However, Matsumoto Ranju and A Sanjing Renji, who were very familiar with Duan Mu, did not have the slightest surprise on their faces. From their point of was completely normal for Boss Duan Mu to say such things.

And Harribel said with a flat face and a cold tone:

"Then come with us, Master Aizen asked us to invite you to Xuye Palace as a guest."

Her extremely plain reply made the smile on Duan Mu's face froze slightly, because he just wanted to see if he could communicate with her out of habit.

Duan Mu really didn't expect...

Hribel would directly open his mouth to invite himself to the virtual circle.

If you agree, will your favorability increase?

"Hey hey hey~!"

Seeing the hesitation on Duan Mu's face, Toshirō Hitsugaya's mouth couldn't help twitching standing beside Duan Mu.

This bastard is not really ready to agree to come down.


Duan Mu smiled slightly at Helibel: "Forget it, I always feel that it will be difficult to come back after going."

Om ~ ~!

Almost as soon as Duan Mu's words fell, a terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from Helibel.

"Conquer him..."

Amidst the soft shouts, tsunami-like waves erupted in the night sky.

"Emperor Shark Queen!"

After absorbing the last failure in Soul Soul Realm, Helibel didn't talk nonsense, and after confirming that Duan Mu would not voluntarily go to the virtual circle with himself and others, he immediately used the returning blade!

This time, she must complete the instructions given by Master Aizen no matter what!

The rumbling waves rang out, and in an instant, a vast ocean was formed under the night sky.

Seeing this, the smile on Duan Mu's face faded, and a glint of color flashed in his eyes.

Almost at the same time as the waves appeared, a strong pressure fell on everyone, causing everyone's bodies to tremble, and even faintly unable to stand in midair.

Helibel, who was behind the blade, stood in the middle of the waves. At this time, her hairstyle became short, and half of the original broken face disappeared at this time, revealing a delicate face.There are dark blue lightning-like facial patterns on the cheeks, and its attire has also changed from the original white uniform to a skirt-style swimsuit-like costume.

The change in appearance, though surprising.

But the most astonishing thing was his body, the wanton terrifying spiritual pressure that made everyone, including Duan Mu, feel his body sink, as if a mountain suddenly appeared on his back.

Amidst the heavy whistling sound, Helibel pointed at the giant sword with the shark cheek pattern in his hand towards several people.


The waves that had already been ready to go, fell from the sky like a waterfall, and swept down towards Duan Mu and the five people amidst the tumbling sound of the waves.

In front of the terrifying tsunami, everyone almost instinctively retreated.

It's just that the waterfall-like waves were so fast and violent that they almost drowned everyone in the blink of an eye.

"The edge wall ice formation!"

But at this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro gave a dark shout, and as the cold air rose, the ice wall formed blocked all the waves.

"Get out of the way!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro shouted anxiously.

Almost as soon as his words fell, the four of them, including Duan Mu, dispersed without hesitation.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

In just an instant, cracks appeared on the ice wall, Hitsugani immediately left the spot after seeing the crowd leave.

Immediately there was a bang, and the ice wall was shattered by the howling waves.

The wanton impact formed a kind of heavy pressure that was difficult to express in words, causing Hitsugaya and others who were dodging away could not help but shake their bodies, and were pushed to fall in all directions.

Fortunately, these people were not ordinary people, they stabilized their figures in just a few seconds and stopped in mid-air.


But when Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others looked up, the scene that caught their eyes made their faces change.

Because in just a few seconds, except for the female ten blades who appeared with Ruby at the beginning, the remaining four ten blades have surrounded Duan Mu in a square shape.

When everyone looked at it, the four of them stretched their hands into the void and took out something, before they could see what it was...

The golden translucency suddenly bloomed from the four people, and spread towards each other. In just an instant, a golden translucent space about [-] meters long and wide was formed.

That space is...

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression changed.

Anti film?

Although the shape is a little different from what he saw in the soul world, Hitsugaya Toshiro is no stranger to that familiar aura.


Without the slightest hesitation, Hitsugaya Toshiro's wings shook, and he rushed straight towards the square space where the anti-membrane was located.


"Break it - the wheel iron swallow!"

Amid the low shouts, a figure appeared in Hitsugaya Toshiro's field of vision very abruptly.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression turned cold, and his sprinting speed did not decrease at all, and at the same time he slashed forward the long knife covered in ice crystals.


The moisture in the atmosphere condensed in an instant, forming a frozen giant blade tens of meters long, heading straight for Tiruti.

——Ice Dragon Spinning Tail!

But in the next second, the frozen giant blade more than ten meters long was split in two by a pitch-black arc.

This scene made Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils shrink, and subconsciously dodged, letting the black arc pass by him.

Those are feather-like black blades, which are extremely sharp, and wherever they pass, whether it is ice crystals, cold air, or air, they are all cut from them.


Although it was only for a moment, he still clearly felt the vibration from the blade at the moment he passed by.

It was this vibration that made the feathery blade so sharp!

"The wings I have returned to the blade have a vibration frequency of more than 130 million per second, and can cut and smash all types of spiritual attacks."

After returning to the blade, Tiruti grew huge wings and arms, which looked like a moth, but even if it was just quietly floating in mid-air, its wings were still constantly cutting the surrounding space.


Toshirō Hitsugaya frowned. Although he had already realized the power of the ten blades, the female ten blades in front of him made him feel extremely troublesome.

Although Tiruti only explained one sentence, he also instantly understood Tiruti's ability.

This ability is not complicated, it is nothing more than wings vibrating, relying on extremely sharp and sharp feathers to attack, and can control the release and recovery of feathers according to one's own will, but this simple ability is also the most in a certain way. tricky.

When the frequency of the vibration is high enough, even if the body of the feather blade is extremely fragile, if the vibration cannot be eliminated, it will still block the attack of the feather blade.

What's more...

A feathered blade capable of withstanding 130 million vibrations per second is unlikely to be fragile.

If you want to defeat the female Ten Blades in front of you, there are only two ways to freeze the vibration and eliminate it with a vibration with a higher frequency than this vibration. Judging from the previous confrontation, your own freezing wants to freeze the opponent's vibration ,almost impossible……

Unless the other party can give himself a long time to prepare!


At this moment, three crashing sounds came out one after another, and the pitch-black feathered blades flying all over the sky blocked the three of Asanjing Renji who were rushing towards the golden anti-membrane barrier one by one, but none of them were affected. Too much damage.

"give up."

Tiruti looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro, and said in a flat tone: "The enchantment is based on the 'anti-membrane bandit' created by Aizen-sama. It is a spiritual tool that can seal the spirit body in the dimension. The closing time depends on the spiritual pressure of the closed person, and those with smaller spiritual pressure will be sealed in the dimensional space forever."

"So even if you rush over, you won't be able to enter it!"

Looking at the few people, Tiruti couldn't help but feel a little worried about Duan Mu in the barrier.

If it was just anti-membrane, she was not particularly worried. Anyway, with Duan Mu's strength, the anti-membrane bandit can trap him for a short time, as long as he can resist the siege of a few people during this period of time.


"He can't leave that space!"

Tiruti glanced at the square enchantment high in the sky: "That enchantment is a special enchantment transformed by Saar Apollo for Duan Mu, which can combine the four ten-blade spiritual pressure to completely suppress Duan Mu's spiritual pressure. Release, that is to say... once the targeted Duan Mu enters that space, he will become an ordinary spirit body without any spiritual pressure."

This is also the reason why Tiruti wanted to let Ruby die before, and cast the enchantment instead of him.

Once the barrier is generated, the inside and outside of the barrier will become two dimensions.

Except for the four people who created the enchantment, no one can intervene in the battle.

However, Duan Mu rushed here despite knowing all of this, and rejected his proposal to kill a ten-blade while everyone's attention was on him.

What the hell is that idiot trying to do?

"How is this possible?"

It was not Hitsugaya who asked the question, but Hisagi Shuhei with an ugly face.

"Why not?"

Tiruti looked at Hisagi. Judging from the previous conversation, Duan Mu seemed to be the captain of the man with the word '69' tattooed on his face, so Tiruti didn't hide anything:

"Saar Apollo collected all the data of Duan Mu in the last battle, and only then did he create a spirit tool that generates an enchantment. But with Duan Mu's spiritual pressure, it is difficult for one or two ten-blade It is trapped, so Sal Apollo will gather four Ten Blades to come to this world."

"And the purpose is to fulfill Master Aizen's order and capture him back to the virtual circle alive!"

Hearing this, even Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was not very familiar with Duan Mu, could not help but become a little ugly.

Regarding the horror of Aizen, he can be said to have a deep understanding.

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't know why Aizen grabbed Duanmu, but one thing he was sure of was that catching Duanmu would definitely help Aizen.

Otherwise, they would not have sent people over and over again to arrest Duan Mu.

Toshirō Hitsugaya looked up at the barrier in the sky, and rushed towards the barrier again without hesitation.

Seeing this, Tiruti frowned.

To be honest, she didn't want to fight with these people who wanted to rescue Duan Mu, but Duan Mu asked her to stop them with all her strength before she was trapped, so as not to reveal her relationship with him.


And just when Tiruti was about to make a move to block it, Toshirō Hitsugaya, who was rushing towards the barrier, suddenly paused, looking at the barrier strangely.


half a minute ago.

Duan Mu stepped on the golden transparent barrier, tried to make a fist, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

It's actually like what Tiruti said, the spiritual pressure in my body is completely suppressed by this space, and I can't even form a spiritual step to stand in the void, and even the spiritual pressure core, soul sleep, Knots... the vital points that produce spiritual power seem to have disappeared at this moment.

"How about it?"

Sal Apollo looked at Duan Mu, with a hint of pride in his eyes under his glasses: "Hehehe~ How about I prepare this gift for you?"

Sure enough, we can't fight scientists a second time.

Duan Mu looked at Saar Apollo, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Although this guy's current strength is not strong, but in a certain way, he gave Duan Mu a sense of thorniness second only to Bailegang.

"Hurry up and get rid of him, so I can deal with the remaining gods of death."

Ruby looked at Duan Mu in the center of the barrier, her eyes were full of disdain, a god of death without the slightest spiritual pressure on him was tantamount to waste, there was no need to waste too much time on him.

After finishing his words, he didn't care about the reactions of the others, and the eight tentacles behind him slammed down on Duan Mu at the same time!

"Don't be careless!"

Helibel's voice came at the right time, but Ruby didn't stop, but just replied casually:

"Don't worry, I won't kill him, at best I will turn him into a sieve!"

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