"..." Duan Mu.

Well, it seems to be recovering well.

Saraki Kenpachi was carried back by Yachiryu after the battle yesterday. At that time, his body was covered with knife wounds, but judging from Yachiryu's description, the situation on the other side was not much better than Kenpachi.

Even if the anti-film came later, the battle between the two might have ended.

This kind of anticlimactic battle obviously couldn't satisfy Saraki Kenpachi. After treating him yesterday, Duan Muben wanted to transfer him to the Comprehensive Ambulance Center for recuperation.


This guy just refused to leave, even if Duan Mu told him that those ten blades would not come back, it was useless.

Ignoring Zaraki Kenpachi's eager eyes, Duan Mu came to the original backyard of the ruins, and said to the villains who were cleaning up: "Clean up the backyard first, and after the reconstruction is completed, members of the Technology Development Bureau will come to reinstall the transfer piles." .”


"No problem, don't worry, I promise to give you a beautiful job."

"It doesn't matter if it is destroyed, I have long felt that the tavern should be expanded, and I have to squeeze it in every time I come."

"Yes, Boss Duan Mu, let's build a two-story... no, a three-story big tavern this time. It will be convenient for drinking in the future."


Duan Mu glared at Takahashi angrily: "There are still three floors, will you build it?"

In addition to killing people, these people can basically clean up the ruins and garbage, and the subsequent reconstruction work must be done by Duan Mu himself.

However, Duan Mu is indeed planning to expand the tavern.

There is no plan to change the layout, it is still the tavern on the first floor, and the master room on the second floor is arranged like this.

Although after experiencing this incident, Duan Muyou thought about going to West 1 District to open a store, but he has lived in West 38 District for more than ten years, so it is impossible to say that he has no feelings.

After finally thinking about it, Duan Mu decided to rebuild at the original location.

For this reason, he also bought the field outside the wall at the back. Anyway, after the battle between Captain Yamamoto and Bailegang, that area is basically not suitable for farming, and it can just be used to expand the tavern.

In addition to the expansion, it is not completely unchanged.

Duan Mu plans to use part of the enlarged second floor as a tavern.

Because his bedroom and master room don't need such a large area at all.

Walking inside, there are several tables in the cleaned area.

"Boss Duan Mu!"

Yu Erzhong sat next to Nishijinori, and immediately waved when he saw Duan Mu coming.

Nishijinori remained silent as always, and nodded after seeing Duan Mu.

On the side, Da Ao took a few younger brothers, who acted as waiters, and kept bringing wine to this side.

"You can do whatever you want, you don't have to stay here forever."

Nishijinori and others arrived here last night. They lived in the West 80th District all year round. It was after the battle was over when they received the news yesterday.

Ten Blades came too fast, so Duan Mu didn't have time to gather people. Many villains at the scene came over slowly after that, and there were many... Due to the destruction of the transfer pile, they were rushing from other areas to the west. Come on, we will be together in about half a month...

Duan Mu had no way of notifying them before rearranging the transfer piles, so he simply ignored them.

After Nishijinzhi and others arrived, no matter how Duan Mu drove them away, these people stayed here and refused to leave no matter what.

"Boss, when are we going to kill Xuquan?"

Da'ao handed Duan Mu a glass of wine and said with a murderous look on his face: "Brothers are all holding their breath. As long as you give the order, we will fight to Hueco Mundo now. What you said to me last time Where did the words come from...Ah, yes, this is called courtesy!"


Duan Mu directly slapped Da Ao on the back of the head, making him stagger:


Still killing the virtual circle?

Running to Xuquan now is completely sending sheep to the tiger's mouth. Duan Mu doesn't want to meet Lan Ran, who has changed his mentality after merging with Beng Yu.

After merging with the collapsed jade, Aizen is certainly powerful.

But Duan Mu always feels that before merging Bengyu...or completely merging Bengyu, this process may affect a person's thoughts and make people a little nervous.

Of course, it is also possible that you simply feel that you are invincible, so you become unscrupulous!

Anyway, Duan Mu doesn't want to have any contact with Lan Ran now.

"Hey, get out now."

Da Ao chuckled, rubbed his head, got up and ran to the side.

Duan Mu turned his gaze to the other table, with a sneer on his face.

"Excellent, you still want to take the initiative to kill Xuquan?"

Sister Kong He sat beside Ye Yi, and said jokingly, "Would you like me to go with you?"

"how is this possible."

Duan Mu hurriedly shook his head: "It's just Da Ao's nonsense, there's nothing to go to in a place like Xuquan."


Zhibo Konghe glared at Duan Mu: "You know that birds don't shit, but you always run in the virtual circle."


Duan Mu smiled, and did not refute, but looked to the side of Yanjiu: "Brother Yanjiu, how is your recovery?"

"What can I do."

Ganjiu showed off his muscles: "It's just that the spiritual pressure is a bit overdrawn. Let me tell you, if you hadn't carried me at that time, I could have buried the dead skeleton that put the black fire."

"I believe!"

Duan Mu chuckled, then turned to look at the other people at the same table, focusing on observing Kurosaki Ichigo, and a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

Although I already knew that this is a hanging king...

But after feeling the spiritual pressure on Kurosaki Ichigo, Duan Mu still despised his own system in his heart.

If I remember correctly, it has only been about two months since this guy became a god of death, but his own spiritual pressure has reached the level of the mid-level captain, and this is still unresolved.

Once the swastika is solved, he may not be much weaker than himself in terms of spiritual pressure alone.

And myself...


I am different from him, I am able to be what I am today, all because of my own efforts, there is no need to compare with this kind of cheating.

have this time...

Or think about how to make friends.

Unfortunately, in yesterday's battle, I didn't talk to Harribel.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was about to injure herself severely as soon as she made a move, Duan Mu would have to try to see if he could get in touch with her.

The collapse jade was unsealed, and Aizen should have started to integrate it with his own collapse jade now.

When he will start to act, Duan Mu is still not sure.

But I must use this time to gain as much experience as possible.

Duan Mu glanced at the system interface.

Except for the growth of physique due to the addition of points, the spiritual pressure has basically not changed, and the rest of the items have more or less grown after this battle.

Reiatsu: top (518922/1000000)

Looking at the spiritual pressure on the system interface, Duan Mu frowned.

The time is still too tight, after the body surpasses the spiritual pressure, the container of Duan Mu's body will continue to expand, and he will no longer encounter the so-called limit barrier.

If there is enough time, Duan Mu can devote all his experience points to his physique, and in terms of spiritual pressure, he can use the spirit void pattern to grow rapidly.

As long as the physique is higher than the spirit pressure, the spirit void pattern can always play a role.

But the time left for Duan Mu is still too little.


Duan Mu himself did not wish to do so.

Because of this direct growth, it is impossible to carry out the transformation of spiritual pressure.

That is the so-called soul combination exchange.

Although this method grows slowly, it can greatly increase the density of one's own spiritual pressure. As long as there is enough time, Duan Mu can even increase the density of his own spiritual pressure to the same level as Aizen after fusing with the collapsed jade!

But right now, Duan Mu can only temporarily give up using the 'Ultimate Barrier' to carry out spiritual pressure transformation.

If he wants to deal with future battles, he must at least reach the first stage of the system rating.


Duan Mu is not sure about how much the spiritual pressure value can be rated as the first stage.

Because Duan Mu's strength is not weak now, although Reiatsu is among the captains of Goutei's [-]th Division, it can only be regarded as the middle class.

But Duan Mu's spiritual pressure is already extremely dense after the soul combination and exchange, and the power it can exert far exceeds the numerical value.

If combined with physique and various combat skills, Duan Mu could barely fight against an enemy whose spiritual pressure strength reached 70.

As for more than 70, or even more than 80.

Duan Mu was having a hard time even defending against his attack, Aizen was an example.

From Duan Mu's point of view, although his spiritual pressure cannot reach the level that Captain Yamamoto is infinitely close to the upper limit, or even reach the real upper limit; but it is at least above 80, or even 90.

After merging with Bengyu, he not only has a very high spiritual pressure density, but the value should also be extremely terrifying.

Therefore, Duan Mu's first goal is to let himself reach the first stage in the system rating.

And the second goal...

Duan Mu glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo's Zanpakuto.

He wants to use this time to fully master his Zanpakuto ability.

It's a pity that if you want to do this, you still need to wait for Zanpakuto to fully recover.

In the battle with Ten Blades yesterday, he will barely recover some of the Zanpakuto and completely destroy it again.

After being destroyed last time, although Zanpakuto was unconscious, Duan Mu could barely feel his Zanpakuto consciousness gradually awakening, but after yesterday's battle, Duan Mu's Zanpakuto had completely disappeared, even that All consciousness has completely disappeared.

I don't know if it's because of being destroyed by Duan Mu one after another, so out of instinctive fear of Duan Mu...

The Zanpakuto that has been wounded one after another obviously cannot be recovered in a short period of time, but as long as the Zanpakuto recovers, Duan Mu can use the Zhuan Shen body to practice the swastika, so that the proficiency of the Zanpakuto on the system interface is forced promote.

At that time, the strength of his spiritual pressure should also increase accordingly.

Before that, you must improve your body as much as possible.

There are ghosts...

Originally, Duan Mu thought that the ghost way he had mastered was comprehensive enough, but yesterday's battle made him understand that his ghost way is still seriously insufficient.

Especially the targeted Ghost Dao used to restrain the corresponding opponent.

Compared with conventional ghost ways, this kind of ghost way can play a greater role in dealing with specific opponents.

For example, the wall of the earth transformed by Duan Mu in the battle this time.

However, planning is good, but if you want to realize it... you either need to wait, or you need to study hard.


Current experience points: 862

The meager experience points are the biggest obstacle.

Duan Mu couldn't help sighing in his heart, this battle might as well be fought in Seiling Court.

Usually when he fights for the Seireitei...or when others mistakenly think that he is fighting for the Seireitei, he can always gain a lot of favorability points.

But this time...

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