Duan Mu's eyes were full of struggle, and finally he gritted his teeth hard.

go out!

He didn't do anything wrong, besides, Duan Mu has a very high degree of control over his body, if there is any change in his body, he will find it in the previous inspection.

Based on this alone, Duan Mu doesn't need to worry about anything.

At least I didn't make any fundamental mistakes.


As the dormitory door was pushed open, Duan Mu couldn't help squinting his eyes in the midday sun.

The familiar courtyard allowed Duan Mu to determine his location.

This should be the male dormitory of the fourth division.

Although the team building of the fourth division is not as luxurious as that of the second division, it is still divided into left and right areas by the corridor leading to the general rescue center.

On the left is the men's area, on the right is the women's area, and in the middle is the office area shared by the two areas, and there is a long corridor leading directly to the compound of the comprehensive ambulance station.

"Mr. Duan Mu, are you awake?"

A familiar voice came, and when he looked up, Hua Taro was cleaning the courtyard with a broom in his hand, and when he saw Duan Mu going out, he immediately greeted him.

And his words also made the rest of the courtyard gather towards this side.

"Mr. Duan Mu, you are really amazing."

"Hahaha, it's really rare to see Mr. Duan Mu, who has always been gentle, drunk."

"It's more than rare. I've been in the fourth team for almost ten years. Don't say I'm drunk. I haven't even seen Mr. Duan Mu drinking."


In a blink of an eye, the male members of the Fourth Division who had no shifts today rushed towards this side one after another.

Looking at Duan Mu, his gaze was full of admiration.

This scene made Duan Mu's heart skip a beat, and finally he showed a stiff smile:

"Well... I... um... why am I here? Yesterday I had..."

Even though Duan Mu kept emphasizing in his heart that he had to be calm, he still couldn't help but stutter for a while, because these people in front of him looked at him, which made Duan Mu always feel an inexplicable uneasiness.

"Don't you remember?"

"Yesterday, you made a lot of noise."

"Later it was Captain Huche Yuyin who sent you here."


What everyone said to me made Duan Mu's face paler.

"Do not worry."

Ditang Harunobu joked: "The situation you imagined did not happen, otherwise, Mr. Duan Mu, you would not be sent to the male dormitory."

Duan Mu was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Ditang Chunxin.

"I don't know much about the specific situation."

Ditang Harunobu did not show off as usual, but said directly: "It is said that you suddenly rushed into the women's area of ​​the fourth team's team building late last night...about three o'clock in the morning...well, it was not sneaking in, but He released his powerful spiritual pressure as soon as he came."

"At that time, not to mention the fourth division, even the entire Seireitei felt your spiritual pressure, which also led to other divisions coming here to ask what happened to the fourth division. However, these are the aftermath. At that time, Mr. Duan Mu, you entered the women's dormitory and went straight to the residence of the captain and vice-captain."

"..." Duan Mu.

Hearing this, Duan Mu already faintly felt something was wrong.

Because oppressing such things with spiritual pressure is mostly intentional provocation, and it can also be regarded as a signal of challenge.

Is he still challenging Captain Unokana after all?

But if this is the case, why is he lying here safe and sound instead of lying in the intensive care unit?

It's impossible to win by yourself, right?

Although Duan Mu doesn't need to be afraid of most of the captains at all now, there is still a huge gap with the captains of Uno Hana Retsu and Yamamoto. There is a slight gap between them.

"Just as you thought."

Ditang Harunobu smiled and said: "According to the memories of those female team members, when you arrived outside the captain's dormitory, you directly asked Captain Unohana for advice...not on the way of return, but on the way of swordsmanship, saying that you hoped to experience it. Captain Hua's swordsmanship."

Looking at Duan Mu's twitching eyes, Ditang Harunobu continued: "Don't worry, Captain Unohana and other captains went to the headquarters for a meeting last night. It is said that they are to discuss matters related to the present world. return……"

Hearing this, Duan Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder~

I can lie here safely!

"It is said that after the female soldiers explained the situation, they wanted to take you to rest in the female dormitory for a night."

But Ditang Chunxin's next sentence made Duan Mujiang let go of his heart and brought it up again.

Seeing Duanmu's reaction, Ogido Harunobu suddenly showed a smile of successful mischief on his face, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, you were only thinking about challenging Captain Unohana. No matter who advised you to take a rest, you would Standing straight in front of the captain’s dormitory.”

"..." Duan Mu.

Can't you finish it all at once?

"and after?"

"What else could it be."

Ditang Harunobu smiled and said: "The captain went to a meeting, and you couldn't find anyone to challenge you. After Captain Huche Yuyin was awakened by you, he finally persuaded you to come back, and then he lost his fighting spirit and completely paralyzed You are helping me to send you back to the male dormitory... By the way, Mr. Duan Mu, I sent you to the dormitory."

"You didn't see the scene yesterday. Those female soldiers stared at me with fierce eyes. I was so scared that I almost sent you back to the female team."


"Looking back, you must treat me to a meal. In order to save you, I risked being surrounded and beaten."

Ignoring Ditang Harunobu's joke, Duan Mu frowned.

It's that simple?

Then why did Huche Yongyin's favorability increase?

Judging from Ogido Harunobu's words, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

As for helping...

To be honest...only he would care about this kind of contact, and Duan Mu discovered later that Huche Yuyin didn't care about this kind of contact at all, just like chaotic chrysanthemums, hooking shoulders and backs is common after drunk... ...Although most of the time, they hug each other's neck and forcefully feed each other wine.

Although I haven't tried it, Duan Mu thinks...

Even if he ran to give Huche Yuyin a hug, Huche Yuyin would think that something was wrong with him, and would force him to check him.

And, most importantly...

His whole body, for Unozhihuaretsu and Toraku Yuone, there is basically no secret at all.

Because every time he was seriously injured and dying in the battle, it was Uno Hana Retsu and Toru Yuone who treated Duan Mu together.

And after Captain Unokana's treatment was over, Toru Yune bandaged himself and put himself in a hospital gown.

Ever since he knew this, Duan Mu has realized...

Not to mention just some physical contact, even if he ran boldly in front of Huche Yongyin, she might take it lightly and watch carefully to check in detail whether Duan Mu was injured.

Because at that time, Duan Mu was just a simple wounded person in her eyes, she would not blush or feel embarrassed because of this, she would only think that there might be something wrong with Duan Mu's brain, and urgently needed to be checked and treated.

Therefore, it is impossible for Huche Yuyin to change his perception of himself by supporting this kind of contact.

"It's that simple?"

Duan Mu looked confused, and said to himself: "What's the matter with Yong Yin?"


Ditang Harunobu's eyes lit up suddenly, and his originally lazy expression became excited.

"Mr. Duan Mu, what did you say?"

Ditang Chunxin immediately leaned in front of Duan Mu, with gossip in his eyes: "Is there anything else we don't know?"

"Uh, not..."

Looking at the appearance of Ditang Harunobu, Duan Mu hurriedly explained: "I'm just a little surprised why the vice-captain Huche didn't directly send me to the comprehensive rescue center to rest. After all, as an outsider, I live in the fourth team In the dormitory, it does not conform to the rules of the Goutei [-]th Division."

Although Ditang Harunobu seems to have a straightforward personality and a very personable personality, this guy is actually a guy full of viciousness, and he especially likes to play tricks on others.

As the deputy squad leader of the first-level rescue squad, he often teased his superior, the squad leader of the first-level rescue squad, the third seat of the [-]th division, Yashichiwa Iemura.

Duan Mu didn't want to be caught by him...

"You are not an outsider."

Ditang Harunobu replied seriously, and then smiled: "And have you forgotten that the invasion of the traveling goods caused the [-]th Division to be almost completely wiped out. Although more than a week has passed, there are still many [-]th Divisions. The paramedics are hospitalized in the General Ambulance Unit, where there are no vacant rooms at all."

"That's it."

Duan Mu nodded, and didn't continue to struggle in his heart.

Although I don't know what's going on, it is of great benefit to myself.

Anyway, judging from Ogido Harunobu's words, he didn't do anything out of line, and it's only 62 points, so it's not difficult to lower it.

After relaxing, Duan Mu looked at the experience value on the system interface, and finally showed joy on his face.


Chapter 217 Meeting Content

Name: Duan Mu

Race: human

Level: Phase II

Physique: top (580016/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (519029/1000000)

White play: advanced (66540/100000)

Shunpo: Top (13886/1000000)

Slashing: Advanced (54903/100000)

Zanpakuto: Advanced (84362/100000)


Current experience value: 175944.

Walking in the team building of the fourth team, Duan Mu looked at the system interface, hesitating how to add points.

If you think about it in the long run, physique is undoubtedly the most suitable item to invest in experience points, because as long as the physique is high enough, there will be no bottleneck in front of Duan Mu.

In terms of spiritual pressure, it can be improved through the spirit void pattern.

But what Duan Mu needs right now is not the upper limit of growth, but pure strength!

Strengthening the physique can increase the upper limit of Duan Mu's spiritual body, strength, defense, recovery...

But Reiatsu is more comprehensive than physique, whether it is in terms of strengthening strength, defense, or improving the lethality of the fist-splitting ghost.

And most importantly...

Adding some physical strength at critical moments can really help you save yourself.

Compared with Xu's super fast regeneration ability, Duan Mu's current physical regeneration ability is not inferior.

But just like Xu, Duan Mu's regenerative ability is also unable to repair the vital parts. If he wants to heal the vital parts quickly, especially the key acupoints of the spirit body such as the 'lock knot', he can only recover by adding points to his body.

Because of this, Duan Mu has always had the habit of reserving experience points and adding points during battles.

This time is no exception, Duan Mu plans to reserve [-] experience points, just in case.


Duan Mu pondered for a while, looked at the latest one-knife cremation in the broken way, and directly added 15944 to it.

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