"Boss Duan Mu, when will you join our [-]th team to play?"

"Our captain has been thinking about you."

"He also said that after we see you, he will tell you that he wants to buy you a drink."


After seeing Duan Mu, the members of the [-]th Squad who were carrying the wounded saluted one after another.

Duan Mu ignored them, went straight up to look at the wounds of the soldiers who were brought in, and couldn't help but said: "Your captain, why are you so crazy?"

"What is madness? Even Boss Duan Mu, it is absolutely unacceptable to insult our captain!"

"That's right, that's right, this is just a daily sparring, but this time a lot of people were cut."

"..." Duan Mu.

Do you want to learn from death?

Too lazy to communicate with this group of combat brains, Duan Mu glanced over the wounded, and then said to the ambulance squad who came to greet him: "The first five rows, the ninth row, and the eleventh row... I said All of these can be sent to the mild disease area for bandaging, and the rest are sent to the suture room and operating room..."

"...I will deal with the seriously injured ones."

"Let the dispensing class get ready, the third seat in Yijiang Village, you are in charge of the suturing room, and lend me your assistant, Di Tang Harunobu, and let him go to the operating room with me."

Duan Mu made the arrangements extremely skillfully, and everyone executed Duan Mu's arrangements extremely smoothly.

Even today's person in charge, Yijiang Village Sanxi, carried out Duan Mu's order without hesitation.

Because in the eyes of the Fourth Division, Duan Mu is basically equivalent to the vice-captain of the Fourth Division. He not only treats patients in the comprehensive ambulance center, but also shoulders the responsibility of guiding the Fourth Division team members to return to Dao. His accomplishments in Dao Let the fourth team's great admiration.

When Duan Mu lifted the qi purification barrier and walked out of the operating room, the sky outside the window had already darkened.

This afternoon, he was basically treating the members of the [-]th team.

"Hey, Boss Duan Mu, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

When the team members waiting outside saw Duan Mu, they greeted Duan Mu one after another: "If I had known you were here today, I would have played more freely."

"Tell me, why did your captain suddenly take such a heavy hand this time?"


The middle-aged man who was questioned was startled: "Isn't this the same as usual?"


"You idiot, that's not what Boss Duan Mu asked."

The young man next to the middle-aged man gave him a slap on the back of the head, and said with a smile: "Boss Duan Mu, what he said is not wrong, but usually when the big brother Yijiao and the big brother bowing are around, they will stand up after the discussion reaches a certain level. Come out and stop the captain, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties."

"But you also know..."

The young man chuckled: "Both of them have been sent to the present world now, and the vice-captain...as long as the captain is happy, she is happy. I don't know how to stop...so we become like this when we are excited."

Did you have a good time playing together?

The corners of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, as expected only a lunatic would follow a lunatic.

Think carefully, though.

The reaction of this group of people is also normal. Because of Zaraki Kenpachi, most of the eleventh squad today are villains from the lower numbered areas.

It can be said that all of them are vicious in appearance, crooked... Pick out a team member at random and put it in the Duanmu Tavern, and other villains will not think that it is a member of the [-]th Division of the Guarding Team.

After briefly explaining the follow-up matters that need to be paid attention to, Duan Mu walked towards the canteen of the comprehensive ambulance building.

The person in charge explained that these people couldn't remember at all, and that the members of the [-]th team, like those villains in their own tavern, were tough and resistant to hacking. As long as they were well treated, there was no need to worry about their illness.

"Is the treatment over?"

As soon as he walked out of the operating hall, a figure walked towards him: "Sorry, I came back a little late. I just rushed over after finishing the work in the suture room."

"It's okay, it's over."

Seeing the person coming, Duan Mu suddenly showed a gentle smile on his face: "I'm about to go to dinner. Having said that, I heard from Xiao Nai that Captain Unozhihua will take you to handover work. Is the handover ready?"

The person who came was Yuto Toru, and she nodded: "The affairs in the jurisdiction, as well as the handover with Mao Shiyaoyuan, have all ended, and the remaining team affairs, Captain Unohana asked me to handle it myself That's it."

Is it Mao Shiyaoyuan?

A thought flashed in Duan Mu's eyes. Although he has been working in the comprehensive rescue center, he has never had contact with Zhenyang Pharmacy Institute.

Because the Zhenyang Pharmacy Academy has always only served the nobles and was established in the noble district, Duan Mu was not qualified to go there at first, and Duan Mu had no interest in going there after he became qualified.

Duan Mu's understanding of Mao Shiyaoyuan is limited to the fact that their dean is the vice-captain of the fourth division before Toru Yune, and is also the elder brother of Yamada Hanataro.

Duan Mu didn't delve into the specific content of the handover between the Fourth Division and the Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan, and instead asked:

"I'm going to the cafeteria for dinner, do you want to go with me?"


Chapter 228 Then don’t forget

"On the day Aizen defected, I had a very strange dream."

In the cafeteria, Yong Yin's expression was quite strange: "I dreamed that the world of souls became the world of lamp souls, the thirteenth division of Goutei became the thirteenth division of guardian lamps, and then Rukia became a The soul of the lamp that fulfilled the wish was executed for violating the rules of the soul world to fulfill the wishes of Kurosaki Ichigo and others. Kurosaki Ichigo and his party came to the world of the soul of the lamp to save Rukia..."

"... Captain Kuchiki in the dream is still wearing a poop-shaped wakame suit..."

"In the end, Kurosaki Ichigo, who saved Rukia, made his last wish, but what he got was kamaboko... After seeing the kamaboko, I woke up in shock."

"..." The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly.

Where is this scary dream?

After laughing awkwardly, Duan Mu showed an apology on his face: "I'm sorry, I've been a little busy these days, and I haven't had time to apologize for what happened last time."

"What happened last time?"

Huche Yongyin paused for a moment while eating, and then said with a dazed expression, "Are you referring to the incident of forcibly breaking into the women's dormitory?"

When Duan Mu heard this, his expression suddenly became a little strange.

Why does this sound so awkward?

People who don't know the details may think that they are a pervert...


Seeing the embarrassment on Duan Mu's face, Yong Yin couldn't help but smile: "The captain has already told me that you are going to learn chopping from the captain. It seems that your original challenge was not in vain."

Duan Mu smiled, and did not explain the guidance, but it was Captain Yamamoto who indicated.

"Actually, ever since you arrived at the comprehensive rescue center, I had a vague feeling that you seemed to be here for the captain, but..."

Huche Yongyin paused, and continued:

"You came to the comprehensive ambulance station to learn the chopping technique from the captain. This really surprised me. I thought you wanted to learn the Dao from the captain, or for other things."

"However, the captain is really suitable to teach you, after all, the two of you are so similar."


Duan Mu was taken aback, he looked like Captain Unohana?

"I didn't think so at first, until I saw you drunk that night, I realized...so you are so similar to Captain Unohana." Having said this, Yong Yin's face flashed a look of confusion: " Regarding Captain Unokana's identity and what I've been expecting for a long time, I actually have some understanding."

"If you inherit..."

Hu Che Yongyin paused, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Duan Mu's gaze became a little strange, but it wasn't because of Yong Yin's words, but...

He suddenly discovered that it seemed that in the thirteenth division of the Goutei, these high-status women had more or less problems with their orientation.

Because of Yoichi, Suifeng's favorability for him has skyrocketed, and because he looks like Captain Unohana, Yuuto Toru in front of him has changed his perception of him.

Is the Female Death Association established for internal digestion?

Although she found the reason for the change in her senses, this factor gave Duan Mu a headache.

Yong Yin has a special feeling for Captain Unohana, and respects the sometimes gentle and sometimes strong Unohana, which he has no way of doing.

Forget it.

Shaking his head secretly in his heart, Duan Mu gave up the idea of ​​increasing Yong Yin's love value for him.


He really didn't know how to imitate Captain Unohana, although Yong Yin said that he was very similar to Captain Unohana, but Duan Mu didn't feel that way at all.

However, Duan Mu finally understood why Yong Yin would inadvertently express rejection when facing the members of the [-]th squad.

It's a pity that I can't help her at this point.

Although with Duangi's current strength, it is not difficult to defeat the current Saraki Kenpachi, but the Saraki that Unohana is looking forward to is not the current Saraki.

And he is still far away from the Saraki that Unokana was looking forward to, and he is not qualified to squeeze in between the two of them and become the successor that Yuyin said.

What's more, that would not be guidance, but fighting in the true sense.

Go all out, use all means, and there will inevitably be a death fight!

Captain Unohana has been looking forward to it for a long time, and it is precisely this, which can also be called inheritance.

Of course, it's not that Duan Mu can't try to deceive Yong Yin, saying empty words like "Go all out, work hard, save Captain Unohana", but that really violates the bottom line that Duan Mu has always maintained.

As he once said, Duan Mu doesn't know what a friend is at all. His attitude towards everyone is determined by the degree of favorability in the system interface. After getting along for a long time, the only feeling is to get along with each other It's easy and you don't need to worry about anything about it.

In short, it is based on the numerical value, the level of favorability can be seen at a glance, so as to gradually erase the defense and vigilance of the other party in the heart.

Until you have complete trust, and are even willing to do your best to help each other!

Those who are good to themselves are also good to her.

Duan Mu doesn't know whether this is the attitude he should have towards his friends.


Duan Mu once had no friends.

"But then again."

Yong Yin seemed to think of something, and asked with some doubts: "You go to practice with Captain Unohana, what about the support work of sending a team?"

"Captain Yamamoto has already handed over the support mission to other divisions."

Duan Mudao: "Because Aizen launched several actions against me, the captain judged that I was not suitable to continue to the present world, so he allowed me to accept the guidance of Captain Unohana to prepare for the decisive battle in the near future."

Huche Yongyin nodded, and a look of worry flashed in Duan Mu's eyes.

Although she didn't participate in Lan Ran's several actions against Duan Mu, as the vice-captain, she naturally knew what happened.

From this point of view, Duan Mu is indeed not suitable to continue to the present world.

If Duan Mu fell into Aizen's trap again because of his support...

Huche Yuyin hurriedly shook his head, waved away the thoughts in his mind, and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "It should have been handed over to other teams long ago. After Ten Blades came to the Soul Realm to attack you last time, Captain Yamamoto didn't You should be allowed to go to the present world to help."

Duan Mu smiled slightly and didn't explain much.

"You are not an official member of the Gotei [-]th Division, so there is absolutely no need to take risks because of this."

After all, Hu Che Yongyin thought about the Duan Mu in the weekdays, and thought about the Duan Mu he saw the other night, and couldn't help but say:

"You are usually too kind. If you show your drunken appearance, there will not be so many troubles, and you won't be targeted by Aizen and the others."

If Huche Yongyin's words were heard by the villains in Duanmu Tavern, they would probably fall into a daze.

And Duan Mu, who was eating, couldn't help but move his hands.

[Kotetsu Yongin's love value +1, gained 51200 experience points, current love value: 63]

What the hell?

I didn't say anything?

Duan Mu 'looked' at the system prompt in his mind, with a look of bewilderment, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable joy and...a sense of crisis.

The joy is because of the experience points gained by this windfall.

The sense of crisis is because...

If it has been rising inexplicably, it will not suddenly break through 65 points one day, right?

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