these people……

Self-proclaimed Masked Legion.

When he was fighting that guy named Grimmjow last time, the pure white self that had appeared when he was fighting Kenpachi appeared again.

And it was different from last time, just fighting with himself in the body.

As soon as he appeared, he took his body away!

Though it also kept him alive from Grimmjow.

After that, these people who called themselves the Masked Legion found themselves and asked themselves to join their legion.

At first, Kurosaki Ichigo did not agree, but after only one day, he found that his body was changing rapidly.

I can even faintly feel it...

There is a guy in his body that is rapidly becoming stronger and merging with him step by step, but in Kurosaki Ichigo's view, this is his cannibalization of himself.

This feeling is extremely strange, even when facing Uncle Zhanyue, he has never had this feeling of fusion, as if he and himself are one.

It even made him let his guard down for a while.

But that kind of feeling that Uncle Zhan Yue didn't bring him, let Kurosaki Ichigo understand that the other party may be deliberately confusing himself.

This made Kurosaki Ichigo feel even more afraid of the guy in his body.

But even so, he had no intention of joining this unknown legion until Rukia found him.

Rukia didn't say anything, but just repeated what Brother Duan Mu said when he arrived.

(After this battle, he will gain new powers. If you believe me, it is better not to get involved.)

(Although it will be out of control for a short time, and you may be attacked even if you intervene, but that is indeed the power of Kurosaki Ichigo, and you don't need to worry about him.)

If this was said by someone else, Kurosaki Ichigo might still hesitate.

But Brother Duan Mu was different. He had saved himself and his mother when he was a child, and he was always on the sidelines when he was learning the swastika, obviously he felt something from himself.

Although he didn't understand why he said that this power belonged to him, Kurosaki Ichigo still chose to believe his words, and took the initiative to find these guys who called themselves the Masked Legion.

Since it is your own power, you must learn how to control it!

And the result was very gratifying, with the help of these people, he really subdued the other party in his body, and obtained the method to use the other party's power.

But Kurosaki Ichigo didn't know...

The process of him subduing the void in his body is actually not much different from the death god subduing the Zanpakuto.

However, with the new power he has mastered, he simply cannot maintain it for too long.

3 seconds to 5 seconds!

In such a short period of time, it can be said that once the battle started, it was over on my side.

"Bald man~~"

When the strong wind hit, Kurosaki Ichigo subconsciously raised his hand to take it, and found that it was a poorly packaged lunch box.

"What are you in a daze for?"

"It's nothing."

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head: "I just remembered something."


The Huya girl giggled strangely: "Little brat, are you homesick?"

little kid?

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the girl in front of him who was about the same size as his younger sister, named Hiyori Sarkaki, and couldn't help but asked, "Speaking of which, how old are you guys? You guys call me kid, kid Non-stop, and you... are you 14?"


Hiyori Sarugaki rolled his eyes: "I've been to the world of corpses and souls, but you are still obsessed with other people's ages, the vice-captains and captains in the world of souls and souls, who are not one or two hundred years old. "


Kurosaki Ichigo was choked by her words, but then he retorted: "There are also young ones, as far as I know, Brother Duanmu is more than 100 years younger than Rukia, and he is not as old as my father. older."

"Then in this world, he should be called uncle, right?"

"Idiot, you said that there is the world of corpses and souls."

The quarrel between the two did not attract the attention of the surrounding people, only a man with a blond haircut who looked carefree asked, "Is the Duan Mu you are talking about the guy who fought with those Ten Blades a few days ago?" ?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who hadn't paid attention to it could not help turning their eyes to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Living in this world for a long time, they are naturally not ignorant of the battle that took place in Zamachi, but they don't want to participate in the battle between Reaper and Pomian.

Or rather...

I don't want to stand with the god of death to meet the enemy, even if the enemy is the same.

Even if they have never fought against the Ten Blades in Karakura Town, they can still feel the power of those Ten Blades.

And what the Reaper who supported them later shocked them with everything they showed.


The opponent also used techniques such as false flashes and ringing rings in the battle. If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent did not have any false breath, they might all think that the opponent was also of the same kind as Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Is that guy strong?"

A girl in a sailor suit and glasses who looked very quiet asked.

"Eh? Doesn't Lisa know?"

Wearing goggles and an orange scarf, the girl with short green hair in tights and boots tilted her head.


The white-haired middle-aged man next to him glared at Jiu Nanbai angrily: "She went to the manga exhibition back then, and bought that venue-limited book."


Jiu Nanbai suddenly realized, and then explained: "He is a very powerful person. With the help of Xiaobo, we also watched his battle. We fought against several ten blades at the same time, and even gained the upper hand. Even Pingzi said The other party is a very powerful guy.”

"Can you believe what the bald man said?"

"Hey, Hiyori, are you underestimating me?"

"You guys."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly stunned, and then said angrily: "Since you know that there is a battle over there, why don't you help, isn't your enemy also Aizen?"

"We don't want to help Death."

Hiyori replied in a cold tone, as if he felt that he was not firm enough after speaking, he added again: "I will not die!"

Jiu Nanbai continued to explain to Lisa: "Anyway, they are very strong and terrifying. People like Kenshi can probably kill several people with one punch."

" you want to die?"

The white-haired middle-aged man, that is, Liu Che punched Jiu Nanbai in the back of the head with a snap.

"Ah~ Quanxi, you idiot~"

Jiu Nanbai, who was suddenly injured, immediately crouched down covering the back of his head.

"Brother Duan Mu is not the god of death."

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly spoke.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at him again.

"According to what Renji told Rukia and the others, Brother Duanmu has always been a commoner in Ruhun Street. He has never joined the Gotei [-]th Division, nor is he a member of Seireitei. He just accepted the Gotei [-]th Division. The entrustment of the squadron is only the duty of acting as the captain."

"By the way, Brother Duan Mu opened a Wanshiwu on Liuhun Street, which is the kind of shop that accepts all kinds of jobs."

"What a joke."

Without waiting for others to speak, Hiyori on the side reprimanded angrily: "Even if Seireitei is short of people, it is impossible to hire a guy from Ruukon Street as the Shinigami captain, there must be a limit to joking. "

"No, he's right."

Makoto Hirako suddenly said: "After that, I asked that guy Urahara. According to him, that guy named Duan Mu is indeed not a god of death, but his strength is extremely powerful. But more specifically, what did he say? For the sake of protecting the privacy of partners, they refused to tell me anything.”

Since they came to the present world, they paid little attention to the affairs of the soul world, and basically got all the news from Kisuke Urahara.

Among the crowd, Hirako Mako can be said to be the person who is the least hostile to the God of Death, and the only one who will actively inquire about the news of the Soul World.

"That's really curious."

Lisa flipped through the album in her hand, and said while reading: "Is that guy really strong?"

"Very strong."

After Mako Hirako finished speaking, she frowned slightly: "And it's a little weirdly strong, it looks more like our kind than Kurosaki Ichigo."


Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback.

"Ah what, bald man!"

Hiyori kicked it directly: "You can't even use a false flash, you are simply lowering the lower limit of our Masked Army."

"But Urahara Kisuke told me clearly that there is no virtual existence in the other party's body, but the virtual power has been completely simulated in the way of death, and it is not weaker at all; even Urahara said that he is a real person. Genius, even in some respects, is not weaker than Aizen."

Makoto Hirako paused, and continued: "Probably because of this, Aizen has always wanted to catch him in the virtual circle. In fact, the battle a few days ago was the second time. The first time Aizen dispatched ten The sword arresting him was carried out in the world of corpses and souls, so it can be seen that Aizen attaches great importance to him."

"And when Aizen defected, he was the one who fought Aizen and dragged him until a group of captains arrived."

Mako Hirako glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo: "Ichigo should be more aware of this, he was there at the time."


Kurosaki Ichigo had a look of embarrassment on his face, he was really...but except for being stabbed in the first few seconds, he was protected by Yoruichi in the Palace of Confession, and watched the battle lying on the ground.

It was also because of this that he realized that there was such a huge gap between the original captain and the captain.

"That must be a nice guy."

Hiyori suddenly said that she didn't have any affection for Duan Mu, after all, they just watched the battle through Xiaobo's ability at the beginning, just like watching TV.

But in her eyes...

As long as anyone who fights Aizen is a good guy for her.

"I think he's dangerous."

Mako Hirako shrugged, but didn't explain too much.

Regarding Duan Mu's details, although Urahara didn't say anything, but because of Aizen, he also conducted some investigations.

turn out……

The other party's experience was surprisingly similar to Aizen's.

He is also a genius, and he has possessed great strength in just a dozen years.

And most importantly...

At the beginning, he thought Aizen was dangerous, so he kept him by his side for easy monitoring.

And the guy named Duan Mu also put him by his side for monitoring because Sui Feng felt that it was very unstable and might endanger the safety of Sei Ling Ting.


Gentle, kind, friendly to others, good old man... These labels that can be heard as long as you ask about Duanmu make Mako Hirako extremely unhappy, because Aizen is also like this.

But unlike Aizen, the opponent did not join the Goutei [-]th Division, and the opponent controlled the villains in the area with the number behind Ruhun Street, and never concealed it.

Regarding Duan Mu's matter, there is no need to go to Seiling Court to inquire.

Randomly pick a resident in Liuhun Street, and they can speak clearly and logically, and the fact that Duan Mu is the boss of the villains, the residents of Liuhun Street fully accept it, not only do not reject it, but respect him more.

But there is no fear and awe, there is only respect from the heart, and the feeling of treating him as a friend.

Especially women, they are more friendly to them, which makes Hirako a little upset.

Hearing the discussion from several people, Kurosaki Ichigo didn't interrupt because he was also curious about Brother Duan Mu.

All he knew about Brother Duan Mu was from Rukia and Renji, but he didn't know the details at all. He only knew that he was in Soul Soul Realm...Brother Duan Mu was the youngest person, But no one in the soul world cares about age at all.

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