As Duan Mu retreated, he pressed his left hand directly on the barrier on the ground, but even so, he still couldn't stop the speed of his retreat.

On the other side, Helibel smashed the big sword in his hand towards the ground, and the whole person rose into the air while stepping back, and with a step in mid-air, the whole person chased towards Duan Mu.

A blue light emerged from the hollow part of the giant sword with shark-cheek pattern in his hand, following Helibel's swing.

Three blue spiritual bullets came straight towards Duan Mu.

Seeing this, Duan Mu gritted his teeth, gave up taking off the shock, and instead took a deep breath, his chest swelled up at this moment, and even the clothes on his chest were blown apart.

bang bang bang~~

After three muffled bangs in succession, the moment the spiritual power bomb hit Duan Mu's chest, it was actually exploded and dissipated as spirit particles!


But Duan Mu, who had received three spiritual power bombs, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body hit the barrier at the end of the barrier, and the feedback impact made his throat sweet, and the blood flowed from his mouth. The corners of the mouth and nostrils seep out.

And the moment Duan Mu stood still, his eyes darkened, Helibel's indifferent face came into view, and the giant sword in his hand slashed straight at Duan Mu's chest.


Too late!

A thought flashed in his mind, Duan Mu gritted his teeth slightly, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he actually gave up struggling to dodge, or trying to reduce the injured area as much as possible, but...

Bow forward!

He actually sent his neck under the giant sword.


This scene made the giant sword in Helibel's hand suddenly stop in mid-air, and subconsciously suppressed the spiritual pressure.

Master Aizen's task is to bring Duan Mu back to the virtual circle alive, not to kill him.

Just such a moment of hesitation, Duan Mu leaned down, pressed his hands on the ground, driving his body to rotate, and his legs were directly clamped on Helibel's neck.

The sudden change caught Helibel by surprise.

The subconscious restraint of spiritual pressure made her defenseless against Duan Mu's attack.


Duan Mu's series of actions were too fast, almost completed at the moment of her hesitation, as if she had expected her reaction.

And it is so!

What Duan Mu gambled on was that she would not kill herself. If it were someone else, Duan Mu would not dare to gamble like this. After all, no matter how powerful the self-healing power is, there is no way to grow another head if the body is separated.

But Harribel is different. She is grateful to Aizen, and she will definitely carry out the order given by Aizen.

So she will definitely avoid killing herself!

In addition, she herself is not bloodthirsty, and even has the idea of ​​'not wanting to make herself stronger by killing others', which can be said to be extremely rare in Xu.

Although the method of exploiting the weakness of the enemy's character is somewhat despicable, but the word 'despicable' does not exist in life and death fights!

The moment he rode on Heliber's shoulders, Duan Mu's hands were in the shape of knocking, and he slammed down on the sides of Helibel's head; his legs were like pythons, wrapped around Helibel's arms, and his legs Hold its neck tightly!

He didn't expect to defeat Heliber in this way. Duan Mu's initial plan was not to defeat a few people, but to delay as much as possible.

Riding on someone's shoulders, even Helibel, who has always been indifferent, at this moment, his indifferent expression was replaced by anger!


The terrifying Reiatsu burst out like a dam with its gates opened.

Duan Mu only felt his whole body start to tremble at this moment, and his always strong body creaked at this moment.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

Crisp sounds continued to come from Duan Mu's body, and his sleeves and trouser legs were completely reduced to ashes almost in an instant.

sizzle sizzle...

Under Heliber's struggle, the skin of Duan Mu's arms and legs became tense, and cracks appeared on them, and traces of bright red continuously seeped out from the cracks.

But even so, Duan Mu still firmly clamped Helibel's neck and arms, without any slack!

"Broken Waterfall!"

And at this moment, Helibel who was clamped by Duan Mu suddenly shouted angrily.


A waterfall-like sound suddenly came from the giant sword in his hand!

Duan Mu's face changed, even if the attack had not yet struck, Duan Mu could still feel the terrifying power of this move.

Can't be hard-connected!

The moment he got this judgment, Duan Mu clamped Herribel's arms and legs, and immediately released them.


Can't move!

Duan Mu's face changed, because the arms that were still struggling to get rid of his calf not long ago suddenly tightened, clamping his calf tightly under the armpit, making it impossible for Duan Mu to escape.

In the next second, a huge jet of water sped out from the giant sword with shark-cheek pattern, soaring into the sky, like a waterfall falling from the sky, covering Helibel and the section of wood on his shoulder.


Amidst the roar of the waves, a terrifying impact erupted in the barrier, and the wanton sea water filled the entire barrier, even shaking this special space at this moment.

Fortunately, not long after, the formed waves turned into spirit particles and dispersed.

When everything calmed down, Harribel was standing in place, water drops dripping down his golden hair, but Duan Mu, who was originally riding on him, was nowhere to be seen.

At this scene, Ruby, who was severely injured by Duan Mu, couldn't help swallowing.

Because it is too intense!

In just one minute, the intensity of the confrontation between the two completely exceeded his expectations.

And Harribel's ruthlessness in attacking together with himself made him feel the horror of this woman in front of him for the first time!

What about the monster called Duan Mu?

Broken to pieces?

Ruby subconsciously looked around, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came:

"If I don't hide, what are you going to do?"

Ruby followed the sound, and the scene that caught his eyes made him startled slightly.

I saw Duan Mu standing tens of meters away from Helibel, and at this moment, he was a bit shorter.


Below its knees, there is nothing!

A pool of blood gathered on the golden barrier, and Duan Mu stood there with his broken knee as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

"The pursuit of sacrifice must pay the price of sacrifice!"

Heliber's expression returned to his original indifference again, but there was a strange look in Duan Mu's gaze: "Aren't you very clear about this?"


The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly. This kind of woman who always talks about sacrifice is really troublesome to the extreme.

He thought about the methods Helibel might use to break free, such as consuming himself, or bumping himself into a barrier, and waiting for help from his companions... But he never thought that she would choose this method of losing both sides .

Although she immediately cut off the spiritual pressure supply of 'Broken Explosion' after she broke free, Duan Mu had a feeling...

If she kept trying to survive, she would continue to use that move even if she was severely injured even if she tried her best!


Suddenly, Duan Mu was slightly taken aback.

[Harribel's favorability +1, gained 800 experience points, current favorability: 1]


Looking at the system prompt in his mind, even at this critical moment, Duan Mu couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Because he really couldn't figure out, how did his despicable actions just now gain Harribel's favorability?

However, now is not the time to think deeply.

Duan Mu glanced at his gradually recovering legs, and added [-] experience points to his physique without hesitation.

Although at this recovery speed, it can be fully grown in less than ten seconds.


In this level of battle, these ten seconds are enough to kill Duan Mu countless times!

Almost at the moment when the points were added, Duan Mu's figure immediately grew taller, and a pair of calves grew out in a blink of an eye.


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came from behind Duan Mu.

There was nothing strange in Duan Mu's eyes, but his sense of touch was stimulated to the extreme, and he didn't even turn around to see the attack coming from behind.

Because in front of him, Harribel had already attacked him once again.

"go to hell!!"

Ruby's grinning sound came, and eight tentacles attacked Duan Mu at the same time, and the spikes at the top of each tentacle suddenly elongated.


When Duan Mu's legs healed instantly, his sinister laughter stopped just right.

Super fast regeneration! ?

Before he could figure out why Duan Mu's legs suddenly grew out, he saw Duan Mu's body suddenly twisted at a strange angle in the distance, with his arms spread out.

Unexpectedly, without looking back, the eight tentacles, like human body strokes, shuttled through the gaps in its twisted body.

Seeing this, Ruby's face was as ugly as it could be.

It's fine for the sneak attack to miss, and the opponent's way of dealing with it seems that they don't take themselves seriously at all.

But he also had to admit that the god of death in front of him was indeed a monster!

Monster-like power, monster-like defense, monster-like self-healing power...

Coupled with the monster's sharp five senses and reaction ability.

Ruby couldn't imagine how strong the monster in front of her would be if she recovered her spiritual pressure!


He is destined not to leave here.

A ruthless look flashed in Ruby's eyes, and the eight tentacles passing through Duan Mu's twisted body gathered together at the same time, trapping Duan Mu like a fishing net.

But at this moment, Duan Mu's open arms also closed together. At this moment, Ruby realized that the arms that seemed to be opened at will actually covered the eight tentacles in the arms.But when he discovered this, it was too late to react!


With his arms closed, Duan Mu tightly hugged the eight thick tentacles, and suddenly took a step forward.

"Give me up!!"

Amidst the roar of anger, Duan Mu took advantage of the strength of this step, holding the tentacles in both arms, and smashed out towards Helibel who was attacking in front.

clang clang...

The eight tentacles tensed instantly, and Ruby felt an indescribable force coming from the tentacles, driving his body to smash towards Helibel.

Seeing Ruby approaching like a cannonball, Harribel frowned.

The knife that was originally slashed at Duan Mu was withdrawn in an instant, and turned slightly to one side, letting Ruby brush past her.


At this moment, the sound of blood splashing sounded from Duan Mu's place.

Looking around, I saw Duan Mu's arms and shoulders spurting endless blood, and then his arms fell off from his shoulders.

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