But when those emotions reach their extreme, what's left in the end is...

Only calm.

Crazy to the extreme, but will return to calm!

Once upon a time, when he challenged Saraki Kenpachi as the vice captain, Duan Mu also entered the current state.

But after Duan Mu became the captain, no matter how many times he fought with Saragi Kenpachi, he could no longer feel all this from him.


No matter how he explodes, Duan Mu can defeat him and even kill him easily under his digging again and again.

the reason is simple……

The chains he put on himself have reached the point where they can only gradually break free when they come back to life in the face of constant death.

Therefore, when fighting with him, Duan Mu never experienced the joy of the first time again.


It's just that Unozhihuali is impatient when facing her right now!

Duan Mu held the Ghost Dao Blade and slowly stood up from the ground.

The moment he got up...


Invisibly, the entire space seemed to dim at this moment.

The gloomy aura that hadn't emerged from Duan Mu's body for a long time once again came out wantonly from the depths of his soul.


At this moment, it seemed to form a substance, and the gray mist visible to the naked eye spread around Duan Mu as the center.

At this moment, the spiritual pressure around Duan Mu's body gradually increased from azure to finally revealing a touch of purple.

"Sorry, I may not be able to meet your expectations."

Duan Mu slowly raised his head, that face was no longer ferocious as before, but returned to its original calmness.

But this tranquility is completely different from the past. Under the entanglement of the gray mist, it gives people a sense of fear as if they are staring into the abyss, and the eyes are filled with dead silence.

This dead silence is similar to the dead silence in Uozhihualie's eyes, but it is also different.

The dead stillness in Unohana Retsu's eyes is the emptiness felt because there is no one to fight, even to the point of being tired of fighting and killing people, and finally turned into dead stillness.

But the silence in Duan Mu's eyes is just pure silence.

"I'm not the same as Saraki Kenpachi."

Duan Mu's voice seemed a little empty, as if echoing in a cave:

"Even if you deliberately lure me to tear the shackles created unconsciously, I will be as crazy, devouring, excited, and frenzied as you expected...but when these reach the extreme..."

"Will it return to calm instead?"

Uozhihualie interrupted Duan Mu's words and looked into Duan Mu's eyes.

"Perhaps in the eyes of many people, you are very similar to Saraki, but I have never felt that you are similar to Saraki."


Unozhihualiu lowered the blade in his hand, with coldness and disgust in his eyes:

"Compared to Gengmu, you are more like me."

"It's not so much calm as it is a disregard for life. Any death will not bring you the slightest mood swing."

"Everyone can be killed."

"Saving people is easy, so is killing people!"

Uzhihualie looked at Duan Mu who was surrounded by gray mist, and said coldly:

"I've noticed this since the first time I saw you. Every time I see you, I feel extremely disgusted by seeing myself."

"No matter how long we have known each other, no matter how good the disguise is, this disgust cannot be erased, and sometimes there is even an urge to kill you!"

"do you know?"

The hanging blade of Unohana gradually lifted, his eyes became narrow and long, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Although he was smiling, there was no trace of a smile in that smile, and some were just murderous intent.

"Now, I have been suppressing my killing intent towards you!"

"That's why."

Unozhihualie took a step forward and walked towards Duan Mu: "I never thought that you, who are so similar to me, are qualified to be compared with Saraki who once defeated me."

"at least……"

Without warning, Uzhi Hualie disappeared in place very abruptly.

"Before you kill 'me' this you!"

A murderous voice came from Duan Mu's ear, and the sound of the blade piercing through the air and the voice came into Duan Mu's ear at the same time.

The knife shines!


Chapter 2 Thirty Changes

Before starting this practice, the guidance Duan Mu imagined, although there must be a head-to-head competition, but most of the time should be... Uzhi Hualiu, as usual, gently teaching himself the skills of slashing.


After the cultivation started, the guidance Duan Mu received can be described in two words.

——was cut!

He was hacked continuously until he was seriously injured and near death.

But with Duan Mu's self-healing ability, it is easy to kill him, but it is extremely difficult to make him seriously injured and near death.

This also leads to...

Duan Mu has been chopped down all the time, and even eats every day with a reagent provided by Unozhihuali. After crushing, it is like being in a virtual circle, and he will not feel hungry at all in a short time .

As for sleeping...

Sorry, not at all!

From the beginning to the end, except for expressing his views on himself on the first day, Uzhihualie did not say a word and attacked himself without stopping. This attack will continue until Duan Mu's self-healing ability is no longer Short-term recovery, loss of consciousness and coma without investing experience points...

However, this coma will not last long, and Duan Mu will wake up again.

Then, continue to meet the stormy attack!

He didn't even have a gap to say a word to Uzhihuaretsu, and he could see Uzhihuaretsu's murderous and gloomy eyes as soon as he woke up from the coma.

However, Duan Mu's proficiency in cutting techniques has also been improved rapidly.

Duan Mu's original plan was to use nearly 16 experience points to continuously invest in his body so as to make himself last longer.

But when he really faced Uzhi Hualie, Duan Mu found that he really thought of the other party too simply.

A scimitar in his hands can be described as ever-changing, and various genres can be used at will. If you simply use slashing to meet the enemy, let alone 16, even if it is 160 million at the level of Unozhihuarei Under the attack, it will not take a few days at all.

So Duan Mu simply gave up the method of adding points to his physique, and began to delve into the various schools used by Uno Hanauri.

Duan Mu's memory, comprehension ability, and concentration in battle are fully displayed in this kind of non-stop... being chopped.

Basically, you can rely on yourself if you can study the penetrating place by yourself. If you encounter a place that cannot be cracked, you can use a small amount of experience to help you understand it.

This made Duan Mu's chopping technique improve by leaps and bounds.

In just a few days, it was promoted from the original advanced level to the top level.


Still useless!

Whenever Duan Mu cracks and masters a genre, and is barely able to compete with Unohanaretsu who uses the same level of Reiatsu, Unohanaretsu will immediately switch to the next genre.

The cutting techniques she uses are constantly changing.

No matter how fast Duan Mu's cutting technique progresses, she can always suppress Duan Mu just right.

I don't know if it's an illusion...

I always feel that with the continuous change of the genre, the murderous intent in Unohana's eyes when he looks at him becomes more and more intense.

This made Duan Mu feel a little flustered, he was really a little afraid that this guy would suddenly be unable to restrain his murderous intent towards him, and then accidentally kill him.

Although like Uzhi Hualie, Duan Mu did not use any skills other than chopping, but in Duan Mu's feeling...

Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to persist for too long under Uzhi Huaretsu's hands.

In the entire Kotei [-]th Division, the captain of the 'Medical Division' who never participated in battles in front of him is second only to Captain Yamamoto in terms of strength in Seireitei.

Even in terms of cutting technique alone, she is better than Captain Yamamoto!

As Aizen said, the four death skills of chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking, no matter which one has its strength limit.

And Unozhihuarei's slashing technique must have reached the limit of strength, and really touched that layer of barriers.

The best of the best!

It was only in this way that he would appear so vulnerable in front of her that he had already reached the top level of cutting skills.

Duan Mu couldn't remember exactly how many schools Uzhihuali used. Since the beginning of the guidance, Duan Mu devoted all his attention to the cultivation in the face of the increasingly intense murderous intent in the blade of Uzhihuarei.


The person in front of him really had murderous intentions towards him, and wanted to erase his own existence.

Although the reason for the killing intent made Duan Mu feel very wronged.

But under the constant attacks, Duan Mu didn't even have a chance to defend himself, and he was able to stay awake almost only at the moment of waking up.

It's not that you can't stay awake at other times, but that if you want to receive the attack of Uno Hanaretsu, you must be highly concentrated and enter that inexplicable dead still state.

Duan Mu in this state can be said to be single-minded in fighting Uzhihuali, without considering any other factors at all.

kill, kill, kill...

The battle between him and Uno Hanaretsu has been out of the scope of guidance from the very beginning, and has gradually evolved into a fight.

With the passage of time, Uzhihuali got more and more into the state, and even when the braids in front of her neck were scattered, she didn't rearrange them, but scattered them casually.

The killing intent is getting stronger and stronger!

In Duan Mu's impression, the gentle, mature, considerate captain of the Fourth Division, who gave people a sense of love like a virgin, is disappearing bit by bit.

replaced by……

The first generation of sword eight · Mao Zhihua eight thousand streams.

With her long and narrow eyes, just by taking a look at her, there will be an illusion of a blade piercing through the body.

The gloomy face completely lost its original beauty, but instead made people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

The blowing breath...

It also completely lost the gentle, kind, and unique medicinal fragrance.


The pungent and disgusting smell of blood seems to penetrate deep into the skin, bone marrow, and even into the soul. Every time it moves along with it, there will be a gust of blood, and the blood will rain from Duan Mu's body. bloom.

The whole person is like Shura! !

It's hard to imagine how many people she killed.

Although Duan Mu has killed many people in the past ten years, in front of Uzhi Hualie, he is basically like a drop of water in front of the sea, which cannot be compared at all.

This monster is becoming more and more dangerous and terrifying.

It was as if she was showing her former opponents one by one, watching the process of 'they' retreating, and she was gradually waking up.

There are even many times when Uo no Hanalie forgets to keep her hands for a moment. Her murderous intent, spiritual pressure, slashing skills... etc. will reach the peak at that moment, but disappear in an instant, as if It's an illusion.

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