But once or twice, it can still be explained by illusion.

But as this phenomenon appeared more and more frequently, Duan Mu understood...

If you don't end this guidance as soon as possible, you will most likely die here.

The favorability level didn't increase, but the killing intent became stronger.

This is obviously not right.

Duan Mu wanted to ask for help and escape, but Uzhi Hualie didn't give him this chance at all.

The moment he regained consciousness, this crazy woman would rush up with a knife, forcing him into a fighting state.

The entire underground space is now a mess.

The range is much wider than the original one. Fortunately, it is located in the center of the nearly 2000-meter-high Shuangjiao Hill, and there is no sign of collapse.

The entire space is filled with the murderous aura emanating from Uozhihualie's body, forming a real murderous aura. This murderous aura spreads continuously like a mist, covering the whole world with a layer of blood at this moment.

These, Duan Mu once only felt on Saragi Kenpachi.

But far from being so full-bodied.

And around Duan Mu, the gray mist that has been hidden in the depths of the soul, even Duan Mu himself could not force it out, was dug out little by little under the continuous oppression of the crazy woman in front of him.

Even Duan Mu himself didn't realize that the color of his spiritual pressure had changed from blue to purple, filled with an ominous and terrifying sense of gloom.

Most importantly...

The spiritual world that has been isolated from the outside world is also rapidly awakening. As the true meaning of the recast Zanpakutō begins to awaken, the spiritual pressure around Duan Mu's body becomes more and more strange.

Compliment each other!

Without Duan Mu noticing, the spiritual pressure and the new Zanpakuto in the spiritual world, as if breathing, reached a certain same frequency, helping Zanpakuto to continue to reorganize.

Duan Mu didn't notice all these changes.

But the crazy woman in Duan Mu's eyes...

But he is far more aware than Duan Mu of the changes that are gradually taking place in him.

Dangerous...but not completely dangerous.

The gray mist formed by the gloomy atmosphere really makes people feel very dangerous, as if they want to destroy everything.

But with the continuous integration of Duan Mu's spiritual pressure, the gray mist emanating from the depths of Duan Mu's soul is also constantly reducing.

Although the strength of spiritual pressure has not changed, the feeling of spiritual pressure is completely different.

At this time, Duan Mu gave her a feeling that she was in the biological "perverted" stage, and gradually transformed into a metamorphosis. When she breaks out of the cocoon, what will happen...

This is no longer within the scope of Uno Hana Lie's consideration.

Because, she has a feeling that she is gradually cultivating a monster, a monster that is very similar to herself, and may even surpass herself.

He is experiencing everything he has experienced, and he is growing rapidly at a speed that shocked her!

Originally, according to Unozhihualie's prediction, Duan Mu couldn't last long in the hands of his former 'enemy', and he couldn't reveal the past one by one in a month.

But Duan Mu has been supporting it under this intensity, and gradually adapts to it.

From the first day when one person couldn't deal with it, now he's 'beating' dozens or even hundreds of people a day.

The terrifying self-healing speed, the seemingly inexhaustible spiritual pressure, the extreme concentration during the battle, and the lack of fluctuation when killing...

Every knife he swung was aimed at killing himself.

Above, without the slightest hesitation!

more and more similar...

I don't know if it's because of the habit that I inadvertently revealed, making his knives more and more similar to my own knives.

The similarity made her almost unable to control herself several times, wanting to kill him.

But the reason why she didn't do this was not because it was a guide, nor was it because of Duan Mu's contribution to the soul world, or any other reason.

She just...

I just want to see what this monster can turn into.

Even if he died in the hands of this monster in the end, it didn't matter at all.

Just like Saraki used to be!

As for whether this monster might have any impact, Unozhihuaretsu didn't care at all.

Because, she personally cultivated... No, it should be said that she would be the first to stand in front of him when she excavated the monster.

This made Uno Hanaretsu look forward to it even more.

Must exercise restraint...

not enough……

It's not harvest time yet!

Although it is possible that after the harvest season comes, it will be the end of oneself.

But without any fear or regret.

Some are just happy...

Very happy!

Meeting Saraki Kenpachi made her feel unprecedented joy, fighting him was like fighting with her own child.

When digging out all the potential of Duan Mu, watching him become more and more like himself, and even foreseeing that the other party may surpass him, instead of stagnating like himself, Unozhihualie felt unprecedented happiness.

The stronger her sense of happiness, the more she wanted to kill Duan Mu.


Killed by the opponent!

For a long time, Unohanaretsu has been waiting, waiting for the real inheritance, waiting for the day when Saragi will truly inherit 'Kenpachi', waiting...for his own death.

Because, that was the sin she had to pay for.

Paying for one's own sins is, of course, Uno's Huaretsu's long-cherished hope.

But Duan Mu's growth process gave her the ultimate sense of happiness, but it made her want to pay for her sins...

After stepping over his dead body, go to pay for your sins.


Let him step over his dead body to help her pay for her sins!

A surge of blood, quietly blooming.

Duan Mu fell into a pool of blood again, and the blood under his body gathered into a coquettish and strange flower, which appeared in front of Uzhi Hualie.

The scimitar trembled slightly, and then gradually fell after being raised.

Not enough~

Far from enough!


At this time, Duan Mu didn't know that he was on the verge of life and death and kept jumping sideways.

This time, he was not completely unconscious as usual.

Instead, he entered a space.

It was a forest, a gray forest, with huge trees that towered into the sky.

The giant trees are connected into one piece, and there are almost no gaps to walk around.

As far as the eye can see, everything is gray.

The soil is gray, the grass is gray, the flowers are gray... The whole space gives people a suffocating sense of death, without any vitality at all.


The sky is blue, white clouds are floating, the sun and moon are bright, and the stars are dazzling!

Full of vitality.

Death and vitality, two completely different pictures, combine to bring Duan Mu an indescribable strangeness.

But at this moment, the sound of grass suddenly came from this dead space.

Duan Mu, who was stunned by the scene in front of him, subconsciously looked where the sound came from, and saw a puppy rolling out of the gray grass, barking happily, jumping up and down, so happy!

The whole body of the puppy is white, about the size of Duan Mu's feet, and a pair of purple pupils are folded and shining, full of agility and vitality.

When it appeared, the sky seemed to become brighter, as if the sun and the moon were shining light on it.

Even the surrounding dead trees began to sway because of its arrival, and the leaves made a pleasant sound of rattling.


All of this came to an abrupt end in the next second!


The little white dog who was playing saw Duan Mu, and suddenly screamed and trembled, but he didn't run away, looking at Duan Mu with watery eyes.

The tail and ears drooped at this moment.


Looking at the shivering little white dog, Duan Mu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Although it was completely different from what he remembered, when he appeared here, he had already vaguely realized what this place was.


What the hell is this thing?

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

As if aware of Duan Mu's thoughts, the little white dog suddenly put on a fierce look and roared a few times, proving his identity.


Just as Duan Mu was about to say something, he felt the surrounding space darken, and he flew out as if he was suddenly pushed.



The sound of the blade piercing through the air gave Duan Mu no time to think. With the palm of his hand on the ground, he jumped up, and the blade of the ghostly way condensed out instantly!



Chapter 231 The saint descended from the sky


"Stupid bald man, why are you holding on for less and less time, what's the matter with three seconds?"

A cloud of smoke and dust was stirred up by the explosion, and an angry curse came out of it:

"Are you a man?"


Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the golden hair in front of him, with two sky-high braids, dark brown pupils, a pair of canine teeth, and a girl who looked like a junior high school student in appearance, with bulging veins on her forehead.

I want to open my mouth to defend, but I don't know how to say it...

And most importantly...

What the other side said is the truth.

"It's so noisy, idiot!!"

"Hehe, can't you say anything else besides this sentence?"

The tiger-toothed girl said with a sarcasm on her face, which made Kurosaki Ichigo feel like grinding her teeth for a while, wishing to use Zanpakuto to grind her two tiger teeth flat.

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