Boom boom boom...

Layers of earth walls appeared above his head, sealing the holes through which they fell.

The three of them fell nearly ten meters before they got down on the ground. The scene that caught their eyes made the three of them, including Duan Mu, startled.

Looking forward along the landing point, what comes into view is an extremely wide underground tunnel.

One by one, the villains ran quickly in the tunnel, relaying each other, and transporting the deserted soil of the vultures to the outside.

In front of Duan Mu, Ganjiu sat on the ground with a pale face, panting continuously.

"Brother Rock Eagle!"

When Duan Mu called Big Brother Griffin, he called it with sincerity.

Griffin grinned and opened his mouth, but he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Everyone, get out of here!"

Without talking nonsense, Duan Mu shouted directly to everyone in the tunnel.

A group of villains didn't talk nonsense when they heard the words, they turned around and ran outside.

When they were blocked by the black flames before, they had already seen the horror of the black flames. After seeing the three of Duan Mu falling down, they all ran towards the outside of the tunnel.

Duan Mu put down Ishida Zongxian and Omaeda, turned to pick up Ganjiu who was limp on the ground, and ran all the way to the end of the tunnel!


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion from above, apparently realizing that the three of them were not dead.

Duan Mu looked at the dense crowd of villains in the passage, and he didn't care about their feelings. When he ran, he drew a circle in front of him, and quickly chanted:

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan!"

The golden round shield immediately filled the tunnel. Duan Mu pressed the back of the round shield with one hand, and then stomped on the ground with his foot.


"I wipe?"



Ignoring the wailing of all the villains, Duan Mu quickly caught up with each villain like a subway, squeezed him into a ball, and pushed him straight to the end of the passage.

They can still howl now, but if they continue to delay, they won't even be able to howl.

Almost at the same time as Duan Mu pushed a group of villains and galloped out.


A loud noise came from behind Duan Mu, and the passage behind him quickly collapsed.

Seeing this, Duan Mu gritted his teeth, thunder surged all over his body, and his galloping speed increased sharply again!

at last……


Accompanied by countless wailing sounds, dense crowds of villains shot up into the sky, allowing Duan Mu and the others to see the sun again.

Before he had time to think about it, Duan Mu rushed out of the cave with the Griffon.

here is……


Rushing out of the tunnel, what Duan Mu saw was the backyard of his master house.

Duan Mu didn't look at the villain who fell from the sky like dumplings, but turned his head to look behind him, only to see several figures coming towards this area quickly.

Seeing this, Duan Mu subconsciously wanted to continue fleeing.



At this moment, the transfer pile in the courtyard suddenly lit up, and figures appeared in the transfer pile.

This made Duan Mu stop the steps he was about to take, and turned to look directly at the coming figures.


Chapter 213

finally come!

Feeling the spiritual pressure in the transfer pile, Duan Mu's tense nerves immediately relaxed.

"Boss Duan Mu is really powerful."

"Well, it's just shameful theft."


Accompanied by the voice, one after another figure walked out from the transfer pile behind Duan Mu.

The first person to get out of the transfer pile was Ukitake Shishirō with a slightly sick face, and behind Ukitake Shirōrou was his old friend Shunsui Kyoraku.

As the two walked out, Nie Yuli immediately appeared behind Duan Mu. After appearing, he didn't even look at Duan Mu, but looked at the transfer pile under his feet, his eyeballs were constantly turning in their sockets... as if annoyed, But it also gives people a very proud feeling.

Duan Mu was not puzzled by his reaction, because the transfer pile was the research result of Nirvana Mayuri, and Urahara Kisuke directly 'borrowed' it to make it, basically no difference from what he made.

Annoyed because Urahara Kisuke stole a lesson from him, and proud... also because Urahara Kisuke stole a lesson from him.

At this moment, the transfer pile flashed again, and two figures slowly appeared in the transfer pile.

Duan Mu's eyes lit up when he saw one of them.

I saw Captain Yamamoto with a cane leading Komamura Zuojin slowly appear in the backyard of Duanmu Wanshiwu. Wicked man, after taking another look, he threw it aside...

In an instant, five captains of Goutei [-]th Division appeared in the backyard of Duanmu Wanshiwu.

These are almost all the combat power that the Goutei [-]th Division can produce.

Aizen and the other three captains defected, minus Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toshirō who were seriously injured and... that idiot who ran to spy on Yoruichi.

Almost all captains have come here.

And there is only one captain who stays at Sei Ling Ting...

The flower of Mao is strong!

If there is no accident, Captain Yamamoto should have ordered her to stay.

What is a sense of security?

This is called a sense of security! !

Standing in front of the five captains, Duan Mu looked at the ten blades who appeared above the Wanshiwu, and even had time to think...

Is it possible to let your house of everything survive the next battle.

However, Duan Mu was also very savvy. After the captain walked out of the transfer pile, he immediately retreated behind the captain and stood together with the other captains.

On the roof of Wanshiwu, Harribel looked at Captain Yamamoto, frowning slightly.


But at this moment, the pitch-black flames filled with decay suddenly surged from the suburbs outside the wall.

Seeing this, Helibel and the others who were standing above the Master Room withdrew to the outside of the courtyard at the same time.

Seeing this, Duan Mu was about to make a move.

But in the next second, he was pulled by Jingle Chunshui beside him:

"Boss Duan Mu, let's retreat a bit too."


Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, then he understood.


Before the pitch-black flames reached the small courtyard, an extremely scorching breath erupted from Duan Mu's side.

The moment he felt this breath, Duan Mu immediately carried the Griffin on his shoulders and retreated to the other side of the courtyard.

And those villains on the ground, ignoring the pain, climbed and jumped out from the wall on the side of Duan Mu and others, but there were still a few who ran slowly... the sudden scorching breath swept in, and there was no sound With a single sound, it gasified and disappeared.

This scene made Duan Mu understand...

I might be thinking a little too much. When these two get into a fight, let alone my master house, whether the West 38th District can stay or not is still unknown.

Fortunately, he had already expelled the residents of the West 38th District before the war started.

At this moment, the two sides showed a very tacit understanding, as if they had discussed it, Shi Ren's party retreated to the right, Duan Mu's party retreated to the left, and in the blink of an eye, only Captain Yamamoto was left in the backyard of Wanshiwu one person.


Almost at the same time as everyone was evacuating, flames erupted in the backyard of Wanshiwu, and rushed towards the pitch-black flames.

Duan Mu's enclosing wall engraved with the spirit pattern was completely gasified when the flames came, and before it touched it!

In the next second, the pitch-black flames collided with the red flames.

The invisible fluctuations spread out, and all the affected objects were either gasified or decayed.

"Mr. Yuan Liuzhai, who saw this state last time, has forgotten when it was." Shishiro Ukitake said.

Duan Mu and the others stood outside the courtyard. Although the distance was not far, both sides of the attack gathered the flames into one point to resist each other's attacks.

Those of them standing on the left and right sides, apart from feeling the rushing heat and the awe-inspiring spiritual pressure, were not substantially affected.

"It's no wonder, after all, the opponent is a monster of the same generation as Old Man Shan."

Jingle Chunshui turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see that in the black flames like a tsunami, Bailegang was slowly moving forward in the sea of ​​flames, and the crimson light in the empty eye holes was staring at Captain Yamamoto.


The strange sound continued to come from the place where the black and red flames collided, and the pitch black flames decayed the red flames at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Captain Yamamoto slowly opened his eyes, and at the same time he saw Bailegang, he pointed his crutch towards the ground.


The moisture in the air disappeared in an instant, and the heat wave visible to the naked eye centered on the point where the crutches fell, and spread to the surrounding layers.

"Everything is in the air, all are ashes!"

Captain Yamamoto raised his eyes slightly, and the crutch in his hand gradually tore from the bottom, and finally turned into a purple handle, which looked like an ordinary zanpakuto.

"——Flowing blade like fire."


The heat wave broke out, and the ground stones, walls, rings, and transfer piles at the four corners of the branch in the backyard of Wanshiwu were all vaporized.

Even in the master house behind Captain Yamamoto, after the spirit patterns on the wall lit up for a moment, with a crisp sound of 'pop', half of the building...including Duan Mu's bedroom disappeared, and the remaining half was also burning.

Duan Mu couldn't help baring his teeth while watching this scene.

Anyway, this is also the home he lived in for more than ten years after he arrived in the Soul Realm...

In the end, in just the blink of an eye, it was gone!

Moreover, it is difficult to expect this person to compensate himself.

However, looking at the group of villains who were hiding behind him and the others, who were already having difficulty breathing, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure suddenly appeared all over his body, protecting everyone in his spiritual pressure.

Although Duan Mu didn't care about their life and death at all, but no matter what, they also saved his life with Big Brother Ganjiu just now.

This kind of basic protection, Duan Mu can still provide them.

And at this moment, Captain Yamamoto swung the Zanpakuto forward horizontally.


In an instant, a piece of red flames appeared soundlessly, containing an extremely terrifying aura, like a tornado of flames, sweeping towards the incoming pitch-black flames.

The flame is so thick and intense that it seems to burn the entire space.

Even the pitch-black flames filled with decaying aura were dyed crimson red by the flame tornado at this moment.

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