Pairs of eyes looked at the two of them one after another.

The entire area, at this moment, seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, so you just welcome me?"

At this moment, Captain Duan Mu's voice reached Hisagi's ears, and when he turned his head to look, he realized that Captain Duan Mu, who was still clutching his chest before, had no scars on his chest at all, only the tattered There were traces of being cut by a knife on the clothes.


At this moment, Captain Duan Mu's pupils were no longer pitch black, but revealed a very strange azure color.

"Captain Aizen!"

Captain Aizen?

Hisagi Shuhei was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.


The breeze blew past, and all the people around were blown away like dust.

Hisagi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that Shinigami and Zanpakutō, who were fighting fiercely not long ago, had all disappeared.

The whole area is empty!

The thirteenth division team building, which was originally brightly lit, also presents a dark scene at this time.

And the female human from this world also disappeared, and was replaced by a person dressed in white clothes with an extremely familiar appearance.

That is……

The former captain of the [-]th Division——Aizen Soyousuke!

Too bad.

Duan Mu looked at Lan Ran in the courtyard, his nerves tensed up to the extreme almost instantly.

He really didn't expect that Aizen would come to Soul Soul Realm in person!

Originally, according to his estimation, several of the ten blades should come, or even only one person.

After all, Aizen's goal is just to take Inoue Orihime to the virtual circle while taking advantage of the chaos in the soul world, and there is no need to fight at all.

"Surprised I'm coming?"

Facing Duan Mu's gaze, Lan Ran chuckled lightly: "Or do you think it's impossible for me to take the risk of coming to Soul Soul Realm to face Captain Yamamoto before I complete my fusion with Bengyu?"

Duan Mu didn't answer, but stared at Lan Ran with his eyes, thinking quickly about countermeasures in his mind.

Aizen didn't wait for his answer, but said to himself: "Your guess is not wrong. People will inevitably encounter risks in this world. Avoiding risks can be said to be a survival instinct, but..."

"If there is a situation where the payoff outweighs the risk, I think a lot of people will take the risk."

"And you..."

Lan Ran's eyes fell on Duan Mu, and said in a gentle tone: "Obviously it is worth me to invite you in person, and I have rejected my invitation several times, so I, as the host, have no choice but to invite you in person."

Duan Muxu narrowed his eyes and said: "Master Lanran, your invitation method is really special."

God so invited...

Whoever invites them up will give someone a knife?

If it weren't for the inexplicable voice that came into his mind, Duan Mu might have been cut in half by that knife now.

"I really want to go with you, Aizen-sama, but you may not be very clear. After you leave, because of the vacancy of the captain, I will still work for the thirteenth division of the Gotei team." Duan Mu smiled slightly and turned Hisagi pulled behind him and said with a smile:

"And you also know that my attitude towards work has always been to do my best, so if I want to accept your invitation, I still need to ask Captain Yamamoto for instructions. After all, I am working for Captain Yamamoto now. "

Lan Ran shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "Give up, he won't come here, or even if he finds out that I've come to Soul Soul Realm, he won't be able to come back immediately."

"The reason is very simple, because he is the captain of the Goutei [-]th Division."

Aizen laughed lightly: "The Zanpakuto rebellion is just a small trouble for him, and it is not difficult to subdue Zanpakuto."

"However, as the captain's duty, he cannot immediately subdue him. Instead, he will stay as far away as possible from Seireitei, and even away from Ruhun Street, to find a remote place that will never endanger the safety of the Soul World. , and then carry out the work of subduing it."

"Because he knows how much damage he will cause to Seireitei and even Soul Soul World when he subdues the Zanpakuto. As the captain of the Goutei [-]th Division, he must avoid this situation. occur."

"So, are you doing this just to get Captain Yamamoto to leave Seireitei?" Duan Mu asked.

Lan Ran glanced at Duan Mu, then shook his head slightly:

"It's completely unnecessary to delay time by asking questions that you know well." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Hisagi Shubing who was blocked by Duan Mu, and continued: "Messages asking for help cannot be sent out. Said that no matter what happens in this area, it cannot be detected by the outside."

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"Boss Duan Mu."


Chapter 235 Dimensional Gap

"Wait, no matter what happens, don't make a move. It's best if you can leave this area. If you can't leave, just stand where you are and don't move."

Duan Mu's whispering sound reached Hisagi Shuhei's ears, causing doubts to flash in his eyes.

"Remember, even if you see me dying here, don't act without authorization, this is an order!"

Duan Mu didn't turn his head, but the voice came to the ears of Hisagi Shuhei behind him very clearly. This is not a particularly difficult technique, but it's just an extended usage of "Tian Ting Kong Luo".

The last time he fought with Lan Ran, Duan Mu deeply realized one thing, that is...

Don't besiege Aizen with others!

Although Duan Mu is able to see through the illusion of Jinghua Shuiyue, other people do not have this ability, and during the period when Jinghua Shuiyue controls the five senses, no matter how Duan Mu yells, no matter how he reminds...they don't feel it. They regarded each other as Aizen's Broken Bee and Ye Yi.

If Hisagi Shuhei launched an attack hastily, then the person he attacked would definitely be himself.

Even if he is not a big threat to himself, in this kind of battle where he hesitates for a moment and will be cut under the knife, even if he only disturbs him for a moment, he may be seized by Aizen!

Only in a one-on-one situation can the ability of the mirror image be limited to a certain extent.

The more people there are, the more troublesome it is!

"It seems that you are going to refuse my invitation."

Aizan’s flat voice came, although Duan Mu couldn’t hear the content of the message Duan Mu conveyed to Hisagi Shuhei, but when Tian Ting Sora conveyed the message to the designated target, people outside the target could also feel the vibration of Reiatsu .

It's not hard to guess, though.

I saw Aizen shook his head slightly, although there was still a slight smile on his face, but this slight smile gave people a chilling feeling.

When Duan Mu saw this, his nerves tensed instantly, and the skin under the tattered clothes could clearly see the muscles constantly wriggling.

That time in the Palace of Repentance, his confrontation with Aizen couldn't be called a fight at all, but a unilateral crush.

In the last fight, the reason why I was able to survive was entirely because I had sufficient experience points before the battle, and Aizen was curious about the limit of his self-healing ability, so I chose to test the limit of his recovery ability a little bit, rather than come up all at once. Then launched a violent attack.

If this is the case, Duan Mu's experience value will not last long at all.

And this time...

Duan Mu didn't think that Aizen would keep his hand like last time.

Duan Mu did not act rashly as his blue eyes fixed on Lan Ran.

Although today's Aizen has not fully integrated Bengyu, whether it is the strength of spiritual pressure, or fighting skills such as fist-slashing ghosts, Aizen is still the entire soul world... No, it should be said that the world of souls, the world, and the virtual circle The most top group of people in the Three Realms.

"Are you going to stand there forever?"

Aizen met Duan Mu's gaze and whispered: "If you want to really hit me, you should get closer to me and attack instead of standing there waiting for me to attack."

"The battle distance will be meaningful, only limited to the situation where the strength of the opponent is equal, and between me and you..."

"Battle distance doesn't make any sense!"

Duan Mu's pupils shrank, because the last sentence seemed to be whispering in his ear.

And Aizen's figure in the field of vision turned into a phantom and gradually dissipated.

Not an illusion, but pure speed.

In just an instant, he had already appeared by his side.

However, although Aizen came quickly, Duan Mu's reaction was not slow. The blade of ghost way condensed in an instant. go.


A slightly surprised voice came.

In the next second, an incomparably tyrannical Reiatsu came from the Ghost Dao Blade in his hand. Before Duan Mu could react in time, the Ghost Dao Blade he swung was pushed back.


The collision of the blades caused the surrounding white stone ground to collapse instantly, and countless broken stones flew away like a goddess scattering flowers.

Standing behind Duan Mu, Hisagi Shuhei could only feel a pressure as vast as the sea, and his whole body was thrown away like those gravels.

No resistance!

Hisagi Shuhei's face was a little pale. He was in mid-air, and his eyes were full of disbelief when he looked at the two people who were confronting the ground.

He was not directly attacked, but the aftermath of the battle had already made him unable to stand still. How strong are these two people?

"It seems that you haven't wasted your life during this time."

Aizen holds the sword with one hand, and presses down the Zanpakuto little by little.

And Duan Mu held the knife from his right hand, and pressed his left hand against the back of Ghost Dao Blade, but even so, his feet were still under the pressure of Aizen, and he sank into the soil under his feet a little bit.

"But it's still far from enough. Are you satisfied with who you are now?"

Aizen didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but said calmly: "Not satisfied, right?"

"This kind of stable environment is not suitable for you. Like me, you are looking forward to being promoted to a higher level. You should have thought that 'this world should look different', right?"

"I can help you."

"Obey me, if you do, I will give you stronger power and a new world."

"Tsk...that's really tempting."

Duan Mu twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that wasn't really a smile:

"If it was in the past, I might think about it seriously."

"But Aizen-sama, you may not know..."

Duan Mu took a deep breath, and a hollow sound like the sound of a drum suddenly came out of his body, and thunder came out of his pores, wandering around Duan Mu's body like little snakes.


Almost as soon as it was turned on, the materials were received, and the text was in a state of shock.

Seeing this, Aizen frowned slightly, and at this moment Mu's voice sounded again.

"For me, Soul World is a brand new world. Every day I stay here, everyone I meet, everything I do... I experience a different world."


After the words fell, a huge roar that had never been seen erupted in Duan Mu's body.

The beam of light transformed by spiritual pressure soared into the sky, and on the surface of the beam of light, thunder coiled around it like giant pythons.

In the center of the beam of light, the clothes that barely covered the body completely collapsed at this moment, revealing Duan Mu's incomparably strong body, and even the original trousers became shorts.


It's not easy for him to hold on to this outfit until now.

After all, due to the suddenness of the incident, Duan Mu didn't change his clothes at all when he left from the training ground of Shuangjiao Hill.

The clothes on his body had already been cut to pieces by Uzhihuarei, and he could barely cover his body because every knife of Uzhihuarei had cut on the original gap in the clothes.


The sound of thunder came from the Ghost Dao Blade in Duan Mu's hand. As the nature of the Reiatsu changed, the Ghost Dao Blade also changed, as if it had turned into a Thunder Blade!

Lan Ran didn't look at the changes in Duan Mu's body, but looked at his feet with a strange look on his face.


Put your toes on the ground a little bit, and draw back.

Almost the moment he left the spot, the soil under his feet exploded, and countless soils shot up into the sky.

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