The punch came so fast that in a hurry, Ulquiorra only had time to hold the Thunder Spear in front of him.

The beast claw covering Thunder collided with the Thunder Spear.

For a moment, thunder and thunder roared wildly, and the sound of rumbling echoed across the sky.

The thunder that shot out in all directions formed an irregular straight line, as if to divide the night sky into two.

Finally, amidst a deafening explosion, the two figures rose and fell, and shot backwards at the same time.


Ulquiorra smashed into the ground with a loud noise, causing the ground to sag instantly, forming a basin, around which cobweb-like cracks spread to the surroundings.

In the air, Duan Mu stepped on the void with his bare feet, clasped the void tightly with one hand in the shape of a claw, and stabilized his figure after sliding back tens of meters.


As soon as he stood still, a tsunami-like roar sounded behind him.

Duan Mu turned his head to look, and saw that the skyscraper-like flaming giant blade had disappeared, and a water dragon passed through the fog and roared towards him.

Although the one-knife cremation was created by Captain Yamamoto, its highest temperature is far inferior to Captain Yamamoto's blazing blade. It is wishful thinking to use this to completely evaporate Helibel's water column.

So Duan Mu was not surprised by this.

Looking at the water column that had come to his back, the fighting spirit in Duan Mu's eyes climbed to the extreme at this moment, he didn't dodge, and it was too late to dodge.


The roaring sound bloomed from Duan Mu's hands, and the whole body's spiritual pressure gathered in his hands.

In order to make the gathered spiritual pressure stronger, the spiritual void pattern in Duan Mu's body also started to run crazily, and his whole body was like a black hole, frantically devouring the weak spiritual seeds in this world.

In the next moment, turn around and punch!

Almost at the moment when Duan Mu turned around, the water dragon attacked, and Duan Mu's fist directly hit the churning water dragon.

When the fist collided with the water dragon, Duan Mu only felt an indescribable pressure coming from above the water dragon. Under the impact of the terrifying weight, blood spurted out from his arm.

Not enough~!


The flames of the Shuanglian Canghuo Pendant exploded from the back out of thin air, and as soon as they appeared, they converged towards Duan Mu's punch.

The fusion of thunder and fire made Duan Mu's fist make a deafening crackling sound, and his bent body stood up again at this moment.


The water dragon burst, and the entire night sky began to rain cats and dogs at this moment.

In the heavy rain, two figures shot backwards at the same time.

Hearty -!

Looking at Helibel in mid-air, Duan Mu could only feel his whole body, and there was no place where he could not feel refreshed.

Stepping on the void with one foot, Duan Mu charged towards Helibel again.

At this moment, Harribel made the same movement as Duan Mu, and the two rushed towards each other almost at the same time.

bang bang bang...

The crash sounded into the night sky.

A punch hit the side of the shark-cheek-printed giant sword, deflecting the giant sword, and Duan Mu leaned forward, almost clinging to Helibel.

He didn't do this to take advantage, it was simply because Helibel's giant sword was too huge, and it wasn't suitable for attacking enemies close to him.

Because of this, Duan Mu has been engaging in close combat with Helibel since he was in the barrier until now, limiting the opponent's advantage while maximizing his own advantage!

after all……

His Zanpakuto hadn't recovered yet, so he wasn't suitable for a head-to-head confrontation with Helibel.

Helibel looked at Duan Mu who was close at hand, his expression remained unchanged, the tip of his left thumb swiped on his index finger, and at the same time a bright red color permeated out, golden light quickly gathered in his hand.

In this scene, Duan Mu, who was originally planning to attack with his fist, swiped his fingertips without hesitation, and the blood seeped out and merged into the spiritual pressure, and there was also light gathering, but the light in his hand was dark purple!

——Wang Xu's flash!

The two colors of gold and purple exploded into the void, and the impact set off a strong wind.

When the false flash collided at close range, the bodies of both of them were shocked, and the false flash with all their strength was unbearable even for the released two.

The shock that was set off directly sent the two of them flying.


The violent sound came out only after the two were thrown into the air.


In the distance, Hitsugaya Toshiro and the others looked at the center of the battlefield with dull expressions.

The moment they saw Duan Mu walking out of the barrier and being surrounded again, they were ready to step forward to help.


The fight happened really fast.

Neither Pomian nor Duan Mu had the slightest intention of communicating, and a fierce battle broke out as soon as they left the barrier.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but the dizzying battle that followed left them wondering how to intervene.

Especially when Duan Mu punched Ruby away, even Toshirō Hitsugaya couldn't help but become sluggish.

Leaving aside the others, Hitsugaya has a deep understanding of Ruby's strength, otherwise he wouldn't have been chased by the opponent and fled everywhere, although this was also to buy time to release stronger moves.

Even when Aizen cut him down...

He faintly realized... this Boss Duan Mu who has persisted in Lan Ran's hands for several minutes may be very strong!

But seeing Duan Mu fight with his own eyes still made him feel deeply shocked.

What a monster! ?

The ninety number's top-notch ghost path abandonment singing, powerful white-strike skills, agile and proficient Shunpo, inhuman regenerative ability...

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would believe it...

This guy, like Zaraki Kenpachi, is also a Nojiko from Rukonkai!

Not to mention him, even Kisuke Urahara, who was confronting Saar Apollo in the distance, showed surprise in his eyes.

But it's not because of the strength shown by Duan Mu, but...

Duan Mu's progress speed!

He has always been keen on studying Duan Mu, so naturally he will not let go of the opportunity to collect Duan Mu's combat data.

Compared with the last time he fought with Ten Blades in Soul Soul Realm, Duan Mu's strength has become even more terrifying now.

And most importantly...


Compared with the last time, Duan Mu now gives him a feeling that he is very familiar with fighting with Ten Blades.

Every move will restrain the enemy.

After just one battle, a method of cracking and dealing with it was developed in a short period of time.

This is no longer something that can be explained by talent, but instinct...

Extremely terrifying fighting instinct!

However, wouldn't it be easy for a guy with such a strong fighting instinct to fight madly?

Originally, he planned to abandon Sal Apollo and go to help Duan Mu meet the enemy together, but Duan Mu's performance after the battle made him give up this idea.

Because he always felt that with Duan Mu's current state of high tension...

If he got involved rashly, he might even fight himself!

Of course, the main reason is...

Boss Duan Mu seems to be very unhappy with himself all the time, and now he has a great chance to vent his displeasure towards him in the past!


Chapter 225 End


Amidst the loud noise, three figures shot backwards at the same time.

Duan Mu turned around slightly in mid-air, relieved of the shock of retreating, and raised his hands to swipe the void.

The blue flames were generated out of thin air, leaving two blue lines in the void. The blue flames traversed the night sky like a canopy, and directly hit the two people who retreated!

"Breaking the Way 73: Double Lotus Canghuo Pendant."

The overwhelming pale flames almost enveloped the area where the two of Helibel were located.

After doing all this, Duan Mu did not pursue, but scattered the Lingzi steps under his feet, and fell straight to the ground.

During the fall, he glanced at the battlefield in several other directions.

Kisuke Urahara is fighting Saar Apollo.

On the other side, Tiruti is also fighting with Toshiro Hitsugaya and others, which Duan Mu signaled.

It is extremely necessary for Duan Mu to continue to stay in the virtual circle, just like this time, if he hadn't received the news in advance and let Kisuke Urahara prepare secretly in advance, then he might not know when he might come to support Woolen cloth.

So in order to avoid her being exposed, Duan Mu told her not to hold back when confronting Hitsugaya and the others. Anyway, as long as he doesn't kill them directly, he can save them back.

However, Tiruti's performance really surprised Duan Mu.

Because his reorganization of Tiruti's spiritual core only allowed Tiruti to perform the transformation of the second-stage return to the blade, and it did not achieve any increase in the ordinary one-stage return to the blade.

But today's Tiruti returned the blade with a single stroke, facing the siege of several people at the same time, and still had the upper hand.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Duan Mu vaguely understood why this happened.

Although the reorganization of the spiritual core cannot produce an increase in the first-stage return to the blade, the ability of the second-stage return to the blade is simply an extension of Tiruti's first-stage return to the blade.

After perfectly mastering the ability of the second stage of returning to the blade, Tiruti will inevitably have a more detailed understanding and mastery of the first stage of returning to the blade.

Even based on the ability of the second stage of returning to the blade, changing the moves of the first stage of returning to the blade, so that she can exert some characteristics of the second stage of returning to the blade!

It can be said that if one of Tiruti's Returning Blades is used without any scruples, it may not be as good as Grimmjow among the current Ten Blades.

after all……

From a certain point of view, vibration is also an extremely terrifying ability.

Moreover, although it can't be seen normally, Tiruti during the battle is completely of that lunatic type, and his obsession with winning the battle is a minority of extremes even in the face.

However, since she voluntarily gave up the Ten Blade Sequence, she has become more restrained, and her temper has improved a lot.


Usually behaves a bit like a salted fish with no pursuit.


Tapping his toes lightly and landing on the ground, Duan Mu raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw that the pale flames covering the entire area in the night sky had all been extinguished, Helibel and Ulquiola stood apart, and they all cast their eyes on Duan Mu on the ground.

Hribel looked at Duan Mu on the ground, frowning.

Previously in the enchantment, although Duan Mu's body's defensive power was strong, it was only comparable to the steel skin of ten blades.

But with the help of spiritual pressure to strengthen the defense, the defense power of the opponent's physique far exceeds that of Ten Blades, which makes Helibel more and more feel like he is fighting against Ten Blades.

With the current situation, the possibility of bringing him back to the virtual circle is almost zero.

Not to mention capturing alive, neither he nor Ulquiola may be able to defeat the opponent.

As for finding support...

On Ruby's side, although some aura can still be faintly felt, that ray of aura is constantly weakening and may disappear at any time.

It's basically tantamount to death.

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