[Broken Path 96 One Knife Cremation] Advanced (4394/100000)

With nearly [-] experience points invested, Duan Mu's mastery of one-knife cremation has directly surpassed the activation, entry, low-level, and intermediate levels, and reached the advanced level.

As long as the mastered ghost way reaches this level, the power is already strong enough.

Moreover, the knowledge instilled in his mind is enough for Duan Mu to understand the rules of speech spirit formation, so that he can give up singing.

Although the power of abandoning the chanting is still not as good as the full chanting, but in the battle against time, there are very few opportunities to perform a complete chanting.

Counting the reserved 16, there are exactly [-] experience points left.

Duan Mu looked at this value with hesitation.

He was wondering whether to use 16 of the 10 to improve his strength, or... bet all of the 16 on Unohanaretsu in exchange for more experience points.


When the call came, Duan Mu looked up.

I saw Zaraki Kenpachi standing outside the comprehensive ambulance station, holding a large wooden wine barrel in his hand. After seeing Duan Mu's gaze, he grinned: "I invite you to drink!"


Duan Mu paused as he stepped into the comprehensive rescue station, and almost retreated to the team building of the fourth team.

"Xiao Mumu...Xiao Mumu."

Yachiryu poked his head out from behind Zaraki Kenpachi, with a happy smile on his blush face: "We're here to play with you!!"

Duan Mu rolled his eyes when he heard the words, you are not here to play with me, you are here to play with me.

Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly as he glanced at the large wine barrel that Jianba was carrying.

Is this guy willing to come back?

Since the last time he fought with Ten Blades on Liuhun Street, this bastard has been staying in Duan Mu's Wanshiwu, and he refuses to leave no matter who looks for him.

After Duan Mu persuaded him several times, he finally gave up the idea of ​​persuading him to leave.

"I came all night from Rukongai to buy you a drink!"

Zaraki Kenpachi patted the barrel: "I got this from the shop where you drank yesterday, you must like it very much."

At the end, Saraki Kenpachi's face was full of anticipation.

In the middle of the night, the moment Duan Mu released the spiritual pressure, he felt a familiar breath from it.

That was the feeling Duan Mu gave him when he met Duan Mu for the first time.

Crazy and belligerent!

He has actually fought with Duan Mu many times, although fighting with the ordinary Duan Mu also made him feel very happy, but the ordinary Duan Mu does not have the pure and incomparable fighting spirit when he met him for the first time.

And yesterday...

In Duan Mu's spiritual pressure, he once again felt that pure fighting spirit.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zaragi Kenpachi directly charged towards Seireitei with his sword in hand.


Not long after, Duan Mu's breath disappeared.

After losing the tracking target, Saraki Kenpachi, under Yachiryu's command, ran from late at night to morning before returning to Seireitei.

The first thing he did when he came back was to ask Yijiao and Gong about what happened last night.

Since Duan Mu's aura erupted late last night was too terrifying, the story of the incident early in the morning had already spread throughout the Seiling Court.

It is naturally impossible for Kazuki Saraki and Ayasegawa to know about it personally.

When Duan Mu heard from the two of them that after he was drunk, he ran to challenge Uno Hana Retsu, the excitement in Saraki Kenpachi's heart almost reached the extreme.

Sure enough, this guy suits him very well!

after all……

Uno Hana Lie has always been the target he wants to challenge.

"Before you fight her, fight me first."

Zaraki Kenpachi's face was full of this fanatical fighting spirit: "Then the one who wins, how about challenging her?"

"The devil wants to fight you."

Duan Mu rolled his eyes angrily, fighting with Uzhi Hualie, he could gain great benefits.

Fight with this guy...

Got a bird?

"Didn't you not find her yesterday?"

Zaraki Kenpachi did not give up, but seriously persuaded: "It's so uncomfortable to hold back and not vent. It's okay to vent at my place first, and I brought you wine."

"..." Duan Mu.

Why does this sound so awkward?

"Come on, drink first, and fight after drinking!"

"I don't mind you two fighting, but can you stop fighting here?"

Before Duan Mu could reply, an extremely gentle voice suddenly reached the ears of Duan Mu and the others.

Following the prestige, I saw Unozhihuaretsu and Toru Yunon standing at the door of the comprehensive rescue station, looking at the two of them with a gentle expression, but the eyes became a little narrow and long, which made Duan Mu and Zaraki Kenpachi's body tightened almost instinctively.

"Also, now is not the time for you to fight."

Uozhihualie took a deep look at the two of them, and after she finished her words, her long and narrow eyes gradually receded, and at this moment, her demeanor also returned to the original dignified and gentle, as if the words were meant for her to hear. generally.

"However, it's no wonder, after all, neither of you attended the captain's meeting yesterday."


Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, remembering what Ditang Harunobu said earlier.

(You don't have to worry, Captain Unohana and other captains went to the headquarters for a meeting last night. It is said that they are to discuss matters related to the present world, and they have not returned yet...)

Previously, Duan Mu's attention was all on what happened yesterday, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

After hearing Uzhi Hualie's words, Duan Mu remembered what Ditang Harunobu said.

Discuss matters related to this world?

Is it...

"Someone attacked the Reaper agent and others in this world."

Uozhihualie said slowly: "However, the broken faces that appeared this time are just some incomplete individuals. The two broken faces that appeared in this world were eliminated not long after."

"But the appearance of an incomplete broken face shows that Aizen has already started to act, and it won't take long for a complete broken face to appear."

Uozhihuali paused for a moment, then looked up at Duan Mu and the two of them: "Even Ten Blades, who have fought with you before, may become stronger with the help of Beng Yu, who has been completely unsealed."

Hearing this, Duan Mu frowned.

And Saraki Kenpachi on the side showed excitement on his face: "Then shall we kill Xuquan now?"

"you shut up!"

Duan Mu glared at Jianba angrily, then smiled fiercely at Uzhihua: "Captain Uzhihua, you continue..."

"Originally, according to our plan, before Aizen started to act, we would not move. After all, the accident in Room 46 of Mao and the betrayal of the three captains have already seriously injured the [-]th division of Goutei."

"But the speed of breaking the surface is too fast."

Unokanaretsu glanced at Saraki Kenpachi, and shook his head: "About Captain Saraki's proposal to kill the virtual circle, Captain Komamura also proposed it in yesterday's meeting, but it has been rejected by Captain Yamamoto."

"Because rushing to the enemy's territory, it is easy to fall into a trap and be trapped in the virtual circle. Today's Gotei [-]th Division must avoid this."

"the most important is……"

"Even if we go to the virtual circle at the same time, we may not be able to meet Aizen. He may even trap us in the virtual circle when we go to the virtual circle, so as to achieve his goal in this world."

When Uozhihualie said this, a strange color flashed in his eyes: "The chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor, the sage Awanmen, has been searching for the traces of Aizen's review of the information in the past few days. Ran looked through the information about 'Wang Jian'...that is, the key to the Lingwang Palace."

Is that true?

Duan Mu was not surprised about Nayula's search for Aizen's traces, because Nayula had told Duan Mu about her thoughts before.

And the reason why she thought of searching Aizen was because when Aizen was pretending to be Mao Room 46, she, the chief secretary, was forbidden to enter the corridor of the Great Spirit Book, as if she didn't want her to find anything.

The same is true!

"Therefore, we must not rashly transfer the battlefield to the virtual circle, otherwise, once Aizen achieves his goal, the consequences will be disastrous."

King key!

Duan Mu frowned more and more.

Although the king's key is a key, it is also a fusion with immortality.

Today's Lan Ran has already merged with Beng Yu, if he is allowed to merge with Wang Jian, with the combination of the two, he may really become a so-called immortal existence.

Duan Mu didn't know much about Wang Jian.

But Duan Mu can still be sure that Wang Jian is the embodiment of the power of the Spirit King.

Because according to the information in his memory, the skeletons of the royal agents in the Soul King Palace...the so-called Zero Squadron were restructured by the power of the Soul King, and these restructured skeletons entered the Soul King Palace. The key - the king key.

After the spirit bodies of the members of Team Zero are recast by the power of the spirit king, as long as the spirit king is still there, they are immortal existences. Even if they are killed, all members can regain their strength and be resurrected by calling their names. It takes a long time to fully recover.

After Lan Ran merged with Beng Yu, he already possessed immortality, so Wang Jian's immortality was not something he cared about.


The king key is the material embodiment of the power of the spirit king!

And the broken jade~

As for the composition of Bengyu, Duan Mu has also never studied it, and has never even seen it.

But if there is no accident, Bengyu should also be regarded as the material manifestation of the power of the spirit king to a certain extent.

If these two substances are combined, as long as they pass the level of Team Zero, Aizen may really be able to achieve his goal, to replace the Spirit King in the Spirit King Palace...and be able to move freely, truly filling the void of the Throne of Heaven The Spirit King of the Window Period...

As for the Goutei [-]th Division...

Even if he wanted to help, he couldn't go to the Lingwang Palace at all.

From this point of view, the battlefield should definitely not be chosen in the virtual circle.

The virtual circle has been arranged by Aizen for hundreds of years. It is not difficult to trap the captain who is going to the virtual circle for a period of time. Duan Mu was trapped in the virtual circle before, and it was Kisuke Urahara who rescued him in the end .

"However, there is a breakdown in this world, but we can't ignore it."

Unozhihuarei said in a solemn tone: "Even if it may be a conspiracy to disperse the combat power of the Goutei [-]th Division, the Soul Society must send people to guard in the present world, in case those spawned destructive forces will cause damage to the present world. destroy."

"And if you want to get the king key, Aizen will definitely focus on the present world, so the captain decided to put the battlefield of the decisive battle with Aizen in the present world!"

"But before that, the Goutei thirteenth squad cannot go to the present world at the same time, lest Aizen take the opportunity to invade the soul world, so Captain Yamamoto plans to send a small team to guard the present world first."

Unohana paused for a moment, and continued: "These are the main contents of yesterday's meeting."

"As for the candidates for the team, we are still selecting for the time being. When a completely broken face appears in the present world, this team will fight first, and the Gotei [-]th Division will provide support depending on the situation."

Support as needed?

Duan Mu's gaze suddenly became a little strange. This sentence basically means that there may be no support.

At least until it is confirmed that the virtual circle is coming out in full force...

The Goutei thirteenth squad will not come out in full force, lest their base camp be attacked by surprise.

Whoever goes is unlucky!

This thought suddenly flashed in Duan Mu's mind, and at the same time, there was a sense of ominous premonition.

"As for the face-to-face confrontation, there is also the so-called 'Ten Blades' Boss Duan Mu who has the most experience..."


Even if it was Uzhi Hualie who said this, Duan Mu still waved his hand and interrupted: "I'm just a temporary worker, isn't it too much for me to work hard?"

"Hehe, doesn't Boss Duan Mu want to go?"

Unozhihuaretsu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, this proposal was made by Captain Nirvana Yuri, but Captain Yamamoto rejected it." After that, she took a deep look at Duan Mu: "The reason why Captain Yamamoto refused Yes...you have to stay in the Soul Realm."

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