
Harribel turned his eyes, and the scene that caught his eyes made him frown. He saw Grimmjow, who had not spoken since he came to this world, was looking in one direction.

"I'm not interested in what you are going to do, the person I'm looking for is not here!"

After Grimmjow finished speaking, he got up and rushed out in that direction. Several of Grimmjow's subordinates in the team followed straight away as if they knew about it a long time ago.

Several figures disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Tch, this guy really doesn't obey orders at all. I really don't understand why Lord Aizen wants him to become Ten Blades." Ruby said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, only four ten-blades are needed. He was not in the queue at the beginning. Like Tiruti, he asked to follow him on his own initiative."

Sal Apollo glanced at Tiruti, chuckled, and then glanced into the distance: "However, those gods of death who were sent to this world are coming soon, go and play with them, after all, ignore their words, and those who are in charge of supporting People don't come here."


"How did it come so fast?"

A few miles away, Toshirō Hitsugaya stepped on the void, and he rushed out.

And behind him, followed by Matsumoto Ranju and Asai Renji.

"What about the rest?"

"Yikaku and Koki are looking for a place to live, but where did they go?" Matsumoto Rangiku replied solemnly, "And Rukia is at Ichigo's place."

"Shall we wait any longer?"

A Sanjing Renji hesitated for a moment, caught up with the two and said: "According to the report of the Technology Development Bureau, there may be multiple ten blades coming to the world. The Technology Development Bureau is in the process of lifting the restrictions, and Duan Mu The captain will soon lead the ninth team to support."

hold on?

Hitsugaya Toshiro heard this, hesitation flashed across his face.

He had never encountered Ten Blades before, because when Ten Blades attacked last time, he and Kuchiki Byakuya were still lying in the comprehensive rescue center.

But it is said that...

Every one of the ten blades who attacked at the beginning had a combat power above the captain level, and some of them were even able to compete head-on with Captain Yamamoto.

What's more, just judging from the spiritual pressure felt, one can already vaguely feel the strength of the opponent. It is said that these ten blades can also liberate the Zanpakuto like the god of death.

It is indeed a very stupid thing for the three of them to meet the enemy rashly.

However, Toshirō Hitsugaya couldn't accept that Pomian came to this world and let him ignore it as if he didn't know about it.

Thinking of this, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth slightly and asked, "How long will it take for the restrictions to be lifted?"

"Since the appearance of the broken surface, the removal process has been going on, and it will take about 2 minutes."

"Seven minutes?"

Hearing this, Toshirō Hitsugaya's face suddenly became a little ugly.

2 minutes is not long for ordinary people, but in a battle at the captain level, these 2 minutes can already determine life and death.

Suddenly, Hitsugaya paused, and the whole person suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Seeing this, Matsumoto Ranju and Asai Renji couldn't help but stop, subconsciously wanting to ask.

But before the two of them could say anything, there was a piercing sound, and two figures appeared in front of them.

The leader is a broken face with short black hair and slanted bangs. It is the new NO7 Ruby, and beside him is Tiruti.

"Are the three of you the only god of death who came?"

Ruby looked at the three of Hitsugaya, felt the spiritual pressure on them, and immediately showed disdain on her face: "Hey, are there any mistakes, are these guys really sent by the soul world?" ? Isn’t this too weak?”

After Ruby said that, she looked at Toshirō Hitsugaya who was wearing the captain's haori.

"And is there no one in the soul world? Even this kind of kid can become the captain."

two people?

Hitsugaya was not annoyed by Ruby's words, but just looked at the two in front of him solemnly.

Are they all ten blades?

"Tiruti, don't make any moves."

Ruby's body was full of spiritual pressure, and a strange smile appeared on her face: "The three of them, I will solve them by myself."


At the same time, Karakura Town, Minamigawase.

Two figures stood in mid-air, facing each other.

"The Grim Reaper whose life was spared by Ulquiorra must be you."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo didn't reply, but walked around Ulquiola and looked into the distance. In that direction, Kuchiki Rukia was fighting with two shamen.

Grimmjow looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, with a smirk on his face: "If you have time to care about other people, you should think about how to survive with me, if the battle ends in an instant, I will feel bored! "

"is it?"

Kurosaki Ichigo stretched out the huge Zanpakuto on his shoulder, and said softly, "Then I'll kill you in an instant!"


The pitch-black spiritual pressure soared into the sky, completely covering Kurosaki Ichigo, and faint traces of lightning could be vaguely seen from the spiritual pressure.

"Heaven Lock Cuts the Moon!"

And not far from the two of them, three figures collided quickly.


There was an endless stream of clashing sounds of swords and swords, and a figure shot out backwards, directly smashing through the wall of the house.

"Hahaha~~Is this the only level?"

Laughter came out, and a Pomian with a large hat-shaped mask laughed grimly: "If I knew it, I would have gone to find other gods of death with Xiao Long and the others."

"It's probably the same for other gods of death."

The tall and slightly bloated Pomian on the side said disdainfully: "I think the three of Xiao Long and the others should have ended the battle."

"It's really over."

A voice suddenly came from behind the two of them, causing their expressions to change.


But before they could react, two palms pierced through the knot of their necks like blades.

"Um...Duan...Duan Mu??"

In the ruins, Kuchiki Rukia wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and the ice crystals on the pure white Zanpakutō in her hand gradually dissipated.

Looking around, I saw a figure appearing out of thin air behind the two broken faces.

This figure was indeed Duan Mu.

Duan Mu glanced at his feet, then smiled and said: "It seems that I am a little meddling."

Even if he didn't make a move just now, with Kuchiki Rukia's Zanpakuto ability, it is completely enough to destroy these two broken faces that have not returned to the blade.

"You came just in time, Ichigo..."

"Leave it to him over there."

Duan Mu interrupted Kuchiki Rukia's words, looked up at the night sky, and saw two figures colliding with each other under the moonlight.

Vaguely, you can see bursts of impact wantonly coming out.


Compared with Kurosaki Ichigo, who had just been sworn away when he was in the world of corpses and souls, his aura is extremely unstable at this time, and it is obvious from his body that he is gradually waking up an extremely violent Reiatsu.

In other words, that was the spiritual pressure he should have had!

Are you coming?

A strange color flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. Last time in the world of souls, Kurosaki Ichigo did not show the power of virtualization.

but now……

But he gave Duan Mu a very strange breath fluctuation.

If there is no accident, his latent strength should be stimulated in this battle.


Kuchiki Rukia wanted to say something subconsciously, but before she finished speaking, Duan Mu said: "He is not the only one who came to the ten blades. where it is."

5 ten blades?

Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia's expression changed, and she looked up at the sky.

Monsters like that, and 5 more?

"I'm going to other places for support now, you can just watch here, don't get involved."

Duan Mu looked at the worry in Kuchiki Rukia's eyes, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Kurosaki Ichigo is not as simple as you imagined, and as long as... After this battle, he will gain new strength, if you believe me If so, it’s better not to get involved.”

New power?

Kuchiki Rukia's eyes flashed a strange color. As the person who is most familiar with Kurosaki Ichigo, she can naturally feel the changes in Ichigo's whole body.

But in her opinion...

That change revealed a weird and dangerous feeling, which made her subconsciously not want Ichigo to continue fighting.

"Although it will be out of control for a short time, and you may even be attacked if you intervene, but that is indeed the power of Kurosaki Ichigo, and you don't need to worry about him." After all, Duan Mu disappeared straight away.

He has already said what should be said, if Kuchiki Rukia still doesn't believe in him, and gets involved rashly, then it has nothing to do with him.

In the same place, Kuchiki Rukia hesitated for a while, and finally chose to trust Duan Mu, and did not rashly intervene.

Although she didn't know what Ichigo's power was, she believed that Duan Mu would not harm herself or Kurosaki Ichigo.

What's more...

As far as she knew, Ichigo's swastika was learned under Duan Mu's guidance, and Duan Mu's boss should have some understanding of Ichigo's power with his incomparably rich background and knowledge.


High in the sky, Kurosaki Ichigo forced Grimmjow back: "Why did the movement suddenly become so slow?"

"Could it be..."

"Are you afraid of Mr. Duan Mu?"


Grimmjow snorted coldly, did not refute, but rushed directly towards Kurosaki Ichigo.


at the same time.

"Dragon Pistol Frame!"

With a low shout, endless cold air traversed the night sky, forming a huge cross-shaped ice block, freezing all the tentacles flying in the sky.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

But this freezing lasted only for a moment before it collapsed.

Toshirō Hitsugaya's expression changed, and before he had time to hesitate, he withdrew and retreated quickly to the rear.

However, the speed of the tentacle was too fast, and it had already caught up with him in the blink of an eye.

"Swastika Baboon King Shewei Pill!"

A yell suddenly came from below, and the familiar voice stunned Hitsugaya who was evading and Ranju who was about to support.


Amidst the loud explosion, a huge monster stood between the tentacles and Hitsugaya.

This is?

Hitsugaya Toshiro looked down, and when he saw Asai Renji, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this time, A Sanjing Renji's shoulder and left arm were covered with a layer of fur, and there was a skull decoration hanging on the fur on the left shoulder. The same skull decoration also existed on the chain on his chest.

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