Huh huh huh huh...

The whistling sound of the punching wind sounded again. This kind of training is extremely slow for improving the proficiency of white fighting, but it can make Duan Mu quickly familiarize himself with his body, so that he can get used to the strength, angle, and even the spirit of each punch. pressure changes.

da da da da da...

The constantly crossed legs are like a fan with extremely high speed, and countless double images are constantly intertwined.

Strictly speaking, Shunpo is not suitable for use in melee combat, but if you want to integrate it into melee combat, you need to make certain changes to make it more flexible.

Only by combining the use of fists and feet with steps can we truly attack while dodging attacks.

At this moment, all kinds of free-playing skills endowed by the system in his mind flooded into his mind one after another, and were continuously used by Duan Mu's changing moves.

at the same time.

Duan Mu did not let go of the inspiration that Babayuan Xiongru and Bingzhu Yibingwei brought to Duan Mu, but seriously pondered and thought about it.

While waving the fist, its surface was covered with a glove-like Reiatsu.

When fighting Ten Blades a few days ago, Duan Mu used this technique to avoid head-to-head encounters while still being able to display his powerful strength.

With Duan Mu's fist swinging, the shape of this layer of glove-shaped Reiatsu is gradually changing.

The changes in the spiritual pressure of Duan Mu's acupoints on both hands also changed accordingly, making the change of the spiritual pressure outside the fists faster and faster, and finally formed a spiritual pressure condensate like bear claws, covering Duan Mu's fists.


With a soft drink, Duan Mu stretched out his fists and pressed down on his feet.


The air trembled, and the two bear claws immediately separated from Duan Mu's hands and slapped towards the ground.


The moment the spiritual pressure output was cut off, the two bear claws shook suddenly, and they turned into spirit particles and dissipated before they landed.

Is it really not that easy?

"The changes in spiritual pressure... and it also lacks the regularity and vitality of a bear bite... cutting off the spiritual pressure when the bear's claws are released is also a difficulty."

While Duan Mu was muttering to himself, his hands didn't stop at all, and he was still punching instinctively.

Although Reiatsu can make a simple fist attack become full of lethality.

But the moves...

However, under the condition that the strength of spiritual pressure remains the same, he can exert more lethal power with every punch and kick.


at the same time.

Inside the team building of the first team, a secret mobile Liting team knelt on one knee and reported in a respectful tone:

"The Technology Development Bureau reported that in the eastern part of Karakura Town in the present world, a broken face reaction was found in the area between Guispear and Ponderosa Pine. There are a total of two broken faces. The number of broken faces is equivalent."

"But both of them are not in the database of the Technology Development Bureau. Captain Mayuri Mayura speculates that the two are ten blades who did not come to Soul World last time."

Captain Yamamoto frowned upon hearing this, and turned to look at Sparrow Minister Jiro standing beside him:

"How is the selection of the dispatched troops?"

"The selection has been completed. This dispatch in this world will be led by Captain Hitsugaya. The members are the vice-captain of the [-]th division, Asai Renji, the vice-captain of the [-]th division, Matsumoto Rangiku, and the third seat of the [-]th division. Madarame, Goshi Ayasegawa, Kuchiki Rukia, who is most familiar with Shinigami agent, and others."

"However, since the third team in charge of support and the fifth team in charge of rescue do not have captains now, plus the vice-captains of the two teams, is difficult to accept the captain's betrayal, so it is difficult for the two teams Organize emergency support and rescue."

"Support and rescue?"

Captain Yamamoto pondered for a while: "Let's leave it to the ninth team to be responsible for this."

"Squad Nine?"

Sparrow Chojiro was stunned. Duan Mu is now in charge of the Ninth Division. Although Captain Yamamoto allowed him to leave the Ninth Division, he did not stop the entrustment at the captain's meeting.

"Could he be willing to go?"

Although he hadn't met Duan Mu a few times, and the only few meetings he had just passed by, but as the deputy captain of the first team in charge of the internal affairs of the thirteenth division, he had Duan Mu's whereabouts report and Duan Mu's whereabouts report in his hand. What Wood has always done.

Although the opponent's strength is very strong, but the person is extremely unstable, but in general they can be regarded as their own people, but they just don't obey orders.

But there is no other way, the other party is neither a graduate of the Shinou Academy of Spiritual Arts, nor an official member of the Gotei [-]th division. If there is no entrustment from Captain Yamamoto, he can completely ignore it.

"You can issue a commission directly to him in my name."

Captain Yamamoto paused: "Tell him, as a reward for this entrustment..."

"I can come forward and ask Captain Unohana to give him guidance on cutting techniques."


Chapter 219 Arrancar's attack.

Three days passed in a flash.

goo go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go...

In the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, Duan Mu took the water from Jin Yan and drank the big bucket in one gulp.

"Master Duan Mu, there is a man outside who claims to be the deputy captain of the First Division. His name is... Takuchojiro. Do you want him to come in?"

Sparrow Minister Jiro?

What did he come to do with me?

Duan Mu frowned, suddenly feeling bad.

drive away?

Shaking his head slightly, forget it...

The old man is now managing the affairs of Room 46 of Mao, and Duan Mu doesn't want to be punished by him for some reason.

"Bring him here."


Jin Yan responded, turned around and walked outside.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with white hair, golden eyes, a moustache, and an elegant temperament walked in.

For this guy, Duan Mu has never had any contact with him, because he always feels that he is a very troublesome guy...

"Captain Duan Mu."

Chojiro Sparrow looked at Duan Mu, who was shirtless, and saluted in a respectful tone.

"Vice-Captain Sparrow is being polite."

Duan Mu smiled slightly and got up to return the salute.

Although this guy looks much younger than Captain Yamamoto, his actual age is higher than all the captains except Unokanaretsu.

However, the strength of his own spiritual pressure is limited, maybe because he encountered the limit barrier too early, or because of other reasons, he gave Duan Mu the feeling that he barely reached the captain level.

But judging from his own memory, the increase in his swastika is huge.

Everyone's swastika solution is different, and the power that can be exerted is also determined by personal aptitude and mastery.


The difference in lethality between the Shijie and the Swastika of the same Zanpakuto will reach five to ten times.

This is just generally speaking. Although there are not many cases, there are so many captains with less than five times, and some with more than ten times.

In Duan Mu's view, the one in front of him is definitely a rare existence ten times higher.

"I don't know why you came to see me..."

Duan Mu asked politely.

"I'm here because of sending a team."

Sparrow Minister Jiro did not talk nonsense, but directly stated the purpose of coming here: "...Due to the situation of the two divisions, Captain Yamamoto hopes to entrust Captain Duan Mu to lead the ninth division to temporarily act as emergency rescue and support work ;Of course, if there are too many injured, you can ask the fourth team to provide rescue assistance."

When Duan Mu heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "That... Vice Captain of the Sparrow Department, have you misunderstood something, I am not an official member of the [-]th division of Goutei..."

"The reward is that Captain Yamamoto will personally come forward and ask Captain Unokana to give you instructions on how to cut."

"What kind of reward is not paid, even if I am not an official member of the Goutei [-]th division, I am also a member of the soul world. This kind of matter is related to the safety of the soul world, I am duty-bound, not to mention I always feel that I am the guardian A member of the Thirteenth Squad."

Duan Mu looked serious, and his tone was extremely solemn:

"For the stability of the Three Realms and for the Soul Soul World, even if Captain Yamamoto does not allow me to participate, I must contribute my meager strength to the Soul Soul World."


Duan Mu's righteous words made the corners of Sparrow Minister Jiro's eyes twitch uncontrollably, he finally managed to maintain a serious expression, and said respectfully: "Then I will invite Boss Duan Mu to sit in the ninth team and be on standby at any time." , after receiving the order from the Technology Development Bureau, I will bring people to the present world for support."


Watching Sparrow Minister Jiro leave, a look of ecstasy appeared in Duan Mu's eyes.

Although he had made up his mind before, before the training was completed, he should try his best to avoid provoking Aizen who had merged with Bengyu, and took this as his bottom line.


Captain Yamamoto's salary was high enough to break through Duan Mu's bottom line.

As the saying goes: flexible bottom line is used to break through!

Duan Mu glanced at the system interface, although the training time is not long, but...

Some prototypes have been successfully created!


Current experience value: 160624.

Just go to Seireitei and continue to practice.

After making up his mind, Duan Mu got up and left the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall.

After reporting to Sister Konghe, Duan Mu took some information given by Sister Konghe and headed straight for Seilingting.

As for the Master House, let Ganjiu convey it on its behalf.


Nearly half an hour later, Duan Mu stepped into the team building of the ninth team after a long absence.

As soon as he entered, a figure greeted him.

"Captain Duan Mu, I'm going to find you..."

Hisagi Shuhei greeted Duan Mu with a serious expression, but before he finished speaking, Duan Mu waved his hand: "If it is about the support and rescue work of the dispatched team, I already know about it."

"In the days to come, I will stay in the ninth team and stand by."


Hisagi Shuhei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. After he received the news earlier, he still wondered whether Captain Duan Mu would refuse the job. Lingting is in danger.

He doesn't need it at all, and he has no obligation to go to this world for support.

Now it seems……

I think too much.

Although he was only temporarily managing the Ninth Division, Captain Duan Mu was extremely responsible, so naturally he would not refuse this job.

"Have the members of the dispatch team decided?"

"Basically confirmed."

Hisagi Shuhei nodded: "Originally, I planned to set off in three days to go to the present world to support the agent of Death God, and then return to the Soul Realm to arrange team affairs and accept restrictions; but when we were about to leave, the two But Pomian disappeared suddenly, and it is said that Yoruichi Sifengin and Kisuke Urahara appeared in time and rescued Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Then the team was dispatched under the instruction of Captain Yamamoto. These days, they have been arranging the affairs of the team after they leave. After all, it is the first time that a captain, two vice-captains, and two seats have been stationed in the present world. There are many things that need to be dealt with.”

"It is said that it is preparing to set off for the present world in the morning two days later."

Duan Mu curled his lips when he heard the words, and Duan Mu was not surprised at all that they disappeared in front of their faces when they were about to provide support.

after all……

It can be said that Duan Mu has a deep understanding of the support speed of Jinglingting.

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