And behind him, at some point, a figure with a knife appeared, and it was Ulquiola who had never been involved!

The severe pain made Duan Mu's face turn pale.

But he couldn't care less about the pain in his shoulder, because a sharp feeling was heading towards his legs.

As soon as the sole of his foot stepped on the ground, Duan Mu quickly retreated towards the rear.

But even if he reacted immediately, his right calf, which had just recovered, was still separated from his right leg at this moment.

Duan Mu's remaining toes of his left foot were firmly hooked to the ground, and before he could stabilize his figure, he added [-] of the remaining experience points to his physique!

But at the same time he was adding points, Helibel had already come behind him, holding the giant sword high above his head.

Amidst the dull screaming sound, it slammed straight towards Duan Mu.

Surely it still doesn't work?

Duan Mu sighed slightly in his heart, he could no longer dodge this blow.

It can be said that he will inevitably be hit hard next.

The only thing he can do now is...

Make sure that you will not lose consciousness due to this blow, otherwise you may not even be able to add points.

And at this critical moment, a sudden change occurred!


There was a sound of shattering like glass, and Jean didn't participate in it all the time. Instead, he looked at Saar Apollo, who was struggling with a mischievous smile, and his expression changed suddenly.


With a crisp sound, the golden barrier shattered like a mirror.

Almost at the moment when the barrier was shattered, Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and there was a roar of thunder in his body, and the endless thunder light illuminated the night sky!


The violent explosion sound set off endless shocks and fierce collisions, and even caused smoke to rise in the void at this moment, covering the entire area.

"Ah Lala, it's not too late for me to come this time, right?"

A figure appeared outside the range of the gunpowder smoke, fanning the folding fan in his hand to disperse the drifting gunpowder smoke, it was Kisuke Urahara.

"It's late, idiot!!"

Duan Mu's voice came out of the smoke: "Didn't I tell you to crack it immediately?"

"Boss Duan Mu, do you underestimate the achievements of others?"

Kisuke Urahara chuckled:

"One and a half minutes to study the nature of the enchantment, and half a minute to crack it. This has already killed countless brain cells in me."


Chapter 224 Enjoyable!


The shattering of the enchantment made Hitsugaya, who was stopped, look happy, and subconsciously looked into the range of gunpowder smoke.

Renji Asai, Rangiku Matsumoto, and Hisagi who were around also couldn't help but stop their movements, and looked towards the center of the gunpowder along with their opponent...that is, Tiruti.

Everyone's faces were more or less happy at this time.

The gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, and Duan Mu slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, Duan Mu looked quite embarrassed, his upper body was shirtless, and the black work pants on his lower body turned into shorts, but there was no injury on his body.

buzz buzz ~ ~

Amid the heavy humming, four figures appeared around Duan Mu.

Harribel frowned and looked at Saar Apollo, his eyes were full of doubts and inquiries.

Sal Apollo looked at Kisuke Urahara with a gloomy expression, his eyes full of repulsion and murderous intent to meet the same kind.

"Very interesting enchantment."

Facing Sal Apollo's gaze, Urahara Kisuke smiled indifferently: "It's just that I have been conducting research on Boss Duan Mu many years ago."

"..." Duan Mu.

Why does this sound so awkward?

Too lazy to argue with Kisuke Urahara, Duan Mu looked at Harribel and the others with a smile on his face:

"Now, do you want to continue arresting me?"

Helibel didn't speak, but just waved the huge sword with shark cheek pattern in his hand, and the azure light shone crazily on the huge sword, and the whole body exuded a terrifying spiritual pressure far beyond the previous one.

It is obvious that he does not intend to give up the task, nor does he intend to continue to keep it.

"Block it, Black Wing Demon!"

Ulquiorra also had the same idea as him. After the barrier was lifted, he released the sword without hesitation.

The pitch-black spiritual particles gathered into a huge ball, and in the next second, a roar came from the pitch-black ball, and a dark green long spear composed entirely of spiritual power penetrated the pitch-black ball and shot straight into the air Duan Mu in the middle galloped away.

"It seems that there is still a fight."

Duan Mu did not dodge, but a smile slowly appeared on his face.

A gloomy aura spread out from his body, and violent thunder surged crazily. At this moment, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a real god of death, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

After suffering such a big loss, if the other party wants to use the anti-membrane to leave, Duan Mu will feel aggrieved and have no place to vent!


He also wanted to try the results of his cultivation.

boom! !

I didn't see Duan Mu making any moves. The dark green spear that was galloping suddenly stopped in the void more than ten meters in front of Duan Mu, and then exploded. The barrier blocked it.

"Bindao 81: Breaking the Void."

Almost at the same time as the dark green spear exploded, Duan Mu stepped into the void in front of him, and when he raised his right hand, the thunder in his body was running rapidly, and under the permeation of the thunder power, thunderbolts immediately emanated from his body. In the voice, these thunders frantically gathered on Duan Mu's right hand at an extremely fast speed.

In the end, a golden thunder ball was formed. Holding the thunder ball, Duan Mu didn't pause at all, and with the power of a step, he threw it out explosively!

Although Ulquiola's expression was still indifferent, his dark green eyes became serious.

Seeing the thunderball approaching, he didn't dodge it, but just made a move with one hand, and a dark green long spear condensed again, holding the gun to meet the thunderball.

Wherever the spear passed, the void was distorted, and it was actually torn into black cracks!

Both the thunderball and the spear were extremely fast, and they collided almost in the blink of an eye!

Dark green and golden rays of light flourished, illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime.

In the next second, the deafening roar came late, carrying the impact and spreading to the surroundings. The two rays of light reached their peak almost instantly, and then began to weaken. Finally, amidst a series of rumbling thunders, the dark green The light was swallowed by the golden thunder.

A figure wrapped in pitch-black spiritual pressure shot out backwards, and Ulquiola's face was gloomy, and the arm that was holding the gun was gone.

But then...

The missing arm grew again.

Ultra-fast regeneration, as one of the few broken faces that retains this ability after evolution, Ulquiorra's body can be regenerated in a very short time after being destroyed except for the internal organs and brain.

On the spot, Duan Mu didn't look at Ulquiola who shot backwards, but turned around suddenly, and let out a low shout:


During the speech, the thunder all over Duan Mu's body flowed towards his right hand like flowing water, causing the space around his right hand to sag downward, showing a twisted feeling under the water mist.

One punch, blast out!

Strength, spiritual pressure, thunder... A punch with three kinds of energies, the moment it is thrown, the surrounding air disappears.

The vacuum wave visible to the naked eye spreads in a fan shape from the point where the fist hits.

This scene changed the complexion of Ruby who was coming from the secret, and the terrifying power made him instinctively turn the eight tentacles from offense to defense, wrapping them around in a round shield shape to block in front of him.

But the storm formed by this fist is too powerful, especially the vacuum wave that spreads from the point where the fist hits, it seems to tear the space apart, it is unbelievably fast, and it falls directly on the shield formed by the tentacles !

A loud noise that resounded for several kilometers suddenly reverberated. The sound was so loud that the shock it set off quickly spread to the surroundings, causing a disc shock wave shaped like a mosquito coil to appear in the night sky, spreading like waves.

Looking at Ruby again, at this moment, her body flew out like a meteor, and finally hit the ground heavily, causing the ground to shake violently.

If this area hadn't been space-locked at the beginning of the battle, the vibration might not stop for a while!

"Broken Path 96 One-Sword Cremation!"

Duan Mu didn't check on Ruby's situation after the punch was dropped. While keeping his right fist swinging, a burst of scorching hot breath suddenly erupted from his left hand.

The left arm turned into coke in the blink of an eye, but under the coke, there was a flash of fire!

"Break off!"

The water dragon made up of sea water, like a vortex in the deep sea, attacked Duan Mu with a rumbling roar.

The power of the water dragon is terrifying, completely different from that in the enchantment before, it is tens of meters thick, and wherever it passes...

The whole area has become extremely humid!

But the direction the water dragon attacked was completely opposite.


The moisture in the atmosphere disappeared rapidly, and a giant fire blade like a skyscraper shot up into the sky, crossing the night sky like a butcher's knife, and headed towards the water dragon.

The collision of water and fire caused the mist to rise, forming an incomparably huge mushroom cloud.

Duan Mu's whole body was shocked, and his pitch-black left arm burst open.

Regardless of the left arm that gradually healed itself after the explosion, Duan Mu's right index finger was a little bit in the void, and nine black spheres like black holes were formed immediately.

"The 79th Nine Luminaries Binding of the Way of Binding."

The nine spheres shot out towards the front at the moment of formation.

And in the direction of the pitch-black ball, Ulquiola's figure emerged from the void, and the nine balls seemed to be calculated, locking the space around him the moment he appeared.

Ulquiola's complexion was slightly gloomy, the dark green spear in his hand was shining brightly, and the nine balls were rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye!

But at this moment, a low moan came to Ulquiorra's ears.

"Hazy turbid coat of arms, rebellious and arrogant talent, tide, negation, paralysis, moment, hindering eternal sleep! Crawling iron princess, self-mutilating clay doll, unite, rebound, extend to the ground , know your own powerlessness..."

Ulquiola's complexion changed, and he felt that the space, time, and even spirit particles within a range of nearly a hundred meters around him were distorted, and the heavy pressure fell like the sky was falling.

Look around.

The pitch-black city wall is gradually growing, and gravity embossed like lines appear in the void.

The clouds were dissipating at a rapid speed as if in fear, and the moonlight falling from the sky seemed to be completely swallowed by the long black coffin at this moment, making the surrounding area invisible.

"The Ninety of the Path: The Black Coffin."

Boom boom boom boom~~

Continuous tearing sounds came from the black coffin.

This sound lasted for about a few seconds, and a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the black coffin.

sizzle sizzle...

A strange sound came from the crack, and a dark green thunder appeared at the same time.

Finally, with a loud bang, the black coffin shattered open, and countless dark fragments disintegrated like glass fragments, and fell downward like raindrops.

And in the rain of pitch-black debris, Ulquiola, who was covered in blood, was holding a long spear that shone with dark green thunder, and there was an incomparably terrifying aura on it.

But just after it appeared, Ulquiola's pupils shrank.

In the field of vision, a fist is rapidly expanding.


Vaguely, there seemed to be the roar of a beast coming into his ears.

In his field of vision, that punch also seemed to have turned into the claws of some kind of wild animal, smashing down towards him angrily.

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