Ishida Munezuru looked at Tiruti at the back.

...and hold her back.

After noticing his gaze, Duan Mu hastily put his hand on his shoulder.


Ishida Zongxian's expression suddenly became a little strange, and he finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"What about the other one?"

"I don't know him yet."


The corner of Ishida Zongxian's mouth twitched slightly, "Do you really want to get to know her?"

Although he had heard about Duan Mu's hobby for a long time, the truth of what Duan Mu said just now shocked him about the range of Duan Mu's friends.

Of the four, one is...

own people?

Ishida Munezuru shook his head, and turned his gaze to Grimmjow, with a serious look on his old face.

"Don't procrastinate any longer."

Harribel glanced at Ishida Zongxian, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and the Zanpakuto in his hand was even more sprayed at this moment.

The already extremely terrifying aura around him became even more terrifying at this moment.



At this moment, a circular black hole suddenly appeared in the void.

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Through the boundary gate?

Almost instantly, everyone figured out what the circular black hole was.

Looking into the black hole, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a dark green jacket, light green underwear, and a fisherman hat, slowly walking out of the black hole.

"I'm sorry, Boss Duan Mu, it will take some time for the opening of the world-transmitting gate. Even if we made preparations immediately after receiving the news from Ye Yi, it was still a bit late."

"You might as well forget about it!"

Duan Mu glared at the visitor angrily. After all, the reason why he was hunted down by several ten blades was entirely because of this bastard.

The person who came was Kisuke Urahara.


Kisuke Urahara laughed, and turned to look at Bailegang and the others. Just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly darkened: "Is that where your goal is?"


Turned around and drilled back into the black hole.


This scene caused doubts to appear on the faces of everyone present.

"What are you..."

Duan Mu looked at the black hole disappearing in mid-air, his face suddenly darkened.

But immediately, he remembered what Urahara Kisuke said just now.

Is there your goal?

Is it...

Duan Mu turned his head to look at Bailegang, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It's impossible for Aizen not to know Bailegang's thoughts, but he just doesn't care.

I guessed before that I wanted to kill myself, it was entirely Bailegang's own decision, but Aizen would send him, so I knew very well what the consequences of sending him would be.

In other words, Aizen didn't care at all whether he would die in the hands of Bailegang.

And judging from Aizen's cautiousness all along and his reluctance to venture into the Soul Realm, it is impossible for him to place all his hopes on Bailegang and the others. More strictly speaking...

He will not only prepare this kind of plan.

That bastard! !

Duan Mu couldn't help cursing in his heart, the person he scolded was not Aizen, but Kisuke Urahara.

Because, barring any accidents...

The ten blades who did not come to the soul world, and even Aizen himself, they may be in the Urahara store.

And the purpose, no doubt.

own blood!

In these years, he has paid a lot of blood in order to obtain some spiritual tools and intelligence support from Kisuke Urahara.

Although a lot of it was used for sealing, but with Kisuke Urahara's research-crazed nature, it is impossible not to keep some for research, and this amount... is definitely not small!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have turned around and left without even saying a word.

"Hahahaha, it seems that your helper was scared away."

Balegon laughed loudly, and slowly pulled out the huge double-edged battle ax from behind: "Next, I will give you death."

"Corrupt, Skull Emperor!"

The pitch-black flames emerged from the double-edged battle axe, covering Balegon directly, and spreading outward rapidly.

Seeing this, Duan Mu immediately pulled Ishida Zongxian beside him and went in the opposite direction to Bailegang.

Not only Duan Mu, but even Harribel as a companion, the first reaction was to take Tiruti back, and Grimmjow followed closely behind the two.

In an instant, Bailegang was the only one left in the entire basin!


211 chapter

The pitch-black flame seemed to be able to devour everything.

With Bailegang as the center, it spreads wildly to the surroundings, and everything it passes through is rotten!

The trees withered and crumbled after the flames passed by, and the sand and stones were also deserted after the black flames swept by...

Whether it's steel, water... After being brushed by the flames, all substances began to age as if tens of thousands of years had passed in an instant!

In an instant, the entire area where Bailegang was located became an extremely flat ground.

Duan Mu and Helibel stood on both sides of the basin, looking at the figure in the basin with ugly expressions.

After returning to the blade, Bailegang wears a multi-layered crown on his head, his face and body become skull-like, he wears boots, his whole body is covered with black flames, and there is a long silver chain from a corner of the crown.


Compared with the Shinigami of Seireitei, Balegon at this time is actually more similar to the legendary Shinigami, and so is his ability.


A series of piercing sounds came from Duan Mu's side, I saw Ishida Zongxian holding a bow in both hands, and countless small blue arrows headed towards Bailegang like raindrops.


When these arrows came into contact with the flames around Balegon, they immediately turned into spirit particles and dissipated.

"What kind of ability is this?" Ishida Zongxian asked with an ugly face.


Duan Mu said casually: "All substances, creatures, and even energy that come into contact with the pitch-black flame will age in the blink of an eye."


Ishida Zongxian looked at Bailegang and couldn't help swallowing.

Suddenly he finds...

I may really be a little less knowledgeable because I am too young.

"...I admit that I was a little too arrogant when I said that I could help you."

Ishida Zongxian looked strangely at Helibel and the others, who also had an ugly face, and said, "However, it seems that the few people over there are not going to interfere any more. Are they also afraid of their companion's ability?"

"Do you think that kind of flame that ages everything can distinguish the enemy from the enemy? Not to mention the companion, even he himself can't resist his own ability."

Duan Mu couldn't help tightening his expression when he looked at Bailegang who was looking at him.

Although he is very good at ghosts, the ghosts of space and time, which touch the edge of the realm of gods, have always been taboo in the world of corpses and souls. Duan Mu has never studied related ghosts.

Therefore, it is impossible to learn from the practices of the two former chief and deputy captains of the Ghost Daoist.


Even if Duan Mu racked his brains, he didn't know how to fight Bailegang.

In the face of Bailegang's ability, all long-range attack methods will be useless.

And close contact with it is tantamount to courting death!

He is like a hedgehog, and it makes people feel helpless to fight there.

At this moment, Duan Mu's brain started to run rapidly, and at this moment of life and death, Duan Mu's brain would become more sober.

Human beings have life and death, birds and beasts have the same, so do plants and trees...

Even the god of death who claims to be a god is no exception.

And the things created by humans will 'die', and the 'ghost way' created by the god of death is naturally the same!


At this moment, the pitch-black flames moved towards Duan Mu and Ishida Zongxian like overwhelming.

Seeing this, Duan Mu immediately pulled Ishida Zongxian back and rushed out. At the same time, he slapped his palm in the air in front of him, and quickly sang in the air: "The proud son of heaven, the city wall made of iron, the dragon walks, the lion roars, the tiger Howling, wolf running, cut off the world before it collapses!"

A giant barrier with a height of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the road ahead of the pitch-black flame.

"Bindao 81: Breaking the Void."


The pitch-black flames collided directly with the transparent barrier. The moment the two came into contact, the transparent barrier began to decay rapidly from the point of contact, and it hardly played any blocking role.

Pure rules?

Duan Mu's expression did not change, his expression changed, he let go of Ishida Zongxian, and put his hands together in front of him.

"Bound Tao 73: Fallen Mountain Crystal."

An object in the shape of an inverted triangle appeared in midair at the same time as Duan Mu's voice fell.

But Duan Mu didn't stop the movement in his hands, while retreating with Ishida Zongxian, he sang again and again.

"The 75th Five-Pillar Tieguan of Binding Dao."

"The 62 Hundred-step Railing of Binding Dao."

"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

"The 79th Nine Luminaries Binding of the Way of Binding."


All kinds of ways of binding are constantly facing the black flames.

"It's useless!"

Bailegang's disdainful voice came: "Everything in this world is bound to age, whether it is matter or pure energy." During the words, Bailegang raised his finger, and the black flame burst violently , like a mist, it enveloped all of Duan Mu's ghostly creatures.

Seeing this, Duan Mu immediately turned his gaze to the ghostly creature in the black flames.

His previous series of ghost paths had almost all the characteristics attached to them, including matter generation, spiritual particle condensation, and ghost paths in between, as well as the ability to attach various elemental attributes...

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