still drink...

After drinking the last time, I still don't know what happened that night.

A little awkwardly smiled, Duan Mu was about to refuse, looked up into the distance, and said: "Hisagi and I have not accepted the restrictions, we cannot stay in this world for a long time, and...I always feel that there will be trouble if we continue to stay, so we just drink. Time." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu looked at Hisagi Shuhei at the side.

Seeing this, Hisagi Shuhei took out his magic command machine and issued a command.

Not long after, a door opened beside Duan Mu and the others.


About half a minute after Duan Mu left, two figures came through the air.

Hitsugaya and the others looked up, only to see blue veins protruding from the corner of Madarame's bald head, and as soon as they stopped, they looked around with red eyes.

"Where's that bastard Duan Mu?"

Madarame looked for it and shouted angrily: "I'm going to kill him, I'm definitely going to kill him!!"


Asai Renji was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at Ayasegawa who was beside Kakaku with a weird smile on his face.

"When he was fighting with Pomian, Duan Mu suddenly appeared behind that Pomian, and then disappeared after killing that Pomian."

"..." A Sanjing Renji.

Got it~

No wonder Boss Duan Mu left in such a hurry.


Chapter 226 This chapter is called 'excessive'!

"...Sister Konghe, who once taught me the way of ghosts, told me that you must never use a kind of ghost way as your trump card."

"In the absence of Zanpakuto, there is only one advantage for a ghost master to fight against a Shinigami who has Zanpakuto, and that is the 'comprehensiveness' applicable to various situations. Using a kind of ghost way as a trump card will instead Lose that comprehensiveness."

"Bound Dao and Broken Dao are combined to be called Ghost Dao."

In the newly built Wanshiwu in the West 38th District, Duan Mu specially added a room similar to a classroom, which is specially used to tutor the students of the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Arts.

"Mr. Duan Mu, that..."

A young man with slightly upturned short hair and a cowardly expression raised his hand, hesitated for a while and asked, "If the Fist Slayer Ghost is not good at walking, can he still become the God of Death?"

"Why not?"

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "The thirteenth division of Goutei has different recruitment criteria for each division. Fist-killing Ghost Walk and Reiatsu strength are not mandatory admission criteria. For example, the fourth division will recruit doctors who were doctors and also Or for students who are good at answering the Dao, the second team will recruit students who are good at free-handling and tracking, and the ninth team will recruit team members who have been reporters and editors before their death..."

"There are also some fan teams that only look at the strength of spiritual pressure, so as long as you can graduate, you will definitely be able to find a fan team that suits you."

"Ryunosuke, you idiot, Ikkaku-san told me that Mr. Duanmu served in the Second Division, Fourth Division, and Ninth Division at the same time, and was even the captain of the Ninth Division. You actually still have the ability to do this while he is here. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to join the Gotei [-]th Division?”

The girl with a high forehead next to the short-haired boy slapped the short-haired boy directly: "Are you looking down on our Mr. Duan Mu?"

"..." Duan Mu.

Are you blatantly asking me to open the back door for you?

Duanmu glared at the girl angrily: "Madarame Shino, if you have time to bully Ryunosuke, you should study hard; the people in this room... no, I should say that I have taught so many students, you are the only one who accepts my teaching After tutoring, I can still fail every exam at the end of the month..."

"My signboard is almost destroyed by you. If you continue to mess around, don't blame me for going to your brother Yijiao and telling him about your brilliant achievements."

Madarame Shino stuck out his tongue when he heard the words, and immediately put on a posture, making a posture of listening to the class seriously.

Seeing this, Duan Mu shook his head. Although this girl is Madarame Kakaku's cousin, her personality is nothing like Madarame Kakaku's... The talent in combat can only be regarded as mediocre. According to Kakaku Madarame, Shino Madarame belongs to the kind of The [-]th team will be more difficult type.

These words are actually a bit euphemistic, this girl is not suitable for fighting at all.

"And Yabahara, put away that magazine under your desk!"

The whole morning was spent in guiding a group of students.

Three days have passed since the first battle in the real world, and during these three days, the world has calmed down for a long time.

The only news that came back was...

Last night, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly disappeared from his house.

Duan Mu was not surprised by this.

When he was fighting Grimmjow, the state he displayed would definitely attract the attention of some people in this world, and thus win them over!

According to the report sent back by Rukia and others, this point has been confirmed.


In that group of people, there seem to be a few people who are worth getting acquainted with!

After receiving Rukia's report yesterday, Duan Mu had the urge to go to the present world to stay.

But after some ideological struggle, he finally gave up on this tempting idea.

after all……

That lunatic Aizen, for some reason, had his eye on him, and rashly went to the present world, and was very likely to be besieged by Ten Blades again.

What's more, stationing in this world is different from support. If Duan Mu wants to stay in this world for a long time, he must accept restrictions.

Duan Mu didn't want to experience that feeling again after suffering a limited loss, and it was too dangerous to encounter ten blades under limited circumstances!

Anyway, there is always a chance to get to know each other in the future.

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu didn't get too entangled. After tidying up the classroom, he got up and walked towards the tavern downstairs.

The tavern was as noisy as ever, even though the rebuilt tavern had nearly doubled in size, the tavern was still full of seats, and even the backyard was crowded with people.

Since the last time they cooperated with the Griffin and saved his life, Duan Mu has become kinder to these villains.

Of course, it's just a few.

Because this group of guys, as long as you show them a little good face, they will definitely put their noses in the face!

Ignoring the greetings from the villains, Duan Mu sat in front of the bar.

"Have you finished teaching those students?" Ishida Zongxian asked beside him.

Duan Mu nodded, then turned to look at Eel Yaoori next to him, and asked, "Do you have any commissions today? If there are any, I will go and do them all in the afternoon."


Eel Yaoori shook his head: "Today's orders were all taken by Ganju with Hawke and the others, and several orders for caravan guards were also taken by Ooku and the others."

These guys...

Is it getting more and more presumptuous?

Duan Mu always felt that these bastards seemed to regard his house of masters as an adventurer's association that could take on commissions.

"Then I will go to Seireitei in the afternoon."

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "This time, I may not come back for a long time, and the entrustment on Liuhun Street should be handed over to Yanjiu and the others. If they can't complete the entrustment, don't accept it. , I’ll pick it up when I come back, and you help the Griffins pick some.”

"I see." Eel Yaoori nodded.

Ishida Zongxian on the side asked with some doubts: "Are you going to practice again?"

"Well... if it's about cultivation, it's fine."

Duan Mu's face was a bit tangled: "But more strictly speaking, it should be to be chopped."

After Captain Yamamoto's lobbying, Captain Uno Hanaari agreed to give Duan Mu a one-month slashing instruction.

Guided by Unohanaretsu...

Duan Mu's mood can be described as mixed.

I am happy because I can get the favorability of Uo no Hanaretsu with this, but I am worried because there are too few experience points!

Current experience points: 40124

Originally 16 experience points, Duan Mu used 60 in his training, and used [-] in the battle three days ago to add points to his physique, which caused Huche Yuyin to break through [-] points of favorability to provide him with experience value, consume it again...

He was not afraid of dying in the hands of Uzhi Hualie, after all, this was not a challenge, or a fight, but a guidance on cutting techniques.

But what Duan Mu pursues is not guidance, but to please Uozhihualie as much as possible through this practice.

But with [-] experience points, it is almost impossible to fight for a long time under the guidance of Unohanaretsu!

If it doesn't last long, you won't be able to let Uo no Hana... cut yourself to the fullest.

If she doesn't have fun, she won't get experience points.

And only by letting her hack to the fullest, to be excited, and to have a fighting spirit, can her experience points be continuously replenished in the process of cultivation!

The agreed time is tomorrow morning, and I still have half a day plus one night, how can I get a large amount of experience points in such a short time?


The sound of the bowl falling on the bar awakened Duan Mu from his contemplation, and Uzuki looked at Duan Mu: "It seems that since that Aizen defected, you have become more and more busy. If you want me to say, those gods of death You simply don't get involved in the matter."

During the speech, Uzuki looked at Duan Mu with a flash of worry.

Having known Duan Mu for so many years, she has always regarded Duan Mu as her family. Although Duan Mu was busy every day, there was no danger.

But since the lunatic named Lan Ran defected, Duan Mu has been under attack.

"I don't want to get involved."

Duan Mu shook his head slightly, and said: "But if you stay in one place for a long time, you will inevitably have concerns."

"Besides, this is no longer a question of whether I will participate or not, but that madman has suddenly followed me for some reason."

Duan Mu is also very inexplicable. Compared with Kurosaki Ichigo, he feels that he is still very ordinary.

After all, I am the only one who cheats...

Not even Kurosaki Ichigo's speed of progress!

Compared with studying himself, it is obvious that studying Kurosaki Ichigo can help him more.

But Lan Ran has his eyes on him, and several actions are aimed at himself.

Duan Mu didn't think that after he fused with Beng Yu, he would lose interest in him.

and so……

He had to make good use of the time during which Lan Ran and Beng Yu were fused.

With the system in place, as long as the experience value is sufficient, it is absolutely possible to greatly increase one's own strength in a short period of time.


Thinking of the experience value, Duan Mu began to struggle again, how to make himself more durable.

After lunch, Duan Mu explained to Eel House and the others, and then teleported directly to East District 1 and entered Seiling Court.

After entering Seilingting, Duan Mu stood on the fork in the road leading to the secret mobile and comprehensive rescue station, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to walk towards the comprehensive rescue station.

Captain Broken Bee has become much friendlier to himself now.

A large part of this is due to the recovery of her long-term heart disease, but it is really difficult to improve her favorability.

What's more, her favorability towards him has already reached 55 points. Without Ye Yi, Duan Mu has no idea how to improve her favorability towards him.

In comparison...

Duan Mu looked at the favorability interface, Huche Yongyin's name, and the love value of 62 points behind it.

For Yongyin, if she could figure out why her senses changed that night, maybe she could use this to increase her favorability... No, love value.

No need for more, 3 o'clock is enough!

According to the rich experience Duan Mu has accumulated in Liuhun Street and the commercial street outside Seireitei for so many years, as long as the love value is maintained at 65 points, then there will be no problem!


Suddenly, Duan Mu stopped and looked up to the end of the street.

I saw two familiar figures wandering among various shops on the commercial street.

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback when he saw the two of them.

Why are they here?

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