Duan Mu moved!

His body was tilted, and his empty right shoulder was swinging, as if he was swinging a fist or a knife.

Are you mad?

Zomali was taken aback by this scene, and a sneer appeared on his face.



A slight sound came out, and Zomali only felt that the field of vision in front of him had undergone an earth-shaking change.

In the field of vision, Duan Mu turned around slowly.

And his bare upper body, at this moment, is actually full of arms.

In the middle of his right hand was holding a broken blade with a white handle and a pitch-black blade. When he looked at it... the broken blade gradually collapsed and turned into nothingness.

Turning his gaze, Zomali saw a familiar headless body, it was his body!

Did you die?

Duan Mu withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the others.

And behind it...

Zomali and the transparent coffin covered with dark patterns turned into spirit particles at the same time and dissipated!


Chapter 2 Sorry...

Current experience points: 31350

Glancing at the remaining experience points in his mind, Duan Mu's expression did not relax because of the enemy's attrition. After the near-death experience just now, Duan Mu's expression became extremely dignified.

When he was pinched by Bailegang earlier, Duan Mu only felt that the spiritual pressure in his body was stagnant, and he couldn't mobilize the spiritual pressure at all.

If Grimmjow hadn't cut off his own arm, that piece of wood could only consume experience points to keep going.


On the other hand, Bailegang was not annoyed by Zomali's death, but looked at Duan Mu's new arms with interest.

Super fast regeneration?

Not quite.

Balegon shook his head. After being the master of the virtual circle for so long, he has seen countless super fast regenerations.

Although very similar, it is completely different from Xu's super fast regeneration.

Helibel on the side looked at the place where Zomali disappeared, frowned slightly, and looked at Duan Mu with a cold gaze.


However, while Duan Mu was confronting Bailegang, Heliber and others.

On the outskirts of the basin, Saar Apollo's face was full of fanaticism, and his eyes were bloodshot with excitement.

"Fight again, keep fighting...fight more intensely!"

It was so much fun! !

Sal Apollo holds a strange instrument in his hand, constantly collecting spiritual pressure and blood overflowing from the battlefield...

The Zanpakuto ability similar to the anti-membrane, the powerful power of the other spirit body, and the defense power comparable to the virtual steel skin, and the recovery power comparable to the super fast regeneration of the virtual... This is really interesting!

Saar Apollo has forgotten how long it has been since he was fanatical about a certain research material like he is now.


There is also the blood that can shield the inner breath, and even seal Bengyu.

There are so many things in this god of death named 'Duan Mu' that are worthy of his continued exploration. If possible, he even hopes that this battle can last longer.

"I knew I should bring more research instruments with me."


How long?

Duan Mu frowned, nearly 3 minutes had passed since Heliber crushed the utensil in his hand.

According to Helibel's previous words, the vessel that can track him doesn't last long.If the effect of the utensil disappears, I can continue to hide, instead of confronting several people head-on like now.


Duan Mu turned his gaze and looked into the distance.

Zaraki Kenpachi and Neutra, the two of them have been getting further and further away from the battle, completely separated from this battlefield, and even Yaqianliu has disappeared.

The effect of the utensil disappears, and it shouldn't be difficult to leave by yourself, but the two of them will become the target of public criticism.

If there is really no other way, Duan Mu can only give up the two of them.

Provided that……

The effect of that vessel disappears!

As soon as these people appeared, they appeared in the outskirts of the West 38th District. The tracking effect of the utensil did not disappear, and there was no way for him to get rid of these ten blades.

"Not gone."

In my mind, Tiruti's voice came.

"Why don't you let me help you?"

The previous scene made Tiruti only feel scared for a while, and even once wanted to perform the second stage of liberation.

"Before I came, I informed Picaro that as long as they receive my signal, they will come to Soul Soul Realm immediately."

Duan Mu heard the words and did not refuse as before. After all, Tiruti and Pikaro are also one of his confidence to face several Ten Blades.

But about Tiruti's strength after returning to the sword in the second stage...

Duan Mu is a little uncertain, because Duan Mu has only seen it once.

At that time, Tiruti, who was behind the second stage of returning to the blade, brought a great shock to Duan Mu, but Duan Mu's strength at that time...was just at the captain level, and it was impossible to confirm the specific strength of Tiruti .

The only thing he can be sure of is that in the system rating, Tiruti at that time was far stronger than Captain Broken Bee.

Coupled with so many years of accumulation, Tiruti's second-stage return to the blade must have made great progress compared to before.

As for Picaro...

He can be said to be at two extremes with Bailegang. To a certain extent, the Picaros and Bailegang can be said to restrain each other!

If both of them shot, there was no need for him to run away.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Duan Mu raised his head and looked at Tiruti who was already standing behind Bailegang, a stern look flashed in his eyes.


But just when Duan Mu was about to agree, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and thousands of blue arrows shot Balegon, Harribel, Grimmjow, and Tiruti to the ground. All are shrouded in it.

Although those arrows are not big, the power carried by each one is extremely terrifying.

"Swing down the silver whip and hit the five-handed stone bed—the five-frame tie!"

Almost at the same time as the arrows fell, the old man chanted, and the countless arrows that fell into the empty space suddenly glowed with light.


The arrows scattered all over turned into capsules with the pentagram mark, enveloping all four of them.

This is?

The sudden change made Duan Mu startled.

"Sorry, Boss Duan Mu."

As the breeze blew, a figure quietly appeared beside Duan Mu: "It is more difficult than I imagined to use the spirit body to condense the spirit's armament."

Sozuru Ishida?

Duan Mu looked at the old man who suddenly appeared beside him, his eyes were full of strangeness.

Is this old man so strong?

Although the target of those arrows attacking just now was not himself, Duan Mu could clearly feel the power exuded from the arrows. That power... Even if he was standing in the attack range, he had to deal with it seriously.

Not weaker than the captain-level Reaper at all.

Duan Mu's eyes turned, and he looked at the five-pointed star-shaped spiritual weapon in Ishida Zongxian's hand that glowed with blue light.


How on earth did you get killed by a few little Xus?

"After all, Quincy is just a human being. Whether it's physical strength, spiritual pressure, or physical fitness, it will all be weakened by aging."

As if aware of Duan Mu's thoughts, Ishida Zongxian pushed his glasses: "Although this is a bit boastful for me, but I was a Quincy master who once held the 'Quincy Cross' before I was alive. It can still be of some help to you."

"And most importantly..."

Ishida Munezuru showed a smile on his old face: "During the past few years in the Soul Realm, I have fully recovered from the damage I suffered from using the 'Final Form of the Quincy'."

The final form of the Quincy Master?

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood why Ishida Zongxian died under the siege of several Xiaoxu.

Because, when his grandson defeated Nirvana Yuri, he also used the final form of Quincy, which caused him to lose all the abilities of Quincy.

"Is it the same as your grandson?"


Speaking of his grandson, Ishida Zongxian couldn't help showing a trace of regret in his eyes: "I'm already regretting leaving the loose spirit gloves to Yulong, but fortunately he is still young and can survive the process of recovering his abilities."

At the end of Ishida Zongxian's words, he couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh.

"If Longxian knew, he would probably blame me too."

Ishida Sogen smiled bitterly: "When Ryuuxian...that is, when Uryū's father was still very young, due to some things, like Uryū, I used the spirit-dispersing gloves..."

"In order to restore the ability of the Quincy Master, I completely disregarded the feelings of my wife and children, and stayed alone in the 5th training ground at home every day, trying to restore my strength by myself. As a result, I was too aggressive, and my soul was permanently damaged. damage."

"At that time, I seemed to be crazy. I didn't go home for a few months or a few years... I didn't wake up until Yulong was born, but it was too late."

"Because of this, the relationship between my son and me has never been very good."


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly: "I'm really not interested in your family, but is your thing that binds them really okay?"

During the speech, Duan Mu pointed to the four capsules with the imprint of the five-pointed star in the distance.

"Don't worry, Wujiajie has the characteristics of absolute subordination, and can continuously improve by absorbing spirit particles..."

Ishida Zongxian's words stopped abruptly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at where the four capsules were.

I saw a capsule in the middle, and the surrounding area suddenly began to corrode, revealing the figure of Bailegang in the middle.

The shattering of the first capsule is like an introduction, and the remaining three capsules around it are shattered and opened at the same time.

Ishida Zongxian looked at the four people walking out of the five-frame bondage, his face darkened.

"Tsk, I'm suddenly curious, how on earth did you provoke so many powerful villains... I have lived my whole life, and I have never encountered one."

"That means your life is still too short."

"..." Ishida Zongxian.

Although I want to refute it, it is indeed a bit weird to say "lived a lifetime" in the world of corpses and souls.

Leaving aside, let’s just talk about Boss Duan Mu who is next to me. Although his appearance is very different from mine, but if you count it in terms of age, I am only ten years older than him...

Thinking of this, Ishida Zongxian couldn't help looking at Duan Mu beside him.

Just how strong is Boss Duan Mu?

Unexpectedly, he has not been injured after fighting with these terrifyingly powerful face-to-face for so long.

Judging by these four broken faces, and the spiritual pressure exerted when he just broke his five-frame bondage, he probably can only...

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