And it's nothing more than a slow support, and it's a fucking drag!

Reapers above the vice-captain level need to be restricted from going to the present world, and they can only exert one-fifth of their strength. Even if they go to the present world at the captain level, they will capsize in the gutter if they are not careful.


The deputy captain and the captain have been stationed in the present world for a long time. If there is no restriction, it will definitely affect the present world, so it has to be done.

This is also the main reason why Duan Mu is unwilling to be sent to live in this world.

But support is different from rescue. When support is needed, it means that the dispatch team has encountered a crisis. When Duan Mu leads the ninth team to the present world, naturally there is no need for so-called restrictions, but after the support, they cannot stay in the present world for a long time.

"Is there a martial arts training hall in the team building?"


Hisagi Shuhei froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, do you need to use it?"


Duan Mu replied: "I have been practicing for a while. After receiving the order from Yamamoto Corps, I interrupted my practice and rushed back. In order to meet the next battle, I need a quiet space to practice. It is best to The kind of place that can't be easily destroyed."

"A place that is not easily destroyed?"

A pensive look flashed across Hisagi Shuhei's face, and he said after a while, "If that's the case, there is a space under that hill of death, which is very suitable for you to go to practice; I don't know about that space. Who opened it up, but according to Deputy Captain A Sanjing, the space inside is extremely wide, and there are hot springs for recovering physical strength and injuries."

"And it's very close to the jurisdiction of our ninth squad. If there is a support order, I can contact you immediately."

Below the Hill of Two Deaths?

Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, then reflected it, and said with a smile: "It is indeed very suitable for cultivation."

If there is no accident, the place Hisagi mentioned should be the underground space opened up by Kisuke Urahara. According to Rukia, when she was surrounded by ten blades, Asanjing was there performing the swastika. The practice of solution.

It is worth mentioning that……

When Duan Mu was besieged by Ten Blades and nearly died, Rukia was cooking porridge for Kuchiki Byakuya at the comprehensive rescue center...


For the next two days, Duan Mu was still practicing alone.

It's just that the place of practice has been shifted from the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall to the space under the Hill of Two Deaths.

And Hisagi Shuhei delivered meals to this space on time every day.

Looking at Duan Mu who was practicing in the vast underground space, Hisagi Shuhei's eyes flashed with shock.

Although he has been watching for two days, no matter how long he watches, he will always be shocked by Captain Duan Mu's madness during his cultivation!

It's like committing suicide!

This was his most intuitive feeling after two days of observation.

No wonder Captain Duan Mu was able to cultivate himself to the point where he is now.

The rumors about Duan Mu have never stopped since Duan Mu became the captain of the Ninth Division.

In the case of not joining the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts, or even not being the Shinigami, he became the captain of the Shinigami directly. The last person who had such a promotion speed was Captain Saraki of the [-]th team!

But Captain Duan Mu is even more legendary than Captain Zaraki...

Because although Captain Zaraki is strong, he is only strong in Reiatsu, but Boss Duan Mu is proficient in everything.

Even today, in the textbooks of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Art, many courses are selected from Captain Duan Mu's works, and there are captain Duan Mu's works in the libraries of each team and the Maou Library.

The main thing is...

Captain Saraki had already been famous for a long time before entering Seireitei.

And Captain Duan Mu has only come to Soul Soul Realm for more than ten years.

But he has come all the way to where he is today in just a few short decades. There are even rumors that Boss Duan Mu, who has just arrived in Soul Soul Realm, is not as good as the students of Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy.

For this...

Hisagi Shuhei didn't believe it at all. After all, Shinigami also pays attention to personal aptitude, otherwise he wouldn't have applied for the Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts three times and failed because of his poor aptitude.

The difference in aptitude can not only affect a person's upper limit, but also affect the power that Zanpakuto Xijie can exert.

Even if he became the vice-captain, in Hisagi Shuhei's eyes, he was still the most ordinary existence in the same period.


Just then, there was a bang.

The endless soil disintegrated from the air and fell towards the ground, while Duan Mu, who was shirtless in the middle, slowly walked towards him.

"Captain Duan Mu."

Seeing this, Hisagi Shuhei hurriedly handed over the lunch box.

"Go back and eat."

Duan Mu waved his hand, picked up the clothes at the side, and walked straight outside.

go back?

Hisagi Shuhei was startled, hurriedly walked a few steps to catch up with Duan Mu, and asked after hesitating, "Is your training over?"

"Barely it's over."

Duan Mu nodded: "Then we just need to continue the deduction."

"By the way, have you dispatched a team yet?"


Hisagi Shuhei nodded: "Early this morning, Captain Hitsugaya took the team members to the present world, and by now he should have come into contact with the God of Death's agent."

Are you leaving?

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. According to his own memory, Grimmjow would lead his subordinate officers to the present world on the night when the dispatch team arrived in the present world.

However, it was not Aizen's decision to go to the present world, but his own private decision to destroy Kurosaki Ichigo.

But this is only in my memory...

Duan Mu is also not sure whether Aizen will default to Grimmjow going to the present world and use him to train Kurosaki Ichigo.

To be honest, even today, Duan Mu still can't figure out why Aizen, like a real father, has worked so hard to train Kurosaki Ichigo.

Want to see how far he can grow?

Or is he looking for some possibility from Kurosaki Ichigo?

Of course, it is also possible that Aizen simply has some tendency to self-destruct.


At this time, Aizen was in the process of merging with Beng Yu, and now it can be said that he is the weakest period.

If possible, Duan Mu actually wanted to persuade Captain Yamamoto to go to Xuquan alone and hack him to death.

But with Captain Yamamoto's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to do this.

Goutei Thirteen Squads!

Just like the word "Gotei" in its name, the primary purpose of the [-]th Goutei team is to protect Seireitei, so Captain Yamamoto will not leave easily.

After all, as the captain of Goutei's [-]th Division, if he is trapped in the virtual circle and Aizen takes this opportunity to attack the real world, the situation will really become extremely bad.

This is also reflected in my own memory.

After Orihime Inoue was arrested, Captain Yamamoto has bluntly stated that this is Aizen's conspiracy to divide the troops, and even forbade Kurosaki Ichigo to go to the virtual circle for rescue.


Kurosaki Ichigo didn't follow his orders at all.

But the result was exactly as he said, several captains who went to the virtual circle, including Unozhi Hanauri, were all trapped in the virtual circle, and in the end, Nirvana Mayuri analyzed the black cavity and sent them out reluctantly.


When everyone arrived, it was already too late.

Duan Mu has been thinking these days...

Is it possible for Uno Hanaichi to participate in the battle of Karakura Town?

In Aizen's preparations, in order to restrain Captain Yamamoto, he selected a thousand and one out of thousands... and personally transformed the broken face, which will inevitably be born, and will try to prevent others from killing it.

Duan Mu is not sure if he wants to kill the object that Aizen is protecting.

But if you add Unozhihualie, it is completely possible to do it!

As long as he is assisted by the ability to see through the mirror, Suigetsu, and the strength of Uno Hanauri, it is not difficult to kill and restrain Captain Yamamoto.

Didi, Didi, Didi~~

Just when Duan Mu was thinking about this possibility, the magical command machine in the arms of Hisagi Shuhei beside him suddenly sounded.

Hisagi Shuhei's face darkened, and he immediately picked up the phone, and nodded after a while:


Hanging up the command, Hisagi Shuhei looked at Duan Mu: "Captain, the Technology Development Bureau reported that several Pomen appeared in the present world. Judging from the data, there may be more than ten blades among them."

Is it plural?

Duan Mu frowned slightly, a little confused about Lan Ran's purpose in doing so.

"The captain asked us to go to support immediately, are we going to gather the team now?"

"No, just the two of us."

Duan Mu shook his head: "Ten Blades are extremely powerful, and it is difficult for people below the captain level to participate in it. Going there will only increase casualties."

Hisagi Shuhei nodded when he heard the words, because he also thought so in his heart.


Chapter 2 It’s time to help me once

In the present world, Karakura Town.

Under the moonlight, the void opened like a big mouth, forming a passage like a black hole.

As the breeze blew, one after another silhouettes quietly appeared in the void, and as soon as they appeared, they released their spiritual pressure one after another.

"No matter how many times I come here, I still can't get used to this place in this world. When I'm still wearing a mask, I really like to come to eat in this world."

"What? Do you want to eat the souls of ordinary people like Yami?"

"Who would do such a thing, it's extremely unpalatable."


Helibel glanced at the people around him, and said in a deep voice: "You should not have forgotten the purpose of our coming here."

"Isn't it just to catch a god of death, what's so rare about it?"

A man with short black hair, slanted bangs, wearing a long-sleeved dress with an exposed waist, and the word 'NO·7' engraved on the front of the right waist, said with a disdainful tone with a beautiful face.

Harribel glanced at the person who answered, and shook his head slightly: "He is not as simple as you think."

Ruby Antenor!

A member of the original Aizen-sama's personal guard, but because the original No. 7 Zomali Lulu was beheaded by Duan Mu when he was in the soul world last time, he filled the vacancy of Zomali.

Ruby snorted after hearing this, but did not continue to refute, but changed the topic: "But didn't Ulquiorra say that there are no very strong people in this world?" As he spoke, he looked to the side, facing He said sarcastically: "Or are you saying that you haven't even felt such obvious spiritual pressure?"

Where he looked, stood a man with short black hair, pale complexion, green eyes, and dark green lines on his face that resembled tear stains.

NO.4——Ulquiorra Lucifer.

Ulquiola didn't speak, didn't even look at Ruby, just stood there silently.

"Idiot, before coming here, Master Aizen said that there are troops sent by the Soul World in this world."

Sal Apollo glanced at Ruby, the disdain in his eyes was undisguised.

"Do you want to die?"

Hearing this, Ruby's expression darkened immediately, and there was a murderous intent in her gaze towards Sal Apollo.

Tiruti, who was standing beside Heliber, looked at Heliber's slightly ugly face, and couldn't help shaking his head in his heart. It was really delusional to expect Ten Blades to obey the command.

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