He has far surpassed himself in the battle with Aizen a few days ago!


Chapter 2 Unexpected reinforcement


The breeze blows, blowing away the surrounding smoke and dust.

Including the four subordinate officials of Bailegang, a total of ten figures stood around the basin, all looking at Duan Mu in the center of the basin with cold eyes.


Bailegang threw Zuomali Lulu aside casually, propped his chin on his elbow, and said in a flat tone:

"Since Aizen is not here, let me take command here, you..."

Bai Legang paused for a moment, then glanced around:

"No comments allowed."

Hribel glanced at Balegon, but didn't say anything to refute, but just observed Duanmu below.

She didn't know much about Duan Mu.

All he knew was that before he became Ten Blades, the opponent broke into the virtual circle twice, killed No. 9 of the original Ten Blades, and severely injured Neutra.

But it is said that...

The reason why he was able to defeat Neutra was entirely by trickery, so before coming here, everyone present had already understood the weakness and cracking method of his initial solution.

But at the moment when the other party attacked, Helibel discovered that this god of death named Duan Mu was far stronger than what they had known in the information.

"You stay with me."

Helibel said to Tiruti on the side with a solemn tone: "Don't get too close to him, although the spiritual pressure is not particularly strong, but his lethality cannot be underestimated."


Tiruti nodded, lowering his head to cover up the weirdness in his eyes.

I have to admit, this new NO·3 is really too kind, kind-hearted doesn't look like a virtual...

But if you think about it carefully, whether it's Helibel or Nilu, becoming the No. 3 female Ten Blades doesn't feel like a void.

Perhaps it was because she was also a female ten-blade, since Herribel became No. 3, she has always taken good care of herself.

This made Tiruti a little embarrassed to attack him.

However, Duan Mu never let her make a move.


A glint flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and he did not continue to initiate attacks as before.

He didn't intend to let Tiruti be exposed at this time, firstly because Duan Mu needed someone to help him monitor Aizen's movements, and secondly because...he still couldn't provide a shelter for Tiruti.

After betraying Aizen, before Aizen was sealed, Tiruti's return to the void circle was tantamount to seeking his own death.

Without returning to the virtual circle, it would be difficult for the Soul Realm to accommodate the existence of her face.

Even if this broken face can bring great help to the soul world, Captain Yamamoto will not allow a broken face to stay in the soul world.

At least until the threat of Aizen is clearly recognized...

Although the defection of the three Aizen caused a great disturbance in Seireitei, Duan Mu always felt that Captain Yamamoto didn't seem to take Aizen seriously at all.From the beginning to the end, he used an extremely arrogant attitude, as if he was looking at a rebellious child, looking at the defection of Aizen and others.

Of course, he does have the qualifications to be arrogant, although in the end it was a bit miserable to be designed by Aizen...

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu restrained himself.

If there were no accidents, Ganju should have contacted Seiritei at this time.

Even if there is no contact, as many as eleven broken faces appearing on Liuhun Street, they will definitely be monitored by the Technology Development Bureau.

So support should be arriving soon.

But Duan Mu is afraid that...

They rushed towards West 38th District before Ganjiu asked for help, because Duan Mu knew better than anyone the exact time it would take to get from Seilingting to West 38th District.

Even if you go all out to perform Shunpo, it will take at least half an hour to return from Baidaomen to Wanshiwu in West 38th District.

And if they set off after the Griffin asked for help, they could use the transfer pile under the guidance of the Griffin to teleport directly from the East 1 District to the West 38 District.

This is exactly the reason why Duan Mu still asked Ganjiu to go to Seireitei to ask for support even though he knew that the Technology Development Bureau would monitor the attack!

after all……

Regardless of the distance from Baidaomen to West 38th District.

Whether it is sounding the alarm, or passing on information, or even rushing from the center of Seireitei to the east gate and west gate, it will take time.

Based on Duanmu's understanding of the Gotei 5th Division, these steps would take at least 10-[-] minutes.

In other words, he needs to hold on for at least 5-10 minutes under these seven Ten Blades. This is after Ganjiu gets in touch with Seireitei in time.

As for Ye Yi, Kurosaki Ichigo and others, Duan Mu never expected them to arrive...

The reason is very simple. If a group of them rushed directly to District 38 for support, it would take at least half an hour. Yeyi might be faster, but it should be less than 10 minutes.

It is even more nonsense to go to the East 1 District to use the transfer pile. It even takes a few days to go from the Baidaomen in the west to the Qingliumen in the east along the Jinglingbi.

Waiting for them to come to help...

Duan Mu may have been caught in the virtual circle and put on the operating table by Lan Ran.

Good thing...

I am not really alone.

From the corner of Duan Mu's eyes, he glanced at the direction of the West 38th District very vaguely. In that direction, a group of villains from the Wanshiwu are gathering, but they don't know how much role they can play in this level of battle.

Closer to home.

The silent atmosphere didn't last long. Although Duan Mu wanted to delay, the surrounding ten blades didn't give him this chance at all.

Because before coming, Aizen had already estimated the approximate time when Seireitei's support would arrive.

As long as it didn't happen that the captains of Goutei's [-]th squad were in the master house, Duan Mu wouldn't get any support for at least a few minutes.

Without the slightest communication, several figures disappeared in place almost at the same time.

Duan Mu frowned, and almost at the same time, he slapped the ground with one hand.

"Bound Tao 21: Red Smoke Escape!"

The red mist spread out like the radiance of sunset, covering the entire area where Duan Mu was.

Although after the unknown vessel was crushed, all the broken faces on the scene could perceive their position, but blocking the line of sight during the chaotic battle can still bring some advantages to Duan Mu.

Before he had time to hesitate, Duan Mu swiped his left hand across the void almost at the moment when the smoke and dust rose.

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan."

A circular shield suddenly appeared behind Duan Mu.

"The Eighth Way of Binding: Rebuke~~"

The rapid chants kept coming out, and a repulsion barrier appeared on the back of Duan Mu's right hand.


The impact sound came from behind Duan Mu, and the circular shield formed by the circular gate fan was directly cut into cracks by six blades.

At the same time, Duan Mu raised his right hand, palm facing inward to protect the side of his head.


The repulsive barrier collided with the Leopard King's sharp claws.

Before Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief, another gust of wind hit the left side of his body.


Duan Mu gritted his teeth slightly, maintained the circular gate fan with spiritual pressure with his left hand, and resisted the attack with the repulsion barrier with his right hand, and kicked his right leg to the left at this moment.

Different from the previous sudden attack, the ten blades were scattered.

At this time, they gathered together, bringing great pressure to Duan Mu, and this was even when the most terrifying few people did not make a move.

Can't fight like this!

The attacks of Grimmjow and Neutra alone have made Duan Mu tired of coping.

If this passive state continues, that period of time will not last long at all.

Think about it here.

Duan Mu took a deep breath, and the strength of his right foot kicked out increased again.

In an instant, he collided with the attacker, and among the three who attacked him at the same time, the one attacking from the left was undoubtedly the weakest point.

Regarding the other party's identity, Duan Mu didn't have much impression, he should be one of the subordinate officials of Bailegang.

And in the direction Duan Mu kicked, a human-shaped eagle swooped down from a high altitude through the red mist, waving its wings.

However, before his sharp claws could touch Duan Mu, his foot quickly expanded in his field of vision.

Although he could feel Duan Mu's position, he didn't notice the kick at all when his vision was limited.Accompanied by a muffled bang, Abirama Leda only felt a pain in his abdomen, and his whole body curled up like a prawn, and then...


Blood spurted out, and Abilama Leda looked at the huge gap in his abdomen, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Under this kick, the force that exploded directly pierced his abdomen, leaving only the skin and flesh on both sides of the waist connected together.

How can the gap be so big?

Abilama's doubts are destined to be unresolved, because whether it is his attack or the severe injury and dying, Duan Mu has not attracted even a little attention.

Duan Mu had no time to pay attention to the status of the subordinate officers whose spiritual pressure was between the vice-captain and the captain.

With one foot down, Duan Mu borrowed the power of this foot to twist his body, and with a step on the ground, he broke the support of the rear round gate fan and the repulsive pressure.


In the crisp sound, Grimmjow and Neutra attacked Duan Mu one after the other.

And at this moment, Duan Mu clamped Grimmjow's sharp claws and Neutra's crescent-shaped blade with both hands, and borrowed the power of the two people to make a sharp round .

Caught off guard, the expressions of the two of them changed, and they bumped into each other under Duan Mu's ingenious guidance.


The impact visible to the naked eye exploded between the two, the strength of the two and Duan Mu's push, combined, even the two of them couldn't help but groan.

But after all, the two were not Abiramar, and they regrouped almost instantly after they separated.

However, Duan Mu did not miss this opportunity.

"Bindao 63. Lock bar lock."

Two golden chains in Duan Mu's left and right hands were formed immediately, and under the support of the huge spiritual pressure, they were like giant pythons, restraining the two of them in place at the same time.



There was a sharp piercing sound, and almost at the same time as Duan Mu released the chain, a blade swung down horizontally.


During the spurt of blood, Duan Mu's back was directly cut open with a huge wound.

However, Helibel, who made this blow, frowned, turned his eyes, and instead of continuing to attack Duan Mu in front of him, he turned the blade in his palm and swung it out.

Almost at the same time, Duan Mu in front of her suddenly turned into a phantom and dispersed, leaving only a black coat that was cut in two.


A long crisp sound came out, and Duan Mu's figure appeared in mid-air, and was shot backwards under this knife.

Has the empty cicada been seen through! ?

Duan Muhu's arms in front of his chest were stained red with blood. Even though he had mobilized spiritual pressure for defense at the first time, he still collapsed at the touch of Heliber's knife.

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