He wants to fight against such a strong man under equal conditions.

And the other party obviously saw this and responded, but it wasn't long before they could fight fairly.

Because whether it was Helibel or Zomali, both of them prioritized the mission of the god of death, and they would soon intervene in this battle.

and so……

Accompanied by the charge, Grimmjow concentrated his whole body's Reiatsu to one point, and huge blue paw prints appeared on both sides of his claws, which spread out to both sides like wings.

He bet everything on this blow!

Ten blue paw prints crossed in front of him, and the next moment, Grimmjow collided with Duan Mu.


There was a crash that shocked Siye.

With the area where the fists and claws meet as the center, a violent wave of thunder was set off, turning the surrounding ground into scorched earth.

Central area...

Muscles on Duan Mu's right arm squirmed, and the entire arm swelled nearly a circle. With the combination of unparalleled strength and tyrannical spiritual pressure, his punch directly hit the center of the crossed blue paw prints.

Grimmjow put all his strength into this blow, and Duan Mu did the same!

This punch was terrifying.

Almost at the moment of the collision, Grimmjow's expression changed, and the crossed blue paw prints trembled crazily under the punch.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

Indistinctly, crisp sounds continued to be heard.

The paw prints that had gathered all of Grimmjow's strength actually shattered at the moment of collision.


The last person who made him feel such a huge gap that he didn't even dare to fight with him was Aizen who had become the master of the virtual circle.

And Duan Mu in front of him made him experience this feeling again.

Vaguely, the impression of Duan Mu in front of him and Aizen in his memory seemed to overlap.

At this moment, Grimmjow finally understood.

Why must I have a fair fight with it, because...

On Duan Mu, he saw Aizen's shadow! !



There was a cracking sound, and the ten sharp claws that condensed all of Grimmjow's strength collapsed in just one second, turning into fragments scattered all over the sky.

And behind the fragments, what came into view was a rapidly approaching fist.

Before meeting him, Grimmjow clearly sensed...

I can't take this punch myself!

Even, he might die under this punch.

But at this moment...

A skinny hand suddenly grabbed Duan Mu's wrist.

This hand appeared so abruptly that neither Duan Mu nor Grimmjow noticed it.

And that powerful fist, the moment it was held by this hand, the power carried by it disappeared in an instant.

Duan Mu's face darkened, the muscles on his right arm, which had accumulated strength, seemed to lose control the moment it was grasped by the palm, making his entire arm weak and heavy, to the point...unable to move His arm broke free from the skinny hand that was gently holding him.

"It's really a boring trick."

An old voice came, and looking along the skinny palm, Bai Legang appeared beside Duan Mu at some point.

Is it finally over?

A look of fear flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and then his left hand formed a knife, and the spiritual pressure surged on it.

But right now...


Invisibly, it was as if something had hit his left arm.


Zomali's excited laughter came: "Your left arm is mine!"

During the speech, a dark sun-like pattern appeared on the shoulder of Duan Mu's left arm, which caused Duan Mu's complexion to change drastically.

He was restrained by Bailegang, and he couldn't escape Zomali's control at all. Almost at the same time as the sun-shaped lines appeared on his left arm, Duan Mu's left arm also lost consciousness at this moment.


Duan Mu's eyes showed panic for the first time when the decaying breath came.

in view...

The right arm held by Bailegang dried up quickly, and the flesh and blood on the palm disappeared in the blink of an eye, revealing the white metacarpal bone.

And the scariest thing is...

The decay didn't stop with the disappearance of the flesh and blood in the palm, but spread all the way up.

He is going to kill me! ?

When he was clamped at first, Duan Mu was not too terrified, because whether it was Neutra, Heliber, Zomali...all the people who fought with him were not to kill him, but to seriously injure him .


Balegon was different.

He really wanted to kill himself, and he still used this method of turning his blood and body into nothingness.

Don't you want Lan Ran to unseal Bengyu?

Duan Mu guessed his thoughts instantly in his mind.


It was already too late, the decayed breath had already invaded the body, making the spiritual pressure in Duan Mu's body extremely stagnant, unable to be mobilized at all.

The restraint of his left arm made it impossible for him to survive with a broken arm, and he could only watch helplessly as his arm turned into dry bones bit by bit.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from above Duan Mu.

Tiruti's wings trembled, and a huge blade appeared at the tail, and it slashed straight at Duan Mu's place!


But just when the blade that seemed to split Duan Mu in two was about to fall, Bai Legang beside Duan Mu suddenly yelled angrily, but he didn't see any movement.

The falling blade actually fell apart with a single sound!

Bailegang didn't see anything, but...

He wants to turn Duan Mu into ashes directly, and will not allow any blood to stay, so Bailegang will not allow anyone to intervene in the process of eliminating Duan Mu's existence!

Tiruti's complexion sank, a burst of light flashed in his eyes, and an astonishing murderous intent shot out of them.

Vaguely, her pupils seemed to have turned into swallows.

But right now...


Blood spurted out, blue light flashed, and Duan Mu's arm held by Bailegang was broken at the elbow.

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he felt that the stagnant power in his body broke free at this moment.

——Empty Cicada! !

Without hesitation, Duan Mu immediately used the empty cicada that had escaped from the golden cicada, and the whole person disappeared in place, leaving only the broken black lining in place.


Bailegang did not pursue Duan Mu, but looked at Grimmjow beside him with gloomy eyes: "Do you want to die?"

"Heh, I'm just completing the task of Lord Aizen."

Grimmjow looked at Balegon without fear, and the azure blue blade scattered from his hand.

Having said that...

But there was a strong provocation in his eyes. Rather than saying that he was doing it for the mission, it was better to say that he was expressing his dissatisfaction with Bailegang's meddling in his battle in this way!

Murderous intent flashed in Bailegang's eyes.

"Enough is enough!"

But at this moment, Harribel suddenly appeared beside Grimmjow and glanced at Balegon: "Grimmjow is right, your way will only make our mission fail."

Bailegang glanced at Helibel, and the murderous intent in his eyes gradually subsided.

Duan Mu appeared in mid-air tens of meters away.

As soon as he appeared, his 'left arm' turned into a knife and stabbed straight towards Duan Mu's carotid artery.

Duan Mu's eyes flashed, and he said, "Gu GuwaPartridge" The story goes like this

"It's useless, under my fraternity's gaze, you will only make the body I control stronger!"

Zomali laughed excitedly, but it stopped abruptly in the next second.


The blood mist filled the air, and Duan Mu's left arm exploded in this instant.

The severe pain made Duan Mu's face turn pale, but his eyes locked on Zomali at this moment, revealing an unprecedented ghastly murderous intent in his eyes.

The air around him dropped a little at this moment.

The gloomy breath spread out.


If Grimmjow hadn't cut off his arm in time, he would have just... died in the hands of Balegon!

The pale flames that looked like wings on Duan Mu's back exploded loudly. Under the violent impact, blood spurted from Duan Mu's mouth, and his whole body swooped down towards Zomali like a cannonball!

"What else can you do without your arms?"

Zomali didn't panic when he saw this, but let out a grin, and dozens of eyes on his body fixed on Duan Mu at the same time.


Buzz buzz buzz!

There were six buzzing sounds in succession, and six air-breaking barriers appeared in front of, behind, left, right, up, down, up and down Zomali, confining him like a transparent coffin.

Binding Road 81: Breaking the Void!

——Simulated duet.

bang bang bang

The sun-like black lines were blocked by the void, turning the transparent coffin into pitch black.

And at this moment, Duan Mu's figure appeared outside the black coffin.

Only when he was close at hand did Zomali feel the horror of the eerie aura around Duan Mu, as if he was a demon walking out of hell.

He obviously lost both arms, but when he met Duan Mu's eyes, his spiritual world was covered with a layer of haze.

From the depths of his soul, the instinctive fear made Zomali tremble involuntarily.

It doesn't matter~~

He has no way to attack himself!

Zomali comforted himself secretly in his heart, but his body honestly produced a spiritual pressure, and he did not choose to attack, but chose to defend with all his instincts driven by instinct.

And at this moment...

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