"Deliberately create an eye-catching movement to mask the movement underfoot?"

Aizen chuckled indifferently: "Although it's just a small trick, the method of manipulating the soil is indeed a good ability."

Duan Mu didn't speak, just stood in place holding the Thunder Blade.

The soil around him seemed to have self-awareness, whether it was the dust in the air or the soil under his feet, they all surged like a river, protecting Duan Mu in the center.

"You should have prepared this ability for Balegon, right?"

During the speech, Lan Ran walked towards Duan Mu slowly, as if he was taking a walk.

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't relax, instead his expression became extremely dignified.


The ground began to shake violently, and countless soils swept towards Aizen's location like a tsunami.

This scene looked extremely astonishing.

Under the sky filled with soil, Aizen looked so small.

But Aizen, who was walking under the soil, seemed to have never heard of all this, and said while walking:

"If the person standing in front of you is Bailegang, this ability can indeed greatly restrict him, but when facing people other than Bailegang, the disadvantages of the soil will be fully exposed."


Almost as soon as the words fell, the soil all over the sky suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then...


Numerous soils fell like torrential rain.

And at this moment, a sword of ghosts suddenly pierced through the soil and slashed straight at Lan Ran's neck.

In this regard, Aizen didn't show any surprise on his face, the Zanpakuto in his hand came first, and appeared directly on the route of the blade of ghosts.


The sound of the clash of blades was deafening.


Looking at Lan Ran with a calm face through the blade of the ghost way, although Duan Mu's face is still extremely calm, but his heart is like a river and a sea.

Although he has not completely merged with Bengyu, the blue dye in front of him is more than a little stronger than before defecting!

"Breaking the Way 63 Thunder Roar Cannon!"

Almost at the moment of making a judgment, Duan Mukong slapped down suddenly with his left hand.

Amidst the ear-piercing loud noises, the thunder produced by the ghosts at close range covered both of them.

"The Eighth Rebuke of the Way of Binding."

Amid the soft moans, Aizen waved his left hand like a fly towards the approaching Thunder Roar Cannon.

This wave seemed weak, but the moment the back of his hand came into contact with the Thunder Roar Cannon.

Just listening to the sound of 'poof' as if deflated, the incomparably vast thunder was blown away like gas, turning into spirit particles all over the sky and dissipating away.

And at this moment, the ghostly blade in Duan Mu's hand that had collided with Aizen Zanpakuto suddenly dissipated.

It wasn't a collapse, but Duan Mu took the initiative to disperse the blade in his hand.

In the next second, Duan Mu, who was in mid-air, twisted his body, bypassed the mirror in a strange posture, and bullied him.

Turning the palm into a fist, thunder exploded above the fist.

A punch went straight to Aizen's abdomen.

Seeing this, Aizen didn't dodge or even parry, but white light flickered in his pupils.


Amidst the dull impact, Duan Mu's punch landed on Lan Ran's abdomen.


Microfilament did not move.

Duan Mu only felt that his fist had hit the iron wall, and the bones of his fist felt a dull pain at this moment.

This is……

Duan Mu looked towards Lan Ran's abdomen. Although he couldn't see it with the naked eye, he could clearly feel that Lan Ran's body was covered with a layer of weird energy.

Super spirit pressure wall!

Duan Mu is no stranger to this kind of energy.

Because he was able to use a similar technique at one time, as long as his own spiritual pressure was continuously undergoing "soul combination exchange", the density of spiritual pressure could skyrocket, so that the spiritual pressure reached a higher dimension.

Duan Mu once learned the practice of blue dyeing in order to break through the extreme barrier.

It's just that in order to pursue the strength of spiritual pressure, he chose to temporarily stop using the limit barrier to compress and increase the density of spiritual pressure, and instead broke through the barrier with his physique.

The appearance of this kind of super-spiritual pressure wall shows that even if Lan Ran has not yet fully fused with Bengyu, he has already carried out a preliminary fusion.


There are a lot of thoughts in my mind, but Duan Mu's movements are not slow at all.

After the punch was fruitless, he jumped up without hesitation with the power of the punch.

Duan Mu, who was in mid-air, had not landed on the ground, and there were terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuations on his hands.

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon!"

Amidst the chants, the giant dragon transformed by the thunder roared, lighting up the entire night sky, and biting down towards Lan Ran's location.

Faced with the attacking thunder dragon, Aizen's Zanpakuto slashed in the void!

The roaring sound stopped abruptly, and the thunder beam that was tens of meters long like a giant dragon stopped in mid-air very abruptly, and then...

It split into two and flew past Aizen's body.

But this time, Aizen didn't continue to wait for the attack, but just disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Duan Mu condensed the Ghost Dao Blade in his hand again.

Almost at the same time as the blade appeared, a long knife appeared in front of Duan Mu's eyes, and collided with the newly condensed Ghost Dao Blade.

The power that cannot be described in words made Duan Mu's right hand holding the Ghost Dao Blade burst out with blood, the tiger's mouth burst open in an instant, and his whole body shot backwards like a ball being kicked by a wooden stick.

Aizen's sword was no longer reserved like before, but showed his true strength!

It's not just a gap in spiritual pressure.

and also……

Dimensional gap!

At this time, Aizen seems to be a higher-dimensional creature. Whether it is defensive ability or lethality, it is completely different from when he was in the soul world.

The information about him in my mind is completely useless for analysis!

But before Duan Mu could think of a suitable countermeasure, his eyes went dark again, and Aizen appeared in front of him again, with the Zanpakuto in his hand.

In a hurry, Duan Mu, who hadn't stabilized his figure yet.

There was only time to place the blade of Ghost Dao across his chest.


Duan Mu, who was hit hard, flew upside down again, and cracks appeared in the ghost blade in his hand under this knife.

You must know that the formed Ghost Dao Blade was improved by Duan Mu. Although its lethality is still mediocre, its tenacity is extremely terrifying.

But even so...

Still after receiving two knives from Aizen, there were already signs of collapse.

Duan Mu wanted to adjust his posture, but Lan Ran attacked him one after another like a maggot attached to the bone.

Different from Unohana Retsu's dazzling slashing skills, each of Aizen's knives is extremely simple, and can even be described as "plain and unpretentious", but... the power carried by the blade is extremely terrifying .

There is no way to parry!

Duan Mu's spiritual pressure and skills were defeated by Lan Ran's spiritual pressure that crossed dimensions.

You must know that even Unozhihuali had never made him feel such a terrifying power.

Of course, the main reason is...

When fighting Duan Mu, Uno Hana's Reiatsu has always been kept at the same level as Duan Mu.

If Unozhihuarei presented the pinnacle of slashing skills, then what Aizen presented in front of him was the pinnacle of Reiatsu!

The vastness and density of the Reiatsu, which is comparable to "jutu", combined with the simple and simple chopping technique, there is no skill at all.


Still tyrannical!

If Duan Mu hadn't developed an amazing fighting instinct and intuition under Unozhihuarei's uninterrupted attacks during this period, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be intact now.

But this stalemate cannot last at all.

If you don't make a change as soon as possible, maybe 1 minute, maybe tens of seconds, or even the next second...

Aizen's blade would break through the parry of the Kidao Blade and land on himself.


how to respond! ?


Chapter 236 Arrogance

"Captain Duan Mu..."

Hisagi Shuhei stood on the periphery of the battlefield, his expression full of confusion.

He followed Captain Duan Mu's order and tried to walk to the periphery, but no matter how he walked, he couldn't leave this area, and he would eventually return here again.

When he found that he couldn't leave, Hisagi Shuhei gave up his plan to ask for support, and instead watched the battle between Captain Duangi and Aizen seriously.

On the battlefield, Captain Duan Mu still gritted his teeth and persisted. Although he was not injured, Captain Duan Mu's face would turn pale every time he received a knife from Aizen.

The captain was obviously at a disadvantage at this time, and as the assistant of the adjutant, he should step forward to provide support.

But what Captain Duan Mu said to him before the battle started made Hisagi Shuhei feel extremely entangled.

The ability of Aizen Kyoka Suigetsu is no longer a secret between the captain and the vice-captain. If there is no intuitive feeling before, after the scene when he first arrived here, it is enough for Hisagi Shuhei to understand Aizen. The terror of ability.

It's not impossible for Hisagi Shuhei to understand that Captain Duan Mu didn't let him intervene at will.

But can he just stand here, do nothing, and watch the captain being suppressed by the enemy, and even... is it possible that he will be defeated?



The ghostly blade shattered again, and the unstoppable Jinghua Shuiyue came to Duan Mu in an instant.


The sound of blood spurting came out, and Duan Mu shot backwards.

Aizen, on the other hand, stood where he was before, frowning slightly.


This knife of mine originally intended to injure it severely, but at the moment when the ghostly blade shattered, Duan Mu suddenly turned his body at an almost impossible angle, allowing the blow that was supposed to cut him in half, It turned into just a slight knife wound on his waist.

His body is really weird, and his ability to control his body is extremely terrifying.

Shaking his head slightly, Aizen didn't struggle too much.

As soon as his toes touched the ground, he suddenly disappeared in place.

On the other side, when Duan Mu stood up, the wound on his waist had already healed with his self-healing ability. Almost at the same time as he got up, the acupoints in his hands were frantically pumping out the spiritual pressure, re-condensing the ghost blade.

Before the cohesion is completed, Duan Mu's knife has already been cut out.

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