Being able to make Captain Duan Mu react like this means that he already knows... or guesses who the enemy is, so as an adjutant, he only needs to follow the captain's orders!


Accompanied by the sound of the blade entering the body, Hisagi Shuhei killed Fengshi beside Duan Mu without hesitation.

Kazeshi immediately turned into a spirit and merged into Hisagi Shubing's blade.

Hisagi Shuhei felt it a little bit, and found that the zipping knife, which had not responded at first, seemed to suddenly come alive, and a glimmer of light appeared on its surface.


A figure appeared next to Hisagi Shuhei, and it was the strange man who called himself Kazeshi.

Seeing this, Hisagi Shuhei's expression darkened, and he immediately took a defensive posture.

But Feng Shi, who reappeared, did not attack again, but looked at Duan Mu with fear on his face. Although there was no expression on his dark purple face, the arrogant look was completely gone.

However, after taking another look at Hisagi, dissatisfaction appeared on his face again.

"You guy, you really don't hesitate to make a move."


Hisagi Shuhei was taken aback when he saw this, although there was no change in the opponent, he still felt that the Kazeshi in front of him was a little different from the previous one.

He then looked into the distance, and saw that many soldiers had killed his own Zanpakuto.

And beside them, there were enemies who should have been killed one by one.

But there was no battle again, and all of them showed a confused state, with big eyes and small eyes.

"Don't worry, Zanpakuto will be out of control after being defeated, but it can continue to be materialized for a period of time before the influence of the ability disappears."

Duan Mu's voice came at the right time:

"The rest of the people follow my previous instructions and start operations under the leadership of the chief officer. As for Xiubing..." Duan Mu paused, looked at Hisagi Shubing, and continued:

"You come with me."

Hearing this, Hisagi Shuhei immediately let go of his doubts and asked:

"Captain Duan Mu, where are we going?"

"The back mountain training ground of the [-]th squad!"


Chapter 234 Unexpected enemies

Under the night sky, two figures quickly shuttled between buildings.

Hisagi Shuhei looked at the messy situation below, his eyes full of hesitation.

"It's useless to help now."

Duan Mu looked back at Hisagi Shuhei, and continued: "The person who controls the Zanpakuto has left the Seireitei, and what is still making trouble in the Seireitei at this time is just the Zanpaku of some ordinary soldiers. Knife."

"Reaper and Zanpakuto can be said to be mutually dependent existences. No matter how terrifying the ability of Zanpakuto is, if the master's strength is insufficient, its ability will be greatly restricted."

"And those Zanpakutos that have been materialized through other media, in the final analysis, still rely on the master's spiritual pressure to exist, and the strongest power they can exert will not exceed their own master."

"So those Zanpakuto below are not a big threat to Seireitei at all."

"As for why the Zanpakuto was controlled, and how to undo the control of the Zanpakuto, I have notified the secret maneuver when I rushed to the Jiuban District, and now all the secret maneuvers have been dispatched, and the entire Seireitei is surrounded Wake up, the turmoil caused by these Zanpakuto will soon subside."

"Secret maneuver?"

Hisagi Shuhei was slightly taken aback, and then remembered...

Before Duan Mu became the captain of the Ninth Division, he had been working in the secret maneuver.


It should be said that Captain Duan Mu is still a member of the secret maneuver, but he is temporarily acting as the captain of the Ninth Division.

But even if he was very aware of this point, Captain Duan Mu bypassed their [-]th Division and ordered a covert maneuver, which still made Hisagi Shuhei feel a little ashamed.

"It's not because I look down on you, I will order the hidden maneuvers to start operations, it's all because they are more suitable for dealing with these rebellious Zanpakuto."

Duan Mu looked at Hisagi Shuhei's face, and said casually: "Due to the special nature of the secret maneuver, all members, including the commander-in-chief, must bear in mind one sentence, that is, you cannot blindly rely on Zanpakuto."

"This is the most fundamental difference between the hidden maneuvers, the ghosts, and the God of Death of the [-]th Division of the Goutei. These two parallel organizations will not rely too much on the ability of the Zanpakuto, but will focus on the situation without the Zanpakuto. to exert greater strength.”

"The Goutei Thirteenth Division is different. Except for a few people, most people rely too much on their own Zanpakuto. All fighting skills and styles are developed based on Zanpakuto. That's why This is the level of panic caused by the Zanpakuto rebellion."

Stealth maneuvering, the main training direction is Bai Da and Shun Po.

For ghosts, the main direction of cultivation is ghosts.

As for the Goutei [-]th Division, most of the people's main training direction is to tap the potential of their own Zanpakuto as much as possible. Basically all fighting methods are developed around Zanpakuto.

Of course, it is not without exception.

The [-]th team can be said to be the team that focuses on Zanjutsu in the Goutei [-]th team. Because the team members look down on the abilities of various ghosts and ways of Zanpakuto, most of the Zanpakuto of the [-]th team are The direct attack system, that is to say, even if it is materialized, it can only face head-to-head with the master.

It's not that Goutei [-]th Division is bad. After all, Zanpakutō's ability is, to put it bluntly, a unique characteristic of each shinigami, and the existence of Asagi is just to substantiate this characteristic.

Even if Seireitei is now in such a state of chaos, Duan Mu doesn't think that the Zanpakuto rebellion will have much impact on Seireitei.

As for the inability to be liberated?

Even more nonsense.

Zanpakuto has the will to control power, which is the so-called body, the power induced by the god of death through dialogue with the body, and this body is just a clone born from the will of the god of death.

This is my own ability, how could it disappear because of the rebellion of the 'will'.

The reason why they cannot be liberated is entirely because the Zanpakuto body has always acted as a switch, and the Zanpakuto body, which is in harmony with the master's mind, greatly reduces the difficulty of liberation. The importance of Zanpakuto communication dialogue.

As long as after the initial discomfort, all the gods of death can be liberated without the body.

When Duan Mu was first liberated, he had never communicated with Zanpakuto at all, and there was no so-called mind-to-heart connection between him and Zanpakuto.

The only ones that need to pay attention to are those captain-level Zanpakuto. Because of the strength of the master, the Zanpakuto body that can fully exert its own abilities is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

of course……

There should be exceptions, at least Duan Mu doesn't think that in his spiritual world...that little white dog that can be trampled to death with one foot can exert much destructive power.

Closer to home.

Regarding the captain-level Zanpakutō, Duanmu had already discovered when he left Shuangsugaoka that all the captain-level Zanpakutō...including many deputy captains' Zanpakutō bodies had already left the Seireitei.

It's as if the person behind the scenes wants to gather all the captain-level Zanpakuto to achieve a certain purpose for him.

Duan Mu didn't know where they left, because they came so suddenly.

But the purpose of the person behind the scenes, even if you don't talk about the information in your memory, it is easy to guess.

Because in the entire soul world, there is only one person who needs to restrict all captains at the same time!

Goutei Thirteenth Squad Captain...

——Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni!

As long as the captain-level Zanpakuto is not in Seireitei, there will be no big disturbances. The most urgent task now is to determine whether Inoue Orihime is still in the back mountain training ground of the [-]th squad.

According to Rukia, after receiving the assembly notice, she set off for the assembly point.

And Orihime Inoue was left by her in the Houshan practice field of Goutei [-]th Division. If Aizen was really behind this incident, then the most dangerous place in Seireitei is now the most dangerous place. It's the thirteenth squad that Orihime Inoue is in!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu's footsteps shot up again.

Seeing this, Hisagi Shuhei hurriedly quickened his pace, barely following behind Duan Mu.

"Hehehe~~ You are really a waste. People are deliberately slowing down to wait for you, but you still can't catch up with them."

Fengshi appeared next to Hisagi, and said with a sarcasm: "Would you like me to give you a hand?"

"..." Hisagi Shuhei.

Although Fengshi returned to normal, it was the first time he knew that his Zanpakuto was a chatterbox...

However, he usually whispers in his ear when he is doing sword meditation.

So all along, he didn't have a good impression of Feng Shi, and always felt that he seemed to be a darkness hidden in the depths of his soul that he didn't even know about.

Having said that, Kazeshi still turned into a black whirlwind, wrapped Hisagi Shuhei in it, and quickly followed Duangi.

Seeing this, Duan Mu couldn't help but glance at Feng Shi.

It has to be said that the Zanpakuto after the materialization of the ability of 'Muramasa' can indeed be of great help to the master.

Unfortunately, as far as Duan Mu knew.

It seems that there is no example of Zanpakuto being able to materialize for a long time. Of course, it may exist, but I don't know it.

With the help of Feng Shi, Duan Mu quickened his pace again.

The reason why he took Hisagi with him was not that he wanted him to help him fight together, but that he was going to take Inoue Orihime to the place of the other captains while he was stopping the enemy.

This time the accident came too suddenly, and the Zanpakuto rebellion made the captains overwhelmed. If they called other captains, it would be too late.

It's better to hold the enemy temporarily, and then Hisagi will lead Inoue Orihime to take the initiative to join the other captains.

Under the rapid gallop of the two of them, it didn't take long for Duan Mu and others to step into the Thirteenth Fan District.

Here is the same as in other areas, the thirteenth division team members are led by the chief officer, resisting the Zanpakuto attack. Although they did not gain the upper hand, they also showed a situation of fighting against courtesy.


There is no broken breath.

Moreover, Orihime Inoue's Reiatsu is located in the team building of the [-]th Division at this time. Judging from the fluctuation, it should be treating the [-]th Division team members.

Do you think too much?

Duan Mu frowned slightly, and led Hisagi Shuhei across the battlefield from the building, and went straight to the team building of the [-]th Division.

"Mr. Duan Mu?"

Just as Duan Mu guessed, in the team building, Inoue Orihime was treating the soldiers who were being sent to the [-]th Division. When he saw Duan Mu, he was overjoyed: "Why are you here, Kuchiki?" What about the classmate? She hasn't come back since she went out before, what happened outside?"

"Captain Duan Mu."

"Boss Duan Mu."


After seeing Duan Mu, the surrounding team members showed joy as if seeing the backbone.

There is a big difference between having a captain and not having a captain.

Duan Mu glanced at the courtyard and shook his head slightly in his heart.

It seems that I really think too much.

"What's wrong?"

Inoue Orihime noticed Duan Mu's strangeness, as if he had thought of something, he hurried forward: "Where are you injured?"


Duan Mu shook his head slightly, his frowning brows relaxed, and he habitually showed his signature gentle smile.



At this moment, an extremely ear-piercing scream suddenly came from the depths of Duan Mu's soul. This sound was extremely weird. When it came to his mind, it even made Duan Mu's body shake slightly, and his eyes blurred for a moment.

But the next second...

Duan Mu's expression sank, he dragged Hisagi Shuhei beside him, and without waiting for his reaction, he pulled him out of the team building of the [-]th Division.


Blood bloomed from Duan Mu's chest, and a knife wound with a deep visible bone appeared on his chest very abruptly.

"team leader!?"

Hisagi Shuhei, who was dragged by Duan Mu and retreated to the outside of the [-]th squad, shrank his pupils and looked at Captain Duan Mu in disbelief, not understanding why he was suddenly injured.

But before he could inquire, he found that the surroundings suddenly became strange.

The originally noisy battlefield has become extremely silent and depressing... Looking up, I found that whether it was the god of death and Zanpakuto who were still fighting fiercely before, or the soldiers transporting the wounded, or those wounded... were all trapped into the silence.

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