As long as he dies, he can slow down the speed of Lan Ran's fusion with Beng Yu, and even make it impossible for Lan Ran to fuse with Beng Yu.

With Captain Yamamoto's ruthless style, it is very likely that he will make this choice.

And the only thing I can rely on is my status as a sage.

Gamble your life on your identity...

No matter how you think about it, it's not safe, not to mention Captain Yamamoto is temporarily acting as Mao's 46th room.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't dwell on this point any longer, and instead began to count whether his current power could resist Aizen's attack.

Compared with the Shinigami of Goutei [-]th Division, there are only a lot more villains under him now.

But the top combat power is extremely limited.

Nishijinori is the only person who has captain-level Reiatsu today.

It's not rare to have a vice-captain-level spiritual pressure.

Yu Erzhong, Ooku, Jinjiao, Yinjiao, and everyone's favorite Takahashi classmate... plus some well-known villains in various regions, and there are more than a dozen of them who have vice-captain spiritual pressure.

As for the specific number, Duan Mu didn't count them, and the ones he wrote down were basically people he would often see in taverns.

Overall, not too weak.

But having a captain-level spiritual pressure does not necessarily mean having a captain-level combat power.

Because except for a few people personally taught by Duan Mu, the vast majority of villains don't have Zanpakuto, and they don't know skills such as ghost way, white beating, and Shunpo.

However, apart from the villain, there are other killers on his side.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his party are undoubtedly the most powerful force on their side.

Originally, Duan Mu asked Kurosaki Ichigo to learn swastika so that he could play his original role when Aizen attacked in the future...

Duan Mu really didn't expect that he would be needed so soon!

If you add Urahara Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Kūkaku-sama...well...with Yoruichi here, Captain Zaihou can definitely be counted.

"...Are there so many?"

Duan Mu's eyes were a little strange. He had been used to fighting alone, but now he found out after counting...

It turned out that when he was in danger, there were so many people he thought were willing to help him!

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu frowned more and more.

Although there are many villains, they are nothing more than cannon fodder when a real battle takes place.

If you want to deal with Aizen's attack, you still need the help of the Goutei [-]th squad, and the safest way is to hide in the soul mask!

Volunteering to hand over blood?

Duan Mu shook his head again. Although this method is the simplest, it is also the safest method.

But the target is Aizen...

He found that his blood was weird, and he couldn't let himself go just because he sent out the blood.

If he was Aizen himself, Duan Mu would never let go of such special research materials.

My order to Ten Blades...

They definitely won't just get enough blood and return to the virtual circle, but capture the unknown creature 'Duan Mu' back to the virtual circle together!

Although Duan Mu is not the kind of scientist who has a strong desire to explore everything, but after coming to the world of corpses and souls, he has experienced many times because he wanted to study and understand certain things without any means.

the most important is……

Will Aizen himself come to Soul Soul World?

Information...the information in my hand is still too little.

If you want to obtain information about the virtual circle, you can only rely on Tiruti.

But two worlds apart, Duan Mu could only vaguely feel Tiruti's condition, and couldn't get in touch with him at all.

Unless you open the black cavity yourself.

Just when Duan Mu was hesitating whether to take the risk of opening his empty cavity, his expression suddenly changed.


As if a certain nerve was suddenly touched, a familiar voice came from Duan Mu's mind.

This is……


Duan Mu's face changed, and he rushed out of the bedroom while listening to Tiruti's voice in his head.


Seeing this, Uzuki behind the bar subconsciously wanted to say hello, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Duan Mu.


Duan Mu looked at Uzuki, and Ganjiu, Ishida Sozuru, and Unagi Oori in front of the bar and said: "The four of you use the transfer piles to go to East 1 District immediately, and I will send someone to meet you."

Hearing this, the faces of the four of them sank.

Uzuki looked at Duan Mu's heavy face and didn't ask any more questions.

Although it has been a long time since I have seen Duan Mu's expression like this, being able to make Duan Mu show this expression already shows the urgency of the situation.

The last time Duan Mu asked her to transfer was when Yuan Neicang attacked!


There was no need to ask, Uzuki directly grabbed Unagi Oori and Ganjiu who wanted to ask, because she knew very well that even if she asked the reason clearly, she could not help Duan Mu.

If they stay here, they will become a drag on Duan Mu.

However, when Uzuki went to pull Ishida Zongxian, he didn't pull it.

Ishida Zongxian smiled slightly at Uzuki and the others: "I should still be able to help Boss Duan Mu, you guys leave first."

Hearing this, Duan Mu glanced at Ishida Zongxian, nodded, and then looked at Yanju who was trying to break free and said: "Brother Yanju, after you go to East District 1, immediately notify Seireitei of an attack on Wanshiwu. And find a way to contact Sister Shangkonghe and ask them to support me."

During the speech, Duan Mu threw the command magic machine to Ganjiu.

Ganjiu subconsciously took it, and after a flash of hesitation on his face, he gritted his teeth slightly, and pulled Uzuki and Unagi Oori towards the transfer pile in the backyard.

Watching the three of them disappear into the transfer pile, Duan Mu turned his head to look at the villains in the tavern.

"Boss Duan Mu, who do you want to chop?"

All the villains in the tavern stood up at this time, their eyes were red and murderous.

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't let them leave either.

Firstly, Duan Mu didn't care if they died or not, and secondly... even if Duan Mu let them go, it's impossible for these lunatics who live to pursue excitement to leave.

However, a few people used the transfer pile to leave and go to other areas to gather people.

Duan Mu walked straight out of the tavern and looked into the distance.

According to the information from Tiruti, the group of them is about to pass through the black cavity and arrive at the world of souls.


Chapter 2: Tyrannical!


The void suddenly distorted, and then an incomparably huge crack gradually appeared.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands tore apart the entire sky, and a huge black hole appeared in midair.

"Is this where the god of death lives?"

A slightly sarcastic voice came from the black hole: "The environment is really bad."

"On the contrary, I think it's pretty good, at least better than the endless white sand, but the spirit particles in the atmosphere are too weak."

Accompanied by the voice, seven figures appeared on the ground.

As soon as they appeared, the surrounding Lingzi suddenly became manic, as if they couldn't bear the breath of several people and started to flee.

The spreading spiritual pressure spread throughout the Soul Soul Realm almost in an instant, making the hearts of all those who sensed it tense.

"Time is running out. We must complete the task assigned by Lord Aizen before the support from Seireitei arrives."

A gleam flashed in Harribel's eyes, as if he was searching for something.

"That god of death is my prey, no one should snatch it from me, this time I must kill him with my own hands."

Neutra's cold voice came from the team.

Standing at the end, Tiruti, who had not spoken the whole time, looked up at Neutra, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"The person who was almost killed, who else do you want to kill?" A chuckle came from behind Neutra.

Neutra turned his head and glanced behind him, and said in a cold tone: "Whether I can kill you, you can try it first, Grimmjow."

"Stop arguing."

A dark-skinned man with skull earrings stopped him and said, "Don't you forget? Master Aizen's order is to bring him back to the virtual circle. If he can't do it, he will extract a sufficient amount of blood from his body; that is to say, Only after a sufficient amount of blood has been extracted can you do whatever you want."

Hearing this, the two people arguing frowned, but neither refuted.



A rather disdainful snort came out, as if he was disdainful of the words of the skull earring Arrancar...that is, NO.7 Zomari Lulu.

This is an old man, wearing a crown tiara, with a huge golden compass on his waist.

The old man didn't look at the eyes of everyone, but snapped his fingers.

As soon as he snapped his fingers, four people walked out of the black cavity, and after reaching behind the old man, he unfolded a cloth bag, in which there were bone bones.

These white bones seemed to be conscious, and assembled themselves after they were separated from the cloth bag.


A throne made of white bones appeared behind the old man.

Everyone watched the old man sit down, and did not show any strangeness.

Rather, if the elderly do not put on airs, they will feel strange instead.

NO.2-Bailegan Ruisenbang.

Although they are both Ten Blades, he doesn't care about all Ten Blades, even the No. 1 whose sequence is above him.

the reason is simple……

Before Master Aizen was in charge of the virtual circle, he had always played the role of the master of the virtual circle.

Even after Master Lan Ran took charge of the virtual circle, he has always been the king of the virtual circle on the bright side.

Tiruti frowned slightly. Although she had a high shelf, she had to admit that among the ten blades present, the person who made her feel the most troublesome was Bailegang.

This time, it can be said that all ten blades were used.

The ten blades who did not come to the soul world, only No1, No4 and the special No10 who went to perform other tasks under the order of Master Aizen, and the rest of the ten blades all came here.

It is worth mentioning that……

Except for Bailegang, no one else let the subordinate officer follow.

"Have you found his location?"

Bai Legang put on a domineering look, and the four subordinate officials stood behind him with their hands behind their backs, giving the impression that he was the master of the virtual circle.

Everyone was not annoyed by his attitude, because they were used to it...

Helibel shook her head: "Before he came out of the black cavity, I could still feel his aura, but now it has completely disappeared." After finishing speaking, she unzipped the zipper of her jacket that covered her chin, and took out from her bosom a similar vessel The object: "Master Aizen said that if you can't find him, you can crush this object, so that we can lock his location in a few minutes."


Without the slightest extra nonsense, almost as soon as the words fell, Helibel crushed the vessel in his hand, and a burst of scarlet mist immediately diffused out and merged into the bodies of everyone present.

Vaguely, everyone could not help feeling a figure in their consciousness.

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