Looking around, I saw Kuchiki Rukia and Inoue Orihime with a gloomy face, picking and choosing in a store selling daily necessities.

After pondering for a moment, Duan Mu quickened his pace and walked towards the place where the two were.

"This brand is the one I've been using and it works great."

As soon as I walked in, I heard Rukia introducing the products in hand to Orihime Inoue.

"and this……"

Duan Mu didn't bother the two people in the store, but carefully observed Inoue Orihime's state, and a flash of amazement flashed in his eyes.

If nothing unexpected...

The two of them will appear in the world of souls, which should be written by Urahara Kisuke.

Moreover, Duan Mu also remembered.

In his memory, Orihime Inoue was abducted from the Broken Realm by people sent by Aizen when she returned to the present world from the Soul Realm.

"Huh, Duan Mu?"

The two of Rukia finally found Duan Mu outside the store, and they came up to meet him.

"Mr. Duan Mu."

Orihime Inoue showed a smile on her face, but this smile was a bit forced, it could be seen that she was not in a very good mood now.

The reason why Rukia took her shopping should be because of this.

Rukia on the side, seeing Duan Mu looking at Orihime Inoue, she instantly understood that Duan Mu had seen that Orihime's current condition was not very good, but she didn't explain it, but signaled Duan Mu not to ask with her eyes. So as not to make Orihime feel sad again.

Seeing this, Duan Mu hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Did Kisuke Urahara tell you something?"


As soon as these words came out, Rukia and Zhi Ji couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"How do you know?" Rukia asked with some doubts, and then seemed to think of something: "Could it be that you asked the store manager Urahara to say that?"

"...I can't command him."

Duan Muxu focused his eyes and said: "The reason why I think Kisuke Urahara said something to Orihime is because there is no one else who would hit a little girl, except him."

After finishing speaking, Duan Mu looked at Orihime Inoue and said, "Although I don't know what he said to you, but making a child as optimistic as you become so pessimistic is nothing more than saying that you are not suitable for fighting. Don’t talk about getting involved in the next battle, right?”

"You don't need to pay attention to these words at all."

A strange color flashed in Duan Mu's eyes: "Your ability, in my opinion, is an extremely terrifying ability. Maybe it is indeed not suitable for fighting to some extent, but for Kurosaki Ichigo, you are Indispensable existence."


Orihime Inoue's dark eyes suddenly became a little brighter, and she looked at Duan Mu expectantly.

"of course it's true."

Duan Mudao: "And the reason why he said that is not because he looks down on your ability, but because he has other plans."

"Another plan?"

Rukia looked puzzled.

Duan Mu didn't explain, but after hesitating for a while, he said, "When you are going to return to the present world, remember to notify me."


"At that time, I will personally escort you back to the present world."

Aizen captured Inoue Orihime not for her ability, but for using her as a bait to trap the captains in the virtual circle.

If he could prevent Inoue Orihime from being taken to the virtual circle, then Aizen's plot to divide the troops would naturally be broken without warning.


Judging from the experience during this time.

Things may not develop as I remember, because of my existence, Aizen's plan has changed a lot.

The possibility of him doing it in advance is definitely not zero.

At this point, we must be prepared!


Chapter 227 Duan Mu’s Changes

After bidding farewell to Rukia and Rukia, Duan Mu stepped into the Comprehensive Ambulance Building after a long absence.

After the cargo invasion incident, the place was calm again, and there were not as many people in the lobby as during the invasion, only team members in twos and threes were receiving some customers who had some minor illnesses.

"Mr. Duan Mu."

The team member on duty today is Xiaonai. When she saw Duan Mu, she was overjoyed: "You haven't come for a while. The last time I saw you was in the girls' dormitory. When you were escorted away by Captain Huche, I Right next to it."

Hearing this, the gentle smile on Duan Mu's face stiffened suddenly.

However, he hesitated immediately and asked, "Did I say anything when I was drunk last time?"


Xiao Nai was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a long time, then said: "You only said that you wanted to challenge Captain Unohana...and when the captain was not around, you refused to leave even though you said nothing, so you just sat in front of the captain's door. On the steps in front of me, I said you won’t leave until the captain comes back.”


Speaking of this, Xiao Nai couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Duan Mu, who is drunk, looks very cold, as usual, it is almost the same as two people. But I am used to seeing your usual appearance, and suddenly I see you Seeing another face of yours always feels very fresh... Ah, I'm not saying that your usual appearance is not good."

"It's just that even Captain Huche, who has been with you for the longest time, said afterwards that you felt quite fresh. She said that every time you meet, you will habitually smile on your face, as if you Aside from smiling, she doesn't show any emotion when interacting with other people."

"After getting acquainted, that smile will make people feel a deliberate sense of alienation."

"And when you are drunk, although you are cold, you will be disappointed because Captain Unohana is not here, you will be annoyed by everyone's persuasion, and you will sit in front of Captain Unohana's door like you are awkward and refuse to leave... Well, in short It’s just weird, but also more real…”

After Xiao Nai finished speaking, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue: "Hey, Captain Huche said these things, don't let her know that I said them."

"In fact, I still like Mr. Duan Mu the way you are now. You are very warm and trustworthy. But after you are drunk, many people like the indifferent and strong feeling. At that time, many people liked it. They all came forward to talk to you."

"Although it looks dangerous, but when people talk to you, no matter how impatient you are, you will reply, which makes everyone come forward to chat with you."

"Someone even pulled you and wanted to take you to their room to chat overnight..."

As a team member of the Fourth Division who first met Duan Mu, Xiao Nai didn't feel too restrained in front of Duan Mu, on the contrary, she talked endlessly.

Seeing her like this, who would have thought that when she was in the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art, she was still a complete social fear. After more than ten years, the original feeling of cowardice in her body has completely disappeared. She became more cheerful, but Duan Mu wasted a lot of effort.


More than ten years ago, although I was somewhat different in nature, I was considered a half-social fear, which can be said to have grown together.

Xiao Nai's words made Duan Mu slightly shake his head.

The reason why they think that they are not dangerous when they are drunk, and that they can communicate well is because all the members of the fourth team... yes, all the female team members are firmly remembered by Duan Mu In, so the subconscious will not hurt them.

But in fact, after being drunk, he was acting entirely on instinct and desire, all he could do was to fight against the strong, without any self-control ability at all, and he didn't think about the consequences.

In that state, even Duan Mu felt that he was very dangerous. It was not so much indifference as it was disregard for all life.

But it's not to the point of bloodthirsty, it just feels that killing the other party directly is infinitely easier than communicating with the other party.

But to be able to communicate this point, to be honest, it is indeed somewhat beyond Duan Mu's expectations.

It seems that in the past ten years, I have also changed.

Having said that, with such a self, how can Yong Yin change his impression of himself?

After so many years of getting along, Duan Mu still knows Yongyin very well. Although he usually sounds like a boy when he speaks, in fact, his personality is indecisive, timid and introverted, giving people a very shy personality. Feel.

Even after having nightmares, he would not dare to sleep alone, but would go to Team [-] to sleep with his sister Qingyin.

Because of this, she has always disliked the machismo members of the [-]th team.

Therefore, when getting along with her, Duan Mu would not show any strong feeling. Instead, in order to take care of her emotions, he habitually put himself on the weak side and cooperated with her words and deeds as much as possible.

Been together like this for ten years...

She didn't change her impression of herself, but why did she change her impression of herself after being drunk?

Sure enough, I still can't figure it out.

The women that Duan Mu has come into contact with can be described as 'innumerable'. Even with Duan Mu's strong memory, it is a bit difficult to write down all the people on the favorability panel.

Sometimes it is necessary to review it repeatedly to avoid misidentifying the wrong person or remembering the wrong name.

In order to avoid this, Duan Mu put a lot of thought into it.

Not only remember the other person's appearance, name, but also body measurements, voice, habits, hobbies, favorite food, favorite animals... Anyway, as long as he can distinguish a person's characteristics, Duan Mu will firmly remember In the database of the mind.

And use these information to analyze, so as to find out the most suitable way to get along with each other!

But even so, it is still difficult for Duan Mu to figure out their thoughts.

Sometimes Duan Mu even feels...

Their thoughts are more complicated than Aizen's.

Shaking his head slightly, Duan Mu asked Xiao Nai: "Which medical team is in charge of the general ambulance station today? Is Yong Yin here?"

"The upper-level ambulance class on duty today is the seventh class, the intermediate class is the sixteenth class, and the two lower-level classes are the sixth class and the eighth class."

Xiaonai paused for a moment, then continued: "The person in charge is the third chair of Yijiang Village who always writes diaries in secret and keeps them from being seen."

Duan Mu couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Since it's a diary, I naturally don't want others to see it."

Xiao Nai curled her lips, looked around, and said in a low voice, "Anyway, I think he's a weird guy, who is a serious person who keeps a diary?"

"..." Duan Mu.

However, if I remember correctly, he seems to be the vice president of the Male Death Association.

At the beginning, Yijiang Village once invited Duan Mu to join the Men's Death Association, saying that as a man, he should join the Male Death Association...

Then Duan Mu refused on the grounds that he was already a member of the Women's Death Association.

Duan Mu doesn't want to squat in the public toilet with them, discussing the decision to improve the status of the male god of death... At least in Duan Mu's opinion, they must at least move the association's resident out of the public toilet before they are eligible to talk about promotion Male Reaper status...

But, isn't Yong Yin here?

Duan Mu couldn't help but sighed in his heart, he knew he would have gone to find Captain Broken Bee.

"Is Yongyin not here today?"

"Captain Toru, you should be with Captain Unohana now."

Xiaonai paused for a moment, and said with some doubts: "I heard that Captain Unohana will be doing other things for a while, so before leaving, I have to explain the work to Captain Huche, so the vice-captain did not come today. General Emergency Rescue."

It turned out to be the case.

Duan Mu nodded, no wonder.

Captain Unohana is different from herself. She has many things to be responsible for, and she must explain everything before leaving.

And myself...

With Hisagi in the Ninth Division, all matters can be handled by him. Duan Mu only needs to say that he is going to practice, and there is no need to explain anything.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu hesitated to leave.

If Yongyin is not there, it will be difficult for him to gain anything if he continues to stay in the comprehensive rescue center.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Turning his head to look, he saw a group of people carrying stretchers running towards the comprehensive ambulance building. When he saw these people, Duan Mu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

——Team Eleven!

Whether it is a time of peace or a time of turmoil, these people can always become regular visitors to the comprehensive rescue center.

Usually it's your own people who kill your own people. When the enemy invades... this group of people will always rush to the forefront. When Kurosaki Ichigo and others invaded, the other squadrons were almost unharmed, except for the [-]th squadron including Everyone, including the captain, was sent to the Comprehensive Emergency Rescue Unit.

"Get me a suit."

As soon as Duan Mu's words fell, Xiao Nai had already run over with a white coat.

Taking off the black work clothes on his body, Duan Mu put the white coat on his body smoothly, got up and greeted the [-]th squad that swarmed over.

"Hey, Brother Duan Mu, you are here too!"

"Blessed are you, last time I was hacked in by Big Brother Yijiao, and I couldn't find Boss Duanmu even if I tried to find it."

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