Uozhihualie's eyes turned and fell on Duan Mu, there was a hint of scrutiny in her dead eyes, but after a while, she shook her head:

"You really have changed a lot."

In the unwavering tone, it seemed to be regretful, but also seemed to be happy for Duan Mu's change: "Compared to when I first saw you."

Changed a lot?

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback, he didn't understand the meaning of Uzhi Hualie's words, and he couldn't figure out whether she was regretful or happy because of this change...

However, Unozhihualie did not continue on this topic, but changed the subject:

"I don't know how to instruct people to cut!"


Duan Mu's eyes suddenly became a little strange, Captain Uzhihua didn't come here to refuse to guide him, did he?

In that case, all my hard work these days will be in vain.

"Since you once had the idea of ​​challenging me, it means that you should know who I was before I became the captain of the fourth team."

Unozhihua Lie said to himself:

"My slashing technique was born from challenging various schools in the world and experiencing various blades, so my guidance..."

"It will only let you experience everything I have experienced."

"So the only way I can guide you is..."

"Only fighting."

Unozhihua Lie paused for a while, and slowly drew out the unusually weird scimitar from his waist:

"Fight without end and without any breaks until you give up, until you leave here!"

Endless battles without any breaks?

Duan Mu's expression froze, but he didn't feel any fear or inappropriateness, instead he just looked forward to it.

Duan Mu didn't reject this kind of guidance method, on the contrary it was more acceptable.

Uozhihua went straight to the point, which made Duan Mu also abandon the original greetings, and instead held one hand in the void.


Amidst the whistling sound of the blade, a blade made entirely of spiritual particles appeared in Duan Mu's hand.

The blade is about 1.6 meters long, and its shape is exactly the same as Duanmu Zanpakuto.

Breaking the Way - 78·Slaying Hualun!

Zanpakuto has not recovered, and Duan Mu has been thinking about how to deal with the next practice of Zanpaku.

Slash practice.

Naturally, there is no blade!

After thinking about it for a while, he chose the Ghost Dao Blade. The ordinary blade is vulnerable to Zanpakutō and needs to be replaced all the time.

If it breaks during the guide, it is only enough to suspend the guide and replace the blade.

As for the Blade of the Ghost Way, there is no need to worry about this at all. As long as Duan Muling pressure is not exhausted, the blade in his hand can be maintained forever.

Moreover, Duan Mu made certain changes to this type of ghost way.

Adjust the weight, length, shape, and even the sharpness and hardness of the blade to the point where it is almost the same as your Zanpakutō.

The price of doing so is to maintain its existence and consume a lot of spiritual pressure.

But the most important thing Duan Mu lacks is spiritual pressure. Although the overall "quantity" of spiritual pressure is far from enough, the existence of spirit void pattern makes Duan Mu not need to worry about the exhaustion of spiritual pressure at all!

Since the moment the spirit void pattern was created, Duan Mu has never ended a battle because of the exhaustion of spiritual pressure.

"Are you ready?"

Uzhihualie glanced at the Ghost Blade in Duan Mu's hand:

"Next, I will use Reiatsu equal to yours against all the opponents in this life that I think are worth remembering, in order..."

During the speech, the figure of Uozhi Hualie suddenly disappeared.

This scene made Duan Mu's pupils shrink, and then his eyes were dark, and Uzhi Hualie suddenly appeared in the sky in front of him.

At this time, Uozhihualiu seemed to be transformed into a hunting eagle, with sharp eyes and full of murderous aura.

Captain Haori unfolded behind him, obviously covering a small area, but it gave Duan Mu a sense of oppression as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"... presented in front of you one by one!"

The belated voice came to my ears, and the whole world was looking forward to it in front of Unohana Retsu.



Fighting spirit~

Murder ~

And the last...

The silence born of emptiness.

Everything perceived in an instant seemed to turn into a pair of big hands in the dark, instantly tearing away Duan Mu's instinctive restraint and self-restraint, tearing apart the camouflage on Duan Mu's surface.

Let him enter the fighting state at this moment.

The whites of the eyes are filled with bloodshot eyes...

The corners of the mouth are grinning to the sides...

The pupils began to dilate crazily...

Ruthless, manic, no worries!

At this moment, Duan Mu seemed to be transformed into a beast that broke free from the chain.

The palm holding the knife tightened, and the ghostly blade condensed completely by the Reiatsu slashed straight towards the neck of Uo no Hana Lie in front of him with a sound of piercing through the air.

The killer move is the shot!

The knife was originally born for killing.

If you want to practice the so-called chopping technique well, the most suitable method is...


The constant killing, the never-ending killing, regards all creatures as objects that can be hunted and slaughtered wantonly.

Regardless of whether the other party is human or virtual, no matter who the other party is...

Even friends, lovers, and even relatives are the same.


Although Uozhihualie came quickly, but the moment she slashed down, the scimitar became extremely slow.

Slow and light, as if powerless and harmless.

to the opposite.

The Ghost Dao Blade in Duan Mu's hand was as fast as lightning, and it had already struck Uozhihualie's neck in an instant.

One fast and one slow, the confrontation of the two blades makes all this look indescribably awkward. Normally, this kind of slow knife has no existence under the fast knife, but Uo no Hana's sharp cut With a knife, the sense of presence is extremely strong.

It creates a strong visual contrast, even dizziness and nausea.

Even the lightning-fast Ghost Dao Blade in Duan Mu's hand was distorted at this moment, and the distance between the blade and Uzhi Hualie's neck seemed to be getting farther and farther.

But the slow blade collided with Duan Mu's ghostly blade just right.

Extremely slow and extremely fast meet in the air, and time seems to freeze at this moment.


It was so dull that it sounded like a thunderous explosion, and a circular impact visible to the naked eye broke out between Duan Mu and Uzhihua.

It was as if Duan Mu had suddenly fallen into a vacuum, his face suddenly turned purple, he tried hard to open his mouth, and swallowed... It didn't help, his whole body turned into a cannonball and smashed into a rockery not far away.

Amidst the loud bang, the rockery disintegrated like building blocks.


Under the gravel all over the sky, Duan Mu opened his mouth, and blood spurted out after he had been depressed for a long time.

With a pop, Duan Mu plunged the blade into the ground and slid back tens of meters before stopping.

When he raised his head again, the fighting spirit in Duan Mu's eyes became more and more fanatical.


He couldn't understand at all why he would collapse at the touch of a finger.

Reiatsu gap?

Do not!

As Unokanaretsu said...

She controlled the spiritual pressure to be equal to Duan Mu.

But Duan Mu, who had always had the upper hand in the battle of equal Reiatsu, fell under this knife...

Instant collapse!

Although some of them did not use any cutting skills, including Shun Ling, Ji Fang, Ji Fang Ji, Sha Nao, etc., they were all burned down, and they were not able to use any cutting skills.

You must know that unlike other captains who rely on Zanpakuto's ability, Duan Mu has always used pure chopping techniques to meet the enemy.

Slashing: Advanced (55203/100000)

Stronger than most captains, advanced chopping technique.

Under the same strength of spiritual pressure, in front of Uzhi Hualie...


"Only to this extent?"

Unozhihualiu did not pursue, but waved the scimitar in his hand, and said in a cold tone:

"This is just No.1."

Most importantly...

This is not Unozhihuaretsu's slashing technique, but a technique that was once defeated by her slashing technique!

Uno Flower Eight Thousand Streams!

Challenge various genres in the world and experience various blades.

self proclaimed...

——Eight thousand streams! !

Even though he already had a high opinion of Uozhihualie, but after personal experience, Duan Mu realized that he still underestimated the other party!

Inexplicably strong...


The fanaticism in Duan Mu's eyes climbed to the extreme.

It's really great!

This woman is really amazing! !

At this moment, the corners of Duan Mu's grin became wider and wider, the blood in his eyes was almost red, and the fighting spirit in his body boiled to the extreme.





Maybe both!

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