"Are you all right, Captain Hitsugaya?"

Renji came to Hitsugaya and asked with a solemn expression.

"I am fine."

Toshirō Hitsugaya restrained his surprise on his face, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know when Renji mastered the swastika, but with his help after the swastika, it would be easier in the next battle.

"The restriction has been lifted!"

At this moment, Matsumoto Ranju's excited voice came.

Hearing this, Hitsugaya immediately looked at Matsumoto Rangiku, but the scene that caught his eyes made his complexion change drastically.

"Be careful!!"

Matsumoto Rangiku was startled, and then felt a strong wind coming from behind.

Out of the corner of her eye, a tentacle pierced through the air, piercing straight towards her back.


Matsumoto Rangiku, who was distracted by the lifting of the restriction, was startled, Zanpakutō turned into dust and went towards the tentacle.

But under haste, it collapsed at the touch of a button.

In the blink of an eye, the tentacle has already come to the front.

There is no escape!

A thought flashed in his mind, and Matsumoto Rangiku subconsciously concentrated the Reiatsu on the back of his heart, preparing to take the blow forcefully.

And at this moment...

Whoosh, whoosh~!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the two black shadows collided with the tentacles like boomerangs, deflecting the tentacles, and passing by Matsumoto Rangiku.

"This is... Wind Death?"

Luan Ju froze for a moment, then followed the direction in which the two boomerangs were returning.

I saw a figure in the void in the distance, coming towards her quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it came to her side.

It was indeed Hisagi Shuhei.

Seeing his arrival, Matsumoto Ranju's face was overjoyed: "Where's Boss Duan Mu?"

"Captain Duan Mu went to support the others. He asked me to come here first, saying that he would come over immediately."

Support others?


Karakura Town Sannomiya, Urahara store.

The sliding door of the grocery store was slowly opened, Urahara Kisuke walked out, stood at the door and waited quietly.

After a few seconds, Duan Mu's figure suddenly appeared above the Urahara store.

"Boss Duan Mu, if you don't go to support me, do you have any orders to come to my shop?"

"I really thought I was willing to find you."

Duan Mu glared at Kisuke Urahara angrily:

"You have cheated me so many times, you should help me this time!"


Chapter 221 This person can be considered


The ice crystal shattered, and Hitsugaya Toshiro's spear shot out backwards like a cannonball.

Matsumoto Ranju and Asai Renji were also sent flying with him, and the three of them were almost blown away by the shadow of the whip that filled the sky.

Very strong!

Toshirō Hitsugaya was the first to stabilize his figure, and looked up towards the field.

I saw that Ruby was still standing in midair, without moving half a step, and behind him, the eight tentacles were constantly spinning like windmills, covering the surrounding area of ​​tens or even hundreds of meters.

Although the tentacles are not as sharp as a sword, each tentacle is extremely hard and carries a terrifying spiritual pressure on it. If you are drawn by it, you will feel overwhelmed with pain!

And the most terrifying thing is...

At the tips of the eight tentacles, there are sharp iron thorns. Once stabbed by them, the body will become riddled with holes.

This is only the case of one person making a move!

Hitsugaya Toshirou's eyes turned, and he glanced at the stylishly dressed female Toshiba next to him. This female Toshiba had never made a move.Since she can be ranked among the ten blades, her strength must not be weak. Once she also makes a move, it will be difficult for the few of us to continue.

"Hahahaha, do you still have the energy to observe other people?"

Amidst Ruby's wild laughter, four tentacles attacked Hitsugaya Toshirō at the same time.

As for the remaining four, two of them attacked Asai Renji, one attacked Matsumoto Rangiku, and the last one went towards Hisagi Shuhei who was waiting for an opportunity.

All four were shrouded in his attack.

Seeing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth slightly, his wings shook, and he soared into the sky.

swoosh swish...

The four tentacles turned directly at [-] degrees, and chased towards Hitsugaya. The speed was so fast that they came to the back of Hitsugaya in the blink of an eye.

Very fast.

Toshirō Hitsugaya's face froze slightly, he got up and moved again, and galloped out in another direction.

And the extended tentacles turned accordingly.

"Useless, useless, useless..."

Seeing this, Ruby laughed even more wildly: "Even if you escape to the end of the sky, you still can't get rid of me!"

"The captain of the dignified Corpse Soul Realm, can he just run away?"

"Cat Rondo!"

While Ruby was chattering and mocking Hitsugaya, Matsumoto Rangiku let out a snarl.


A storm composed entirely of sand and dust swept out, bypassing the tentacles and going straight to Ruby's body.

"Yo, sister with big breasts, did I offend you by mocking your captain?"

Ruby sneered at the incoming sandstorm, her eyes full of disdain.

He didn't even hide, letting the sandstorm envelop him, but at the moment of being enveloped.


Ruby opened his mouth, and balls of light shot out of his mouth one by one.


bang bang bang bang...

Although the power of the false bullets is far less than that of the false flash, its speed is more than ten times faster than that of the false flash. The false bullets all over the sky immediately turned the sandstorm into ashes and scattered it.

"Sister with big breasts, do you have any other interesting moves?"

Matsumoto Rangiku stepped in the air with one foot, avoiding the tentacles, and said: "I have been thinking just now, you really talk a lot?"


"I hate men who talk too much. I always feel disgusted, as if they are showing their sense of existence!"

Hearing this, the weird smile on Ruby's face gradually receded, replaced by a gloomy expression.

"Am I showing my presence?"

A murderous intent flashed in Ruby's eyes: "It seems that you haven't recognized the strength of your opponent yet!"

As soon as his words fell, Matsumoto Rangiku felt a burst of energy coming from behind, followed by Hisagi's voice.

"First hanging~!"

Pull -!

The pitch-black chains straightened in an instant, Matsumoto Rangiku glanced at the tentacles parked behind him, and without hesitation moved away from the spot, appearing beside Hisagi Shuhei.

At the same time she dodged, with a cracking sound, the pitch-black chain broke, and the tentacle immediately slammed down, hitting the place where Matsumoto Rangiku was before.


Matsumoto Rangiku appeared next to Hisagi Shuhei, thanked him, looked at Ruby again, and said with a sarcasm:

"Judging from your reaction, what I said is not wrong."

Leaving Ruby's reaction aside, Hisagi Shuhei frowned slightly as he looked at the broken chain in his hand.

He didn't understand why Miss Luanju deliberately provoked the other party.

Hisagi Shuhei turned his gaze and looked into the distance, where Deputy Captain Asai was using his swastika to fight against two tentacles. Although he was not at a disadvantage, he did not gain any advantage either.

As for Captain Hitsugaya...

He was being chased by four tentacles and kept running away... huh?


A strange look flashed in Hisagi Shuhei's eyes, but he restrained himself immediately, turned to look at Ruby indifferently, and said:

"Miss Ranju, judging from his number, he should be the so-called No7 Ten Blades."

"Hehe, you have some vision."

Ruby smiled when she heard the words, and slightly pulled the clothes around her waist to one side, completely revealing the word '7'.

"As far as I know, the original NO7 was wiped out by the captain of our ninth squad when he came to Soul Soul Realm last time, and was killed by Duan Mu of our ninth squad under the eyes of several ten blades. The captain killed him with one strike." Shuhei Hisagi paused for a moment, then said coldly:

"It's normal for him to be a bad face of Ten Blades 'because there is a vacancy', eager to prove himself, so I understand why he has so much nonsense!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ruby, who was a little proud just now, suddenly felt an extremely strong spiritual pressure all over her body.

With a single wave of his hand, the spiritual pressure on the two tentacles exploded, sweeping towards the two of them at a distorted and illusory angle, the speed was so fast that it even left countless afterimages in mid-air.

For a moment, it seemed as if hundreds of tentacles came forward and attacked the two of them at the same time.

This scene made the two people's expressions sink, and they immediately spread out to both sides.

However, the speed of the tentacles was more than a fraction faster than before!

Just hearing two muffled sounds of 'boom' and 'boom', Matsumoto Rangiku and Hisagi Shuhei felt a burst of severe pain spread from the abdomen to the whole body.

As blood gushed out of their mouths, the two of them shot backward towards the ground as if they were flying balls.


The ground shook, and the two who landed smashed two huge potholes into the ground.

Matsumoto Rangiku wanted to get up as soon as she fell to the ground, but just getting up from the ground made her feel that her bones were creaking.

This made her complexion extremely ugly.

Ten Blades, who was serious, was far from being able to fight against the vice-captains. Just receiving the opponent's blow head-on had already caused her to be severely injured.

On the other side, Hisagi's situation was not much different, he reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Regarding the information about Ten Blades, they had already learned from Captain Duan Mu's report, but there was no way to intuitively feel the power of Ten Blades just from the text.

Now after personally experiencing it, he realized that...

Captain Duan Mu is simply a monster!

Facing the siege of seven such monsters at the same time, he even killed one of them.


Ruby was not in a hurry to pursue, but looked at the pale-faced two people with great interest: "It seems that your bodies are not as tough as your mouths at all. I just want to be a little more serious, so you can't do it?"

"Still comparing me with that trash Zomali?"

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