently he has been trying to re-establish connection with the consciousness born of the newly cast Zanpakutō, but it will take a period of time before he can achieve the conditions for using the God-turning body, that is, the so-called 'communication'...

after all……

It was cut into pieces when it was just born, and then it was smashed to pieces by Duan Mu himself...

This caused Duan Mu's new Zanpakuto consciousness to never wake up, nor to truly mature.

in short……

It's like an immature embryo in the mother's womb, and there is no communication at all.

"By the way, Urahara Kisuke contacted me just now, saying that he wanted me to tell you..."


Duan Mu hurriedly waved his hand: "I don't want to have any communication with him at all."

Duan Mu has completely severed contact with Kisuke Urahara since he came back from the virtual circle last time. This guy has perfectly interpreted the word 'surveillance'.

The ghost knows if he will cheat himself secretly, this bastard can definitely do it.

Even Kisuke Urahara's calls, Duan Mu always refused to answer!

Now that Aizen has run away and he has become a sage, the pressure that has been permeating his heart has finally dissipated, and Duan Mu just wants to relax.

He didn't want to get involved in the contest between Kisuke Urahara and Aizen at all.

At that time, he would rather make more friends, so that when Aizen takes action again, he can truly have the power to protect himself.


Seeing the repulsion on Duan Mu's face, Ye Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "Look at the two of you shoulder to shoulder, isn't it very pleasant to cooperate?"

"Who hooked up with him."

"is it?"

Ye Yi laughed: "I think the two of you are quite alike, both of you are equally sluggish."

After all, Yoruichi remembered what Urahara Kisuke asked him to convey, and couldn't help asking again:

"You really don't listen to what he asked me to convey?"

"Do not listen."

"Forget it, anyway, he said he would take the initiative to contact you."

contact me?

Duan Mu hehe.

He won't answer anything!


Chapter 2 and Six of the Crisis

early morning.

In the dark room, Duan Mu got up from the only bed.


Yawning, Duan Mu looked at the dark room around him, and murmured sleepily: "Looks like it's time to open a window in the bedroom."

"I think so."

A voice came suddenly, which made Duan Mu startled for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

do not know why……

For this voice that suddenly appeared in his bedroom, Duan Mu was not at all surprised except for being startled for a moment at first.


Sighing heavily, Duan Mu walked towards the closet wearing shorts.

Open the door of the closet and look to a corner of the closet, where there is a magical command machine with a bright screen.

"Good morning, Boss Duan Mu."

As if aware of Duan Mu's arrival, Kisuke Urahara's voice came out of the command machine at the right time.

"Before you say hello, shouldn't you explain to me what is going on at the moment?"

Duan Mu said while getting dressed: "If I remember correctly, when I paid a 'big price' to buy this command magic machine from you, you should have assured me that there was no monitoring, extraction of spiritual pressure, etc. Redundant function, right?"

"of course not."

Urahara Kisuke chuckled: "This is just a calling function."

"..." Duan Mu.

Bullshit call function.

He had never heard that the call function could force the other party to answer.

"Fuck away!"

Too lazy to argue with Kisuke Urahara, Duan Mu said in a cold tone.

Yesterday, when Yeyi told her about Urahara's words and asked her to convey them, Duan Mu vaguely realized that Urahara Kisuke might contact him.

Because if he really has something important to do with him, no matter how Duan Mu evades, this bastard will be able to contact him in various ways.

And if there is no contact...

It means that the words he asked Ye Yi to convey are not important, and there is no need for him to ask for trouble.

Aizen took Bengyu away, and Kisuke Urahara would definitely do something.

Now that he contacts himself, there must be nothing good.

Don't look at him smiling at everyone, but he definitely belongs to the type of "hiding a knife in a smile". The more humble he smiles on the surface, the more ruthless he is in secret...

In essence, there is no difference between him and Mayuri Nirvana. They are both believers in the "Balance Theory" and can do anything for the sake of balance.

Kurosaki Ichigo and others are an example. Before they met Aizen, they always thought that they were just here to save Rukia.

"Hehehe... It's really easy to communicate with Boss Duan Mu."

Hearing this, Duan Mu frowned, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.


Urahara Kisuke's words were a bit too humble.

Duan Mu was so humble that he almost turned the command magic machine and the wardrobe into powder with a broken way, so as to prevent him from continuing.

Of course, this is just a thought.

Because many things don't happen if you don't listen to them. After listening to them, you can at least understand clearly.

"Actually, I contacted you, Boss Duan Mu, because of Beng Yu..."

Kisuke Urahara did not talk nonsense, and directly explained the reason for contacting Duan Mu from the beginning to the end in great detail: "...Although I left a means to prevent peeping on it, if you can see it, Boss Duan Mu , must be able to feel my own blood, so I..."

"Where are you?" Duan Mu interrupted.


"Urahara store, right!?"

The veins on Duan Mu's forehead popped up: "Wait, I'm going to hack you to death right now!!"

Too much deceit.

Although Duan Mu once thought when he handed over his blood to Urahara Kisuke, Urahara Kisuke might analyze his own blood to find out his own weaknesses...

But the benefits of cooperating with it far outweigh the risks of handing over the blood.

In fact, it is also true. The technology in Urahara Ki's assistant has indeed helped Duan Mu a lot, and even saved his life.

In addition, although Kisuke Urahara is a psychopath, he can barely be regarded as one of his own. Duan Mu didn't have much vigilance against him, he just thought about what he researched and created a countermeasure by himself.

Duan Mu never expected that this bastard did not study any weaknesses, but instead studied how to use his own blood to seal Bengyu.

If it's just like this, that's all, Aizen can't extract the energy from the collapsed jade created by Kisuke Urahara, and fuse it with the collapsed jade created by himself, which is what Duan Mu hopes!

But this unblocking method...

Duan Mu wished he could crush Urahara Kisuke to ashes.

What does it mean to unseal Beng Yu with a lot of your blood, Boss Duan Mu?

You simply say that Lanran wants to use me as a sacrifice to unseal Bengyu! !

"Uh... Boss Duan Mu, don't get excited."

Kisuke Urahara's obsequious smile came out of the microphone, making the veins on Duan Mu's forehead roll uncontrollably.

"Compared to the present world, it is obviously safer for you to stay in the Soul Realm."

"Think about it, if Aizen wants to lift the seal, then he will definitely go to the soul world to find you. In this way, you can act as a bait to attract Aizen, so that Aizen has no choice but to live in a place where there is no fusion of collapse jade. Under the circumstances, return to Soul Soul Realm."

Urahara Kisuke changed the subject, and said in a serious tone: "Boss Duan Mu, I am sorry for you, no matter how much you want me to make amends, it is fine. But you may not know that after Aizen fuses with Bengyu, what will happen to you?" It can be said that... Aizen at that time could no longer be killed by any means."

"So we must stop all this before he merges with the collapsed jade."

"Hehe, that's easy to say."

Duan Mu's tone was a little cold, and he was naturally very clear about the state of Lan Ran after he merged with Bengyu, otherwise he would not have wanted to destroy Lan Ran's plan at the beginning.

"But don't tell me you haven't thought about what danger this incident will bring to the people around me?"


"I can hide in Seireitei, but what about my house of all things? What about Miss Konghe, Ganjiu and the others?"

"I am the bait to attract Aizen, won't they become the bait that Aizen uses to attract me?"

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "Or do you think Lan Ran didn't think of this?"

A series of questions made Urahara Kisuke fall into silence.

In the end, he sighed heavily: "In short, Boss Duan Mu, I will make serious preparations here, and then I will immediately find a way to go to the Soul Soul Realm. No matter what needs you have, you can directly ask them, and I will do everything I can. Finish."


After hanging up the communication, a pensive look appeared on Duan Mu's face.

What he said earlier was actually a bit exaggerated.

If Duan Mu wanted to, he might not be able to take Sister Konghe and others to Seiling Court.

As long as you ask Nayura for help, and then convince the other sages, Nakukaku-san, Ganju, Uzuki, and Unagi Oori, it is not difficult to obtain a court certificate to enter Seireitei.

The only person who had difficulty obtaining permission was the Quincy Master Ishida Sozuru.

But it's not entirely impossible!


The most troublesome ones are not Sozuru Ishida, but Sister Sorazuru and Ganjiu.

It's not difficult to issue the general court certificate, anyway, Nayura originally had the idea of ​​​​issuing the general court certificate on a large scale; the difficulty is how to persuade the two elder sisters, Konghe, to enter the Seireitei.

Although the misunderstanding between Ganjiu and Rukia was resolved, Ganjiu no longer repelled the god of death as before.But whether it is Ganju or Sister Konghe, both of them are the same as themselves, they don't like the atmosphere of Seireitei.

But if they don't want to go to Seireitei, there are other ways.

Just get Goutei [-] out of Seireitei.

For what reason?

To be honest, it is a bit dangerous.

Because Duan Mu is not sure whether Captain Yamamoto will not shoot himself because of his status as a sage.

It's obviously easier to kill yourself than to protect yourself.

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