Compared to Grimmjow and Neutra, Harribel's Reiatsu is still extremely powerful even without Returning Blade.

No wonder, though.

After all, she is fundamentally different from the two of them, and she is one of the few Ten Blades who came from Varstord.

Although judging from the information in my memory, her performance is not good, but it is entirely because of the attributes...

And the one who defeated her in the end was not the few opponents who besieged her, but was severely injured by her own boss.

Harribel didn't give Duan Mu time to regroup. After the blow, the whole body was filled with water vapor, and there seemed to be waves churning on the blade in his hand at this moment.

"Break it - the wheel iron swallow!"

But at this moment, a figure suddenly stood between her and Duan Mu, causing Helibel to frown and restrain his breath on the knife.

"Broken Wing Scatter!"

Tiruti, who had grown wings, tentacles, and arms, shook his wings, and countless broken blades attacked Duan Mu like raindrops.

After Duan Mu expressed his thanks in his heart, the spiritual pressure surged on his fists, turning into fist shadows all over the sky.

bang bang bang bang...

Accompanied by a series of explosions, all the broken blades were bounced back by the shadow of the fist.


Neutra appeared behind Duan Mu, with a ferocious smile on his face, the six blades in his hand cut through the void, and slashed towards Duan Mu.

Seeing this, Duan Mu frowned.

Because in front of him, Helibel had already bypassed Tiruti and attacked him again.

Both sides, no matter which side it is, must defend with all their strength.

If he defended against attacks from both sides at the same time as before, he would only suffer more serious injuries.

The look of hesitation flashed across his eyes, Duan Mu looked at the remaining experience points in the system interface, decisively chose to ignore the attack from behind, concentrated the whole body's spiritual pressure on the acupuncture points that output the spiritual pressure, and let out a cry Moaning:

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan."

Under Duan Mu Lingya's crazy indoctrination, a huge circular shield suddenly appeared in front of him, and the sharp aura behind him had already approached.


But just when Duan Mu thought that he was about to be severely injured, and even robbed of blood, a burst of wild laughter suddenly came.

The golden beam of spiritual pressure rose into the sky, colliding with Neutra who was attacking Duanmu like the sun.


Huge explosions came from the front and back of Duan Mu almost at the same time. Under the impact, the smoke and dust were all dispersed as soon as they rose.


Cracks appeared on the golden light shield in front of Duan Mu, and then they shattered like glass lenses.

"Xiaomumu, we're here to play with you."

A crisp and lovely voice came, and Duan Mu turned his head to take a look, and saw Saragi Kenpachi holding a sword and carrying Yachiryu, looking at Neutra excitedly.

Why is he here?


If you count the time, he should come...

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately understood why Jianba appeared here.

If nothing unexpected...

This guy should have just been discharged from the hospital this morning, and he rushed to his master house, wanting to fight with Kurosaki Ichigo or himself again.

"You guy, you met such an interesting opponent and you didn't even notify me."

Zaraki Kenpachi's words made Duan Mu more convinced of his conjecture.

This stuff...

It's not here to support me at all, but to cause trouble for me!

However, it came out great! !

If it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, Duan Mu would have been grateful to call my starling.

Yaqianliu jumped down from Jianpachi, looked left and right, and rushed towards the remaining three subordinate officials decisively.

She already had a great affection for Duan Mu, but she didn't stand on the side with great interest as usual, watching Zaraki Kenpachi's battle.


Duan Mu took a deep breath, looked up at Harribel and... who were still sitting on the chair, looking at his own Balegon with disdain.

Duan Mu wasn't annoyed by Bailegang's arrogance that he didn't bother to besiege him with others, but just rejoiced.

Just one Harribel already made Duan Mu have to concentrate on dealing with it. If he also joined in, Duan Mu couldn't continue to delay at all.

If possible, Duan Mu would like to personally advise this old comrade, who is comparable to the age of Captain Yamamoto, to take care of himself, keep in mind the majesty of the 'former' master of the virtual circle, and continue to sit arrogantly.

Do not besiege with others...

My little comrade who is only in his early 40s!


Chapter 2 Death and Decay!

Duan Mu turned his eyes.

Saraki Kenpachi had already fought with Neutra, while Yachiryu in the distance was holding a knife alone, and two huge ghosts appeared behind him. The ghost shadow and Yachiryu formed a trinity posture. All the three chief executives of Bailegang were dragged in place.

The arrival of Zaragi Kenpachi and Yachiryu dragged a ten-blade and three subordinate officials, and Duan Mu took a big breath.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

Balegon, Harribel, Grimmjow.

Apart from Tiruti, I still need to fight against the three broken faces alone...


Duan Mu frowned, and a transparent barrier suddenly appeared behind him.

"Bindao 81: Breaking the Void."


A muffled sound came out.

Duan Mu glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye, there should be four of them.

Looking around, I saw that No. 7 Zomali Lulu, who was severely injured by Duan Mu's blow, had changed drastically at this time, and the injury Duan Mu caused to him earlier had fully recovered!

Is it back?

Different from the extremely human-like appearance before, Zomali Lulu who returned to the blade had black lines on his face and jaw, his lower body turned into a peach-colored pumpkin-shaped ball and floated off the ground, and densely packed eyes appeared on his body.


Although it was not the first time he had fought with Pomian, but this ability to recover all the injuries before returning to the blade in an instant, always felt inexplicably stupid, as if he had two lives.

And Zomali Lulu's ability must be guarded carefully.

Duan Mu glanced at the transparent barrier formed by Duankong, and a sun-shaped pattern was imprinted in the void.


Or call it love (Amor).

Dark sun-shaped patterns will appear on all parts of its body that are stared at by its eyes, and the position where the patterns appear will be at his disposal.

Even if the sun-shaped pattern is engraved on the head, it can dominate the whole body!

This kind of ability that is biased towards the rule system is often the most difficult ability.

Fortunately, his ability is not a pure rule system, but an ability between ghosts and rules, and he can completely block his ability by using Duankong.

If you don't know it, it is easy to suffer from him, but as long as you are prepared, it is not difficult to block it!

"Hey, where are you looking?"

An icy voice came from Duan Mu's side, and a white and blue figure pierced through the air like a meteor, with a chilling light shining on the sharp claws.

Seeing this, Duan Mu subconsciously concentrated the spiritual pressure on the acupoints on his hands, ready to bear the blow.

But when he punched out, Duan Mu frowned suddenly, and then moved the soles of his feet, causing his body to turn around.

The extremely cold and sharp breath brushed past Duan Mu's face, and then slapped heavily on the ground.


There was a deafening explosion, and five huge claw marks suddenly appeared on the ground!

Lethality has become stronger?

While dodging sideways, Duan Mu stepped back with his toes on the ground.

At the same time, Grimmjow's claws swung wildly, leaving a series of claw marks in the void.

It's just that all the attacks just passed by.

"I see."

Duan Mu looked at Grimmjow whose spiritual pressure was getting more and more boiling: "Do you want to fight me on equal terms?"

Compared to attacking together with Neutra before, Grimmjow at this time is completely different in terms of spiritual pressure, moves, and fighting instincts. Destroy' traits, which greatly enhanced the lethality of his moves.

Is it equal?

Duan Mu looked directly at the more intense fighting intent in Grimmjow's eyes, and the thunder around him began to roar wildly at this moment.

"Then what if I will fulfill you!"


After finishing the words, there was a sudden explosion from Duan Mu's back, and the black-lined shoulders and back clothing exploded at the same time, and a layer of thunderous brilliance emerged from the shoulder blades.

In the next second, instead of retreating, he advanced, and rushed towards Grimmjow.

Passionate about challenging powerful opponents under equal conditions and purely enjoying the fun of fighting.

This is the same for Duan Mu.

So the moment Duan Mu saw Grimmjow's eyes, he already understood what Grimmjow was thinking.

He doesn't mind having a fight with him at all.

What's more...

Grimmjow ignored the task, abandoned his companions, and chose to fight himself alone.

For Duan Mu, it might not be a good thing!

End the battle in the shortest possible time.

This is what Duan Mu is thinking at the moment!

Can it continue to get stronger?

Grimmjow looked at Duan Mu who was rushing towards him, and there was no trace of fear or fear on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth opened to the sides, and Yang Tian let out a roar.


Amidst the roar, a burst of intense sound pressure spread out, and a burst of light shone from Grimmjow's body, and the whole body suddenly disappeared in place!

Very strong!

This young man named Duan Mu is unimaginably strong, and not just a certain ability is strong, but...


Since the start of the war, Grimmjow has been shocked by the opponent's movement speed, defensive ability, attack power, and even ghost ways and moves.


More is excited.

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