This battle was fought quietly, and from the beginning to the end, I was the only one participating in the battle. Many people just felt the terrifying spiritual pressure, and they didn't even know who was fighting.

The people who raised their favorability towards Duan Mu were basically residents of West 38th District.


Thinking of this, Duan Mu glanced at Yeyi, and... After the captain meeting, he went to the second team on the surface, but actually followed behind him secretly, and came to District 38 to hide in the distance to spy on Yeyi. One broken bee.

A warm smile suddenly appeared on Duan Mu's face.

He has discovered that if he wants to increase Captain Broken Bee's favorability, he still has to start with Ye Yi.

after all……

Even when Suifeng saw Yushiro Sifengin who resembled Yeyi, he would stare blankly for a while.


Chapter 215 Get drunk

In the days that followed, Duan Mu was at leisure after a long absence.

Of course, this leisure is only relative.

Every day, Duan Mu led a group of villains to rebuild the Master House, as well as repair the houses and streets of the residents.

Under the leadership of Duan Mu, within a few days, a brand new master house and tavern were erected on the ground.

After the reconstruction of the Master House, Duan Mu once again returned to his previous life, completing various commissions in various parts of the Seiring Court every day.

"Boss Duan Mu."

"You are finally back!"

"I thought you didn't want us anymore."


After entering the supervision building, before Duan Mu entered the surveillance department, the supervision team members had already swarmed to Duan Mu's side.

Looking at the crowd, Duan Mu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Since breaking into Room 46 of Mao, Suifeng has taken back all the rights of Duan Mu's secret maneuver.

After Lan Ran defected, Ten Blades attacked again, followed by voyeurism, so it was not until yesterday that Sui Feng returned the authority to withdraw to Duan Mu.

of course……

The main reason is that since Duan Mu left, the nest of maggots has been left unattended.

The prisoners there, except for Duan Mu, basically refused to obey anyone!

There was even a long-lost case of prison guard casualties.

Finally, after some hesitation, Sui Feng decided to let Duan Mu take charge of the supervisory team again.

The reason why she hesitated was not because she didn't believe in Duan Mu, but now that Duan Mu also served as the captain of the ninth division, it always felt a bit inappropriate for other division captains to take charge of a sub-unit with secret maneuvers.


Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Duan Mu didn't stay in the supervision team much before, but only came to the supervision team every few weeks, or when there was something that needed to be decided.

Coupled with Duan Mu's working ability, it is not difficult for him to serve as the temporary captain of the supervision team and the temporary captain of the ninth team at the same time.

What's more, Duan Mu also worked part-time at the comprehensive rescue station. Although he has no position, his voice in the comprehensive rescue station is actually almost the same as that of Huche Yuyin, the deputy captain.

The two have always cooperated with each other and jointly managed the affairs of the comprehensive ambulance station.

"What to do, why go."

Duan Mu waved to the crowd: "I haven't been here for a few months, not for a few years, so there's nothing to welcome."

"I'm here to get some cleaning tools, and then go to clean up the nest of maggots. Regarding the affairs of the supervision team, Yuan Fang, please make statistics first, and I'll check when I come back later."

"Yes, Boss Duan Mu."

Kiyohara Fang, who had always been restrained, now had a look of excitement on his face.

As the vice-captain of the supervision team, it is naturally impossible for him not to be aware that Duan Mu has now become the captain of the ninth team, so...he always has a feeling in his heart that his captain has been snatched away by the ninth team.

But now it seems that Boss Duan Mu has not abandoned them.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Duan Mu took the cleaning tools from the cabinet in the Surveillance Section and walked straight to the maggot nest.

After entering the nest of maggots, Duan Mu frowned.

Looking around, I saw that the nest of maggots had become chaotic again, with garbage everywhere.

And when the two stone doors opened, fierce eyes were cast on Duan Mu, but after seeing Duan Mu clearly, everyone froze.


With a heavy sound, the two stone doors behind Duan Mu slowly closed.

Duan Mu put down the cleaning tools he was carrying, rolled up his sleeves, and put on a waterproof apron.


The sound of the Shimen closing came out, and almost at the same time, screams, begging for mercy, and cursing... suddenly came from the nest of maggots!


Two hours later, Duan Mu walked out of the maggot's nest refreshed, and threw the blood-stained waterproof apron into the trash can.

The people in the nest of maggots actually have some mental problems to some extent.

It's easy to make them subdue, but it's almost impossible to make them submit to your despotic power all the time when you're not around.

Moreover, most of these people are very smart. Just because of Duan Mu's absence for a long time and observing the reactions of the members of the supervision team who came here, they guessed that something may have happened to Duan Mu.

With No.1 making trouble, without attracting Duan Mu, there will be a second person who will take risks and try constantly...

Therefore, after Duan Mu re-managed the nest of maggots, he didn't talk nonsense. He directly beat everyone to submission, then treated them, beat them again... beat them a few more times, and these people will naturally have a long memory.

Back in the supervisory building, Duan Mu checked his affairs and records during his absence.

After dealing with all the affairs, it was almost noon, Duan Mu didn't stay in the second squad for lunch, but went straight to the comprehensive ambulance station.

Duan Mu was thinking about the next arrangement while walking.

Originally, according to his plan, he planned to completely stop the business of Wanshiwu before Aizen came, and concentrate on... making friends.

But the existence of Master House has been an important channel for him to make friends all the time.

In the end, Duan Mu just stopped the Liuhun Street business in the name of main store renovation, and the Wanshiwu in Seireitei continued to operate as usual.

Yesterday, Kurosaki Ichigo and his party returned to the present world, while Rukia stayed in the world of souls.

Their departure made Duan Mu even more urgent.

It's just that making friends is not something that can be done in a hurry.

In fact, there is no way for Duan Mu to quickly obtain a large amount of experience points.

The method is very simple...

To please Uno no Hana Lie!

But before pleasing her, you need to make some preparations, at least prepare enough experience points to avoid being hacked to death due to insufficient experience points.

As for how much is enough, Duan Mu is not very sure.

Anyway, the more the better, and you still need to wait for Zanpakuto to fully recover before proceeding.

Current experience points: 1864

Not enough~ Still far from enough.

Duan Mu rubbed his head, let's take a step first, as long as he has been working in the comprehensive rescue center, maybe someday Unozhihuali will increase his favorability towards him.

"Hey~Boss Duan Mu!"

A very excited call sounded, Duan Mu followed the sound, and the scene that came into view made Duan Mu vaguely hear the voice of 'Duang, Duang, Duang'.

Matsumoto chrysanthemum.

Trotting all the way to Duan Mu, Matsumoto Ranju said expectantly: "Boss Duan Mu, come to drink with me after a long absence."


The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly. The reason why he was able to avoid alcohol and satisfy his cravings with Deli's best every day was all because of drinking with this man.

As for Duan Mu, he would never step on the same place repeatedly.

So he will absolutely, absolutely not drink with this alcoholic aggregate again!

"Sorry, I still have comprehensive ambulance..."

Duan Mu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he saw the darkness and sadness deep in Matsumoto Rangiku's eyes, he couldn't help swallowing the next words.

"Let's go then."

Duan Mu pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth slightly: "This time we won't go home until we're drunk!"


Matsumoto Rangiku's dim gaze suddenly brightened.


Duan Mu smiled slightly: "Today only, we can drink whatever you want."

Matsumoto Ranju heard the words, took a deep look at Duan Mu, and said with a wry smile:

"It should be said that he really deserves to be known as Boss Duan Mu who understands women's thoughts the most in the world of corpses and souls?"

[Matsumoto Rangiku's favorability +1, gain 2560 experience points, current favorability: 44]

Looking at the system prompt in his mind, Duan Mu took a look at Matsumoto Ranju, and understood that she really needs to get drunk to the fullest now.

And the reason...

Even if she didn't say it, Duan Mu could still guess.

It's a pity that I can't help other than getting drunk with her.

It's not difficult to get him in touch with Ichimaru Gin, but Duan Mu is unwilling to expose Tiruti's existence.

On the one hand, the timing is not enough, on the other hand, it is because...

Duan Mu really couldn't trust Ichimaru Gin, even if he knew his target was Aizen.

Because, in order to gain Aizen's trust, he can be said to be unscrupulous.

Even if he cooperates with him, if necessary to sacrifice himself, Ichimaru Gin will never hesitate in the slightest. Based on this alone, Duan Mu has no trust in Ichimaru Gin.

After making up his mind, Duan Mu did not continue to go to the fourth team.

Instead, he took Matsumoto Rangiku and walked towards the commercial street. When he came to the commercial street, he asked Matsumoto Rangiku to go to the izakaya to wait first, and he went back to the master house to explain to Hanon.

Immediately, he walked towards the Arakawa Izakaya opposite Master House.

Matsumoto Rangiku was already sitting in the izakaya at this time.

"Yo, Boss Duan Mu, I haven't been to the shop for a long time."

After Boss Arakawa saw Duan Mu, he greeted Duan Mu enthusiastically, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that Vice Captain Matsumoto is also here. Would you like to recreate the grand occasion with Vice Captain Matsumoto?"

Boss Arakawa's words were actually just a joke. Since Duan Mu had a drink with Vice Captain Matsumoto here last time, he has been avoiding Vice Captain Matsumoto since then, and he is unwilling to drink with him again.

It is said that because of getting drunk last time, there was a big trouble.

Although I don't know the specific circumstances, the incident should not be small. After all, after so many years, Boss Duan Mu has never visited his tavern again.

"Well, we have an appointment." Duan Mu smiled.


Duan Mu's words made Boss Arakawa slightly taken aback, and then his face changed suddenly.

" mean..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Duan Mu walking straight towards Matsumoto Ranju's table.

Seeing this, Boss Arakawa's face immediately turned pale, and he called the man beside him:

"Quickly, check the inventory. If the inventory is not enough, immediately go to other taverns to buy some more wine, and the price can be high or low..."

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