"What a joke!"

A flash of disdain flashed in Ruby's eyes: "I didn't become Ten Blades not because of lack of strength, but simply because I didn't want to be Ten Blades. It can be easily obtained!"

"Do you think Ten Blades can be filled if there is a vacancy?"

Ruby glanced at Tiruti, who was looking at the sky in a daze in the distance: "You must know that the Ten Blades are different from the guards and subordinate officers. The level of the sequence also represents the level of strength. The waste over there is the bottom of the Ten Blades. Lan Master Ran can make me become NO-7, which is enough to prove that I am countless times stronger than these wastes!"

"..." Tiruti.

She really didn't expect that she would be ridiculed just by standing aside.

Do you really think I have no temper at all?

If it wasn't for fear of attracting attention, I would switch to my previous self...

Tiruti glanced at the sky.

Forget it, anyway, this idiot has entered someone else's trap.

On the other side, Ruby looked at the two people on the ground. There were dense spikes on the top of the two tentacles. He yawned rather boredly:

"Hey, I think the two of you can't understand what I'm talking about. After all, the eyes determine the knowledge."

After the words fell, two tentacles came out through the air.


"I agree with that."

A rather plain voice suddenly came from above Ruby's head: "It's just that your knowledge is not very good."

As soon as these words came out, the two tentacles beside Ruby suddenly stopped in mid-air.

This is?

Ruby looked along the tentacles, only to find that a layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of the two tentacles at some point.

Do not……

Not only these two tentacles, but also the eight tentacles were covered by ice crystals at this moment.

Is it...

Ruby's face darkened, and she suddenly raised her head to look over her head.

Only then did he discover that Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was running around after being chased by his tentacles before, stopped in mid-air at some point.

The four tentacles chasing him were all frozen in the air by ice crystals, as if they were connected to the night sky.

"In your eyes, is the captain of Goutei [-]th division a waste who can only run around?"

Toshirō Hitsugaya met Ruby's gaze, and his immature face revealed a kind of stability that didn't match his face: "Being provoked by words and giving me such a long time to prepare, don't you underestimate Goutei Shisanfan too much?" Captain of the team?"

The cold air visible to the naked eye suddenly diffused under the moonlight.

Looking around, I saw giant icicles that condensed out of thin air around Ruby and went straight to the sky, surrounding Ruby's whole body.

The moment the icicles formed, the moonlight was covered and the sky changed.

At this moment, the whole world seems to have entered an ice age.

At this moment, Toshirō Hitsugaya swung the cold blade down in his hand.

Seeing this, Ruby's complexion changed drastically, and the Reiatsu all over her body agitated wildly.

But it's too late!

The deadly cold that seemed to freeze even his spirit made his whole body stiff, and he could only watch the countless icicles coming towards him.

"Do not--"

"Millennium Ice Prison!"

Countless icicles closed together at the same time, forming a huge glacier with a height and width of hundreds of meters in midair.


Hitsugaya Toshiro let out a breath of cold air, and frowned slightly.

This kind of move, for him now, the burden is too big.

And present...

Toshirō Hitsugaya turned his gaze to Tiruti in the distance.

There is also a ten-blade here.

But there was one thing that he really couldn't figure out.

Although this female Ten Blades was said to be vulnerable by the guy named Ruby, it seemed that she was not worthy of being a Ten Blades at all.

but she……

At the beginning of his preparation, he had already noticed his actions.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't stop himself at all, nor did he remind Ruby.

And when Hitsugaya Toshiro was looking at Tiruti, Tiruti was also looking at Hitsugaya Toshiro, but what she thought was not how to rescue Ruby, but...

What is the relationship between these people and Duan Mu?

As for Ruby.

If he dies here, I can replace him and participate in the next action.



A pitch-black flash suddenly shot from the waning moon in the sky.

Toshirō Hitsugaya, who was in mid-air, felt the coming of the flash of light at the first moment, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

But just as he dodged away, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression changed.

Because that pitch-black flash did not chase him, but...


Accompanied by a bang, the Millennium Ice Prison melted quickly under the pitch-black flash.

How can it be!

Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils shrank. The ice formed by the Millennium Ice Prison is formed by the condensation of water in the atmosphere. Once formed, as long as the water in the atmosphere does not lose, it will be continuously replenished and will continue to exist.

But under that pitch-black false flash, he didn't hold on for even a second, and collapsed in an instant.

What exactly is that?

Toshirō Hitsugaya suddenly raised his head, only to realize that three figures appeared in the sky at some point.


Seeing this, Tiruti secretly sighed in his heart.

Except for Harribel among the three, the other two would not care about the death of their companion at all, but it was Ulquiola who just shot.

this means……

They don't want to replace Ruby's vacancy by themselves, and continue to carry out the mission of Master Aizen.

Thinking of this, Tiruti glanced at Saar Apollo, the executor of the plan was Saar Apollo, and the candidates to participate in the operation were also selected by Saar Apollo.

From the very beginning, Sal Apollo excluded himself.

Does he already have some doubts about me?

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!!"

Along with the melting of the glacier, Ruby's angry roar came.

At this moment, he looked quite embarrassed, his exposed skin was covered with frostbite, and his body was trembling constantly because of the cold air entering his body.

Are there so many Ten Blades?

On the other side, Toshirō Hitsugaya and others gathered together, looking at the five juren who gathered together, their faces were extremely ugly.

"Don't make trouble."

Ulquiola glanced at Ruby with distorted expression, and said indifferently: "The purpose of our coming here is not for them."

"Give me a little more time, I can solve..."

"To shut up!"

Helibel frowned, and a blue color flashed in his eyes.

Under her gaze, Ruby opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't continue speaking.

"Our guests have arrived."

Sal Apollo looked up at a tall building in the distance, with a smile in his eyes under the mask-shaped glasses: "Get ready to welcome the guests." After that, he glanced at Tiruti and said: "Those gods of death, when we act, just hand them over to Bichi over there."

When Heribel heard this, a icy flash of coldness flashed in Saar Apollo's eyes.

"The parties didn't speak, so why do you look at me like this?"

Sal Apollo smiled indifferently.

Ruby at the side looked at Tiruti who was silent, as if she hadn't heard anything, and sneered, "It's just a waste to fill in the vacancy, what right does she have to speak!"

"If you want to put it this way, you, who were almost defeated by the god of death just now, are also not qualified to stand here." Harribel said coldly.

Tiruti glanced at Helibel, and always felt that if he was a man, he would definitely fall in love with this woman...

She couldn't figure out why Helibel took such care of herself.


When Ruby heard this, she immediately looked at Helibel with a look of resentment.

"If you want to quarrel, go back and quarrel, don't forget our goal."

Ulquiola interrupted the quarrel of several people.

"Is it me that you are talking about the target?"

A plain voice sounded, and almost at the same time as the voice fell, a breeze blew by, and a figure appeared in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others.

The visitor was dressed in black work clothes, black boots, and a white half-sleeved haori, with a black diamond pattern on the back, and the word 'nine' in the picture.

"team leader."

After Hisagi Shuhei saw this figure, he immediately saluted while enduring the pain.

"Mr. Duan Mu (Boss Duan Mu)"

Asai Renji and Matsumoto Rangiku said immediately.

"It's too late for you to come here." Toshirō Hitsugaya complained in a cold tone.

After Duan Mu smiled slightly at the few people, he turned to look at the five broken faces in the distance:

"If you want to quarrel, you can continue without worrying about me."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he looked at Sal Apollo:

"However, it seems that you have fully mastered the method of tracking me. As expected, I should have killed you first last time."


Sal Apollo smiled: "I'm different from you. I'm not willing to kill you. After all, I'm already in the laboratory and have prepared a large area for you. Do you want to consider going back to the laboratory with me?"

"Sorry, let me refuse, but..."

Duan Mu smiled slightly, and turned to look at Harribel:

"If this beautiful lady invites me, I might think about it."


Chapter 222 Who says there is no...


Duan Mu's words made Hisagi Shuhei and Hitsugaya Toshirō look strange behind him.

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