As for Tiruti, who was in a duel with the white-haired captain and others at this time, he obviously couldn't come to support him.

As for Sal Apollo, his engagement...

No, it's not so much a fight, it's more like he's being played unilaterally by the opponent, and it's obviously impossible to expect him to fight Duan Mu together.

The last Grimmjow, Harribel tried to search, and found that the other party was also in the middle of the battle, but the aura of the person fighting him was a bit strange.

Ten Blades?

Although Duan Mu used many virtual abilities in front of him, from the beginning to the end, Harribel didn't feel the virtual aura in him, but the person who fought Grimmjow showed a kind of powerless like ten blades. Two breaths.

That is to say, Reiatsu that has both the god of death and the breath of void at the same time!

Shaking his head, Harribel didn't continue to think deeply about this point, after all, the current battle is the key.

Having said that, neither Harribel nor Ulquiola chose to attack.

Duan Mu suddenly changed the battle area from the void to the ground, there must be some means, it can only be used on the ground, if he attacked rashly, he might fall into the opponent's trap.

"If you don't come..."

Duan Mu looked at the two of them, guessed their thoughts immediately, shook his head and said:

"Then I'll go up and find you!"

After finishing his words, Duan Mu slapped his hands on the ground fiercely. In these days of practice, although he has thought about many fighting methods in view of the characteristics of the ten blades.

But the main direction of practice is aimed at Bailegang!

The lesson that Bailegang taught him last time was too profound.

And Duan Mu has always been very good at learning lessons.

"The earth dances."


The roar resounded throughout the entire area, and the ground vibrated crazily under Duan Mu's slap, rewinding layer by layer, wriggling like an ocean.



Numerous cracks and endless soil suddenly appeared on the ground, and when they all rose into the air, they lifted up the wood on the ground, as if the whole land had been captured by Duan Mu and came alive.

After the soil was lifted into the air, it condensed quickly and rolled violently, forming a giant dragon completely condensed from the soil in a blink of an eye, and Duan Mu stood on the dragon's head impressively.

Although it is only one word away from the 57. Earth Turning Jump of Po Dao, the earth dragon under Duan Mu's feet has nothing to do with the Earth Turning Jump.

This is completely, created by Duan Mu himself...

…Create a prototype, and then systematically deduce the perfect ghost way.

Once the earth dragon was condensed, its speed skyrocketed, and it rushed straight into the sky with a roar.

This scene was extremely shocking. The huge earth dragon hovered in the night sky, looming, revealing a breathtaking and heavy feeling of the earth.

Seeing this, Herribel's eyes flickered.

"Battle Shizuku!"

At the tip of the huge sword with shark gill pattern, water flows out of thin air, densely packed like cannonballs, attacking the majestic earth dragon like raindrops.

Duan Mu did not dodge the incoming water bullet, but swung it horizontally with one hand.

With this swing, the sharp claws of the earth dragon under its feet changed suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a large human-shaped hand, facing the sky-filled water polo horizontally.

at the same time!


The earth dragon exploded under Duan Mu's feet, and in a blink of an eye, a piece of land was formed under his feet, as if the sky and the earth had been reversed.

boom boom boom

One after another, the dark green lightning spears fell on the ground under Duan Mu's feet, causing the soil on the ground to blow up and blast out huge pits.

But the tens of thousands of tons of soil that soared into the sky filled it up again as if it had self-awareness.

This scene made Ulquiola frown.

"It's useless."

Duan Mu stood on the ground like a suspended island, looking at the two of them: "No matter how small the soil under my feet becomes, as long as the soil itself still exists, it will fully recover."

The soil under his feet is not simply controlled by spiritual pressure, but...

— Absolutely belong!

This ghost way seems simple, but in order to create this style of ghost way, Duan Mu read all the inheritance of the core magic of the Zhibo family.

In addition, he also asked Ishida Zongxian about the cultivation method of the Quincy Master's "Spirit Subordination". Ishida Zongxian, like Sister Kongzuru, did not make any reservations about this, and taught all relevant knowledge to him. section wood.

The fusion of two completely different inheritances, combined with Duan Mu's own vast knowledge of ghosts, created the embryonic form of this type of ghosts...!

The stronger Duan Mu's spiritual pressure is, the larger the range that the earth's upsurge can affect, and the soil within the influence range of the earth's upsurge will become Duan Mu's subordinate, a manifestation of rules.

in short……

Call it Earth Affiliation!

The only disadvantage of this trick is that it consumes a huge amount of spiritual power. Taking such a huge range of soil as a subordinate, even with Duan Mu's current spiritual power, he can only last for less than half a minute. If he wants to extend the time, he can only narrow the control soil range.

But the existence of the spirit void pattern...

But it is completely possible to balance the consumption and replenishment of spiritual power.

As long as there are spirit particles in the surrounding area, the soil under that wooden foot will not escape his control!

However, it is almost impossible to achieve a balance of payments in this world.

It's not because of the spirit-deficiency pattern, but the concentration of spiritual seeds in this world is too weak. No matter how fast the spirit-deficiency pattern is replenished, if there are no spiritual particles in the surrounding area, there is no way to replenish it.

But using this trick in this world also has an advantage, that is, the soil is composed entirely of protons...

It will flow, it will be polluted, it can be blown by wind, flushed by water, or manually carried...but it will not disappear!

For a soil composed purely of protons, this is nothing but basic indestructible motion.

No matter how old and decayed Bailegang is, the soil will still be soil, at most it will become more fertile as the years go by...

As long as the soil does not disappear or be transferred, it will always be controlled by Duan Mu.

This point is the soil of the virtual circle and the soul world, which absolutely cannot have the effect!


The soil rises up, forming a tall earth wall beside Duan Mu, blocking all incoming water.

No matter how powerful the water flow is, with the supplement of a huge base of soil, the earth wall is still as majestic as a mountain!

At the same time as the earth wall was rising, Duan Mu clenched his fist with one hand, and punched directly towards Heliber's place through the air.

A dull whistling sound came out immediately, and almost at the same time as Duan Mu swung his fist, the fist made of soil hit Heliber in mid-air.

At the same time, Duan Mu was distracted, the dust in the sky was broken into pieces, and he headed towards Ulquiorra on the other side.

For a moment, the sky in the entire area was filled with soil.

The roar continued to spread, and the soil condensed into various attacks, constantly attacking the two of them.



Duan Mu, who was manipulating the soil to attack the two, suddenly raised an earth wall behind him.


The sound of the blade sinking into the soil can be heard.

"Should I say long time no see?"

Duan Mu chuckled, and suddenly disappeared behind his back, revealing the figure behind the soil.

"Captain Dongxian... No, it should be the sinner Dongxian!"

The figure that suddenly appeared behind Duan Mu and attacked him was Tōsen Kaname who defected to Xuquan with Aizen.

If Dongxian hadn't replied, he would have turned his feet in an instant, and the whole person would immediately retreat out of the soil.

With his appearance, everyone on the scene couldn't help but leave their opponents and look at him.


Hitsugaya frowned, and subconsciously began to search the surroundings. After confirming that Aizen and Ichimaru Gin hadn't arrived, his brows relaxed.

"Captain Dongxian!!"

Hisagi Shuhei called out with a complicated expression, but his shout did not attract Tōsen Kaname's attention.

Dongxian wanted to 'stare' at Duan Mu for a while, and said:

"Sure enough, when I first fought with you, I should have killed you at all costs."

"the first time?"

Duan Mu pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Are you talking about the time you kidnapped Xiao Jie? If you don't mention it, I will forget the fight with that black cloak."

What he said was not deliberately mocking Tosen Kaname, but that Duan Mu really didn't keep that battle in mind.

Because at that time, he was badly injured and didn't do much. It was completely Kazukaku Madarame, Ayasegawa Kouji, and Asai Renji who were fighting with him. Duan Mu only played the role of treatment and support, and naturally There are no memories worth recalling.

Hearing Duan Mu mentioned Xiaojie and the black cloak, Asai Renji also recalled the situation at that time, and said in disbelief:

"Are you the one who kidnapped the child with Lingwei talent?"

If Tōsen hadn't answered Asai Renji's question, he would have said to himself, "Master Aizen has an order. Since the plan has failed, there is no need to continue."

As soon as this remark came out, Duan Mu looked up subconsciously.

As long as there is any sign of a crack in the sky, he will immediately block it, not giving those big voids a chance to form an anti-membrane.

But the crack that Duan Mu expected did not appear, and the oncoming scene was pitch black.

"The solution, the final style of clearing insects, Yan Mo Cricket!"

Amidst the low moans, endless black mist suddenly filled the air, covering the entire area.

Duan Mu frowned, and the soil under his feet exploded immediately, turning into countless dust particles in the roar, forming rings and spreading towards the surroundings.

In the end, it turned into a pair of big hands, grabbing towards a place in the darkness!


But at this moment, a powerful impact came, and the big hand that was condensed by the soil collapsed. Before it could condense again, the surrounding darkness gradually receded.

And in the void...

Several broken faces had disappeared.

"Tsk tsk, what a troublesome ability."

Kisuke Urahara's voice came, and after finishing his words, he went straight to somewhere on the ground.

That was the direction where Ruby had fallen before.

However, when he arrived at that area, Kisuke Urahara frowned, and then smiled and said, "It seems that he was preempted."

Hearing this, Hitsugaya and the others looked at Kisuke Urahara with some doubts.

Duan Mu curled his lips. Although he didn't pay attention, he could still feel Ruby's sudden disappearance after death!

If there is no accident……

At this time, Ruby's body had probably been stored in the Technology Development Bureau.

That bastard Nie Yuli sneaked into the world, but he had no intention of supporting Duan Mu and the others, so he picked up Ruby's body and ran away.

"Boss Duan Mu."

Hitsugaya and others appeared next to Duan Mu: "Thank you for your help this time."

"You're welcome, this is my duty."

"To celebrate, let's go have a drink and go back to Soul Society after drinking." Matsumoto Rangiku's eyes lit up.

"..." Duan Mu.

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