Look around.

I saw that the ghosts that were completely condensed by the spirits and the bindings with elemental attributes began to collapse first, turning into spirits and dissipating directly as if they were broken.

The ability to bind the way between matter and spirits is a little slower, and the last thing to dissipate is the matter summoned by the word spirit. The last thing to dissipate among all the ways to bind is the five-pillar iron gun composed of iron sand. !

Moreover, unlike those spirit components, although the five-pillar iron girdle was corroded in less than a second, it did not dissipate directly like those spirit components, but was gradually corroded from the outside to the inside. .

Thinking of this, Duan Mu looked at the black flames coming again, gritted his teeth slightly, quickly rummaged through the inactive ghost paths in the system interface, and finally selected a ghost path and directly added it to the advanced level.

And at such an instant, the pitch-black flames had already come behind Duan Mu and the two of them. Ishida Zongxian's face darkened, and he subconsciously stood in front of Duan Mu, arousing the spiritual weapons to the extreme.

"You're looking for death?"

But before he could release his accumulated power, he grabbed his collar with one hand and threw him backwards.

At the moment when Ishida Zongxian was thrown, Duan Mu slapped the ground with one hand, and the spiritual pressure was poured from the acupoints of both hands into the soil.

"Breaking the Way 57. The Earth Turns!"

boom boom boom

The ground in front of Duan Mu was churning, and there were countless clods of soil condensed and swept towards the pitch-black weapon.

as predicted!

All the black flames that came into contact with the clod were blocked in place at this moment.

The persistence time was even longer than the five iron pillars made of iron sand, but the soil was condensed in it, and the spiritual pressure belonging to Duan Mu was rotted in an instant.


Although the clods are dense, they are not airtight, and there are still many black flames emerging from the cracks.

Seeing this, Duan Mu hurriedly took the opportunity to retreat towards the rear.


Although there was no expression on Bailegang's skeleton face, there was a bit of surprise in his tone.

This made Duan Mu even more convinced that, compared to the condensed components of spirit particles, matter can persist for a longer period of time.

In fact, strictly speaking...

The soil in the world of corpses and souls cannot be regarded as pure matter. After all, the world of corpses and souls is a world of souls. Everything here is composed of spirit particles. special substance in between.

However, when Balegon stood on the ground, the speed of soil change was still extremely slow.

From this point, it can be seen that if the battlefield is in the present world, the hindering effect that the soil can play should be even greater.

but no matter……

Here's a way to do it!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu slapped the ground every time he retreated a certain distance.

"Breaking Path No. 57: The earth turns... the earth turns... turns!"

Where Duan Mu passed, the soil on the ground condensed into clods one after another, and they kept heading towards Bailegang.

While retreating, Duan Mu was distracted, all the ghost knowledge in his mind was mobilized by him at this moment.

In the distance, Ishida Zongxian looked at Duan Mu in the middle of the field, with a look of surprise on his old face.

Because he standing here...

It can be clearly seen that every time Boss Duan Mu releases the ghost way, the clods formed will become bigger and bigger.

From the initial clod of tens of centimeters in size, it has now become a clod of nearly one meter in diameter!

But at this moment, Duan Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, and the fleeing steps under his feet stopped, and almost at the same time as he stopped, he slammed his hands towards the ground.

"Broken Path 57·Change·The Wall of the Earth!"


Hearing the chanting sound from Duan Mu's mouth, Ishida Zongxian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and the scene that happened immediately made his pupils shrink.

I saw that with Duan Mu's hands clapping, the ground in front of him rose rapidly like a tree, and in the blink of an eye, a huge earth wall appeared in front of him, blocking all the incoming black flames. behind.

It worked!

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he really used the soil as the shell to wrap his spiritual pressure in it, which can effectively slow down the rate of corrosion.

Without time to hesitate, Duan Mu took this opportunity to quickly distance himself from the pitch-black flames, and retreated to Ishida Zongxian.

After he retreated to Ishida Zongxian's side, the earthen wall collapsed, turned into endless dust and fell towards the ground.

"The ghost way just now..." Ishida Zongxian looked at Duan Mu beside him, his tone full of surprise.

"It was changed based on the transformation of the earth."

"..." Ishida Zongxian.

Although he had vaguely guessed this possibility when he heard the word "change", but when Duan Mu said it himself, Ishida Zongxian still had a feeling as if he was dreaming.

This is the first time he knows...

Unexpectedly, someone was able to create a new ghost way between battles.

Even if he is not the god of death, he is very clear that the ghost way of the god of death is not so easy to create and master.

In order to create a ghost way, not only a huge amount of knowledge about ghost way is required, but also an analysis of the formation rules of the word spirit, the release method of the ghost way, and the most important transformation of the spiritual pressure...

Of course, modifying a ghost path may be much easier.

But the 'reform' that Boss Duan Mu said was to change the broken path originally used for attack to the bound path for defense, which has completely deviated from the scope of the original ghost way.

And all of this has been modified in just a few seconds.

Thinking of this, Ishida Zongxian looked at Duan Mu as if he was looking at a monster.

How rich is his knowledge base?

If it is not very clear that Duan Mu is doing all kinds of chores every day, he may think that Duan Mu is the kind of scholar who stays in the library every day!

Ishida Munezuru didn't know...

From a certain point of view, his guess is not wrong.

It's just that the library is in Duan Mu's brain, and all the knowledge is available at any time.

After so many years of accumulation, the knowledge of ghosts given by the system in Duan Mu's mind may not be much less than Mao's general library, and many ghosts theories are unique.

"Not bad!"

At this moment, Bailegang's voice suddenly came. He was not annoyed because his ability was hindered. The two red lights in his eyes gave people a feeling of appreciation at this moment: "Unfortunately, I have already played Tired of it, if that's all you can do."

"Then go to hell."

During the speech, the black flames around Bailegang seemed to have life suddenly, and they no longer expanded in an orderly manner as before, but became neat and uniform.

"Sigh of death!"

In the middle of nowhere, there seemed to be a moaning sound, and the pitch-black flames swept towards Duan Mu and the two like a tsunami amidst the sighing sound, and the sweeping speed was much faster than before.

This scene made Duan Mu's face change, he grabbed Ishida Zongxian by the collar of his cloak, and carried him out at a gallop.

Seeing this, Ishida Zongxian didn't stay idle, and the five-pointed star-shaped spiritual weapon continued to shoot out, and at this moment, branch-like lines appeared on the surface of his body.

"Accept this majestic battle formation! Holy bite."

A series of square columns were formed out of thin air, connected to each other, and arranged in a neat row.


The boiling black flames were far more corrosive than before, and the square pillars collapsed almost instantly upon contact.

In the blink of an eye, the pitch-black flames had already arrived behind the two of them.

Seeing this, Duan Mu gritted his teeth, stepped on the ground with his fleeing foot, and the spiritual pressure was injected from the sole of his foot to the ground.

"Wall of the Earth...Wall of the Earth...Wall of the Earth!"

Take three steps in succession, and when each step falls, an earthen wall will rise behind Duan Mu.

Duan Mu turned his head to look, and saw that the triple earth wall barrier and the pitch-black flame collided firmly. Although the speed of collapse was still extremely fast, it barely separated the two of them from the pitch-black flame.

But before Duan Musong breathed a sigh of relief, Ishida Zongxian suddenly heard an anxious cry:


Duan Mu turned his head abruptly when he heard the words, and the scene that caught his eyes made his face change drastically.

I saw that in front of the two of them, the pitch-black flame circled around the earthen wall, forming an encirclement from both sides, and even formed a semicircle, completely enveloping the two of them.

There is no escape!

Ishida Zongxian gritted his teeth slightly, as the spiritual particles gathered under his feet and the spiritual particles surged all over his body, he was about to rush to Duan Mu.

"Don't move, don't resist!"

Duan Mu's icy voice made Ishida Zongxian pause, but at this moment, Duan Mu directly pulled him towards the black flames.


Ishida Zongxian's expression changed.

But the next second...

There was a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and the pitch-black flames in his vision disappeared without a trace.

Ishida Zongxian subconsciously turned his head to look, and found that the encircling circle formed by the flames was impressively behind the two of them.

This is……

Instant step?


Shunpo is similar to Quincy's Flying Feet. Although it can increase in speed in an instant, its body will not disappear. It is impossible for him to pass through the wall of fire without feeling it.

That's not so much a mobile...

It's more like Duan Mu led himself to a short space jump at that moment!

This is……

Ring! !


Chapter 212 is about to end

Ten Blades Civil War?

On the periphery of the battlefield, Harribel looked a little strange.

Obviously the person they were dealing with was a god of death, but this battle gave her the feeling that the Ten Blades were engaged in a civil war.

Steel skin, ultra-fast regeneration, false flash... Now, that god of death even used all of them.

"Shall we just stand here and watch?"

Tiruti asked Helibel beside her, if possible, she hoped to be able to participate in it at a closer distance, so that when an accident happened, she could help Duan Mu escape as soon as possible.

"Don't go anywhere near Balegon."

Helibel shook his head: "The rotten power of Balegon is so terrifying that even he himself can't freely control the occurrence of its effects. If we approach rashly, we will only be dragged into it by him." After all, she saw He glanced at Grimmjow next to him:

"So, you should also give up your plan to intervene."


Grimmjow snorted, and then seemed to think of something, with a wild smile on his face: "But is this really good? If you don't stop Balegang, the Death God will die soon, and he can't finish you. Aizen-sama’s mission, don’t you feel unwilling to do so?”

Helibel glanced at him, but did not reply, but turned his gaze to the outside of the basin.


There were many weird instruments around Saar Apollo at some point, and these were sent to him by Saar Apollo's artificial subordinates through some unknown method.

Harribel frowned more and more tightly, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

I thought it was a simple task, but it turned out...

Ten Blades who came here, except for himself, Tiruti beside him, and the dead Zomali, the rest of them basically have their own ideas, and there is no cooperation with each other at all, and they even drag each other down. Hit the opponent's hind legs.

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