Amidst the strange laughter, two double-headed whirling blades appeared and disappeared under the night sky.

"What the hell happened?"


"My Zanpakuto?"


On the street, the members of Division [-] gathered together, fighting and retreating.

It has been more than 10 minutes since the mutation occurred.

But even now, they still don't know who the enemy who attacked Seireitei is.

Enemies suddenly appeared beside the god of death, and often the god of death was severely injured by the sudden appearance of the enemy before he had time to react.


At this time, the captain of the Ninth Division had defected, and the acting captain was in the process of practicing, and the deputy captain who had been in charge of the Ninth Division also received an order not long ago to go to the designated place for a meeting, and he has not returned yet.

"Everyone gather together, don't rush in. Captain Duan Mu is practicing at the nearby Hill of Two Deaths. He will come over immediately after he notices the accident."

In the team, a slightly short girl with freckles on her cheeks shouted: "Before that, we must hold them back as much as possible, and prevent the affected area from spreading further."

If someone stood up in the chaos, someone would naturally follow. With Zuo Yuling's words, the originally chaotic scene suddenly became orderly.

Although most of the time, they are working as reporters and editors, but after all, these team members present have joined the Goutei [-]th Division after successfully graduating from the Shino Spiritual Art Academy. Even if their personal strength is not strong, But after being gathered together, it is also an extremely huge force.

The original situation of being passively beaten, along with the stability of the team, gradually became able to stalemate and contend with those unknown enemies.

"Hahahaha, standing together just saved me from having to kill one by one."

Crazy laughter came, and everyone in the ninth squad couldn't help but tremble.

They didn't know the situation in other areas, but in Jiufan District, the owner of the strange laughter was the attacker who caused the most casualties.

And most importantly...

Accompanied by the black vortex, the black shadow that appeared and disappeared in the night fell from mid-air, showing its figure in the eyes of everyone for the first time.

This is a strange person with dark purple skin. His facial features are blurred, and his specific appearance cannot be seen clearly. Black bandages are wrapped around his neck and shoulders, and he is holding two huge blades in his hands.

They didn't know who this strange figure was.

But the two double-headed whirling sickles, it is impossible for the members of the [-]th squad to not know, because they are the Zanpakuto of Vice Captain Hisagi—Kazeshi!

"Who the hell are you?"

"Kill your people!"

The dark purple figure gave a strange laugh, and the two whirlblade scythes in his hands spun like windmills, and under the control of the chains, they attacked all the members of the ninth division.

This scene made everyone's expressions change.

The leading officials hurriedly raised the Zanpakuto, almost instinctively wanting to release the Zanpakuto.


No matter how they inject Reiatsu into the Zanpakutō, the shallow blows in their hands are the same as when they first got them in the Shino Spiritual Art Academy, there is no response or response at all.

What happened in the end?

And at such a moment, the two whirling blades had come to the front, blocking all their avoidance areas on the left and right.

Seeing this, the complexions of the leading officials all changed drastically.

But at this moment...


A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, the blade in his hand was directly stuck on the corner of the whirling sickle, blocking the spinning sickle from the left.

"The Way of Binding 63: Locking with Bars!"

At the same time, with a wave of his free left hand, the blue chains burst out of the air, and instantly wrapped around the sickle attacking from the right.

The chain snapped straight, then snapped!

But such a split second of effort was enough for all the members of Division [-] to react, and they broke up into pieces and scattered in all directions.

The dark purple figure did not pursue, but looked at the figure that appeared suddenly, with the corners of its mouth grinning to both sides.

"Yo, partner, you are really slow in coming."

"Vice Captain Hisagi!"

The members of the Ninth Division looked at the sudden appearance, as if they had found the backbone, and their faces showed joy.

Hisagi Shuhei looked at the dark purple figure in front of him, his face was a little ugly, but besides the ugly, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"What? Don't you know me?"

"Are you really Feng Shi?"

Hisagi Shuhei's words stunned the members of the ninth squad behind him, and then their expressions changed, and they all looked at the unknown attackers around them.

What is Fengshi, as a team member of the ninth division, it is impossible not to know.

If this dark purple monster is Fengshi, then the surrounding assailants of various shapes, are they all...


"Can't you even recognize me?"

Feng Shi pulled the chain in his hand, and the two whirling blades returned to his hand immediately: "However, standing in front of you like this, I realized that your strength is really weak?"

"I really dare to say."

Hisagi Shuhei said coldly: "Although I don't know how you materialized, but everything you use now, whether it's Reiatsu or abilities, didn't you get it from me?"

As he said, Hisagi has been aware of it ever since he came here.

Feng Shi in front of him, whether it is the strength of spiritual pressure or the characteristics of spiritual pressure, is completely consistent with himself.

The only difference is...

It can use Zanpakuto, but it cannot release Zanpakuto itself.

As for the fact that after the opponent materialized, he was able to absorb the surrounding spirit particles to replenish the Reiatsu like a god of death, Hisagi was not surprised.

Because Zanpakuto can absorb the spiritual particles in the atmosphere and repair its own damage by itself.

If the master uses spiritual pressure to repair at the same time, the repair process can be greatly shortened.

Of course, this also has a premise.

That is, Zanpakuto was not destroyed under the circumstances of Swastika.

How the hell did that guy do it?

Zanpakuto materialization, although it has not happened before, but most of them are practiced in the swastika, or with the assistance of Zhuan Shenbody.

The Zanpakuto materialized through these two methods will indeed exist for as long as the wind in front of you, and even be able to fight with the master. After subduing it, you can master the so-called swastika!

But in both cases, the materialized Zanpakuto will not kill the master no matter what. The process of subjugation is not so much a battle, but rather a training and trial of the Zanpakuto for the master. the most basic qualifications.

"Your self-righteous appearance is really annoying as always."

Kazeshi looked at Hisagi Shuhei, although he still had a smirk on his face, but his eyes showed strong dissatisfaction: "You don't even know what I really want."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Hisagi Shuhei frowned: "Why did you leave my body?"

"I heard voices that made me obey my instincts."

Kazeshiki waved the chain at will, and the two whirling blades spun around him, slowly walking towards Hisagi Shuhei.


"That's right, all this time, you don't understand me at all, and you don't know what the Zanpakuto in your hand really desires."

A hint of doubt flashed in Hisagi Shuhei's eyes, and when he was about to ask, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This scene made Feng Shi's footsteps pause.


Without hesitation, he turned around and swung the whirling sickle in his hand to the left rear.

But stop!

There was no sound of impact, no collision of Reiatsu, and no sound of blades entering the body.

The swirling blade sickle stopped in mid-air so abruptly, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Looking around, I saw a pure white palm gently holding the whirling blade sickle.

Compared with the incomparably sharp blade, the palm of the hand seemed to be able to make the five fingers fall off with just a light cut.


Can't move! !

Horror appeared on Feng Shi's face, and the grim smile was gone.

It was obvious that he was only being held by the blade, but his whole body was stiff at this moment, and it was extremely difficult to even move a finger, and even the spiritual pressure in his body was frozen at this moment.

"Duan...Captain Duan Mu?"

Hearing Hisagi's voice, Kazeshi finally knew the identity of the visitor.

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

Duan Mu didn't look at Feng Shi in front of him, but released his probing nerves, and suddenly there were bright spots like flames in his mind.

The next moment, the earth shook.


With Duan Mu as the center, countless soils shot up into the sky, covering the entire Jiufan District in an instant.

Cover the sky and block the moon!

The entire area became invisible, and a terrifying sense of oppression pervaded everyone.

Before everyone understood what happened, they heard a scream, and the countless soil in the air turned into big hands, holding all the attackers in their palms.

When the moonlight fell again, Jiufan District, which was extremely noisy just a second ago, suddenly fell into silence.

The big hands condensed from the soil fell down, forming cocoons one by one, and there were strange attackers all over them.

"Find out your Zanpakuto and kill it, then you can restore your Zanpakuto to its original state."

Duan Mu's voice made everyone wake up from their trance: "Those who recovered from the Zanpakuto will send out a team to carry out rescue work, and the rest will go to other areas for support. Let the owner of the Zanpakuto bring the Zanpakuto back to life as much as possible. Kill, this will immediately restore the Zanpakuto to normal."

"Of course, put your own safety first, and don't keep your hands if necessary. Although the Zanpakuto defeated by someone other than the master will take a long time to recover, it will not be permanently damaged."

"And among the bound Zanpakuto, if there is a Wuzhu Zanpakuto whose master died, just kill it directly."

Looking at Captain Duan Mu with a calm face, all the members of the [-]th squad could not help swallowing.

Although they knew Captain Duan Mu was very strong, the scene in front of them still made all of them fall into a sluggish state.

They have personally experienced the horror of those attackers, but these powerful and strange attackers have no resistance in front of Captain Duan Mu.


The members of the Ninth Division insisted one after another, and then dispersed, searching in cocoons made of soil one by one.

"Hisagi, you too."


Looking at Kazeshi who was trapped by Duan Mu, Hisagi had a look of hesitation on his face.

"There is no time to delay."

Duan Mu said in a deep voice: "Our enemies are not Zanpakuto, they are just being dissatisfied with their masters and controlled by others."

The enemy is not Zanpakuto?

Hisagi Shuhei was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to tell Captain Duan Mu about the fact that someone in the name of the general captain had summoned the captains and vice-captains and launched an attack not long ago.

The man named Muramasa, although he didn't know his identity, gave him the feeling that he was no different from Fengshi in front of him.

But seeing the seriousness on Captain Duan Mu's face, Hisagi didn't continue talking, but walked forward with a knife in his hand.

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