People who die at different times will form a family based on their age before death.

For example, Shibata of the parrot, after he arrived in the soul world, he formed a family with a child who died more than 80 years ago... well, a person who looked like a child, and the boy who was nearly 80 years younger than Shibata became Shibata brother.

This is also the reason why he can call Duan Mu the eldest brother without any sense of disobedience.

Mainly because...

I have been used to it since I was a child.

"You seem to respect that guy named Duan Mu very much."

Lisa looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, and asked with some doubts: "Didn't you only stay in the soul world for a few days? Is that guy so attractive?"

"No, I have already met Brother Duan Mu when I was very young."

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head: "He was the one who saved me and my mother under Xu's attack, but I didn't know his identity until I went to Soul Soul Realm."

"That's it."

Lisa nodded, and casually threw the publication in her hand aside.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at him and asked, "What is this?"


Lisa said angrily: "This is a photobook I bought at the venue a few days ago. I felt ashamed when I saw the cover. I bought it out of curiosity, but it turned out that the content had nothing to do with the cover. It was a fraud at all. .”

"And I found out later that the author of this photobook just found some pictures on the Internet and compiled them into a book for sale. However, because they were all old photos, no one found out at first. However, not long after I bought them, he was taken away."

"the most important is……"

Lisa pushed down her glasses proudly: "Compared with this kind of thing, I prefer to read publications that mainly like men. I bought this one entirely because of the cover."

Shame on the cover?

Hearing Lisa's repeated emphasis on the cover, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but glanced curiously, which made him freeze in place.

I saw that the cover of the photo album that was randomly discarded on the ground was a crossroad, and the protagonist in it was a handsome young man without any clothes and a very confused expression on his face. Behind him were tall buildings and densely packed intersections crowd.

It does seem extremely shameful, and it also makes people wonder why this young man would appear in such a place naked.


The face of the protagonist on the cover made Kurosaki Ichigo freeze in place as if struck by lightning.

"This is……"

Kurosaki Ichigo then stepped forward to pick up the photo album on the ground, staring intently at the confused and helpless young man on the cover.


His reaction made everyone startled, and the owner of the photobook, Lisa's eyes lit up immediately: "So that's what you like, no wonder you don't even bother to borrow your comic books, and I also don't care about BL." I like it very much."

"This... how is this possible... wrong..."

Ichigo Kurosaki ignored her, looked at the cover of the photo album, and murmured to himself like a madman: "Am I too tired from training and hallucinating? It must be like this... Otherwise, why would Brother Duan Mu appear here... And how could he be photographed by a real-world camera? This is impossible..."

Duan Mu?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other, and swarmed to Kurosaki Ichigo's side.

"It is indeed very similar to the video that Xiaobo showed us."

Liuche Quanxi was a little surprised at first, and then carefully observed the cover, nodded: "The figure is really good."

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look..."

Jiu Nanbai jumped on Liuche Quanxi: "Tsk, this figure... Ouyou... However, his figure in Xiaobo's video is even better than now."

"...You bastard...what the hell were you looking at?"

"Hey, hey, don't squeeze around."

"But isn't he the captain?"

Fengqiaolou Juro stroked his hair: "Is the Goutei [-]th squad's funds so low that the captain should come out to shoot this kind of publication?"

"You idiot, how could the god of death be photographed."

"Yes, it should have been taken during his lifetime, right?"

"No, it was indeed taken after death!"

Lisa suddenly said, everyone heard the words and looked at her, only to see Lisa browsing the web with her mobile phone: "I just asked in the manga exhibition group, and someone told me this was news seven years ago, return it to me There is a webpage attached... I just checked, and it was indeed seven years ago."

"According to rumors, he was naked, fell from the sky, and then disappeared suddenly."

"It even became an urban legend, known as..."

"A saint who descended from the sky!"


Chapter 232 Mutations

How many times?

Looking at the dead forest in front of him, Duan Mu began to search subconsciously.

Since entering this space last time, almost every few days, I would come here again after losing consciousness.

It's just that it won't be long before they will be expelled.

But it was not the little white dog that expelled him, but this space.

As for the little white dog, every time he came here by himself, he ran to Duan Mu on his own initiative. When he saw Duan Mu, he never resisted or ran away. The feeling of plucking up the courage to come to Duan Mu's feet.

It's just that this spiritual world seems to be an over-doting mother. Every time he sees the shivering little white dog, he will drive Duan Mu out of his own spiritual space...

In a way, this is also the only legacy left by Zanpakuto.

Judging from the experience of entering here a few times, that... the little white dog the size of the sole of his foot should be his new Zanpakuto.

Although the Zanpakuto that accommodates the sword spirit has not been fully restored, the sword spirit has been fully born.

But the legacy left by Zanpakuto has been protecting the little white dog, preventing Duan Mu from contacting him, so that he cannot have a 'dialogue' and 'synchronization' with the new Zanpakuto.


Although the little white dog is extremely afraid of himself, and will tremble when he sees himself.But every time Duan Mu came here, the little white dog would resist his fear of him and come to his side, giving Duan Mu a feeling of longing to touch it by himself.


Duan Mu's eyes are a little strange, how can he talk to a dog?

Shouldn't this be discussed with Renji?

If I remember correctly, the realization of his Zanpaku knife has the two animal forms of 'orangutan' and 'snake'.

The crazy woman waiting for her to wake up from the outside world is also within the scope of reference.

But forget about asking her for advice.

The one who happily came here to learn the slashing technique from Uzhi Huaretsu was definitely out of his mind.

Duan Mu couldn't remember exactly how many days this guidance lasted.

After all, every time he wakes up from a coma, that disgusting scimitar will attack immediately. Duan Mu doesn't know how long he has been in a coma, nor how long he has been hacked by Unozhihualie...

Only when he came here did Duan Mu have time to catch his breath.

So Duan Mu was not in a hurry to have a 'dialogue' and 'synchronization' with the Zanpakuto. Anyway, before the Zanpakuto was completely recovered, let alone the beginning solution, he didn't even have a usable shallow strike, so he could only use The Blade of Kido continues to meet the attacks of Unohana Reek!

And most importantly...

No convincing required!

The initial interpretation of the Zanpakuto requires a 'dialogue' and 'synchronization' with the Zanpakuto; while the swastika requires the realization of the Zanpakuto and then subdues it.

But judging from the observation during this period, the little white dog didn't need to be subdued.


Duan Mu always felt that his new Zanpakuto was so fragile that he could step on it to death!


At this moment, there was a sound of grass scurrying.

This let Duan Mu know that the little white dog came to see him again.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the little white dog to roll out from Duan Mu's left side, as if he was running too fast and tripped over a few somersaults.

The little white dog climbed up from the ground and looked at Duan Mu, his purple eyes seemed a little watery, and the ears and tail that were pricked up for joy immediately drooped after seeing Duan Mu.


Amidst the soft barking, the little white dog stood there tremblingly, still like the previous few times, not daring to approach Duan Mu, but unwilling to leave just like that.


The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, how should this thing talk?

Is it possible that I have to "woof" with it?

After hesitating for a while, Duan Mu squatted down and stretched out his hand to the little white dog.


Seeing Duan Mu's extended hand, the little white dog whimpered in fright, and took half a step back with its trembling body.

This scene made Duan Mu frowned slightly.

As a result, when he frowned, the little white dog suddenly drooped its head in fright, and kept shrinking back.


That inexplicable pulling feeling came again, as if it wanted to pull him away from the little white dog.

Duan Mu felt the pressure around him, clicked his tongue, and prepared to withdraw his hand, concentrating on the attack that would come after he woke up.

"Wang Wang!"

But just when Duan Mu was about to take back his hand, the little white dog, who hadn't moved a few times before, suddenly jumped forward and jumped under Duan Mu's outstretched palm.

Then mustered up the courage, raised his head and looked at Duan Mu.


Facing the little white dog's gaze, Duan Mu's mouth curled up slightly, and his outstretched palm protruded like lightning, grabbed the back of the little white dog's neck, and pulled him to the front.

Almost the moment Duan Mu mentioned the little white dog, the inexplicable pulling feeling disappeared abruptly, and the surrounding gray trees began to sway at this moment, and a breeze was blown up.

The breeze seemed to be conscious, dragging the puppy that Duan Mu lifted.

The little white dog was not annoyed when he was carried in Duan Mu's hands, but just shook his body, his little head almost retracted into his arms.


Holding the little white dog in his hand, Duan Mu couldn't help being speechless.

Is this really my Zanpakuto?

Why do you think it's not as reliable as the original stinky brat?

Although the kid was disobedient, at least he was human and could speak some human words.

And this thing in front of me...

"Come on, let me hear what you have to say."


Can't even speak a word.

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, and he shook the little white dog by the back of his neck: "Then you have to tell me what your name is?"

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

This time the little white dog answered very quickly, and barked a few times proudly.

"..." Duan Mu.

woof woof?

How can a ghost understand it.

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