The wanton sparks made Duan Mu's face darken, and the spiritual pressure around his body for protection rose sharply!


Even though he already knew that Captain Yamamoto's strength was incomparably terrifying, Duan Mu didn't really realize what it meant to be scary until he experienced it at a close distance.

It's no wonder that after Lan Ran merged with Beng Yu, his mentality changed drastically, and he still had to find a way to target it.

The red light in Bailegang's eyes revealed a dignified look, but he didn't show the slightest panic. Almost at the same time as the flaming tornado hit, a burst of black flames converged towards his hands.

"The Axe of Death!"

Pulling the chain, condensed by the pitch-black flames, it cut straight towards the flame tornado with a huge ax like a scythe harvested by the god of death.

Under the giant axe, the flaming tornado seemed to be extinguished at this moment, becoming dim.

Weird sizzling sounds continued to be heard, and at this moment, there was a distortion visible to the naked eye in the void, making it look as if the entire area was shrouded in water vapor.

Hazy and scary.

Although there was not much movement, judging from the black lightning that constantly appeared in the space, once someone stepped into that area at this time, it would immediately disappear into nothingness!

Because, that black lightning...

It is a symbol of the constant tearing of space.

Captain Yamamoto frowned, and let out a loud shout.

The flames on the blade suddenly rose sharply, but as soon as the flames appeared, they immediately shrank, and only broke out again when the blade was swung to the extreme.

A destructive wave immediately exploded, and the jet black and red rays of light completely obscured the sunlight.

Duan Mu immediately led a group of villains to retreat to the rear, but Heliber and others opposite them did not retreat.

Because, Helibel stood in front of everyone, and the blade in his hand continuously released water vapor, replenishing the water in the atmosphere, and at the same time forming a barrier like mist, blocking all the scorching impact.

This is just the beginning!

But the spiritual pressure and power displayed have far surpassed the swastikas of other captains. It is not like being the same captain, but more like a person in two dimensions with other captains.

Originally, Duan Mu thought that after all the captains came to support, it would become a situation of catching and fighting...

In the end, it was still one-to-one.

The only change is that I have changed from a previous participant to a bystander.

The battle between the two of them on the battlefield was so terrifying that the aftermath of the battle alone could make it difficult for people below the captain to breathe, or even die directly.

If it weren't for Duan Mu's protection, one of these villains present would have died here.


In the middle of the battlefield, the Ax of Death collapsed, and Balegon took a step back.

When he raised his head again, although there was no expression on that skeleton face, he could feel a gloomy feeling.


The red light in Bailegang's eyes was extremely gloomy, and there was an inexplicable evil spirit around him: "Don't be too arrogant!!"

Captain Yamamoto glanced at Bailegang and didn't speak, but his eyes filled with disdain had already responded.

This gaze made Bailegang Zhou Sen's breath even more gloomy.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

A loud bang came from Bailegang's body, and the meaning of decay in the flames was raised to the extreme by him at this moment!

Difficult to accept!

Once upon a time, he had the same view of the other party.

And now...

But the position was reversed, not to mention the other party, even the throne of the virtual circle has been occupied by the person who once lived under the other party.

Death, death, death...

Balegang roared to the sky, his voice was full of distress and anger, and an astonishing murderous intent permeated the air.

The combination of pitch-black spiritual pressure and flames, wherever the sound waves pass, time seems to be accelerated, and everything is rapidly decaying.

"Go back and tell Aizen."

Captain Yamamoto saw this, his expression remained the same, but slowly said: "The old man is waiting for him here!"

After the words were finished, the sword in his hand pointed towards the ground like a fire.


Quietly, pillars of flame light shot up from around Bailegang's body, connecting with each other, blocking all the dark flames inside without revealing them at all.

"Hot hell!"

"Do you think this method can trap me?"

Balegon's voice came from the crimson flame, and there was a fierce confrontation between decay and scorching heat.

"Everything in this world will usher in decay, even Huoyan is no exception!"

The red light in Bailegang's eyes was shining brightly, and the jet-black flames enveloped him, as if he had been clothed with a layer of jet-black flames. He did not allow the rotten black flames to spread like before, but condensed the black flames at the poles. In a small area, they constantly collided with the red flames!

Outside the battlefield, the eyes of Duan Mu, Nirvana Yuri, and Saar Apollo from Ten Blades all showed light at this moment.

But unlike the other two, what Duan Mu is studying is...

Is it possible to simulate the strength of the two in the way of ghosts.

While watching the battle, Duan Mu mobilized all the knowledge of ghosts in his mind, and continued to combine and deduce.

Different from the advanced ghost ways numbered 60-89, Duan Mu has never seen anyone perform the top ghost ways numbered 90 or above. He can only combine his own ghost ways bit by bit to understand the rules and techniques within his spirit. The spiritual pressure changes over time, thereby mastering it and making it appear on the system interface!

So so far, the top ghost way that Duan Mu has mastered is only the black coffin.

But just under observation...

[Broken Path 96 One-Sword Cremation] Inactive (0/50)

Duan Mu looked at the new broken path that appeared on the system interface, and a bright color flashed in his eyes.

The battle is still going on.

In the center of the battlefield, red and black rays of light ebbed and flowed one after the other, and the red flames kept compressing the pitch-black flames, causing Bailegang in the middle to let out an unwilling roar, but there was nothing he could do.

Thinking that he almost died in the opponent's hands earlier, Duan Mu just wanted to shout:

Bailegang, I call you an immortal, give me a quick word, surrender or not!

In order to relieve the anguish of being hunted down by Bailegang earlier.


This sentence is actually more suitable for Captain Yamamoto.

Didi, Didi, Didi~~

But at this moment, Nie Yuli, who was beside Duan Mu, suddenly heard the sound of beeping instruments.

Nie Yuli frowned, and didn't go to get the equipment on her body, but directly looked up at the sky.

Following his gaze, I saw a gap gradually tearing open in the void, like a big mouth sewn with a needle thread, the silk thread was torn off, and gradually opened!


Rays of golden light descended from the sky, illuminating Balegon in flames, Helibel and others in the distance, and another golden light into the distance.


When Captain Yamamoto saw this, he let out a cold snort, and with a twist of the Zanpakuto in his hand, he was about to attack towards the crack in the air.



The sound of the space being torn apart came out, and dozens of false flashes like cannonballs emerged from the cracks, attacking Captain Yamamoto!

These false flashes don't look big, but they all reveal a kind of extremely terrifying fluctuation.

Captain Yamamoto couldn't help but stop the attack in his hands, and turned from slashing to swinging, all the false flashes of the attack exploded one by one before they could reach the face.

bang bang bang bang...

The sound of the explosion became one piece, and those figures shrouded in the golden light floated up into the crack one by one.


There was another buzzing sound, the big mouth closed, and everything returned to calm.

Captain Yamamoto frowned, slowly restrained his breath, glanced at Duan Mu, and said to Nie Yuri: "Restore the transfer pile."

Nie Yuli rolled her eyes at Duan Mu, nodded and did not speak.

"Tomorrow morning, come to the headquarters for a meeting!"

Captain Yamamoto said something to Duan Mu, then turned around and left, and the rest of the people followed him after seeing this.

Duan Mu alone stood in the middle of the ruins of the West 38th District with a group of villains.

He looked at the back of the captain leaving, and opened his mouth.


In the end, I didn't dare to speak up and asked for compensation!


Chapter 214 Excessive

next day!

Duan Mu walked on the streets of the West 38th District, counting the losses caused by the First World War yesterday.

more statistics...

Duan Mu's face became even uglier.

Centering on the location of Master House, the surrounding houses were destroyed.

It is good to say that these houses can be rebuilt by Duan Mu himself, but...

The biggest loss was not the house, but the field on the outskirts behind the master house. The area in the center of the battlefield had basically been completely wiped out.

Fortunately, at the captain's meeting just now, Captain Yamamoto has made it clear that the loss of residents will be compensated by Goutei [-]th Division.

Captain Yamamoto didn't mention the repair work of the house and the rebuilding of the Master House.

Duan Mu didn't dare to ask...

After all, those ten blades came here for themselves, and the losses of the residents of West 38th District can also be said to be because of themselves.

Think of it as money for your life!

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu didn't continue to entangle, and Duan Mu chose to tell the truth about the reason why Shiren would follow him.

the reason is simple.

I didn't want to say that I was afraid that the captain would kill him in order to continue to seal Bengyu. Although the chance was not high, Duan Mu was not willing to take this risk even if it was only 0.00...01%.

But now it doesn't matter, anyway, judging from what Ye Yi said when he came here later, Urahara Kisuke still didn't save his own blood in the end, and Beng Yu's unblocking has become inevitable!

After yesterday's battle, it took more than 10 minutes for Yoruichi and Kurosaku-san to arrive with Kurosaki Ichigo and others who had just finished practicing Swastika.

Broken Bee quietly followed behind them...

When they came, Duan Mu was already cleaning up the battlefield.

Duan Mu nodded in response to the residents who greeted him head-on, and Duan Mu came to his everything house.

On the ruins of Wanshiwu, a large group of villains were pushing carts to clean up the original ruins.And on the side... Uzuki asked Yanjiu to push a few large wine barrels, and she didn't charge for it this time, but provided drinks to these villains who were working for free.

On top of the ruins, a petite figure was running around happily, it was Yaqianliu.

Duan Mu looked left and right, and finally landed on a flat ground that had been cleaned up. He saw Kenpachi Saraki, who was wrapped in bandages, sitting there holding Zanpakutō and looking at the sky, as if hoping that the sky would It's like being torn apart by him.

"How's the injury?"

"Let's fight!!"

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