
In the next second, the sound of explosions sounded from within the barrier.

Accompanied by the deafening sound, the eight tentacles completely enveloped Duan Mu's location like towering giant trees.

Bang bang bang bang~~

The dull impact sound continued to be heard from Duan Mu's place.

The eight tentacles, like long whips, turned into afterimages, constantly smashing towards Duan Mu's location.

"Boring~ So boring~"

Ruby covered her chin with her long sleeve and yawned, her gaze was already looking outside the barrier.

His attack didn't carry too much power, and with Captain Death's spirit body strength, it shouldn't cause his death.

If he is really dead, it means that he is just a waste.

Compared with the guy named Duan Mu in front of him, the person he wants to kill now is the little devil who uses ice!

But the moment he looked outside the barrier, Ruby's pupils shrank suddenly, she turned her head abruptly, and looked at the center of the tentacle with an expression of disbelief.

bang bang bang...

The sound of the impact was still ringing, and in the afterimages all over the sky, there was still blood and pieces of meat constantly collapsing.

"This is impossible!?"

Blood mist rises all over the sky, under the blood mist...

The pure white feathers had already been dyed dark red, and the front ends of the eight tentacles, without exception, collapsed into blood mist in an instant.

Doesn't he have no spiritual pressure?

So what is going on with this power! ?

Ruby looked at Duan Mu under the blood mist in disbelief. Although she didn't have much strength in her attack, Ruby knew very well that the strength of her tentacles couldn't be destroyed by a person without spiritual pressure.


In the next second, endless murderous intent burst out in Ruby's eyes.


Frustrated again and again, Ruby, who was just a ten-blade girl, felt extremely ashamed and annoyed.

At this moment, the mission was completely forgotten by him.

The eight tentacles that exploded at the front grew out again like a lizard at this moment, and swept towards Duan Mu with an unparalleled spiritual pressure.

"Death to me!"

When Duan Mu saw this, his expression was still indifferent, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Although he doesn't like this kind of pure hand-to-hand combat, he has to admit...

This way of fighting completely relying on fists is really exciting!

He leaned down, opened his arms, and clenched his palms into fists!

next second~

The fists turned into fist shadows all over the sky, and they collided with the seemingly countless tentacles in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

There was a violent explosion, and the impact visible to the naked eye spread from the place where the fists collided with the tentacles.

Almost at the same time as they collided, the tentacles all over the sky stopped suddenly, as if the stop button had been pressed in the whole world, and then...

bang bang bang...

The tentacle covered with extremely powerful spiritual pressure was bounced back again, and although the tip was not broken, cracks still appeared on the surface, and spread backwards along the front end!

And the spikes on the top were smashed to pieces under the steel-like fists.

Why...why is a person with no spiritual pressure fluctuations still able to exert such terrifying power?

That tentacle was like Ruby's arm, and he could clearly feel that vast and heavy power, which was simply not possessed by a person without Reiatsu.

Is Sal Apollo lying to me?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, Ruby subconsciously wanted to find Saar Apollo.

But right now...

A pulling sensation came suddenly, and I saw one of my tentacles being grabbed by the god of death, before he could react.

The indescribable power is transmitted from the tentacles to the whole body, and the surrounding scenes change rapidly.

He was dragged towards the other party abruptly! !

In the field of vision, a fist is rapidly expanding.

Buzz~! !

The deep whistling sound is breathtaking.

Even if she hadn't touched her face, Ruby still felt a deadly sense of fear, almost instinctively mobilizing her whole body's spiritual pressure.


Duan Mu's punch hit Ruby's face directly, and the place where he hit was sunken down visible to the naked eye.

With a heavy bang, Ruby shot out like a cannonball.

The range of tens of meters was fleeting, and finally, with a more violent muffled sound, it slammed heavily on the barrier of the enchantment.


Blood gushed out of his mouth.


Ruby's body slipped and hit the barrier, half of her face was almost completely destroyed, and a pool of blood formed under her in the blink of an eye.


Ruby staggered up from the ground, looking at Duan Mu with murderous intent in his eyes, but there was a hint of fear in the depth of the murderous intent!

no spiritual power...

There was indeed no spiritual power in that punch just now.

But what is that power?

"Who said you can't beat people to death without spiritual pressure?" Duan Muxu asked with eyes.

Even so, his heart sank.

Sure enough, it was too difficult to kill Shi Ren with physical strength alone.

All this seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact, it was only a few seconds from Ruby's attack to Duan Mu's severe injury.

Seeing Ruby in a state of distress, Harribel frowned.

As for Duan Mu's strength, she naturally would not be ignorant, otherwise she would not have spoken out to dissuade Ruby before.

And the reason why he didn't stop it was entirely because he wanted Ruby to recognize the opponent's strength and teach him a lesson by the way.


In the absence of spiritual pressure, Duan Mu severely injured Ruby in such a short period of time by relying solely on his physical strength, which still exceeded Helibel's expectations, and even made her faintly shocked.

Even if a large part of the reason is that Ruby underestimates the enemy, the steel skin of the ten blades is not so easy to penetrate.

being able to do this...

It shows that even without the support of spiritual pressure, the strength of the opponent's body is not weaker than the steel skin of the ten blades!

What is he?


Chapter 223

Hope that bastard doesn't fall off the chain again!

Duan Mu's nerves were tense to the extreme at this moment, and information about the four Ten Blades in front of him flooded into his mind one after another.

Ruby can basically ignore the four people present.

Duan Mu did some analysis on the composition of his moves, his attack habits, and his instinctive reaction before attacking.

Even if he couldn't use Reiatsu now, he wasn't too much of a threat to him.

There are three people left...

But it cannot be underestimated!

Although Saar Apollo is much weaker than the other two, he is the same as Kisuke Urahara and Mayuri Nishi. What is scary is not his strength, but his mind.

Duan Mu is not sure, besides this enchantment, what else will he come up with.

Although Duan Mu really wanted to delay the time as much as possible, Heliber didn't give him time to continue thinking, and the huge sword with the shark's gill pattern in his hand was rising like waves.

The last failure made Helibel no longer look down on Duan Mu in the slightest.

Even if the opponent's spiritual pressure is completely suppressed at this time, Helibel cannot be sure whether Duan Mu will have other means.

When a blue light shone on the shark-cheek-print giant sword, Helibel disappeared suddenly.

Duan Mu's eyes flickered, his spiritual pressure was completely suppressed, and his probing nerves could no longer be used at this time, so he could only use his eyes to determine Helibel's position.

Tight, tight, tight!

Nerves tensed, body tensed...

The powerful five senses brought by a strong physique were aroused to the extreme by Duan Mu at this moment.

While twisting his waist and turning around, the muscles on Duan Mu's right arm squirmed, and his right fist exploded towards the void on the left like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole!


The fist collided with the blade of the shark-cheek pattern giant sword, and a violent explosion came from the point of impact.

Almost at the moment of the collision, Duan Mu felt an inexplicable heaviness from the fist, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread from the fist all the way to his arm.

A rain of blood shot out, and Duan Mu's fist that hit the broad blade exploded, revealing the broken bones inside.


The heavy whistling sound passed by Duan Mu's ears, and the huge sword that was originally slashing at Duan Mu passed by Duan Mu's face.

And at this moment, Duan Mu did not retreat but advanced, ignoring the pain in his right hand, he stepped out with his right foot suddenly, and fell into Heliber's arms.

The next moment...

Twist and punch!

Duan Mu's left fist, which had been held by Duan Mu's waist, was thrown straight at Helibel's abdomen like a cannonball at this moment.

A strange look flashed in Helibel's eyes. She had seen Duan Mu's self-healing ability comparable to super-fast regeneration, so although she didn't use her full strength for this knife, she didn't hold back her hand like Ruby did. It would be very difficult for an ordinary death captain to take her knife forcibly!

But such a knife was swung away by the opponent's fist.

Moreover, after swinging his own knife, he did not dodge, but launched a counterattack immediately.

The opponent's fighting habits and skills are not at all like the God of Reaper who mainly uses Zanpakuto, but it gives her a feeling that the opponent is more used to fighting with bare hands.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Helibel's free left hand surged with spiritual pressure and swung it out suddenly.

But her punch did not block Duan Mu's attack, but slammed towards Duan Mu's face.


Amidst the explosion, a shock visible to the naked eye exploded between the two.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then, the two shot backwards at the same time like a ball being kicked away.

Blood burst from Duan Mu's face, but it recovered almost in an instant.

It's not about adding experience points, but pure healing power!

Really strong!

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