After all, he pondered for a while, and continued:

"Put up the sign that the business is closed, and then let the customers in the store finish their meals as quickly as possible, and then leave here... No, tell them that today's drinks and food are free, but the condition is that they must finish their meals within 10 minutes, and leave Tavern."


"Ah, what, I told you to go, just go quickly."


Without looking at Boss Arakawa's reaction, Duan Mu sat directly opposite Matsumoto Ranju.

Smelling the aroma of wine coming from the jugs of wine on the wine table, Duan Mu couldn't help showing enjoyment in his eyes.

Now that you have decided to drink it, you should have a refreshing drink!

If you calculate carefully, it has been more than ten years since the last time you drank to your heart's content.

For more than ten years, although Duan Mu didn't drink alcohol at all, he only drank a small glass every time, and most of the time he used Deli to satisfy his cravings.


Duan Mu patted the table: "Boss Arakawa, first come fifty pots of the best wine here."

As for what will happen after getting drunk, Duan Mu doesn't need to worry too much.

Today's Duan Mu, as long as he doesn't slaughter Room 46 of Mao, and doesn't provoke Captain Yamamoto, then he is a crab in Seireitei, and he can walk sideways!

"Sure enough, I have to drink with you, Duan Mu."

After a few glasses of wine, Matsumoto Ranju no longer called Duan Mu the boss, but started calling Duan Mu by his first name.

Duan Mu was a little cautious at first, but after a few drinks, he completely relaxed.

When he first arrived in Soul Soul Realm, Duan Mu was always in a tense state, and he could only relieve the pressure when drinking, so at that time, he would get himself drunk every night before going to bed, and then he would sleep in a room full of iron bars. In the first day, I slept until dawn.

However, after staying in Liuhun Street for a long time, Duan Mu has gradually relaxed.

But drinking is still the most relaxing pleasure for Duan Mu.

- have fun!

[Matsumoto Rangiku’s favorability +1...]

If it is said that Duan Mu was still drinking with Matsumoto Rangiku for experience points at the beginning, after drinking those pots of wine, Duan Mu was already drinking for the sake of drinking!

What system prompts, what blue dye, what enhanced strength...

Everything was left behind by Duan Mu.

Although he is extremely resistant to drinking with Matsumoto Ranju, Duan Mu also has to admit that drinking with Matsumoto Ranju is really fun.

She is like a wine barrel, no matter how much wine she can drink with her.

This is absolutely impossible for others to do.

Drinking alone is called borrowing alcohol to relieve worries, and drinking together is called sharing the same interests.

And Matsumoto Rangiku is undoubtedly the best drinking buddy.

The premise is...


The jug shattered, Matsumoto Rangiku slapped the table, and shouted angrily: "Who is that bastard, Silver, I don't want to talk to that bastard."

"Your reaction doesn't look like you don't want to talk to me."

"What are you talking's bad luck to mention that bastard!"

Matsumoto Rangiku put a wine jug in one hand, and put them directly into his mouth, with such a bold gesture that even Duan Mu, who had already entered the state, imitated it.


Duan Mu picked up two jugs of wine, and while drinking, he muttered: "I want to see today, which one of us will fall first, if you win, I will help you catch that guy back when I have a chance, and let you Put a collar on him and train him!"

Duan Mu, who had already had a drink, was completely unaware of what he said inadvertently.


"Just kidding, do you believe that after I catch him, I can make Mao Room 46 not hold him accountable?"

[Matsumoto Rangiku’s favorability +1...]

Matsumoto Ranju was happy when he heard the words, but he didn't take it seriously, but patted the table and said: "Then I will drink to the end of whatever I say today."


Boss Arakawa looked at the bragging Duan Mu, and couldn't help feeling a little thankful that he had driven away the customers in the store in advance.

As a member of the original Tenth Division, he knew very well how much impact Duan Mu's drunken words would have if it was spread.

If this reached the ears of Room 46 of Mao, it would be enough to punish him with death.

after all……

These words seemed to mean that he could lead the trial in Room 46 of Mao.


Chapter 216 62? ?

noon the next day.

Duan Mu suddenly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a strange room.


After a long absence, he rubbed his aching head from the hangover, a feeling Duan Mu hadn't felt for a while.


"This is where?"

Looking at the surrounding dormitory-like rooms, doubts flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and he subconsciously began to recall what happened yesterday.

Immediately, Duan Mu's face sank, and he checked his physical condition immediately.

After making sure that his clothes were not damaged or injured, he was relieved.

Duan Mu still remembers drinking with Matsumoto Ranju in his memory, but after drinking half of it, Duan Mu's memory has become somewhat blurred.

Vaguely, Duan Mu suddenly remembered a passage.

(Just kidding, believe it or not, after I catch him, I can let Mao Room 46 not hold him accountable?)


The words that emerged in his mind caused Duan Mu to raise his hand and slap himself...

It's a mistake to drink, this kind of promise is actually made by myself!

Fortunately, Matsumoto Rangiku didn't take it to heart at the time, and just took it as his drunken words.

However, who was the first to be drunk in the end?

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but look at the system interface. After seeing the current experience value, Duan Mu's face showed a look of joy, which was immediately replaced by a look of worry.

Current experience points: 175944

Seeing the sudden surge of experience points, Duan Mu immediately opened the favorability interface.

only see...

[Matsumoto Rangiku’s favorability +1...]

[Matsumoto Rangiku's favorability +1, gain 5120 experience points, current favorability: 60]

[Kotetsu Yongin's favorability +1, gained 51200 experience points, current love value: 61]

[Kotetsu Yongin's favorability +1, gained 51200 experience points, current love value: 62]

The whole column of system prompts in front was fine, but the last two lines of system prompts made Duan Mu's face change drastically, and his first reaction was to observe the room he was in.

After confirming that this is only a single dormitory, and there are no traces of women living here, his face looks a little better, but it's just a little...

What did I do last night?

Duan Mu hesitated for a moment, activated the detection nerve, and confirmed his position, which also made the last trace of luck in his heart disappear.

Because this is where...

Team Four!

Although he has never lived here, the flower arrangement party held by Captain Unohana has always been held in the fourth team's opponent's house, so Duan Mu is no stranger to the fourth team.

Duan Mu kept trying to recall what happened after he was drunk, but no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember what happened last night.

If I went to fight Saragi Kenpachi after getting drunk like last time, then it is absolutely impossible for me to be unimpressed.

From this, it can be seen that I should not be "drinking crazy" to challenge Captain Unohana!

But what happened to Huche Yuyin?

It's impossible for me to run to challenge Yongyin.


Even if I was fighting with Huche Yuyin, Huche Yuyin would not feel as happy as Unozhihuaretsu, and his favorability for himself would drop sharply, instead of breaking through the upper limit like now, changing from friendship value to Love value of 2 points.

Although after discovering that the love value is not as terrible as he imagined, Duan Mu thought about slightly increasing the favorability of those who have reached the upper limit.

It is best to maintain the level of 65 points.

So Duan Mu and Huche Yongyin, the female vice-captain who was the first female vice-captain to reach 60 points of favorability, have always had some bad intentions when getting along, hoping to raise the other party's favorability to 65 points.

of course……

This bad intention refers to experience points only.

Moreover, based on Duan Mu's "experience" in Liuhun Street and Commercial Street for so long, the 65-point favorability is just a little bit good for this person, and he can barely accept spending a lifetime with him.

But except for a few, there is basically no situation where Duan Mu is the one who stalks and stalks...

On the contrary, when most people reach 65 o'clock, they will take the initiative to distance themselves from Duan Mu, instead of being like close friends with no taboos.

Moreover, it is easy to drop the love value back to 60 points of pure friendship, and it is difficult to raise it again.

So Duan Mu has always wanted Yong Yin's favorability for him to break through 60 points.


The idea is beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

He has tried many methods, whether it is discussing the Tao with Yongyin, working seriously, or arranging flowers with Yongyin in his spare time, meeting and chatting in ordinary times... In short, no matter what method he uses, the relationship between the two is along the same lines. The confidant and the best friend ran all the way.

The same is true for Duan Mu.

There is absolutely no sign of the slightest idea of ​​love.

and so……

I must have done something yesterday.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu tidied up the wrinkles on his clothes, got up and went to the door of the dormitory.

But when he was about to open the door and go out, there was a look of struggle on his face.

Unsure of what he did yesterday, Duan Mu didn't even dare to open the door to go out, and even wanted to hide his body with the 'curved light', and secretly left the fourth division team building.


What the hell is Kanon doing?

Duan Mu stood in front of the door with a cloudy expression on his face.

Before drinking with Matsumoto Rangiku yesterday, he went to Master House to ask Hanyin to tell Omaeda to secretly maneuver and ask Omaeda to lead the police to watch him more, so as not to cause any trouble when he was drunk.

It would be best if you get drunk and send yourself directly to the Maggot Nest...or other prisons in the Second Division.


When I woke up, I would actually appear in the fourth team!

go out?

Or run away?

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